2 in 1: F/M - Data East DECO (1979) [Features Space Fighter and Miracle Super; Japanese text]
Hot Chase - Konami (1988) [English text]
Next Space, The - SNK Corporation (1989) [Japanese text]
Oli Boo Chu - Irem (1981) [Misspelled 'Ali Boo Chu'; English text]
Play Table Series Video Game Catalog - Irem (1979) [Shows Cat & Mouse, Cosmo Combat, Irem Daredevil and Solar Creature; English text]
Seesaw Jump - Sega (1978) [English text]
Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun - Konami (1984) [Also known as Mikie High School Graffiti; Japanese text]
Soft Desk 10 - Sega/Coreland (1985?) [A coin-op multi-game system; Japanese text]
UFO - Universal (1979) [English text]
Vs. Raid On Bungeling Bay - Nintendo (1985) [Vs. System; Japanese text]
View them all.
[Posted by: Flyer Fever]