Ready the MAME 0.217 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".
It's available this folder on that allows individually download files to update from version to version. The folder will be temporarily available until the next update.
I start this new year with many images of various categories have been redone with the right proportions. I don't have a habit of forcing horizontal and vertical relationships, but some games are just unwatchable!... This work will also continue in the coming months.
This month, with the temporary use of a very powerful tool provided by DreamSoft, I did a great job on software lists, discovering many errors: files to rename, others to delete and many ideas to update lists. Find the such as in the list at the end of this post. Complete lists have increased significantly (both snap and titles): 32x, a2600, a5200, a7800, a800_flop, abc800, abc806, abc1600, adam_cart, adam_cass, advision, alphatro_cart, alphatro_flop, amiga_a1000, amiga_hardware, apfm1000, apple2gs, apple3, apricot_flop, aquarius, arcadia, bbcbc, c64_cart, c64_flop_misc, c64_flop_orig, coco_cart, coleco, cx300tc, database, ekara_japan, ekara_japan_a, ekara_japan_ac, ekara_japan_bh, ekara_japan_d, ekara_japan_en, ekara_japan_g, ekara_japan_gk, ekara_japan_m, ekara_japan_p, ekara_japan_s_ ekara_japan_sp, ekara_japan_web, ekara_pal, ekara_us, electron_cart, famicom_flop, gamate, gameboy, gamecom, gamegear, gameking, gameking3, gamepock, gba, gbcolor, gmaster, gp32, gx4000, h21, ibmpcjr_cart, ibmpcjr_flop, icanguit, icanpian, intv, intvecs, jaguar, jakks_gamekey_dp, jakks_gamekey_dy, jakks_gamekey_mv, jakks_gamekey_nk, jakks_gamekey_nm, jakks_gamekey_sw, jpopira_jp, juicebox, lynx, m5_cart, megadriv, megaduck, msx1_cart, msx2_cart, msx2_cass, msx2p_flop, msxr_flop, myvision, n64, neocd, neogeo, ngp, ngpc, nimbus, pasogo, pce, pce_tourvision, pcw, pico, plus4_cart, plus4_cass, plus4_flop, pofo, pokemini, psx, pv1000, pv2000, rx78, scv, sg1000, sgx, sms, snes, snotec, socrates, supracan, sv8000, svi318_cart, svision, to7_cart, to770_cart, tutor, tvc_cart, uzebox, vboy, vectrex, vic10, vic1001_cart, vic1001_cass, vic1001_flop, vidbrain, vii, vsmile_cart, wscolor, wswan and xegs. In addition, all links to packages stored on have been renewed.
Due to the great work done this month on the list resources, no MAME resources will be updated with this update, only the various categories of snapshots and the package of Artworks (original and alternate).
Also this month Mr. Do's fantastic artworks have been updated; some packages have been added, others removed, others still updated and about sixty have been temporarily put out of collection. I moved the latter to the "alternate" section. Some packages are specific for HBMAME, with names you don't find in MAME. For details, read here;new=1578228387 . Probably next month or the next I will remove them by putting in a specific category (artwork_HB). I also "finally" removed the "original others" section from my page, which Mr. Do had removed from his site about a year ago.
From this month two further news to meet the various needs of users: in this folder you will find every month a package containing everything that has been updated (however, artworks will always be excluded from this package). It will be a 7zip package. Also here you can find a mirror of my folder with all the snapshots in uncompressed format, including those related to the software lists, always updated and with my latest changes (even those that I have not yet officially released). The folder is currently in slow uploading...
With all these changes / additions / corrections / displacements, I will certainly have made some mistakes... be patient with me, report them here and I will fix them as soon as possible!
The next update is scheduled for Sunday, Feb 16, 2020.

4,227 snaps and 879, pdf, pictures and zip downloadable here:
Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Packed
Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Single Files
Covers (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Box Cover Pictures
Manuals (Software): progetto-SNAPS PDF Software's Manuals
Snapshots (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Snapshots
Snapshots (Arcade): progetto-SNAPS Arcade Snaps
Snapshots (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Snaps
Snapshots update:
ArtPreview: 25 new (tot. 3,200 png) UPDATE1 pack, 5.49Mb
Bosses: 3 upd (tot. 1,660 png) UPDATE1 pack, 756.58Kb
Ends: 8 upd (tot. 1,135 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1.17Mb
GameOver: 1 del, 41 new & 32 upd (tot. 8,015 png) UPDATE1 pack, 3.28Mb
HowTo: 45 new & 6 upd (tot. 1,890 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1.57Mb
Logo: 25 new & 7 upd (tot. 2,850UPDATE1 pack, 1.20Mb
Scores: 10 new & 12 upd (tot. 7,435 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1.41Mb
Select: 25 new & 13 upd (tot. 4,700 png) UPDATE1 pack, 2.80Mb
Snap: 103 new & 235 upd (tot. 41,227 png) UPDATE1 pack, 18.05Mb
Snap Software: 187 del, 1,411 new & 213 upd (tot. 41,464 png) UPDATE
Titles: 103 new & 147 upd (tot. 41,227 png) UPDATE1 pack, 9.78Mb
Titles Software: 182 del, 1,480 new & 250 upd (tot. 37,956 png) UPDATE
Versus: 2 new & 2 upd (tot. 1,192 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1011.14Kb
Warning: 25 new & 4 upd (tot. 1,240 png) UPDATE1 pack, 357.51Kb
Other resources update:
Artworks (Original): 96 del, 34 new & 61 upd (tot. 1,469 png) UPDATE1 pack, 595.4Mb
Artworks (Alternate): 6 new & 48 upd (tot. 279 png) UPDATE1 pack, 679Mb
Covers (Software): 1 del, 551 new & 1 upd (tot. 8,673 png) UPDATE
Manuals (Software): 41 del, 180 new & 2 upd (tot. 2,019 pdf) UPDATE
VideoSnaps (Software): 18 del & 17 ren (tot. 3,983 mp4) UPDATE
Software's resource update:
- a2600_covers(250 new png)UPDATE!
- a2600_manuals(100 new & 2 upd pdf)UPDATE!
- a5200(1 upd png)UPDATE!
- a5200_manuals(1 del, 2 new pdf)UPDATE!
- a5200_titles(1 del, 1 upd png)UPDATE!
- a5200_video(5 del mp4)ONLY DAT
- a7800_manuals(8 new pdf)UPDATE!
- abc800(2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- abc806(1 del, 1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- adam_cass(61 new & 18 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- adam_cass_titles(61 new & 18 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- adam_flop_video(2 del mp4)ONLY DAT
- alice90(2 del & 2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- amigaaga_flop_covers(1 new png)UPDATE!
- amigaocs_flop(175 new png)UPDATE!
- amigaocs_flop_covers(1 del, 51 new & 1 upd png)UPDATE!
- amigaocs_flop_titles(175 new png)UPDATE!
- apple2(85 del png)REMOVED!
- apple2_manuals(40 del pdf)REMOVED!
- apple2_titles(85 del png)REMOVED!
- apple2_flop_clcracked(15 new png)NEW!
- apple2_flop_clcracked_titles(15 new png)NEW!
- apple2_flop_misc(77 new png)NEW!
- apple2_flop_misc_manuals(12 new pdf)NEW!
- apple2_flop_misc_titles(77 new png)NEW!
- apple2_flop_orig(14 new png)NEW!
- apple2_flop_manuals(33 new pdf)NEW!
- apple2_flop_orig_titles(14 new png)NEW!
- apricot_flop(23 new png)NEW, COMPLETE SET!
- apricot_flop_titles(23 new png)NEW, COMPLETE SET!
- atom_rom(2 ren)ONLY DAT
- c64_flop(84 del png)REMOVED!
- c64_flop_titles(84 del png)REMOVED!
- c64_flop_misc(53 new png)NEW!
- c64_flop_misc_titles(53 new png)NEW!
- c64_flop_orig(31 new png)NEW!
- c64_flop_orig_titles(31 new png)NEW!
- dragon_cart(1 ren)ONLY DAT
- dragon_cart_titles(1 ren png)ONLY DAT
- ekara_japan_a(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ekara_japan_a_titles(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ekara_japan_ac(1 new png)NEW, COMPLETE SET!
- ekara_japan_ac_titles(1 new png)NEW, COMPLETE SET!
- ekara_pal(2 new & 6 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ekara_pal_titles(2 new & 6 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameboy(2 del, 1 ren, 952 new & 124 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameboy_titles(2 del, 1 ren, 952 new & 166 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gamegear(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gamegear_titles(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameking(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameking_titles(1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameking3(3 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gameking3_titles(3 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- gamepock(1 ren png)ONLY DAT
- gba_covers(4 ren png)ONLY DAT
- ibm5140(1 ren, 2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ibm5150(51 new & 44 upd png)UPDATE!
- ibm5150_covers(50 new png)NEW!
- ibm5150_titles(47 new & 47 upd png)UPDATE!
- ibm5170(2 del, 14 new & 10 upd png)UPDATE!
- ibm5170_covers(25 new png)NEW!
- ibm5170_titles(14 new & 6 upd png)UPDATE!
- ibmpcjr_cart(1 del png)ONLY DAT
- megadriv(1 del, 1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- megadriv_covers(50 new png)UPDATE!
- megadriv_titles(1 del, 1 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- neocd(1 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- neocd_titles(1 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- neogeo(2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- neogeo_titles(2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- nes_video(1 del, 3 ren mp4)ONLY DAT
- ngpc(1 ren, 2 new & 3 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ngpc_titles(116 new png)NEW, COMPLETE SET!
- odyssey2(3 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- pc98(4 del, 2 ren png)ONLY DAT
- pc98_titles(4 del, 2 ren png)ONLY DAT
- pc98_video(1 del mp4)ONLY DAT
- pce_tourvision(3 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- pce_tourvision_titles(3 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- pce_video(1 del mp4)ONLY DAT
- pico(9 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- pico_titles(9 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- psx_covers(1 ren png)ONLY DAT
- saturn_covers(90 new png)UPDATE!
- sms(2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- sms_titles(2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- sorcerer_cart(1 ren & 2 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- ti99_cart_video(8 del, 13 ren mp4)ONLY DAT
- to7_cart(6 ren, 24 new & 1 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- to7_cart_titles(6 ren, 24 new & 2 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE!
- vectrex(27 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- vectrex_titles(27 new png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- vg5k(1 ren png)ONLY DAT
- vsmile_cart(32 ren, 58 new & 2 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- vsmile_cart_titles(32 ren, 58 new & 3 upd png)UPDATE, COMPLETE SET!
- wswan_video(1 ren mp4)ONLY DAT
- x68k_flop(5 del, 3 ren, 4 new & 3 upd png)UPDATE!
- x68k_flop_titles(5 del, 3 ren, 12 new png)UPDATE!
- xegs(3 ren png)ONLY DAT
- xegs_covers(25 new png)NEW!
- xegs_manuals(25 new pdf)NEW!
- xegs_titles(3 ren png)ONLY DAT
Resource Chart:

Counting and Dimensions (not compressed):

If you want to support my work, you can make small donations via PayPal.
The list (short...) of those who have made donations is visible in my thanks page, here.
[Posted by: AntoPISA]