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BestGames.ini, Languages.ini and Series.ini 0.198


Online the BESTGAMES.ini file (only with arcade sets), available here: pS BestGames.ini Page.

* 2018/05/31 1.13: Online the version 0.198; 8 new games added.


Online the updated version of LANGUAGES.ini (only with arcade sets), available here: pS Languages.ini Page.

* 2018/06/01 0.86: Added 0.198 sets.


New version of SERIES.ini (only with arcade sets), available here: pS Series.ini Page.

* Series ADDED (3): Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu, Marvel Super Heroes and V-Liner.
* Series UPDATED (11): Centipede, Donkey Kong, Final Fight, King of Fighters, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Sonic Blast Man, Sengoku, Spy Hunter, Street Fighter, Strider and World Heroes.

The summary of the other MAME support files that I maintain, you can find it here.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

DU: El Fin del Tiempo


Thanks to Esther Barranco, ARPA, Juegos 2.0, Recreativas.org and Roberto Fresca we got El Fin del Tiempo (Niemer, 1981)

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

MESSinfo 0.198


Update for 0.198 version, this is the web page for download: progetto-SNAPS MESSINFO.DAT.

Clean version with no additional files, can be found here: progetto-SNAPS Naked MESSINFO.DAT.

For MAME users: put the file "messinfo.dat" in a folder called "\history".
This is in how information is displayed with MAME:

For MAMEUI/MESSUI users: put the file "messinfo.dat" in a folder called "\dats".
This is how information is displayed with MESSUI:

* 11.10 02/06/2018: Aligned files to 0.198 version.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

MAME Artwork Update - More Stuff


SITE UPDATE - June 02, 2018

In-Game Artwork: 56 new systems; 3 systems updated artwork

Well that took longer than I thought it would. I was in a groove, then I hit one of those "personal life / work life" road blocks that pop up every so often. That is okay, though, because in the last two weeks, my two oldest kids graduated city college with their AA degrees, and my youngest graduated high school. Fall semester, I will have three kids attending 4-year universities.

This update takes care of a large chunk of the old MESS Artwork page. After today, there are only 36 files left to go so that the old page can officialy be retired. This also adds a bunch of stuff that I just happened to add in along the way:

  • Added PasoGo; cleaned up the pic just a bit more.

  • Added Cybiko Classic; replaced the file with a new pic. Also added Cybiko Xtreme. Added correct color overlay to both.

  • Added Pokemon Mini; replaced the file with a new pic, and added the correct color overlay.

  • Added Game Master; cleaned the pic up a bit more.

  • Added the five HP calculators already part of MESS artwork; all existing pics were replaced with larger, clearer pics. Also added the HP38G and HP49G. Annunciators for all files were redrawn, based on an HP manual. Artwork is clickable in all of these files.

  • Added Mega Duck; replaced the file with a new pic. Also added the Cougar Boy variant.

  • Thank you to pernon for letting me know about the error on the BBC artwork last update. All three have been updated with more realistic artwork. I understand the Compact came with its own monitor, but I have not been able to find a good picture source for that one yet, so that still has the Cub monitor for now. Lamps have also been added to the floppy drive for bbcm; just need a driver update to use them.

  • Added WonderSwan and WonderSwan color; replaced the pic in WonderSwan, and added the correct color overlay. On both, added the additional layouts needed so that when you play a vertical-oriented game, the artwork will automatically rotate with the game screen. The original WonderSwan supposedly had annunciators similar to the HP calculators, but I cannot find any more info on these. I do not know what they look like, and cannot tell if they are hooked up in the driver. If a kind soul could point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated.

  • Added Otrona Attache, just because it looked cool.

  • Added Kaypro II; replaced existing pic. Also added Kaypro 10.

  • Added Osborne-1; replaced existing pic. Also added the Vixen and Excecutive while I was researching the Osborne.

  • Added SYM-1; replaced existing pic.

  • Added TEC-1; added missing capacitor and speaker.

  • Added Tiger Game.com; replaced existing pic.

  • Added the four Sinclair computers from the old MESS page; replaced existing pics with higher quality full pics, and added a data recorder to each. Also added the +2, +2a, and +3. All seven use an old tv for the monitor, tuned to the correct UHF station as noted in the manual.

  • Added the seven existing Texas Instruments calculators from the old MESS page; replaced all existing pics. Also added TI83, TI83pse, TI84, TI84pce, TI84pcse, TI84pse. Pics for all of the preceding are courtesy of Wabbitemu. Also added the TI92, TI92p, and the Voyage 200. All TI calculators have clickable artwork, except for the two Color versions (the driver does not work at this time, anyway).

  • Added 005, simply because it is the first file in MAME's game listing; I did this before I started working on the code for the new page, and wanted to ensure things worked correctly. File currently has a generic bezel similar in dimension to the actual one, which I don't have a scan of. I am working on the actual marquee, which will be added at a later date.

  • Added Adventure Vision; I could not help myself adding at least one new thing that did not exist yet.

And breathe.

If you have not seen it yourself already, there is a guy by the name of Evan Amos who has spent a good amount of his time creating the ultimate reference gallery for old video game systems. A lot of his stuff will be used here for future updates.

  • First off, we have both versions of the Atari Lynx. Each version also includes the additional layouts needed so that when you play a vertical-oriented game, the artwork will automatically rotate with the game screen.

Game Console artwork... I had been debating internally for a while on how I wanted to approach artwork for Game Consoles here. I did not want to just create some widescreen artwork, simply to fill the screen, with random related graphics of each console brand. After finding Evan's site, I kind of had an idea of what I wanted to do. Growing up, playing console games was me sitting on the floor, console brought out from the shelf under the TV enough, so that the joystick will reach without pulling. I wanted to create that "sitting on the floor" idea. Between Evan's gallery, and a good pic of the right TV, I could do something simple; problem was finding a real good pic of a TV that I was happy with. My favorite tube TV that I ever had was my Sony Trinitron; I wanted something like that. By chance one day, I found the pic that I had in my head, and I am happy with it.

So as we add Game Console artwork here, whenever possible, it will be pics from Evan's site, along with the shiny new TV. Today we have:

  • Sony Playstation; also added in the PSOne lid monitor from MESS artwork.

  • TurboGrafx 16; added in both the original, and Turbo Duo versions. Also added a better pic of the Turbo Express handheld artwork, which was previously labeled under PCE on the MESS page.

  • NEC PC Engine; added both the original and PC Engine Duo variants. Also added the PC Engine LT (similar to the PSOne flip lid) and the PC Engine GT, which is the JPN version of the Express.

That is it for today. Next update: Finally adding in all of the handheld artwork that hap and Sean Riddle have been working on. After that, the last of the MESS artwork. And somehow, I need to make some time to fit some actual arcade artwork in here also.

[Posted by: Mr. Do]

DU: World Combat


Corrado Tomaselli and rtw dumped World Combat ver. KBC and redumped the CF card for the game

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: The adventure of Link brought him to a holy war


rtw and ShouTime dumped The Key of Avalon (main and client / GDT-0005E and GDT-0006C) and they dumped some discs (main and satellite) labeled Holy War which I think have something to do with The Key of Avalon (GDT-0018A and GDT-0019A).

Juan Romero and Recreativas.org sent us a dump for Galaxy Wars II, a clone/boot/hack of Defender.

ic3b4ll and DJ Pascal sent us a dump of Bubble Memories (2.5A)

Kevin Eshbach made documentation improvements for Birdie King 2.

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

Update @ Haze's: On the War Path

DU: We've gone full cosmo, dawg


Moffitt and coolmod dumped the Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr / Mario Bros multigame from 2003, a collaboration between Nintendo, Namco, and Cosmodog.

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

Arcade Hacker: Sega System 16 Security Reverse Engineering

70 "lost" Japanese games have been "found", or something

The evidence is in, Ms. Pac-Man really was snorting coke

DU: I will now flash you


Thanks to a recent donation from Dane Biegert we picked up 4 Capcom "medal hardware" compact flash cards. The previous Pingu's Ice Block dump is bad (card went bad) so maybe we can get a good dump now.

Bill D. and 300wins dumped Knights of Valour 2: Nine Dragons (v200).

Bonky dumped pals from Capcom World 2, The King of Dragons and Knights of the Round.

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Gran Rally

Server move


We just had a server move and it looks like we lost some posts as a result so you might need to repost some things. I didn't know it was happening in advance or else I could have closed the forums for a couple of hours. Anyway carry on.

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Donkey Kong full bananas?


Bill D. dumped the satellite board for Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Jump Coaster


ShouTime dumped Jump Coaster (World) but I think some roms have gone bad. He also dumped a Star Jacker board with alt labels but the data on them matches the dump in mame.

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Midnight Run


ShouTime dumped Midnight Run (Japan)

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

Original Donkey Kong Officially Emulated for First Time?


Nintendo just released the arcade version on Switch:


Is this the first time it has been officially emulated? I know the story behind it with the lawsuit by the original coder, which is why the NES has always been considered by Nintendo to be the definitive version. As such, this release is a bit surprising.

[Posted by: Qun Mang]

DU: Hat Trick


Artemio Urbina dumped Hat Trick Hero '95 (2.5 Asia)

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

progetto-SNAPS 0.198 update!


Ready the MAME 0.198 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".
• It's available this folder on Mega.nz that allows individually download files to update from version to version. The folder will be temporarily available until the next update.
• Also this month I continue to replace (or correct) the snap with the wrong or faulty "text" png tags. In this regard, I completed this work for "Scores" category.
• The next update is scheduled for Sunday, July 15, 2018.

1,269 snaps and 359, icons, pictures and zip downloadable here:

• Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Packed
• Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Single Files
• Cabinets: progetto-SNAPS Cabinet Pictures
• Devices: progetto-SNAPS Device Pictures
• Icons: progetto-SNAPS Icons Extended
• Snapshots (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Snapshots
• Snapshots (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Snaps

Snapshots update:
Artwork Preview: 25 new (tot. 2,850 png) UPDATE1 pack, 9.42Kb
Bosses: 20 new & 43 upd (tot. 1,470 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1.85Kb
Ends: 25 new (tot. 875 png) UPDATE1 pack, 836Kb
GameOver: 25 new & 15 upd (tot. 7,375 png) UPDATE1 pack, 906Kb
HowTo: 10 new & 1 upd (tot. 1,690 png) UPDATE1 pack, 220Kb
Logo: 15 new & 1 upd (tot. 2,365UPDATE1 pack, 73.3Kb
Scores: 25 new & 71 upd (tot. 7,060 png) UPDATE1 pack, 3.58Kb
Select: 15 new & 11 upd (tot. 4,365 png) UPDATE1 pack, 607Kb
Snap: 123 new & 151 upd (tot. 39,160 png) UPDATE1 pack, 4.49Mb
Titles: 123 new & 34 upd (tot. 39,160 png) UPDATE1 pack, 5.35Mb
Versus: 5 new (tot. 1,135 png) UPDATE1 pack, 99.8Kb
Warning: 15 new & 1 upd (tot. 790 png) UPDATE1 pack, 111Kb

Other resources update:
Artworks (Original) [1]: 24 new & 35 upd (tot. 1,124 zip) UPDATE1 pack, 214Mb
Artworks (Other) [1]: 2 new (tot. 199 zip) UPDATE1 pack, 37.1Mb
Cabinets: 40 new & 6 upd (tot. 5,865 png) UPDATE1 pack, 32.6Mb
Devices: 30 new & 6 upd (tot. 1,950 png) UPDATE1 pack, 14.3Mb
Icons Extended: 175 new & 34 upd (tot. 34,325/b] ico) UPDATE1 pack, 6.45Mb

Software's resource update:
- vic1001_cart[2](237 new & 50 upd png)UPDATE!
- vic1001_cart_titles[2](212 new & 75 upd png)UPDATE!
- vic1001_cass[2](2 new png)NEW!
- vic1001_cass_titles[2](2 new png)NEW!
- vic1001_flop[2](6 new png)NEW!
- vic1001_flop_titles[2](6 new png)NEW!

[1]: Thanks to Mr. Do.
[2]: Thanks to rsarson.

Resource Chart:

Counting and Dimensions (not compressed):

If you want to support my work, you can make small donations via PayPal.
The list (short...) of those who have made donations is visible in my thanks page, here.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]
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