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DU: It's like even rom dumps are still living in 1945

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Blackfish sent us a dump of his Strikers 1945 board which is, I think, a previously undumped World region unprotected set.

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Arzeno Fabrice and rtw dumped a bootleg cart of Powerstone 2.

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Porchy dumped a bootleg of Frogger.

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Hammy dumped an alt version of Hidden Catch running on the 3.02 hardware.

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Kevin Eshbach documented Iron Stewart's Offroad Racing.

If you want to help us buy more boards:


[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Petition to force mamedevs to simulate skee ball physics

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Thanks to recent donations we got an undumped Namco ND-1 game called Gynotai.

Dane Biegert
Evan Korzon
Candy Wolff
Henrique Areias Pontes
Sean Sutton

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

NPlayers 0.198

NPlayers 0.198 is out!

In addition to the new games added in MAME 0.198, more than 30 duplicate entries were removed. Thanks to Christian Verdon for informing me of the issue.

Download: http://nplayers.arcadebelgium.be/

Enjoy Summer!!!

[Posted by: Nomax]

DU: I got a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell. I gotta have more cowbell, baby.

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Arzeno Fabrice and rtw dumped Puyo Pop Fever

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: F355 Challenge Prototype

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coolmod dumped a prototype version of F355 Challenge

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Hikaru dev board

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coolmod dumped a Hikaru dev board called Samurai

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Pro Evolution Soccer

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Thanks to a donation from Dane Biegert we ordered Pro Evolution Soccer, the export version of World Soccer Winning Eleven

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU: Friday Night Encore

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Brian Troha dumped Megatouch 7 Encore Edition

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

MAME 0.199

MAME 0.199

Today’s the day for our mid-year MAME release. MAME 0.199 includes support for the incredibly elusive Spanish arcade title El Fin Del Tiempo, and the rare Pac-Man hack Titan. Other rare bootlegs added include Come-Cocos (derived from Ms. Pac-Man) and Gran Rally (a Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II).

There are some pretty big improvements to Tatsumi games (Apache 3, Cycle Warriors, Round Up 5), some NMK mahjong games work substantially better (Urashima Mahjong, Mahjong Daireikai, Mahjong Channel Zoom In), and Big Run looks better than ever. War: The Final Assault no longer crashes thanks to a fix in Voodoo emulation.

Floppy drive emulation has been further improved, and a fairly major issue with Apple IIgs and Mac 3.5" drives has been fixed. Sound Blaster direct DAC mode is now supported. Improved Dreamcast GD-ROM emulation allows Daytona USA 2001 to boot. The HP 9000/300 series can now boot from floppy, and the medium-resolution colour graphics option is supported. Tiger Electronics fans can enjoy Battle Arena Toshinden for R-Zone.

Of course we’ve also added more alternate versions of supported systems, software list updates, bug fixes, and internal improvements. You can get source and Windows binaries from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

  • 06980: [Save/Restore] (spec128.cpp) specpls3: Unable to save state (regression). (AJR)
  • 06983: [Sound] (mtouchxl.cpp) mtchxl6k (possibly others): All sounds play too fast. (Carl)
  • 06984: [Graphics] (esd16.cpp) jumppop, jumppope: Missing graphics in first stage. (AJR)
  • 06988: [Crash/Freeze] (kinst.cpp) kinst: Hangs during Attract Mode, noticeable when a fight loads. (Ivan Vangelista)
  • 06989: [Sound] (champbas.cpp) champbb2j: AY-3-8910 sound is completely missing (Vas Crabb)
  • 06992: [DIP/Input] (hornet.cpp) sscope and clones: Analog inputs do not function. (Ted Green)
  • 07006: [Media Support] (at.cpp) atvga, at386, at486: [possible] Unable load Floppy Diskettes. (Carl)
  • 07007: [Sound] (renegade.cpp) renegade, kuniokun: BGM stops playing after a while. (AJR)
  • 07010: [DIP/Input] (missile.cpp) missile and clones: DIP switch trackball size large/mini labels reversed. (Tafoid)
  • 07017: [Sound] (galaxian.cpp) kingball, kingballj: King’s voice is not played correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
  • 07020: [DIP/Input] (lwings.cpp) trojan and clones: DIP switches incorrectly numbered, and info on unused DIP switches. (Tafoid)

New working machines

  • El Fin Del Tiempo [Esther Barranco, ARPA, Juegos 2.0, Recreativas.org, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
  • Geneve 9640 Mod [Michael Zapf]
  • Megatouch 7 Encore Edition (9255-90-01 R00, Standard version) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • Player's Edge Plus (X000827S+XS000002) Red, White & Blue Slots [Brian Troha]
  • Player's Edge Plus (X002149P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
  • R-Zone: Battle Arena Toshinden [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones

  • Apple //e (Spain) [AJR]
  • Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21) [Arnaldo Abrantes, Pascal Costa]
  • Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg) [Darksoft]
  • Galaxy Wars II (Defender bootleg) [Juan Romero, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
  • Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
  • Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
  • Gran Rally (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
  • Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
  • Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
  • Jump Coaster (World) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
  • Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian / Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M200XX, 200, 100CN) [300wins, Bill D., The Dumping Union]
  • Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
  • Player's Edge Plus (PP0472) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
  • Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (Stratosphere Players Club) [Kemel Haidar, Brian Troha]
  • Raiden Fighters (US, newer) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
  • Strikers 1945 (World, unprotected) [Blackfish, brizzo, rtw]
  • Titan (Pac-Man hack) [Craig Anstett, CraftyMech]
  • Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working

  • War Mission (WM 4/6/87) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]

Clones promoted to working

  • Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2) [Angelo Salese]
  • Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) [Angelo Salese]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Hikaru Check ROM Board [coolmod]
  • Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
  • Olympia Olytext 20 [Robbbert]
  • Shootout at Old Tucson (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
  • Visual 550 [Al Kossow]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Air Hockey (6.12?, encrypted) [unknown]
  • ALG 3DO Bios [Mr Invader]
  • Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (satellite) [Will Richardson, Bill D, The Dumping Union]
  • Ferrari F355 Challenge (twin/deluxe, prototype) [coolmod]
  • Power Stone 2 (bootleg) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
  • Puyo Pop Fever (World) (GDS-0034) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
  • Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]
  • The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany [PinMAME]
  • The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe [PinMAME]
  • The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client) (Rev C) (GDT-0006C) [rtw, ShouTime]
  • The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev A) (GDT-0019A) [rtw, ShouTime]
  • The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev A) (GDT-0018A) [rtw, ShouTime]

New working software list additions

  • hp9k3xx_flop: 300 series Mainframe Tests, 300 series Terminal Emulator, AMS Utilities for 200/300 series, BASIC 4.0 Compiler, BASIC 5.0 Compiler, CS/80 Exerciser, Digital Filter Design, HP BASIC 4.0, HP BASIC 5.1, HP BASIC 6.4, HP Museum Basic 5 Boot Disc, HP Pascal 3.22, HP-UX 5.1, Interactive Test Generator, Techwriter, Texteditor for 200/300 series, Wordwise 300 [Sven Schnelle]
  • ibm5150:
    DR DOS 6.0 (French), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 3.5"), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 5.25") [breiztiger]
    PC Games #3, Spontaneous Assembly (Version 2.0) [Foone Turing]
  • ibm5170: Excel (Version 2.10) [darksabre76]
  • neogeo:
    Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
    Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
  • pc98: 2601 - Teikoku Kidoubutai no Koubou, 3tsu no Negai, 714 MIDI Jr., 714 MIDI Special, 88 Kantai Monogatari, 98 Eiwa Jiten, 98 Stadium, 98 Stadium 2 - Shouko no Chousen, PC-9801N/NS/NV Teiban Free Software Shuu - 98NOTE no Hissu Aminosan [Neo Kobe Collection]
  • sorcerer_cass: Checkers, Cross-Up, How The West Was Won, Lazer Fire, Mine Field, Nuclear Reaction, Pie Lob [Robbbert]
  • squale_cart: The Squale Intro [Jean-François DEL NERO / HxC2001]

Software list items promoted to working

  • pc98: 0x0F exp.3, 177, The 4th Unit 2 [Carl, r09]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

  • ibm5170_cdrom: Jaxis (Japan) [SpinalFeyd]
  • neogeo: Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]

Source Changes

  • esb: Fixed ROM loading bug. [AJR]

  • taito_b.cpp: Identified TC0180VCU as source of interrupts and converted to callbacks (timing is still guesswork). [AJR]

  • keytronic_pc3270: Corrected INT0 line polarity – fixes keyboard error on tosh1000. [AJR]

  • exidy.cpp, victory.cpp: Fully encapsulated audio devices. [AJR]

  • atetrisb3: Hooked up microcontroller to get working sound. [AJR]

  • i8275 DMA refinements: [AJR]
    * Exclude FIFO characters from counting towards filling character buffer.
    * Extend DMA up to one character past an “end of DMA” control code.

  • wicat: Reduced video glitches with more sensible interrupt handling. [AJR]

  • balsente.cpp: Split NVRAM between two X2212 devices. [AJR]

  • jedi: Moderate driver overhaul: [AJR]
    * Split NVRAM between two 4-bit X2212 devices.
    * Guarantee an invalid checksum when default NVRAM data is used (so that the manufacturer’s high scores will be installed).
    * Modernized sound latches.
    * Use WSQ handler to drive TMS5220.

  • vta2000: Added speaker sound. [AJR]

  • balsente.cpp: Use ACIA devices for sound communication. [AJR]

  • x2212: Removed memory interface and cleaned up code. [AJR]

  • tms9928a: Exposed internal palette using device_palette_interface. [AJR]

  • dynax.cpp: Encapsulated “Rev. 2” blitter as a device. [AJR]

  • cidx628: Made this display something again. [AJR]

  • tatsumi.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
    * Removed an ugly kludge in Round Up 5, fixing soft resets.
    * Added vertical text scrolling to Round Up 5.
    * Fixed Apache 3 out-of-bounds colors for sprites (trees and buildings).
    * Fixed Round Up 5 video priority on map screen after a play.
    * Added background bitmap layers to Round Up 5.
    * Improved road clipping for Round Up 5.
    * Make Cycle Warriors sub CPU not stall on soft reset.
    * Added row/column scroll register select for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
    * Added shadow sprites to Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
    * Inverted Oki status for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight – fixes “we got ’em” sample playback in the former.
    * Implemented per-tile high priority and opacity enable bits for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight – fixes several glitches.
    * Fixed color banks for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight – fixes fade in/out effects and CRT test colors.
    * Applied page wraparound for backgrounds – fixes various glitches in Big Fight and Cycle Warriors.
    * Invert shadow product when a specific register is enabled (used by Big Fight to simulate disco strobe lights).

  • ninjakd2.cpp: Attempted to fix bullets not shot by enemies in Omega Fighter. [Angelo Salese]

  • taitosj.cpp: Added input buttons mode to kikstart. [Angelo Salese]

  • trucocl.cpp: Allowed multiple coin insertions. [Angelo Salese]

  • cischeat.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
    * Fixed road/sprite priorities and long-standing road colors regression in Big Run.
    * Hand-tuned sound frequencies to match reference for Big Run.
    * Hooked up sprite DMA to Wild Pilot – fixes flickering.
    * Added backup RAM to Captain Flag.

  • ms1_tmap.cpp: Initialize VRAM to sane default – fixes ugly back pen showing up in Big Run. [Angelo Salese]

  • jalmah.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
    * Re-wrote video emulation using Mega System 1 tilemap devices.
    * Fixed Urashima Mahjong video priority during gameplay (score display and calls).
    * Emulated video scrolling partial updates for Urashima Mahjong – fixes winning animations.
    * Fixed color protection in Urashima Mahjong (girls and test mode).
    * Wrote a preliminary snippet for sound banking in Urashima Mahjong/Mahjong Channel Zoom In/Mahjong Daireikai.

  • cyclemb.cpp: Bumped sprite size in Cycle Maabou, fixed some missing sprites (for example in how to play screen). [Angelo Salese]

  • Added AppVeyor build configuration. [balrog]

  • Added support for building on riscv64, and made m68000 makefile respect the VERBOSE build option. [Belegdol]

  • senjyo.cpp: Simplified starforc background color swap. [cam900]

  • seta.cpp: Simplified tilemaps and banking, and added output finders. [cam900]

  • ms32.cpp: Identified CPU types, fixed audio CPU clock. [cam900]

  • fmtowns.cpp: Fixed speaker output level. [cam900]

  • vis.cpp: Fixed sample rate divider. [cam900]

  • megaplay.cpp: Added notes and flagged imperfect graphics as overlay bitmap is scaled incorrectly. [cam900]

  • cybertnk.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, fixed sound output, and added notes. [cam900]

  • rltennis.cpp: Converted to object finders. [cam900]

  • sf.cpp, ninjakd2.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]

  • dreamwld.cpp: Documented microcontroller and fixed microcontroller ROM region size. [cam900]

  • williams.cpp cleaup: [cam900]
    * Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, improved tags, and reduced code duplication.
    * Added input_merger for interrupts and output_finder for outputs.
    * Converted palette to device.

  • m92.cpp updates/cleanup: [cam900]
    * Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, and split up machine configuration and address maps.
    * Made EEPROM save/load using NVRAM device.

  • neogeo.cpp: Add notes and fixed metadata for kof2003. [cam900]

  • powerins.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
    * Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups
    * Cleaned up ROM loading.
    * Converted vertical blanking interrupt to screen vblank callback.

  • 20pacgal.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
    * Converted palette to device.
    * Reduced runtime tagmap lookups and deferred allocation to start time.
    * Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.

  • ddragon.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
    * Replaced runtime tagmap lookups with object finders.
    * Converted darktowr bank switching to address_map_bank_device.
    * Fixed ADPCM ROM mapping.

  • pgmprot_igs027a_type2.cpp: Fixed martmast metadata. [cam900]

  • alpha68k.cpp: Reduce runtime tagmap lookups, made tags more meaningful, and improved banking. [cam900]

  • shangha3.cpp: Cleaned up Oki banking. [cam900]

  • snk.cpp: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, and separated countryc machine configuration/address map. [cam900]

  • Added a Discord presence plugin. [Carl]

  • witch.cpp: Attempted to fix garbage graphics after a bonus stage in Keirin Ou. [David Haywood]

  • Made floppy emulation more robust, and improved bitstream handling. [John Keoni Morris, Peter Ferrie, O. Galibert]

  • markham.cpp updates: [kazblox]
    * Improved banbam protection simulation – still imperfect, but all graphics are correct and game doesn’t crash.
    * Marked microcontroller program as good dump based on observations and Phil Bennett’s comments.

  • PlayStation GPU: Added missing primitives. [krom]

  • buggychl.cpp: Changed microcontroller clock speed to 3 MHz as shown on schematics, and added notes. [Lord Nightmare]

  • TMS5220 updates: [Lord Nightmare]
    * Removed unused time_to_ready and cycles_to_ready functions.
    * Fixed race condition with m_buffer_low and m_buffer_empty flags not being updated before setting interrupt state.
    * Fixed issue where Speak VSM command produces endless silence with no VSM connected.
    * Suppressed side effects on debugger reads.
    * Fixed conditions for asserting ready signal, and zero FIFO at appropriate times.

  • Apple II: Re-implemented Echo II read/write flags and write latch based on hardware tracing. [Lord Nightmare, Tony Diaz]

  • alien.cpp: Added hand-made boot ROMs for Pingu's Ice Block, and documented known games. [MetalliC]

  • geneve: Added BIOS options for selecting boot ROM, and made genmod a separate machine. [Michael Zapf]

  • upd765: Clear ST1.ND on ID scan failure, implemented head load delay, and improved logging. [Michael Zapf]

  • debugger: Added command for go_exception, and made save/load aware of address translation. [Patrick Mackinlay]

  • sonydriv: Fixed issues with the 3.5" drive reporting disk switches on Apple IIgs and Mac drivers. [R. Belmont]

  • zaurus.cpp: Converted to new PXA255 peripheral device interface. [Robbbert]

  • apc: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [Ryan Holtz]

  • kbdc8042: Added rudimentary PS/2 mouse support. [Ryan Holtz]

  • indy_indigo2: Added mouse cursor support to Newport graphics emulation. [Ryan Holtz]

  • 39in1: Split Intel XScale PXA255 peripherals into a separate device. [Ryan Holtz]

  • mips3: Added disassembler for Emotion Engine core opcodes. [Ryan Holtz]

  • vgmplay: Added playback controls and activity indicators. [Ryan Holtz, Tafoid, Vas Crabb]

  • sblaster: Implemented direct DAC mode – successfully tested in Scream Tracker 2.2. [shattered]

  • ec1841: Added mouse emulation (Logitech bus mouse protocol). [shattered]

  • Dreamcast: Made GD_LEND return bytes transferred by DMA rather than bytes remaining – allows Daytona USA 2001 to boot. [snickerbockers]

  • Added HP98543 medium-resolution color graphics card emulation. [Sven Schnelle]

  • hp9k_3xx improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
    * Fixed keyboard microcontroller part number.
    * Removed BASIC ROM cards from the default configuration as booting from floppy works now.
    * Hooked up NMI line to keyboard controller.
    * Split out common machine configuration.

  • Added HP9122 floppy drive emulation. [Sven Schnelle]

  • m68000: Fixed carry flag in divs instruction, and fixed pack instructions. [Sven Schnelle]

  • 6840ptm: Fixed divide-by-8 mode. [Sven Schnelle]

  • topcat: Improved window mover and fixed cursor handling bugs. [Sven Schnelle]
    * Allows Pascal and other software to show something after boot on hp9k_3xx.

  • voodoo: Reinstated texture address masking – fixes segmentation fault in warfa. [Ted Green]

  • hornet: Added separate DIP switch settings for gradius4 – allows gun to work with default settings in terabrst and sscope. [Ted Green]

  • Updated DCS audio to get sf2049 closer to working. [Ted Green]

  • Made ROM BIOS macros more intuitive to use, and added a validity check for unselectable BIOS ROMs. [Vas Crabb]

  • Machine configuration improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    * Reduced code duplication in addrmap.h and added support for object finders in more places in memory maps.
    * Allowed implicit references to owner device in address maps.
    * Improved syntax for specifying address maps and screen update functions in machine configuration without macros.
    * Reduced overloading of member function names – it’s less practical without macro helpers selecting desired overload.
    * Consider floating point epsilon when validating crystal values.

  • Cleaned up bulk refactoring of output code. [Wilbert Pol]

  • asteroid.cpp: Documented Asteroid Deluxe Revision 3 changes, and corrected Difficulty DIP switch settings. [Brian Troha]

  • naomi.cpp: Added an alternate Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 program ROM dump. [coolmod]

  • polepos.cpp: Dumped the missing PROMs for grally and confirmed they match the ones from the other bootlegs. [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

  • bking.cpp: Updated ROM labels for bking2. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

  • pc98 software list updates: [r09]
    * Re-tested software with current MAME.
    * Corrected titles and re-labeled disks with their actual names.
    * Added usage notes for software that needs DOS.
    * Removed user disks from games where they aren’t included in the original box, and the user is expected to create them.
    * Removed floppies for CD games that already exist in the CD software list.
    * Removed notes stating that the FDD format is not supported, as this is no longer true.

  • neogeo.cpp: Added Japan NEO-MVH MV1C BIOS. [Razoola]

  • alien.cpp: Re-dumped Pingu's Ice Block CompactFlash card. [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, The Dumping Union]

    [Posted by: Vas Crabb]
  • MAMEinfo 0.199 :)


    * Updated to MAME 0.199 - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

    * Added Source/Listinfo changes

    * Newest Bugs (27th Jun)

    * Added/Fixed all missing ROMset and CHD infos

    * Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

    * Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

    I can't currently upload files to the FTP, so please download the file here:


    MAME Testers at: http://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2


    - New games: El Fin Del Tiempo and Megatouch 7 Encore Edition (9255-90-01 R00, Standard version)
    - New Working games: Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2), Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) and War Mission
    - New Non-Working games: Hikaru Check ROM Board, Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (3DO hardware) and Shootout at Old Tucson (3DO hardware)
    - New clones: Air Hockey (6.12?, encrypted), The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany, The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe, Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21), Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg), Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (satellite), Ferrari F355 Challenge (twin/deluxe, prototype), Galaxy Wars II (Defender bootleg), Ghost Pilots (prototype), Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3), Gran Rally (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II), Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17), Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02), Jump Coaster (World), The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client) (Rev C) (GDT-0006C), The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev A) (GDT-0019A), The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev A) (GDT-0018A), 'Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian / Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M200XX, 200, 100CN)', Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier), Power Stone 2 (bootleg), Puyo Pop Fever (World) (GDS-0034), Raiden Fighters (US, newer), Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen Seiha e no Michi (early development board), Strikers 1945 (World, unprotected), Titan (Pac-Man hack) and Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany)
    - New PEPlus games: Player's Edge Plus (PP0472) Deuces Wild Poker, Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (Stratosphere Players Club), Player's Edge Plus (X000827S+XS000002) Red, White & Blue Slots and Player's Edge Plus (X002149P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker
    - New drivers: efdt.cpp and nichild.cpp
    - New devices: at89c52, at89s52, buggyboyjr_sound, bus_mouse, cdracula_blitter, dcs2_audio_denver_2ch, fantasy_sound, isa8_ec1841_0003, monsterb_sound, mtrap_sound, neocart_mslug3a, nibbler_sound, pballoon_sound, pxa255_periphs, r5900le, reel, sasuke_sound, satansat_sound, tc17g032ap, tx1j_sound and vanguard_sound
    - Intel 4004 CPU: Cleaner boilerplate (mcs40\mcs40.h)
    - Intel I486 CPU: Don't mask top 8 bits of sgdt for 486 too, fixes win32s (cpu\i386\i486ops.hxx)
    - MCS-51 MCU: Consolidated internal address maps. Eemoved P0 from ROMless versions since it conflicts with external accesses on hardware.
    - Motorola MC68000
    . Fixed carry flag clear in divs and divu instructions (m68000\m68k_in.cpp). Note: The HP9000/300 selftests hangs in (MESS) hp9k_3xx.cpp. The debugger shows the following code: move.l (a2)+, d0; move.l (a2)+, d1; move d6, ccr; divs.w d0,d1 and loop: bcs.s loop. Clearly this tests whether the carry flag is cleared - the Motorola Reference Manual says it's always cleared. However, in our implementation, it's not cleared on overflow. The divu instruction is always cleared, even on overflow.
    . Fixed pack instructions (m68000\m68k_in.cpp). Note: The following test code from the 'HP9000/300 series mainframe tests' fails: lea bytes, a0; pack -(a0),-(a1), #$FEDC; move.b (a1),d0; cmbi.b #$E,d0; loop: bne.s loop and bytes: 0x41 0x42. It looks like most of the pack instructions have the byte order wrong, but the pack dx,dy variant seems to have been fixed already.
    - AD1848 16-bit SoundPort: Swapped the crystals so it's playing at 32Khz instead of 22.05. This fixed all sounds playing too fast in mtouchxl.cpp (ID 06983)
    - CD Audio: Added missing header bytes to mode sense, fixes audio playing with common DOS CDROM drivers (machine\t10mmc.cpp).
    - DCS2 Audio Denver: Updated DCS audio to get San Francisco Rush 2049 closer to working (audio\dcs.cpp)
    - Sound Blaster 16: Implemented direct DAC mode successfully tested in Scream Tracker 2.2
    - TMS5220 sound
    . Converted logging calls to logmacro.h standard
    . Renaming improperly capitalized pseudo-macros and removed pseudo-macros from lvalues. Reorganized savestate values into a sane, maintainable order. Removed the unused, deprecated time_to_ready and cycles_to_ready functions. Fixed the race condition bug with m_buffer_low and m_buffer_empty flags not being updated before setting the interrupt state. Fixed the issue where if no VSM is actually attached to the 5220, the chip will get stuck speaking silence forever if it gets a Speak VSM command. In reality (at least on the tms51xx and probably the same here) the pin reads as open bus/noise, but will eventually hit a stop frame by reading 4 ones in a row. Added/fixed debugger fences for read functions where they were missing, and a write function where it was unnecessary and caused issues when issuing manual writes from the debugger. Changed the types of the flag variables already used for boolean values to bool, and simplified comparisons with them; also renamed the ambiguous m_data_register variable to the more descriptive name of m_read_byte_register. Changed status_read such that reading the status register from the debugger returns a valid value instead of 0, but doesn't otherwise affect the emulation. Make it so the /READY(readyq) callback only changes state to ready after a write during speak external mode, if the write actually completed because there was room in the FIFO. If not, it polls the fifo state every 16 cycles until there is room, and only then asserts the readyq callback. Actually zero the FIFO during initialization and when speak external goes active. Replaced memset calls with std::fill.
    - 3dfx Voodoo Graphics: Reinstate texture address masking. Fixes segmentation fault in War: The Final Assault.
    - Floppy: Improved logging, removed status flag ST1.ND on missing IDAM/DAM and added HEAD_LOAD state, used as a spinup delay by some systems (machine\upd765.cpp).
    - Intel 8275 CRTC: DMA refinements: Exclude FIFO characters from counting towards filling character buffer. Extended DMA up to one character past an "end of DMA" control code. Clean up code slightly.
    - MC146818 RTC
    . Don't restart timer unnecessarily
    . Correct interrupt polarity. This change makes the MC146818/DS128x devices use the regular ASSERT_LINE/CLEAR_LINE protocol like almost all other devices, removing an unexpected surprise. The devices are fairly widely used, so I've tried to review all of those references and check if they're affected. A surprising number of systems appear to have the interrupt hooked up, but were not accounting for the inversion, so this change might possibly correct some behaviour. The behaviour of the following might change: calchase.cpp, hotstuff.cpp, mtouchxl.cpp, pcat_dyn.cpp, su2000.cpp, machine\pcshare.cpp, machine\sis85c496.cpp and bus\lpci\southbridge.cpp.
    - MC6840 PTM: Fixed divide-by-8 mode. In divide-by-8 mode the value computed in compute_counter() is wrong because the function doesn't divide the clock before the calculation.
    - PSX GPU: Added missing primitives (video\psx.cpp)
    - Serial EEPROM: Prevent ambiguity between clock and streaming enable
    - SVGA: Moved memory mappings to remap routine (isa\svga_tseng.cpp)
    - TMS9928A VDP: Exposed internal palette using device_palette_interface
    - Xicor X2212 256x4 NOVRAM: Removed memory interface and clean up code. Added address sanity checking.
    - Z80 SCC Channel
    . Removed generic device type 'Z80 SCC' (which nothing was using) and custom MCFG_SCCXXXX_ADD macros
    . Actually clear interrupt state
    - 1945kiii.cpp: Minor cleanups. Added notes.
    - 20pacgal.cpp: Cleanups. Converted palette to device. Moved video start functions into video_start. Reduced runtime tag lookups. Converted some arrays into std::unique_ptr. Make drawing sprite/chars functions related to cliprect. Added notes. Minor cleanup of palette.
    - 3do.cpp
    . Dumped BIOS for ALG 3DO based arcade games
    . Disallow md23do to write to ROM region via mirror, boots to 3do logo and fails extended RSA check.
    - acommand.cpp, cischeat.cpp and megasys1.cpp: Initialize VRAM to sane default (video\ms1_tmap.cpp)
    - alpha68k.cpp
    . Added addressable latch for type II and V configurations
    . Update/Cleanup driver and video. ROM region defragmentation. Reduced runtime tag lookups and unnecessary values.
    - balsente.cpp
    . Use Intel 8253 PIT device and clean up names. Split NVRAM between two X2212 devices.
    . Use MC6850 ACIA devices for sound communication
    - champbas.cpp
    . Separated parts specific to Exciting Soccer from Champion Baseball state
    . Fixed missing AY-3-8910 sound in clone Champion Base Ball Part-2 (Japan) (ID 06989)
    - chihiro.cpp: Moved ids into constructors (machine\xbox_pci.cpp)
    - cischeat.cpp
    . Moved sound irq into YM irqhandler
    . Big Run
    . Fixed road / sprite priorities
    . Fixed long standing road colors regression (dawn effect & left edge at start of game)
    . Hand-tuned sound frequencies to match reference
    . Initialize VRAM to sane default (video\ms1_tmap.cpp), fixes ugly back pen showing up in Big Run.
    . Removed the IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag. The remaining glitches are BTANBs.
    . Added backup RAM to Captain Flag
    . Hooked up sprite DMA to Wild Pilot (fixes flickering)
    - ddenlovr.cpp and dynax.cpp: Make "Rev. 2" blitter (TC17G032AP-0246 custom DIP64) a device
    - ddragon.cpp: Cleanups. Fixed bit manipulations. Added object finders instead runtime tag lookups and address_map_bank_device for darktowr_state bankswitching. Fixed ADPCM ROM mapping (both MSM5205s hasn't share ROM space). Fixed bit manipulation. Fixed sprite position regression (ID 07032).
    - dreamwld.cpp: Documented MCU and fixed MCU ROM region size
    - exidy.cpp and victory.cpp: Full encapsulation of audio devices
    - gaiden.cpp: Added undumped MCU to wildfang and stratof configuration and correct size of internal ROM region. Note: Regarding the MCU type: This was reported as "NEC D8749HC" back in 2001 by Yasuhiro Ogawa, but the location (unpopulated on Ninja Gaiden) is silkscreened "uPD8049" on the PCB.
    - hornet.cpp
    . Added separate dipswitch settings for Gradius IV
    . Allows gun to work with default settings in Silent Scope and Teraburst. This fixed analog inputs do not function in Silent Scope (ID 06992).
    . Use Gradius IV dips for NBA Play By Play and removed periodic interrupt
    . Added input port definitions for NBA Play By Play and Teraburst
    - jaguar.cpp: Use ioport finders for joysticks/buttons
    - jalmah.cpp
    . Misc cleanups. Rewrote video emulation using Mega System 1 tilemap devices (video\ms1_tmap.cpp). Fixed second tilemap size for good. Documented extended mahjong inputs.
    . Otogizoushi Urashima Mahjong: Fixed video priority during gameplay (score display and calls). Emulated video scrolling partial updates, fixes winning animations. Fixed color protection (girls and test mode). Misc cleanups.
    . Converted 1st version MCU code snippets to ROM. Note: The original MCU actually uploads these into shared work ram area.
    . Wrote a MCU code snippet for sound banking in Urashima Mahjong/Mahjong Channel Zoom In/Mahjong Daireikai.
    - kinst.cpp: Killer Instinct driver needs to stay in machine_reset(). Fixes game hangs during attract mode (ID 06988).
    - ksys573.cpp: Cleanup driver
    - legionna.cpp, r2dx_v33.cpp, raiden2.cpp and seicupbl.cpp: Eliminated machine().device and hardcoded tags and dependency on palette_device (machine\seibucop\seibucop.cpp)
    - leland.cpp: Removed more literal tags, splitted redline/offroad/etc. out of Leland state.
    - ltcasino.cpp: Updated notes. Various minor clean-ups and hooked up ay8910 read ports.
    - m92.cpp: Cleanup duplicates. Reduced runtime tag lookups. Make EEPROM save/loadable using NVRAM device. Fixed spacing. Splitted machine configs/address maps related to main CPU ROM. Added notes.
    - megaplay.cpp: Demoted Mega Play games with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS, because overlay bitmap is wrong (title screen, Mega Play logo, etc...). Added notes of overlay.
    - meritm.cpp: Small clean-ups
    - ms32.cpp: Identified CPU types and fixed audio CPU clock
    - mtouchxl.cpp: Swapped the crystals in AD1848 so it's playing at 32Khz instead of 22.05. This fixed all sounds playing too fast (ID 06983).
    - neogeo.cpp: Added Japan NEO-MVH MV1C BIOS
    - ninjakd2.cpp
    . Basic inheritance. Reduced duplicates and runtime tag lookups.
    . Attempted to fix bullets not shot by enemies in Omega Fighter
    - pgm.cpp: Fixed Martial Masters metadata (machine\pgmprot_igs027a_type2.cpp)
    - segas24.cpp: Further cleanups
    - seta.cpp: Added seperate value for tilemap banks. Added user_data for tilemap banks. Minor cleanups. Added seperate value for rambank. Added output_finders. Break up the "vregs" handler. Acknowledge more interrupts.
    - shangha3.cpp: Cleanups. ACCESSING_BITS cleanups. Fixed spacing. Cleanup Oki banking. Demoted Shanghai III with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS related to MT #01002.
    - snk.cpp: Cleanup unused. Reduced runtime tag lookup. Separated countryc machine configuration and address map.
    - snk6502.cpp
    . Removed some tag lookups. Added more device finders.
    . Improved 'SNK6502 Custom Sound' encapsulation and fixed BGM. Frequency/rate should be set in config, not reset handlers. Speech should be moved into a separate device for the games that have it. Probably should be specialisations for sasuke and satansat. Not all games have three channels.
    - starwars.cpp
    . Replaced machine().device with finders
    . Fixed ROM loading bug in The Empire Strikes Back
    - stv.cpp: Removed tag lookup from machine\saturn.cpp
    - taito_b.cpp: Identified TC0180VCU as source of interrupts and change these into callbacks. The interval between the two has been changed (no longer being an arbitrary multiple of the CPU clock), but the timing is still more or less guesswork.
    - tatsumi.cpp
    . Made a massive order cleanup
    . Removed an ugly kludge in Round Up 5, fixes soft resets. Demoted game to not working for obvious reasons. Added vertical text scrolling. Fixed video priority on map screen after a play. BG gfxdata, needs decoding. Also cleaned up text gfx data. Added background bitmap layers. Improved road clipping. Misc I/O. Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS. Apply proper shadow sprites.
    . Fixed Apache 3 out-of-bounds colors for sprites (trees and buildings). Apply proper shadow sprites.
    . Make Cycle Warriors sub CPU to not stall at soft resets
    . Merged Cycle Warriors/Big Fight memory maps
    . Some video fixes to Cycle Warriors and Big Fight
    . Marked first drawn layer as opaque. Added row/column scroll register select.
    . Added shadow sprites. OKI status is actually reversed active wise for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight, fixes "we got em" sample playback in former.
    . Bit 15 of tilemap code is per-tile high priority with regards to sprites. Fixes several priority glitches.
    . Bit 14 of tilemap is per-tile opacity enable. Color banks are HW configured. Fixes fade in/out effects and CRT test colors.
    . Apply page wraparound for backgrounds, fixes various glitches in Big Fight and Cycle Warriors.
    . Inverted shadow product when a specific register is enabled, used by Big Fight when player fights against Chen to simulate disco strobe lights.
    - tx1.cpp: Refactored TX-1 to have separate sound-board devices. Removed tag lookups. Fixed layout for new tag lookups.
    - vegas.cpp
    . Updated DCS audio to get San Francisco Rush 2049 closer to working (audio\dcs.cpp)
    . Reinstate 3dfx texture address masking. Fixes segmentation fault in War: The Final Assault.
    - williams.cpp
    . Cleanups. Reduced runtime tag lookups and duplicates. Added input_merger for interrupts.
    . Fixed naming and converted palette to device for williams_state/blaster_state games
    . Reduced runtime tag lookups and cleanup duplicates in audio\williams.cpp. Use output finder.
    . Splitted Speed Ball address map
    - 39 in 1 MAME bootleg: Splitted Intel XScale PXA255 peripherals into a separate device
    - AGEMAME: Separated reel and stepper devices to an extent, cleaned up use of custom mcfgs for them (machine\steppers.cpp).
    - Asteroids Deluxe: Documented (rev 3) changes and correct 'Difficulty' dipswitch
    - BanBam: Improved BanBam protection simulation. Still imperfect, but all graphics are correct and game doesn't crash. Marked MCU as good dump from observation and Phil Bennett's comments.
    - Buggy Challenge: Fixed MCU to run at 3MHz as shown on the schematic and added sound address map and other comments.
    - Crystal Castles: Added addressable latches
    - Cyber Tank: Cleanup duplicates. Reduced runtime tag lookups. Fixed sound output (related to OST).
    - Cycle Maabou: Bumped sprite size and fixed some missing sprites (for example how to play screen).
    - Double Dealer: Misc cleanups
    - Ferrari F355 Challenge 2: Added alternate program ROM dump
    - I, Robot: Use X2212 device for NVRAM
    - Jumping Pop: Fixed missing graphics in first stage (ID 06984)
    - Keirin Ou: Attempt to fix garbage graphics after a bonus stage
    - Kick Start: Added input buttons mode
    - King & Balloon: Fixed King's voice playing (ID 07017)
    - Major Havoc: Use parallel EEPROM device
    - Missile Command: Fixed 'Trackball Size' dipswitch (ID 07010)
    - Monster Bash: Splitted sound board into a proper device
    - Motogonki: Seems running and showing something. Correct CPU clock, document hidden test mode. Replaced bad prom ($200) dump with fixed one.
    - Pingu's Ice Block: Redumped Compact Flash card. Added hand-made boot ROMs (modified from dkbanans).
    - Portraits and Quiz de Hyuu!Hyuu: Demoted games to not working.
    - Power Instinct: Reduced code duplication and runtime tag lookups. Corrected sprite lags. Added notes. Converted byte swapped gfx into ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP and vblank irq into MCFG_SCREEN_VBLANK_CALLBACK.
    - Quantum: Use X2212 device for NVRAM
    - Reality Tennis: Use parallel EEPROM device. Fixed device finders. Minor cleanups
    - Renegade: Fixed in-game music stops playing after a while (ID 07007)
    - Return of the Jedi
    . Moderate driver overhaul. Split NVRAM between two 4-bit X2212 devices. Guarantee an invalid checksum when default NVRAM data is used (so that the manufacturer's high scores will be installed).
    . Soundlatch modernization. Use WSQ handler to drive TMS5220.
    - Star Force: Simplified background color swap
    - Street Fighter: Cleanups. Reduced code duplication, RAM usage of tilemap and runtime tag lookups.
    - Strikers 1945: Fixed maincpu length in clone Strikers 1945 (Japan, unprotected)
    - Tetris (set 1): Replaced NVRAM with parallel EEPROM. Hook up I8749 MCU to get working sound in clone Tetris (bootleg set 3)
    - Trojan: Fixed DIP location numbering (ID 07020)
    - Truco Clemente: Allow multiple coin insertions
    - Video Poker: Clean up
    - War Mission: Added new disk image (Game now playable). Note: Data after 0xd56b0 would not read consistently, however the game only appears to use the first 24 tracks (up to 0x48fff) as it loads once on startup, not during gameplay, and all tracks before that gave consistent reads. There is data after this point but it is likely leftovers from another game / whatever was on the disk before, so for our purposes this should be fine. Some bullets do seem to spawn from locations where there are no enemies, but I think this is just annoying game design. 2 player mode can be enabled in service mode for War Mission, it is disabled by default (settings are stored on the disk).
    - Williams Multigame: Make game working again. Cleanups. Added address_map_bank_device for IO Bankswitching, machine_start/reset instead MCFG_MACHINE_START/RESET and save state. Fixed naming and crash.
    - Xain'd Sleena: Clean up. Reduced code duplication and literal tags.
    - Dipswitch fixes in asteroid.cpp, ltcasino.cpp, tatsumi.cpp, trucocl.cpp and vicdual.cpp
    - Fixed rom names in bking.cpp, itech8.cpp, fastfred.cpp, leland.cpp, meritm.cpp, neogeo.cpp, system1.cpp and taito_f3.cpp
    - Description changes of The Bally Game Show (LA-3), The Bally Game Show (LU-4) Europe, Cabaret Show, The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710, Export), Player's Edge Plus (X002150P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker, Raiden Fighters (Japan, earlier), Raiden Fighters (Japan, earliest), Raiden Fighters (Japan, newer), Raiden Fighters (US, earlier), Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.00, Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.00 (location test) and Turkey Hunting USA V1.00
    - Renamed (dynamoah) to (dynamoaha), (gs_l3) to (gs_la3), (gs_l4) to (gs_lu4), (gtg) to (gtgj31), (jumpcoas) to (jumpcoasa) and (puyofev) to (puyofevj)
    - MAME
    . Use plural names for output finders when there are multiple outputs
    . Assorted cleanup involving driver_init for 1942.cpp, 2mindril.cpp, 3do.cpp, 40love.cpp, 4enraya.cpp, 4roses.cpp and taito_f3.cpp
    . Move the +1 to the proper place in the ROM BIOS macros (emu\romload.h and romentry.h) - that's been confusing people for far too long.
    . Added a valdiation check for ROMs with BIOS flag set that are unselectable, fix the things it uncovers.
    . Allow BIOS declaration before first ROM region
    . Improved validation and fixed formatting (emu\diexec.cpp and screen.cpp)
    . Eliminated customized MCFG_DEVICE_ADD macros (AT28C16, C352, DS1302, DS1386, DS2404, MC146818, MCD212, MSM5832, Timekeeper, WD1773, WPC_DMD, WPC_LAMP, WPC_OUT, WPC_PIC, WPC_SHIFT and YGV608)
    . Added customized MCFG_DEVICE_ADD macros (asuka.cpp, goldstar.cpp, hornet.cpp, ksys573.cpp, model1.cpp, model2.cpp, ninjaw.cpp, othunder.cpp, segahang.cpp, segam1.cpp, segaorun.cpp, segas16a.cpp, segas16b.cpp, segas18.cpp, segas24.cpp, segaxbd.cpp, segaybd.cpp, stfight.cpp, system16.cpp, taito_f2.cpp, taito_z.cpp, vicdual.cpp, warriorb.cpp, video\sega16sp.h, segaic16.h, segaic16_road.h, segaic24.h, stfight_dev.h and tc0110pcr.h)
    . Use device finder for deco_mlc.cpp, dogfgt.cpp, drw80pkr.cpp, gaelco3d.cpp, magmax.cpp, mediagx.cpp, mpu4.cpp, othello.cpp, snk6502.cpp, starwars.cpp and trackfld.cpp
    . Miscellaneous machine().device and MCFG cleanups (cclimber.cpp, crystal.cpp, galaga.cpp (Battles), gaplus.cpp and video\tia.cpp)
    . Removed machine().device lookups (calcune.cpp, konamigx.cpp, megatech.cpp, midyunit.cpp, model2.cpp, multigam.cpp, munchmo.cpp, segac2.cpp, segas18.cpp, video\315_5313.cpp and video\k054338.cpp)
    . Removed machine().device usage from beathead, by17, by35, cave, coolpool, cps3, dfruit, dkong, dvk_kcgd, foodf, gridlee, hyprolyb, irobot, itech32, jedi, jpmimpct, jpmmps, jpms80, kaneko16, mario, mcr, mcr3, mystston, phoenix, pkscram, pleiads, polepos, redalert, scramble, segag80r, segag80v, segas24, sis85c496, slapstic, snk6502, starwars, stv, subsino2, toaplan1, trackfld, tx1 and audio\segasnd.cpp. src/mame/audio is now clean of machine().device.
    . Replaced machine().device with subdevice for NVRAM installation (esripsys.cpp, hitpoker.cpp, magtouch.cpp, meritm.cpp, namcos2.cpp, pcat_dyn.cpp, pcat_nit.cpp, s7.cpp, segas24.cpp, tmnt.cpp, triplhnt.cpp, ttchamp.cpp, twin16.cpp, upscope.cpp, videopkr.cpp and zn.cpp)
    . Misc device finder / private members (jongkyo.cpp, namcos86.cpp, nsmpoker.cpp, pachifev.cpp, pinkiri8.cpp and system1.cpp)
    . Reduced code duplication and added support for device finders in more places in memory maps (emu\addrmap.h)
    . Make address map config look like Next-gen
    . Added streamline templates in addrmap.h. Get rid of overloads on read/write member names - this will become even more important in the near future.
    . Lift some stuff needed by devcb3 out of address map entry
    . Get rid of some overloaded names - a lot of these will become unnecessary after new memory and devcb are ready.
    . Prevent segfault at stop and when selecting device from menu (emu\dinetwork.cpp and osd\osdnet.cpp)
    . Fixed connecting to existing socket (osd\modules\file\winptty.cpp)
    . Make it possible to set screen update functions without macros without syntax that looks absolutely terrible (emu\screen.h) - examples will come with DEVCB3.
    . Added discord presence plugin. Use domain sockets and pipes.
    . Use explicit integer sizes rather than "native" types (plugins\cheatfind\init.lua)
    . VGM player: Added Stop, Pause, Play, Restart and Loop controls. Added rudimentary layout using default font symbols to provide clickable buttons for the new media controls recently added. The cursor doesn't seem to show up, but I'm sure one of the layout wizards can quickly remedy that. Added LEDs.
    - SDLMAME: GetCurrentProcessId is valid on lib\osdlib_uwp.cpp
    - Compiling
    . Added asserts to detect tag being set after object resolution and resolved multiple times
    . Added AppVeyor build configuration (appveyor.yml)
    . Fixed SUBTARGET=virtual (cripts\target\mame\virtual.lua)
    . Made m68000 makefile respect the VERBOSE build optio (m68000\makefile)
    . Removed emupal.h from emu.h
    . Enable building on RISCV64
    - Debugger
    . Added command for go_exception
    . Make save/load support virtual memory. This makes these commands useful and consistent with dump in a virtual memory environment. One minor issue is what to do with save for an unmapped memory address: the approach taken here is to write the space.unmap() value, which seems the least harmful. On load, unmapped addresses are not written to, meaning that save/load with a constant address map work as expected.

    "Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
    In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why." Image may be NSFW.
    Clik here to view.

    Image may be NSFW.
    Clik here to view.

    [Posted by: MASH]

    ARCADE 0.199

    HBMAME 0.199

    DU Fundraiser: NeoPrint - DONE

    Image may be NSFW.
    Clik here to view.

    There are a few Neogeo NeoPrint carts up for auction. I can bid on them if people are interested in donating. There's a 1 day window to donate.


    We won them all!

    Dane Biegert
    Renato Mucciarelli

    [Posted by: Smitdogg]

    [Annc] MAMEUI .199 and icons/snaps released.

    History.dat 1.99

    DU: Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou

    Image may be NSFW.
    Clik here to view.

    Apocalypse dumped Ver1.2 of Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (Jaleco Mega System 32)

    [Posted by: Smitdogg]

    Caps0ff news

    MAME Classic 9.3.0 Now Available (12-13-2019)

    Updated for MAME 0.216

    Added : Control for Low Latency.
    Added : You can now open MAME Classic's App folder and Data folder from the Tools menu.
    Changed : MAME Classic no longer converts paths to their short path name.
    Changed : MAME Classic now uses your LOCALAPPDATA folder to write output, reports and temp files. Any files in the old location (MAME Classic folder) will be moved to the new location the first time you run this version. Once they are moved, you can delete the output, settings and temp folders in the MAME Classic folder. This will allow MAME Classic to be run without admin rights "if" your MAME folders are in unprotected locations.
    Changed : The ROM Directories function is now called Orphan ROM Finder.
    Changed : The Settings screen will now default to the image type of the current select machine.
    Fixed : The Audit function would report "Samples are not needed with this driver." if the sample set was missing regardless if samples were needed or not.
    Fixed : The ROM Directories function would exit prematurely if an orphan ROM was found and you chose to move it.
    Removed : Depreciated Artwork options.


    [Posted by: Stiletto]

    ClrMamePro 4.036a (12-13-2019)



    Change Log


    fixed: broken rar support in 64bit version (64bit conflict of rar and sha1 class), updated rar dll to 5.8 (4.036a)
    added: automatic 32k path length support, no more need to use \\?\ prefixes (*)
    fixed: miss-list listed some sample-only-sets where the parent is autogenerated (e.g. fantasy_sound, nes_jf13, etc)
    fixed: wrong software list rom size for roms which imply an offset of 0x00000000 as default
    fixed: remembering window positions on multiple / virtual screens fails
    fixed: rebuilder match count for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
    fixed: rebuilder removal of rebuilt files for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
    fixed: detect chd clone to clone moves (aka MAME 206 vs4e to vs4eo rename)
    fixed: rom count for fully missing sets included bios roms even when the bios set is available
    fixed: select sets options like initial invert / incl. clones/devices etc should only be activate when select sets or from file is specified
    misc: rebuilder log adds software list information to file name
    misc: dir2dat writes chd files as disk
    misc: added cmpro.ini option Adv_WindowToFront = on (on / off) to handle the automatic bring window to front functionality
    misc: profiler cache which reduces rescanning datfiles/settings on each profiler visit, should speed up profiler for users which have lots and lots of dats. Delete/Add/Move operations will force a refresh at the moment though
    misc: limit extension removal to a max of 3 characters and no space after the .
    misc: updated zip, rar and 7z dlls (4.6.7, 5.71, 1900)
    misc: updated sha1 c++ class implementation to 2.1
    misc: switched to Visual Studio 2019

    [Posted by: Stiletto]

    ROMVault 3.0.44 (12-12-2019)



    December 12th, 2019, RomVault V3.0.44
    If you are using Directory mapping you should switch to this version, as there was a bug in previous version that could screw these up

    [Posted by: Stiletto]
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