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BletchMAME 2.1

Curt Vendel of Atari Museum has died

MAMEinfo 0.225GIT (3rd Sep)



* Updated to MAME 0.225GIT - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (3rd Sep)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Megadrive clone hardware)
- New Working games: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2)
- New Non-Working games: Lucky Player, Mini Super Fruits, Photo Play 1998 (Spanish), Photo Play 2001 (Italian), UNO the Medal and Wild Guns (SNES bootleg)
- New clones: Air Duel (World, M72 hardware), Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996), Cruis'n USA (v4.5), CTA Invader, Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain), Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids), Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware), Pacom Invader (set 2), Photo Play 2000 (Spanish), Route X (bootleg, set 2), Tecnodarts (Recreativos G.R. license) and Traverse USA (bootleg, set 2)
. Acclaim RAX: Modernized RAM allocation and object lookups
. Ensoniq ES5505: Correct Taito ES5505 Bankswitching behavior. Sample bank per ES5505 voice is actually taito_en.cpp specific. Moved external bank behavior into taito_en.cpp. Added getter for voice index. Added precalculated ES5505 bank table for reduce performance issue. Added getter for CPU.
. SN76496: Removed u8106 alias. Note: Sound chips have custom label "U8106". Or "8106" or unlabeled with the original label scratched off. They are presumedly SN76489. Note that Lady Bug's PCB S/N is also 8106 and has the same sound chips.
. Votrax SC-01: Fixed pitch and closure. Note that the dynamic clock changes will sound bad until Aaron's sound stream fixes are in. Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor.
. MCS-48: Fixed problem with strt_cnt if counter was already enabled (mcs48\mcs48.cpp)
. Zilog Z8681: Added interface notes. Added optional logging for SIO (z8\z8.cpp)
. 6522 VIA: Added support for CB2 pulse mode
. BACTA Datalogger: Attempt at a fix for missed character transmissions. Turn off log pollution.
. Discrete Netlist
. Use macro DIP definitons for 8277, 9314, 9334, AM2847, MM5837 and TMS4800.
. Templatize 74107 and code maintenance. Removed some dead friend declarations. Optimized template times_ns2.
. Fixed visibility in some devices (private rules)
. References to subdevices should be symbolic: Exposing sub-device members is not best practice. The need for sub-devices is a clear indication that a netlist language implementation would be a better solution.
. In devices folder all DIP devices were removed. NE555 and MC1455P were the last devices with DIP definitions in devices.
. Build system improvements. Medium term this will significantly ease adding devices to netlist. Clang tidy include order fixes.
. Added 7417, 7438, 74290 and 74293 devices. Fixed PROM DIPs.
. More standalone makefile changes: On windows a simple make is now enough to build. Devices, macro and tests folders now included with wildcard. No more makefile changes if a device is added. Moved nld_devinc.h to generated folder. Added to python scripts to create nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx. TEST MODE: these two files are created automatically but are not used currently. Once I get feedback that the python scripts work in different environments I will remove header files from devices and macro and start using these files in production.
. Fixed various issues around include directories: Removed include directory src\lib\netlist from various genie files to avoid potential issues. Code using netlist should use #include "netlist/*". Updated includes. Fixed standalone makefile depend target to properly deal with relative paths.
. Various minor adjustments based on PR comments
. Standalone makefile support for OSX
. Truth tables are now standalone objects. Added TRUTHTABLE_ENTRY to netlist language. Please see nlm_ttl74xx for reference implementation.
. Fixed processing of TRUTHTABLES for generated files. Also made nld_devinc.h srcclean friendly. nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx are currently not used. You can try the automated build by changing NL_AUTO_DEVICES in setup.h to 1.
. Floppy: Corrected register commit delay for WD177x according to datasheet (machine\wd_fdc.cpp)
. K001006 Texel Unit: Removed alternate texture layout
. Namco 51xx: Reimplement outputs that were accidentally disabled when device switched to using low-level emulation. This restores start LEDs and coin lockouts for various games in galaga.cpp (ID 07733) and polepos.cpp.
. Serial interface: Use logmacro for optional logging and make the messages more useful (emu\diserial.cpp)
. Western Digital WD33C9x SCSI Controller: Handle 'polled DMA' in vme_hcpu30 (machine\wd33c9x.cpp)
- 39in1.cpp: Some improvements to the decryption of the newer games, still missing something.
- astrocde.cpp: Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor
- bingor.cpp: Mark all PIC dumps as bad in bingor1, bingor2, bingor3, bingor4 and bingor5.
- cinemat.cpp: Small cleanup/safety improvement (audio\cinemat.cpp)
- cps1bl_5205.cpp, cps1bl_pic.cpp and midyunit.cpp: Added PALs to clones Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2), Captain Commando (bootleg with 2xMSM5205), Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 2), Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2) and Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1). Redumped clone Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) bad gfx rom.
- cv1k.cpp: Slightly more accurate frame rate
- segas32.cpp: Eliminated auto_alloc and a bizarre comparison between bitmap pointers
- toaplan2.cpp: Fixed YM2151/OKI level balancing for Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga
- zr107.cpp: Correct texture roms loading in all ganes. They now pass the texture mask ROM check. Partially fixes MT07731. The tile mask ROM test still fails.
- AGEMAME: Added preliminary layout and inputs for Double Take (BWB). Added an experimental LUA script to the Double Take layout. This takes individual lamp lines that are used for LED selects and recombines them. To see the effect, plugin -layout is needed.
- EuroPlay 2001: Added two new BIOS dumps
- Funny Strip: Added address_map and input ports to clone Ring Ball
- Kyros: Improved clone Kyros no Yakata (Japan) PCB documentation
- Mr. Do!: Replaced the 2x U8106 sound with 2x SN76489
- NBA Jam Extreme: Fixed region width in clone NBA Jam Extreme (ver. 1.04)
- Input port: Moved axis movement checking code down into input devices. Transfer crosshair polling loop to render_crosshair.
- Fixed rom names in midxunit.cpp, photoply.cpp, startouch.cpp and williams.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in vegas.cpp
- Description changes of 19 in 1 MAME bootleg (BAR-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 1, ver 3.09, HPH-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 2, ver 3.09, HPH-V000, alt flash), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 3, ver 3.02, HPH-V000), 60 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.00, ICD-V000), Cruis'n USA (v2.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.0), Cruis'n USA (v4.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.4), Cruis'n World (v1.3), Cruis'n World (v1.7), Cruis'n World (v1.9), Cruis'n World (v2.0), Cruis'n World (v2.3), Cruis'n World (v2.4), Cruis'n World (v2.5), Gals Panic II (Italy, 2 PCB ver.), Gals Panic II (Taiwan, 2 PCB ver.), Joust (Green label), Joust (Red label), Joust (Yellow label), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older), Meteor (Hoei bootleg of Asteroids), 'NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.0, Apr 25 1999)', Pacom Invader (set 1), Route X (bootleg, set 1), 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.1, Sep 22 1999) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (ver 1.5, Sep 22 1999)', 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC Gold Edition (ver 3.0, Feb 18 2000) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition' and Traverse USA (bootleg, set 1).
- Renamed (airduelm72) to (airdueljm72), (bagnardi) to (bagnardio), (dbreedm72j) to (dbreedjm72), (galpani2e2) to (galpani2i2), (joustwr) to (jousty), (photoply) to (photoply2k) and (crusnusa) to (crusnusa44)
. Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards). Move explicit template instantiations below all member bodies to make Clang behave (emu\devfind.cpp).
. Device State Interface overhaul
. device_state_entry::value and device_state_entry::set_value now do everything except the register lookup, allowing them to be made public. The debugger expression engine now uses these.
. device_state_entry::dvalue and device_state_entry::set_dvalue have also been made public, theoretically permitting outside code layers to inspect and modify floating-point registers.
. The double specialization of device_pseudo_state_register (now renamed device_functional_state_register) has been added to the core.
. state_add now has an additional specialization that takes both a reference and a write function, using the former for reads only.
. state_max_length has been eliminated in favor of obtaining the relevant info through device_state_entry::max_length.
. he debugger state view no longer adds "flags" as "???" if none have been registered.
. set_state_string has been removed. It was never properly implemented, and it is difficult to see how it could have been done in a useful and consistent way.
. state_find_entry and its typical callers state_int and set_state_int have been inlined for some hopeful efficiency gains.
. UI
. Added option to skip repeated imperfect emulation warnings. The option is called skip_warnings, and it must be set in ui.ini (it can be set using the internal UI). Red warnings cannot be skipped; yellow warning can be skipped under certain circumstances. For a yellow warning to be skipped, the system must have been launched in a way that allows warnings to be displayed, in a configuration with the same set of devices flagged with unemulated/imperfect features, within the last seven days, and the warning must have been displayed within the past 14 days. Also fixed a bug with display of the MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL flag in the internal UI, and increased the size of XML integer attributes to 64 bits.
. Make unimplemented graphics and sound severe warnings. This means you'll get an unskippable red warning for systems that have unimplemented sound or graphics that are otherwise marked working. This also applies to subdevices, so for example plugging a non-working video card or sound card into a computer driver will now cause a red warning. This should make it clearer when a game is playable but missing sound, or when a video or sound card doesn't work. The downside is that this could cause annoyance in a couple of situations. Workstations/servers with unemulated video that have working serial terminals and networking will now cause a red warning, and terminals/keyboards/etc. with missing beepers, key click, etc. will now cause a red warning even if they're otherwise usable. It may be worth making unimplemented controls and keyboard a severe error as well, since plugging in a non-working emulated keyboard is likely to make a system unusable.
. LUA engine: Added load_software and time_until_pos
. Don't ignore config elements with attributes but no child nodes (emu\config.cpp and util\xmlfile.cpp)
. Get rid of a bunch of _Names - any name starting with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved
. Fixed STRUCT_MEMBER in audio\segausb.cpp and sound\sp0250.cpp
. Validity: Limit characters allowed in I/O port tags and check ROMs and I/O ports for devices individually (emu\validity.cpp). Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards) (emu\validity.cpp).
. Use appropriate standard exceptions for reporting errors, allowing libemu to be removed from imgtool and floptool (formats\flopimg.cpp).
- Android: Auto-discover Clang version. Fixed android builds after mame-0.224 (makefile).
- SDLMAME: Drop MASK from osd\sdl\taputil.sh
- Compiling
. Added naming conventions for certain things. This isn't supposed to be too prescriptive. The C++ stuff just codifies some things we've managed to mostly agree on for public interfaces. The stuff for titles/descriptions is also just codifying existing rules so there's something to point people towards. This will need to be refined as we go forward (docs\source\techspecs\naming.rst).
. Fixed Clang version detection under Emscripten
. Deal with loops when there are parent directory references in #include directives. As an aside, it would be nice if the loops weren't there in the first place (scripts\build\makedep.py).
. Get rid of more inappropriate use of emu_fatalerror
. Removed memarray.h from emu.h

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

Flyer Fever Update


I recently acquired 30+ flyers for the collection, most of which are for games released in the U.S. in the mid to late 70's. Here's the first batch.

Bonus-21 (1980) - Kramer Manufacturing
Challenger Bingo - Videotronics of Oregon, Inc.
Firing Platoon - Leisure Entertainment Ltd.
Grand Slam Cocktail Cabinet (1975) Westlake Systems, Inc. [Shows Solo Polo, Super Soccer and Twin Tennis]
Hold & Draw (1979) - Mirco Games GmbH
Hold and Draw (1979) - Mirco Games GmbH
Miss America (1979) - A-1 Supply, Inc.
Roverball (1977) - Rover Leisure Products Co.
Survival (1975) - U.S. Billiards [Alternate flyer]
Twenty One (1976) - Mirco Games GmbH [Also known as 21]

View them all
~ Enjoy


[Posted by: Dan@Flyer Fever]

Caps0ff blog update

another Team Europe wip


Team Europe 's latest blog entry of Karnov (US, rev 5) takes out (supported in recent MAME development update) another one of those pesky, nuisance i8751 MCUs in order to fully preserve a Data East game.

[Posted by: gregf]

R. Belmont: MAME show-off: Arkanoid Returns music (09-13-2020)


R. Belmont said:


Today we're showing off a little-known aspect of MAME: the fact that the MESS merger enabled full emulation of the Taito/Ensoniq Sound System. This was a subsystem integrated into a number of mid-90s Taito games that was the entire guts of a $2500 Ensoniq SD-1 synthesizer placed onto an arcade board. There's 32-voice polyphony and a sophisticated programmable effects processor to sweeten the sounds.

You might think that hardware like this was dramatic overkill for a game like Arkanoid Returns, but Taito's in-house sound team Zuntata definitely accepted the challenge with this wonderful piece of synth-pop that references the AY-3-8910 bleeps of the original machine.

MAME 0.225 includes a completely new core audio system (not the emulation, but the core mixing and resampling) created by Aaron Giles which offers higher-quality mixing and resampling and also allows us to easily identify cases where things were too loud and causing digital distortion. This particular sound system was plagued with pops and other minor distortion in previous versions of MAME; for 0.225 we've been able to fix the problem so the result is the great sound quality you hear here.

[Posted by: Stiletto]

MxUI 1.3.2 (09-09-2020)


"MxUI is a graphical interface intended for MAME which is in the same spirit as MAME+GUI / M+GUI but more modern and fast, it also uses M1 and IPS patches."


Download: http://www.emu-france.com/?wpfb_dl=7232
XP version: http://www.emu-france.com/?wpfb_dl=7476

Changelog (Translated):


MxUI v1.3.2 (2020/09/09)
1. Fix the crash when parsing the new version of MAME.

MxUI v1.3.1 (2019/10/21)
1. Add operations to "Favorite" and folder file, which can be used through right-click menu.
2. Add multi view mode of snap dock.
3. Add custom parameter of mame command line.
4. Add new new RUN dialog for Console machine.

MxUI V1.2.5 (2019/09/09)
1. Add recognition of "/xxxx.png"
2. Fix bug which cause occasional crash.

MxUI v1.2.4 (2019/09/05)
1. Add a filter that can hide machine which contains no ROMs.
2. Optimized code.

MxUI v1.2.2 (2018/04/30)
1. FIX Export error in v1.2.1 DAT.
2. Optimized code.

MxUI v1.2.1 (2018/03/11)
1. Adjusted some ui style css code
2. Add YuiFAN's Chinese_Traditional language package
3. Fix normal version does not support win7

MxUI v1.2 (2018/03/07)
== ===============
1. Fix the problem that the custom folder INI not support root-folder.
2. Compatible with the new MAME xml structure
3. Optimized code.

MxUI v1.1 (2017/11/2)
1. Support font custom.
2. Support custom language and background directory
3. Support custom localization

PS. I haven't kept up to date with this one and just remembered it, sorry about that.

[Posted by: Stiletto]

MAME 0.225


MAME 0.225

Whether it’s the Autumn harvest moon, or the ornamental plum blossoms are blowing in the Spring breeze, it’s time for something special: MAME 0.225 is out today! We’ve got some big updates that benefit everyone! First of all, MAME’s sound output system has been overhauled, with better sample rate conversion and mixing. This makes pretty much everything sound sweeter, but on top of that, the Votrax SC-01 speech synthesiser has been tuned up. Does anyone here speak Q*Bertese? SC-01 speech has been added to the Apple II Mockingboard card, too. While we’re talking about Apple II cards, Rhett Aultman has ported the CS8900A Crystal LAN Ethernet controller from VICE, allowing MAME to emulate the a2RetroSystems Uthernet card.

Other across-the-board enhancements include more artwork system features (you’ll start to see this show up in external artwork soon), an option to reduce repeated warnings about imperfectly emulated features, and several internal improvements to make development simpler. Significant newly emulated system features include the Philips P2000T’s cassette drive from Erwin Jansen, the Acorn BBC Micro Hybrid Music 4000 Keyboard, internal boot ROM support for the WonderSwan hand-helds, and initial support for the NS32000 CPU.

Newly emulated systems include several TV games from MSI based on arcade titles, a couple of Senario Double Dance Mania titles, Sun Mixing’s elusive Super Bubble Bobble, a location test version of Battle Garegga, a couple more versions of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and three more Street Fighter II': Champion Edition bootlegs. Some of the immediately noticeable fixes this month include 15-bit graphics mode refinements for FM Towns from r09, gaps in zoomed sprites on Data East MLC and Seta 2 fixed by cam900, Galaga LED outputs lost during refactoring restored, and clickable artwork remaining clickable when rotated.

As always, we can only fit a few highlights here, but you can read all the updates in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

Read the rest of this entry »

[Posted by: Vas Crabb]

HBMAME 0.225



What's new in HBMAME

2020-09-30 0.225

Converted external artwork (gnw_bride.zip, gnw_squeeze.zip, monaco.zip)
to latest code, and included them in the download package.

New Games
- [armwars02] Armored Warriors (Full Attack Edition 2020-08-30)
- [avspus04] Alien vs. Predator (Ultimate Evolution Edition 2020-09-01)
- [avspus05] Alien vs. Predator (Modified Edition 2020-08-30)
- [captcomms104] Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2020-08-12)
- [captcomms105] Captain Commando (Nightmare Edition Update 2020-08-12)
- [captcomms106] Captain Commando (Warlord Version 2020-08-12)
- [ddsomjs02] Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Full Attack Edition 2020-08-31)
- [ddtods01] Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Full Attack Edition 2020-08-31)
- [dinos277] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Demon God Dance 2020-08-23)
- [dinos278] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War Edition Update 2020-07-30)
- [dkongitd] Donkey Kong In The Dark v1.00
- [grdianss18] Guardians (Warriors Edition 2020-04-01)
- [kof2k2s117] Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Original 2018-04-17)
- [kof2k2s118] Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Extremely Simplified 2020-08-24
- [kof2k2s119] Kof2002 (PlayStation 2 Final Edition BC 2020-08-24)
- [kof97s207] Kof'97 (Chaos Edition 1.7 Original 2020-08-25)
- [kof97s208] Kof'97 (Chaos Edition 1.7 Simplified 2020-08-25)
- [kof97s209] Kof'97 (Full Character Special Skills BC Version 2020-05-25)
- [kof98hh136] Kof'98 (Kingdom Protoss Terminator Edition 2020-08-19)
- [kof99s104] Kof'99 (Imitation PS Enhanced Edition Original 2020-08-24)
- [kof99s105] Kof'99 (Imitation PS Enhanced Edition Simplified 2020-08-24)
- [kov2h27] Knights of Valour 2 (Green Edition 2020-08-23)
- [kov2h28] Knights of Valour 2 (1V4 Edition 2020-07-02)
- [kov2p204s104] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Martial Universe 2020-08-19)
- [kov2p204s105] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Phoenix Dance Dragon Song 2020-08-05)
- [kovpluss378] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (You Ju Restored Version 2020-08-15)
- [kovpluss379] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Warriors Edition 2020-09-10)
- [kovpluss380] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Heroes Dance 2020 2020-09-10)
- [nsmb] Neo Super Mario Bros Demo!
- [mslug2ps24] Metal Slug 2 (Crazy Fire Edition 2020-09-05)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3h64] Metal Slug 3 (Ultimate Simplified Edition 2020-08-25)
- [mslug3h65] Metal Slug 3 (Hybrid Bullets Version 2020-09-12)
- [mslug3h66] Metal Slug 3 (Crazy Zombie 2020-09-12)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3h67] Metal Slug 3 (Crazy Mummy 2020-09-05)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3h68] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)
- [mslug3h69] Metal Slug 3 (Crazy Fire Edition 2020-09-03)
- [mslug3esra01] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Multi-Function Version)
- [mslug3esra02] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Ghost Wu Zuoma Version)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3esra03] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Summon Mount Edition)
- [mslug3esra04] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Store Version)
- [mslug3esra05] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Green Blue Version)
- [mslug3esra06] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(SE Special Edition)
- [mslug3esra07] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug3esra08] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Zombie Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esra09] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Mummy Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esra10] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Crazy Fire Version V1.1)
- [mslug3esra11] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Super D version)
- [mslug3esra12] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [mslug3esrb01] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Multi-Function Version)
- [mslug3esrb02] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Ghost Wu Zuoma Version)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3esrb03] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Summon Mount Edition)
- [mslug3esrb04] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Store Version)
- [mslug3esrb05] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Green Blue Version)
- [mslug3esrb06] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(SE Special Edition)
- [mslug3esrb07] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug3esrb08] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Zombie Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esrb09] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Mummy Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esrb10] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Crazy Fire Version V1.1)
- [mslug3esrb11] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Super D version)
- [mslug3esrb12] Metal Slug 3 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [mslug3esrc01] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Multi-Function Version)
- [mslug3esrc02] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Ghost Wu Zuoma Version)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug3esrc03] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Summon Mount Edition)
- [mslug3esrc04] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Store Version)
- [mslug3esrc05] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Green Blue Version)
- [mslug3esrc06] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(SE Special Edition)
- [mslug3esrc07] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug3esrc08] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Zombie Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esrc09] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Mummy Players Mode Edition)
- [mslug3esrc10] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Crazy Fire Version V1.1)
- [mslug3esrc11] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Super D version)
- [mslug3esrc12] Metal Slug 3 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [mslug5dh50] Metal Slug 5 (Stone Tortoise Edition 2020-09-04)
- [mslug5dh51] Metal Slug 5 (Hybrid Bullets Version 2020-09-14)
- [mslug4hh61] Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet 2017-07-27)
- [mslug4hh62] Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet Enhanced Edition 2017-11-02)
- [mslug4lwp02] Metal Slug 4 (Last Bullet Multi-Function 2017-07-27 (Prototype))
- [mslug5dh71] Metal Slug 5 (Final Edition 2020-09-05)
- [mslug5dh72] Metal Slug 5 (Crazy Fire Edition 2020-09-02)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug5dh74] Metal Slug 5 (Ultimate Simplified Edition 2020-08-01)
- [mslug5dh75] Metal Slug 5 (Stone Tortoise Edition 2020-08-29)
- [mslug5dh76] Metal Slug 5 (Fatty War 2020-09-02)
- [mslug5dh77] Metal Slug 5 (Remake 2 2020-09-03)
- [mslug6h07] Metal Slug 6 (Fatty War 2020-08-25)
- [mslug6h08] Metal Slug 6 (Crazy Fire Edición 2020-09-03)
- [mslug6hc01] Metal Slug 6 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)
- [mslug6hc02] Metal Slug 6 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Summon Mount Edition)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug6hc03] Metal Slug 6 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug6hc04] Metal Slug 6 (The Last Warhead 2020-09-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [mslug6hd01] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)
- [mslug6hd02] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Summon Mount Edition)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug6hd03] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug6hd04] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #2 2020-09-04)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [mslug6he01] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)
- [mslug6he02] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Summon Mount Edition)[NOT WORKING]
- [mslug6he03] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Burst Enhanced Edition)
- [mslug6he04] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset #1 2020-09-05)(Hybrid Bullets Version)
- [punishers11] The Punisher (Warriors Fighting Dragon Edition 2020-09-01)
- [theglad100s02] The Gladiator (Full Attack Enhanced Edition 2020 2020-09-06)
- [umk3uc20200915] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-09-15)
- [tk2h162] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2020-08-11)
- [zeroteamss02] Zero Team Selection (Yanshen Edition 2020-08-27)

[Posted by: Robbbert]

[Annc] MAMEUI64 .225 w/ icons & snaps released.

MAMEinfo 0.225 :)



* Updated to MAME 0.225GIT - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (30th Sep)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: Janken Game Acchi Muite Hoi! (Japan 1.3) and Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Megadrive clone hardware)
- New Working games: 'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2)', Quick Pick 5 and Tetris (bartop, prototype)
- New Non-Working games: Bare Knuckle III / Sunset Riders (bootleg of Megadrive versions), Lucky Player, Matrix, Mexico Lindo, Mini Super Fruits, New Pro Bowl, Pac-Carnival, Photo Play 1998 (Spanish), Photo Play 2001 (Italian), Star Horse 2002 (live), Star Horse 2002 (main screens), Star Horse 2002 (sound and backup, Rev A), 'unknown Hobby Play slot machine', 'unknown Konami slot medal game (set 1)', 'unknown Konami slot medal game (set 2)', 'unknown MGA or Costa Net slot machine', UNO the Medal, Wai Wai Jockey and Wild Guns (SNES bootleg)
- New clones: Air Duel (World, M72 hardware), Asterion, Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996), Bubble Bobble (bootleg of Japan Ver 0.0 with 8749), Cruis'n USA (v4.5), CTA Invader, Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.), Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES bootleg, set 2), The History of Martial Arts (set 2), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990913), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro 990927), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain), The Legend of Kage (bootleg set 4), Master Bond (bootleg of Secret Agent), Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids), Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 (AAA, Asia v1.10, newer sound program), Olivmandingo (Spanish bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 2), P.O.W. - Prisoners of War (bootleg of US version 1), Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware), Pacom Invader (set 2), Panic Park (Japan, PNP1 Ver. B, set 2), Photo Play 2000 (Spanish), Polaris (latest version), Route X (bootleg, set 2), Speed Up (Version 2.20), Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 1), Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg, set 2), Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 2), Super Space Invaders '91 (World, earlier?), Tecnodarts (Recreativos G.R. license) and Traverse USA (bootleg, set 2)
- New PinMAME games: Sahara Love (France)
- New drivers: hobbyplay.cpp and matrix.cpp
- New devices: alpha_8921, cat28f020, hd6435368, kp63_3channel, kp63a, mm5837_stream, omti_disk_image, omti8621ap, omti8621isa and z86e02
. DEC T11: Disassembly updates: Corrected mnemonics for CLC, CLV, CLZ and CLN. Added MFPT mnemonic. Renamed JSR/RTS short forms to CALL and RETURN. Eliminated alternate PUSH and POP mnemonics. Added notes on instructions not implemented on T-11.
. Kawasaki Steel KL5C80A12/16: Added emulation of KP63(A) Timer/Counter unit. This improves timings in sigmab98.cpp games Animal Catch, Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka, Pye-nage Taikai and Taihou de Doboon.
. MCS-48: Fixed problem with strt_cnt if counter was already enabled (mcs48\mcs48.cpp)
. Zilog Z8681: Added interface notes. Added optional logging for SIO. Fixed reads from Ports 0 & 1 (z8\z8.cpp).
. Zilog Z86E02: Added Z86E02 type
. Acclaim RAX: Modernized RAM allocation and object lookups
. AY-3-8910A PSG: Reduced performance when expanded mode is enable and fixed noise rate regression
. CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice: Major rework. Updated to new stream callback. All calculations are now doing in floating point. External input is now done via an input stream. First attempt at implementing a proper filter -- needs some major work; checking in current state to get some assistance.
. Ensoniq ES5505: Correct Taito ES5505 Bankswitching behavior. Sample bank per ES5505 voice is actually taito_en.cpp specific. Moved external bank behavior into taito_en.cpp. Added getter for voice index. Added precalculated ES5505 bank table for reduce performance issue. Added getter for CPU.
. MM5837: Unify implementations: Create base mm5837_source device to provide raw output. mm5837_device is based on it. mm5837_stream_device generates a sound stream from it. Frequency calculation now computed instead of table-based.
. OKI MSM9810 ADPCM: Make address space big-endian
. SN76496: Removed u8106 alias. Note: Sound chips have custom label "U8106". Or "8106" or unlabeled with the original label scratched off. They are presumedly SN76489. Note that Lady Bug's PCB S/N is also 8106 and has the same sound chips.
. Sound Interface
. Drive updates more sensibly from the sound manager, fixing some asserts (emu\sound.cpp). Fixed edge case where pending sample rate matches output and some crackling when upsampling (emu\sound.cpp).
. Some optimizations for common cases. Reuse resamplers if routing the same output to multiple targets at the same rate. Avoid copying when there's only one stream going through a mixer (emu\disound.cpp and emu\sound.cpp). Fixed asserts due to sample-rate ping-pong in (MESS) esq5505 driver (emu\sound.cpp).
. Added a few new helpers to write_stream_view: put_clamp - clamps the input value before writing, put_int - takes an integer and coverts it to float, put_int_clamp - converts and clamps an integer and add_int - converts an int and adds to the current sample (emu\sound.h). Fixed assertion when loading save state from command line (emu\sound.cpp).
. Changed some sound devices back to using std::unique_ptr for things that don't need to change size (sound\k005289.cpp, k054539.cpp and mos6560.cpp). Using a std::vector has additional overhead for keeping the size and allocated size, and it means you can inadvertently resize it. Also, if you register one for save state then cause it to reallocate, very bad things happen.
. Disable SOUND_DEBUG for non-debug builds (emu\sound.h)
. Sound streams
. Significant internal changes to sound streams: Abstracted buffers of sound data into an internal stream_buffer class, with helper classes read_stream_view and write_stream_view which offer readable/writable "views" into the buffers. Internal sound calculations are all done using stream_buffer::sample_t, which is a 32-bit float; existing callbacks are supported through an adapter that converts to/from signed 32-bit integers. Improved behavior of dynamic stream sample rate changes to resample a short runway of data to preserve continuity across transitions. Created a new stream update callback which passes a std::vector of read_stream_views for inputs, and a std::vector of write_stream_views for outputs. Updated core mixer and speaker devices to the new stream update callback. Changed existing stream update callback to make inputs explicitly const and the output pointers const as well, since they are re-used across calls; fixed several engines that violated this rule. Sound_manager::stream_alloc can no longer automatically connect to a device's sound_stream_update callback; instead, the stream_alloc() on the sound_device_interface should be called; updated many violators of this rule. Streams can be created with SAMPLE_RATE_OUTPUT_ADAPTIVE, which dynamically tracks the sample rate of its first downstream output, or with SAMPLE_RATE_INPUT_ADAPTIVE, which tracks the sample rate of its first input. Changed resampling to be a separate sound_stream that is invoked as needed, opening the path for selectable resampling implementations. Added a flags parameter to the new stream allocation method that allows you to specify a that input streams should not be resampled. Exposed stream_input and stream_output classes directly, simplifying access to user gains and stream names. Added a simple dynamic compressor to sound_manager to provide nicer results when overdriven sound happens; compression does not affect speaker_report results. Improved verbose speaker_report to print a graph of peaks over time. More aggressive debugging enabled for now even in release builds (should be disabled prior to next release) via SOUND_DEBUG define in sound.h; report any assertions for fixing.
. Updated the following sound cores to the new stream update callback: aica, asc, astrocde, awacs, ay8910, beep, bsmt2000, c140, c352, c6280, cdda, cdp1863, cdp1864, cdp1869, cem3394, dac, dac76, digitalk, discrete, dmadac, es1373, es5503, es5506, esqpump, rf5c400, rf5c68, flt_rc, flt_vol, gaelco, hc55516, i5000, ics2115, iremga20, k005289, k007232, k051649, k053260, k054539, ks0164, mas3507d, mea8000, mos6560, msm5205, msm5232, multipcm, namco, nes_apu, netlist, nile, okim6295, okim6376, okim9810, pokey, qs1000, qsound, s_dsp, saa1099, samples, scsp, segapcm, sn76477, sn76496, snkwave, sp0250, sp0256, spkrdev, spu, st0016, t6w28, tc8830f, tia, tms36xx, tms5110, tms5220, tms57002, upd7752, upd7759, upd934g, vgm_visualizer, vlm5030, volt_reg, votrax.vrender0, x1_010, ym2203, ym2608, ym2610, ym2612, ymf262, ym3526, ym3812, y8950, ym2413, ymf271, ymf278b, ymz280b, ymz770 and zsg2.
. Taito Ensoniq Sound System: Fixed overdriving that caused distortion and pops in previous versions (audio\taito_en.cpp)
. Votrax SC-01: Fixed pitch and closure. Note that the dynamic clock changes will sound bad until Aaron's sound stream fixes are in. Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor. Updated to new stream callback.
. Yamaha YMF271 OPX: Modernized save state registration and allow disabling of side effects for reading
. 6522 VIA: Added support for CB2 pulse mode. Port B special modes are only on write, not read.
. BACTA Datalogger: Attempt at a fix for missed character transmissions. Turn off log pollution.
. Discrete Netlist
. Use macro DIP definitons for 8277, 9314, 9334, AM2847, MM5837 and TMS4800.
. Templatize 74107 and code maintenance. Removed some dead friend declarations. Optimized template times_ns2.
. Fixed visibility in some devices (private rules)
. References to subdevices should be symbolic: Exposing sub-device members is not best practice. The need for sub-devices is a clear indication that a netlist language implementation would be a better solution.
. In devices folder all DIP devices were removed. NE555 and MC1455P were the last devices with DIP definitions in devices.
. Build system improvements. Medium term this will significantly ease adding devices to netlist. Clang tidy include order fixes.
. Added 7417, 7438, 74290 and 74293 devices. Fixed PROM DIPs.
. More standalone makefile changes: On windows a simple make is now enough to build. Devices, macro and tests folders now included with wildcard. No more makefile changes if a device is added. Moved nld_devinc.h to generated folder. Added to python scripts to create nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx. TEST MODE: these two files are created automatically but are not used currently. Once I get feedback that the python scripts work in different environments I will remove header files from devices and macro and start using these files in production.
. Fixed various issues around include directories: Removed include directory src\lib\netlist from various genie files to avoid potential issues. Code using netlist should use #include "netlist/*". Updated includes. Fixed standalone makefile depend target to properly deal with relative paths.
. Various minor adjustments based on PR comments
. Standalone makefile support for OSX
. Truth tables are now standalone objects. Added TRUTHTABLE_ENTRY to netlist language. Please see nlm_ttl74xx for reference implementation.
. Fixed processing of TRUTHTABLES for generated files. Also made nld_devinc.h srcclean friendly. nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx are currently not used. You can try the automated build by changing NL_AUTO_DEVICES in setup.h to 1.
. Code maintenance and performance optimizations. Renamed some misleading type names. Removed callback_t and replace by better scalable approach. Hide implementations details. Noved sources classes from putil.h to psources.h. Reduced code complexity. Improved parsing performance, parsing netlists now is twice as fast. Fixed issues around multi-byte string support. Moved psplit into pstrutil.h. Fixed multi byte string issues.
. Implemented voltage dependent timing for CD4006. Added listmodels command to nltool.
. Moved netlist to generated header and link support files files. Removed device and macro header files. All of those can be generated automatically so going forward there is no need for these any longer. Introduced the modules concept. Modules are netlists for which automatic lib entries are generated. Going forward you just store them in macro/modules and they will be automatically registered as device elements. You need to do a "make generated" is src/lib/netlist/build. Some_device.cpp still needs to be added to netlist.lua. Added documentation on how to add devices to netlist. Please refer to adding_devices.md for more information. Moved selected NET_MODELS into the core.
. Moved ICL8038_DIP and NE556_DIP to core. Removed code duplication.
. Optimized headers. Where possible rely on forward declarations to optimize compile time. Emscripten can not use specialization efficiently. Consequently prefer to save on compile time and size.
. Added netlist devices for MCM14524, CD4029, CD4030, CD4042, CD4049 and CD4076.
. Code refactoring. Optimization to the gmres solver. Simplifcation of vector operation code.
. Significant performance increase. Uses all 4 Sonar oscillators. Uses randomized resistor values (5% range). Uses frontiers to separate oscillators. Improves performance to 340% locally (netlist\generated\static_solvers.cpp and audio\nl_astrob.cpp).
. Use default move and copy constructors. Various minor edits like adding noexcept. Removed a lot of inline keywords. Improved queue handling documentation in code. Documented that for performance reasons pushes to queue are allowed even if they may not change state and are filtered out during process. Provide alternative code path. This is currently not used. Fixed 128 bit integer support. Clear identify void * casts.
. Make pstring length/size use consistent. Length reports the number of character codes in the string. Size reports the size in memory units. Reminder: Set PSTRING_USE_STD_STRING to 1 in pstring.h and get native std::string. pstrings are compatible to std::string but only support a limited subset of functionality. By default (always like this) utf8 is supported and thus length reports the number of multi-byte characters.
. Added a number of minor fixes leading to an increase of 570% to 588% on pongf. Admittedly micro optimization. Includes some comments why certain decisions have been taken.
. Ensoniq ES5503: Modernized device. Use put_int for sample scaling and fill_n for faster clear. Fixed some corner cases with swap mode on even vs. odd oscillators. Use std::vector as intermediate buffer and resize on sample rate changes.
. Floppy
. Corrected register commit delay for WD177x according to datasheet (machine\wd_fdc.cpp)
. Fixed bug when changing IMD image. Some arrays weren't zeroed when changing a IMD disk for saving (formats\imd_dsk.cpp).
. Hitachi HD6845S CRTC: Fixed off-by-one error in calculating bottom of DE window
. Imgtool: Fixing an Imgtool build issue with LLVM on MSVC
. K001006 Texel Unit: Removed alternate texture layout
. Namco 51xx: Reimplement outputs that were accidentally disabled when device switched to using low-level emulation. This restores start LEDs and coin lockouts for various games in galaga.cpp (ID 07733) and polepos.cpp.
. SCSI Hard Disk: Have bad hard disk reads actually fail instead of just returning zeroes (bus\nscsi\hd.cpp).
. Serial interface: Use logmacro for optional logging and make the messages more useful (emu\diserial.cpp)
. Western Digital WD33C9x SCSI Controller: Handle 'polled DMA' in vme_hcpu30 (machine\wd33c9x.cpp)
- 39in1.cpp: Some improvements to the decryption of the newer games, still missing something.
- astrocde.cpp: Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor
- bingor.cpp: Mark all PIC dumps as bad in bingor1, bingor2, bingor3, bingor4 and bingor5.
- cham24.cpp, famibox.cpp, multigam.cpp, playch10.cpp and vsnes.cpp: Made use of the code that was already partially present in the NES PPU code to handle emphasis modes, used to highlight tally bars etc. in (MESS) 'nes rampart', apply a red tint to (MESS) 'fds bublbobl' and dim the screen in a number of other games (video\ppu2c0x.cpp).
- chihiro.cpp: Set values for various configuration space PCI registers
- cinemat.cpp: Small cleanup/safety improvement (audio\cinemat.cpp)
- cps1bl_5205.cpp, cps1bl_pic.cpp and midyunit.cpp: Added PALs to clones Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2), Captain Commando (bootleg with 2xMSM5205), Jurassic 99 (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs bootleg with EM78P447AP), Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 2), Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2) and Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1). Redumped clone Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) bad gfx rom.
- cv1k.cpp: Slightly more accurate frame rate
- ddenlovr.cpp: Separated state class a little
- deco_mlc.cpp: Fixed invisible pixel issue in vertical zooming algorithm. Reduced unnecessary line check. Fixed GFX loading and decoding. Only Stadium Hero '96 has the DECO146 on cart, so updated the maching configs to reflect this. Also removed some unused variables.
- gottlieb.cpp: Tweaked Votrax speech frequency settings to better match samples/recording for Q*bert (audio\gottlieb.cpp)
- magicard.cpp: Decapped and dumped PIC16C54/56 devices for Magic Card Export 94, Magic Card - Wien (Sicherheitsversion 1.2), Puzzle Me! and unknown 'TE06'
- neogeo.cpp: Device-fied PRO-CT0 for protection for Fatal Fury 2, aka ALPHA-8921 or SNK-9201. Note: This chip is sprite ROM data serializer or optional security device. Used in some later 80s Alpha Denshi hardware (ex: Gang Wars). Some early Neogeo MVS motherboards and AES cartridges. Also integrated in NEO-ZMC2 and NEO-CMC. Reference: https://wiki.neogeodev.org/index.php?title=PRO-CT0.
- pgm2.cpp
. PGM2 lores refresh rate was approximated from video recording, hsync/vtotal are not verified. Measured common resolution refresh rate.
. Changed 'The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match HERO' refresh rate to match PCB video
- segas32.cpp: Eliminated auto_alloc and a bizarre comparison between bitmap pointers
- seibuspi.cpp: Allow recovery if MAME is exited during the initial flash process
- seta2.cpp: Fixed invisible pixel issue in horizontal zoom algorithm. Added notes for background color.
- sigmab98.cpp
. Pile kludge upon kludge for Animal Catch poorly understood video timing register. Increased frequency of one timer interrupt for Go Go Cowboy and Itazura Monkey and hopper timing in Go Go Cowboy.
. Modernized state_add syntax for KC82 and KP69
. Added emulation of KP63(A) Timer/Counter unit for KL5C80A12 CPU. This improves timings in Animal Catch, Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka, Pye-nage Taikai and Taihou de Doboon.
- toaplan2.cpp: Fixed YM2151/OKI level balancing for Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga
- zr107.cpp: Correct texture roms loading in all ganes. They now pass the texture mask ROM check. Partially fixes MT07731. The tile mask ROM test still fails.
- AGEMAME: Added preliminary layout and inputs for Double Take (BWB). Added an experimental LUA script to the Double Take layout. This takes individual lamp lines that are used for LED selects and recombines them. To see the effect, plugin -layout is needed.
- Astro Blaster: Significant performance increase. Uses all 4 Sonar oscillators. Uses randomized resistor values (5% range). Uses frontiers to separate oscillators. Improves performance to 340% locally (netlist\generated\static_solvers.cpp and audio\nl_astrob.cpp).
- Bingo Roll / Turbo Bingo?: Decapped and dumped PIC16C54 device
- Columns III (Mega Play): Make the existing dipswitch definitions actually used
- Cyberball: Fixed SAC communications between 6502 and MC68000 CPUs (ID 07749)
- Dardomania: Added missing rom. Now the dump is complete. Added ASCII PCB layout.
- Double Dealer: Use tilemap_t for splittable foreground tilemap. Fixed MCU input with side effects. Fixed masking. Reduced runtime tag lookup and duplicates. Use shorter type values.
- EuroPlay 2001: Added two new BIOS dumps
- Funny Strip: Added address_map and input ports to clone Ring Ball
- Ginga NinkyouDen: Removed trivial ROM patch, use nopw() instead.
- Hola Don Pepito: Decapped and dumped PIC16C56 device
- Karnov: Dumped and hook up MCU for Karnov (US, rev 6) and clone Karnov (US, rev 5). Use a handcrafted MCU dump based on the US version for clone Karnov (Japan).
- Kyros: Improved clone Kyros no Yakata (Japan) PCB documentation
- Mortal Kombat 4: Added security PIC dump
- Mr. Do!: Replaced the 2x U8106 sound with 2x SN76489
- NBA Jam Extreme: Fixed region width in clone NBA Jam Extreme (ver. 1.04)
- PinMAME: Cleaned up Williams System 11 pinball layouts (layout\s11.lay, s11a.lay, s11b.lay and s11c.lay)
- Prehistoric Isle in 1930: Fixed priority
- Puzzlet: Replaced coin MCU simulation with low-level Zilog Z86E02 CPU emulation
- Q*bert: Better approximation of Votrax frequencies, pending deeper analysis (audio\gottlieb.cpp).
- Quick Pick 5: Added serial IO device and input ports (Game now playable)
- Sega Golf Club Network Pro Tour 2005: Brute forced key
- Super Space Invaders '91: Added PLDs
- Tetris: Added support for clone Tetris (bartop, prototype) bank switching (Game now playable). Moved bartop proto handler into new subclass of atetris_state.
- Tetris: The Grand Master: Added config port for Tetris: The Grand Master debug buttons
- Thunder Dragon 2: Dumped mask roms for clone Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2)
- Treasure Island: Fixed artwork labeld for buttons
- Video Poker: Clean up layouts and make layouts clickable for poker and slots games
- 'unknown Recreativos Franco slot machine': Added ASCII PCB layout
- Input port
. Moved axis movement checking code down into input devices. Transfer crosshair polling loop to render_crosshair.
. Overhaul the default keys list (docs\source\usingmame\defaultkeys.rst)
. Cleaned up inputs a little. Removed the IPT_POKER_BET, replacing it with IPT_GAMBLE_BET. Re-organised the order of input types in the source and the documentation to better reflect how they're logically grouped or organised on a mahjong or gambling control panel. Made the blackjack, poker and slots documentation headings subheadings under the gambling heading. Cleaned up inputs for a number of gambling games. Added mahjong panel diagram.
- Fixed rom names in 8080bw.cpp, aristmk4.cpp, m92.cpp, midxunit.cpp, photoply.cpp, startouch.cpp and williams.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in gaelcof3.cpp, megaplay.cpp and vegas.cpp
- Description changes of 19 in 1 MAME bootleg (BAR-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 1, ver 3.09, HPH-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 2, ver 3.09, HPH-V000, alt flash), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 3, ver 3.02, HPH-V000), 60 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.00, ICD-V000), Cruis'n USA (v2.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.0), Cruis'n USA (v4.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.4), Cruis'n World (v1.3), Cruis'n World (v1.7), Cruis'n World (v1.9), Cruis'n World (v2.0), Cruis'n World (v2.3), Cruis'n World (v2.4), Cruis'n World (v2.5), Gals Panic II (Italy, 2 PCB ver.), Gals Panic II (Taiwan, 2 PCB ver.), Genshitou 1930's, The History of Martial Arts (set 1), Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (SNES bootleg, set 1), Joust (Green label), Joust (Red label), Joust (Yellow label), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older), Meteor (Hoei bootleg of Asteroids), Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 (AAA, Asia v1.10, older sound program), 'NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.0, Apr 25 1999)', Olivmandingo (Spanish bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 1), Pacom Invader (set 1), Polaris (first revision), Polaris (original version), Polaris (second revision), Panic Park (Japan, PNP1 Ver. B, set 1), Route X (bootleg, set 1), 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.1, Sep 22 1999) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (ver 1.5, Sep 22 1999)', 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC Gold Edition (ver 3.0, Feb 18 2000) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition', Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg, set 1), Traverse USA (bootleg, set 1) and Wonsido 1930's (Korea).
- Renamed (airduelm72) to (airdueljm72), (bagnardi) to (bagnardio), (crusnusa) to (crusnusa44), (dbreedm72j) to (dbreedjm72), (galpani2e2) to (galpani2i2), (jojoba) to (jojobaj), (jojobar1) to (jojobajr1), (joustwr) to (jousty), (photoply) to (photoply2k), (polarisa) to (polarisb), (polaris) to (polarisa) and (speedup) to (speedup12)
. May need to recompute selected view when loading visibility toggle configuration
. Apply target orientation when mapping points to layout elements, fixes rotating view in clickable artworks does not rotate clickable part (ID 07375). Also increase efficiency when layouts contain large numbers of non-interactive elements (e.g. thousands of matrix display dots). Also includes work in progress for future improvements (emu\render.cpp).
. Don't restrict borderless full-screen windows to monitor work area (osd\windows\window.cpp). Fixed MAME gameplay position is offset when Windows taskbar is moved to top of screen (ID 07745).
. PWM Display: Removed now-obsolete savestate workaround (video\pwm.cpp)
. Added parameter animation and state masks. Components may have multiple bounds and/or color child elements with state attributes, allowing for piecewise linear position/size/colour animation. Components may have a statemask attribute, allowing for things like using external images to draw a multi-segment LED/VFD display without requiring dozens of outputs for the individual lines or thousands of images for all possible states (Texture caching still never releases anything, so MAME can still exceed the maximum number of textures, but that's a separate issue). Image components with alpha now blend over previously drawn components. Layouts have been changed to use yes/no for inputraw to match what's used for flipx/flipy. External layouts with 1/0 will still work, but complay.py will complain (emu\rendlay.cpp).
. Small optimisation for opaque pixels in image component (emu\rendlay.cpp)
. Correct output alpha for rect and disk components. This corrects alpha for cases when both the rect/disk and whatever it's drawing over are translucent, and also optimises for fully opaque and fully transparent pixels (emu\rendlay.cpp and layout\cgang.lay).
. Use std::fill_n to get better code for modern CPUs (lib\util\bitmap.cpp)
. Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards). Move explicit template instantiations below all member bodies to make Clang behave (emu\devfind.cpp).
. Device State Interface overhaul
. device_state_entry::value and device_state_entry::set_value now do everything except the register lookup, allowing them to be made public. The debugger expression engine now uses these.
. device_state_entry::dvalue and device_state_entry::set_dvalue have also been made public, theoretically permitting outside code layers to inspect and modify floating-point registers.
. The double specialization of device_pseudo_state_register (now renamed device_functional_state_register) has been added to the core.
. state_add now has an additional specialization that takes both a reference and a write function, using the former for reads only.
. state_max_length has been eliminated in favor of obtaining the relevant info through device_state_entry::max_length.
. he debugger state view no longer adds "flags" as "???" if none have been registered.
. set_state_string has been removed. It was never properly implemented, and it is difficult to see how it could have been done in a useful and consistent way.
. state_find_entry and its typical callers state_int and set_state_int have been inlined for some hopeful efficiency gains.
. UI
. Added option to skip repeated imperfect emulation warnings. The option is called skip_warnings, and it must be set in ui.ini (it can be set using the internal UI). Red warnings cannot be skipped; yellow warning can be skipped under certain circumstances. For a yellow warning to be skipped, the system must have been launched in a way that allows warnings to be displayed, in a configuration with the same set of devices flagged with unemulated/imperfect features, within the last seven days, and the warning must have been displayed within the past 14 days. Also fixed a bug with display of the MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL flag in the internal UI, and increased the size of XML integer attributes to 64 bits.
. Make unimplemented graphics and sound severe warnings. This means you'll get an unskippable red warning for systems that have unimplemented sound or graphics that are otherwise marked working. This also applies to subdevices, so for example plugging a non-working video card or sound card into a computer driver will now cause a red warning. This should make it clearer when a game is playable but missing sound, or when a video or sound card doesn't work. The downside is that this could cause annoyance in a couple of situations. Workstations/servers with unemulated video that have working serial terminals and networking will now cause a red warning, and terminals/keyboards/etc. with missing beepers, key click, etc. will now cause a red warning even if they're otherwise usable. It may be worth making unimplemented controls and keyboard a severe error as well, since plugging in a non-working emulated keyboard is likely to make a system unusable.
. XML: Escape attribute and element content. The previous behaviour was unintuitive - parsing an XML file and writing it out immediately would produce invalid XML if the file contained any ncharacters that needed escaping. It makes far more sense to escape on writing rather than expecting the user to escape input. Added preliminary support for visibility toggles to artwork system. This allows the user to show/hide related elements in a view, with nesting. The view can specify whether elements are shown or hidden by ndefault. Settings are saved per host window/screen per view. There is nno way to set the initial visibility state on the command line. Legacy n"Space Invaders cabinet model" layers are mapped onto visibility toggles. This is not stable yet. In particular, the XML element/attribute names have not been finalised. The new features have not been added to complay.py to prevent them from being used before they're finalised (util\xmlfile.cpp).
. LUA engine: Added load_software, time_until_pos and ioport():type_seq.
. Don't ignore config elements with attributes but no child nodes (emu\config.cpp and util\xmlfile.cpp)
. Get rid of a bunch of _Names - any name starting with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved
. Fixed STRUCT_MEMBER in audio\segausb.cpp and sound\sp0250.cpp
. Validity: Limit characters allowed in I/O port tags and check ROMs and I/O ports for devices individually (emu\validity.cpp). Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards) (emu\validity.cpp).
. Use appropriate standard exceptions for reporting errors, allowing libemu to be removed from imgtool and floptool (formats\flopimg.cpp).
. Adding new mechanism for allowing parts of views to be hidden. Changed name of element to "collection" and initial visibility attribute to "visible", and added them to documentation. Also added them to complay.py. Fixed issue with collection inside group, and improved initial view selection behaviour. Updated some internal layouts to demonstrate new features, including et3400, irrmaze, ltcasino, mekd3/mekd4, seawolf and vgmplay. Removed all uses of cpanel, marquee and overlay from internal layouts and removed them from complay.py to actively discourage use. Also cleaned up view names in layouts that were using them in place of spaces, and removed some superfluous name attributes on elements that won't do anything useful with an output value anyway.
. Bulk-updated layouts using bezels without backgrounds or screen. These layouts had bezel elements only. It makes no sense to allow turning off all elements in a layout leaving the user with a blank window (It's possible some of them are suited to breaking up using collections, but that's a bigger job).
. Bulk-updated layouts using backdrops without bezels or screens. These are mostly automatically generated/converted fruit machine layouts. They were fortuitously triggering the "alternate" layout mode by having multiple background elements without overlays, so alpha blending mode was used for all elements.
. Fixed issue that automatically generated unnecessary internal views. Updated a few more internal layouts, mostly bezel-only ones. brkball wasn't using the DMD dots at all (it has a screen). The Aristocrat layouts could use collections to allow buttons and tower lamps to be enabled/disabled independently.
. Updated another batch of layouts. The majority of these were using for control panels. Cleaned up the stactics layout, made laser LEDs use additive blending, and made it possible to hide just the control panel. Added several view options to the Jockey Club family of games. Added ability to show/hide parts of several other layouts.
. Fixed bug calculating group bounds with repeats. Bounds were being miscalculated when the first element inside the group was inside a repeat or a collection. Most visible in md6802. A lot of these were using a black backdrop element to force bounds when either explicit view bounds or an empty element is a better way to achieve the same thing. Bally by17/by35 pinball layouts have had a bit of an overhaul with the three sections of the display now abled to be toggled independently. Ensoniq VFD layouts refactored to reduce a very large number of lines down to a few nested repeats.
. Updated efootb4, einvader and einvaderc layouts to zoom view when hiding score display. Added some optional verbose logging for debugging group bounds calculation.
. Eliminated remaining elements from internal layouts. These layouts have changes to element stacking order that can't be avoided without changing the group structure in the layout files. I think it's harmless, but it's possible it could have had a detrimental effect on (MESS) risc2500 (I tested it and didn't see any changes, but I might not have known what to look for). complay.py: Added basic checks for dupicate collection names. As with other checks of this kind, it doesn't actually instantiate the layout so it doesn't check things when variable substitution is involved.
. Converted video\bfm_dm01.cpp back to using outputs and update layouts. Outputs no longer require string formatting and hash lookups, and only changes to output values result in notifications. Performance is better than before. We never had any kind of post-processing to make the "alternate pixels" screen bitmap look like a DMD, and the bilinear scaling looked awful.
. Print warning messages on encountering deprecated elements
. Cleaned up de_2.cpp layouts using loops and made bounds fit the content. Made caveman (gts80a.cpp) screen match the height of the backglass, fixed bounds and added backglass-only view.
. Fixed some layouts that were depending on emergent behaviour rather than specifying state="0" on components explicitly
. Added support for saving arrays of attotimes and renamed macros to make purpose more obvious (emu\save.h)
. Added emu.plugin table to contain plugin exported interfaces (plugins\boot.lua, plugins\cheat\init.lua). Copy the cheat table to not expose internal state (plugins\cheat\init.lua).
. hiscore.dat: Removed Gauntlet. The high scores are in the NVRAM, these cause more problems then they are worth. Fixed set names.
. Fixed MT07756 (ROM sets incorrectly reported as not found) by partially reverting MAME 0.224: Fixed audit finding sets.
- Android: Auto-discover Clang version. Fixed android builds after mame-0.224 (makefile).
- SDLMAME: Drop MASK from osd\sdl\taputil.sh
- VGM player: Adding new mechanism for allowing parts of views to be hidden. Fixed issue with collection inside group and improved initial view selection behaviour. Updated some internal layouts to demonstrate new features, including vgmplay. Made vgmplay cycle visualiser modes when visualiser screen is clicked.
- Compiling
. Added naming conventions for certain things. This isn't supposed to be too prescriptive. The C++ stuff just codifies some things we've managed to mostly agree on for public interfaces. The stuff for titles/descriptions is also just codifying existing rules so there's something to point people towards. This will need to be refined as we go forward (docs\source\techspecs\naming.rst).
. Emscripten
. Fixed Clang version detection under Emscripten
. Netlist and OpenGL improvements: Most OpenGL link issues fixed. Two remain from drawogl.cpp. This isn't working anyhow. "-video accel" now uses WebGL. This allows GL based scaling and provides a performance improvement. Fixed pong and other games by adding another function to the exception whitelist. Target now is mame.html. This allows emrun to be used for testing. mame.js is created as well and thus the current behaviour unchanged (scripts\genie.lua and scripts\src\main.lua).
. Deal with loops when there are parent directory references in #include directives. As an aside, it would be nice if the loops weren't there in the first place (scripts\build\makedep.py).
. Get rid of more inappropriate use of emu_fatalerror
. Removed memarray.h from emu.h
. Removed embed files unintentionally added to Emscripten build (scripts\src\main.lua)
- Debugger
. Replaced simple_list with std::list in parsing. Report too few or too many function parameters in debug expressions as expression errors instead of exiting MAME with a fatal error (debug\express.cpp).
. Added abs, bit, s8, s16 and s32 functions to debugger (debug\debugcmd.cpp)

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

Emu Loader Frontend v8.8.5 released

History.dat 2.25

NegaMAME 0.225-1


Along with MAME and all its fork, NegaMAME 0.225-1 is also ready for download. Go grab it at http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm

This MAME derivative has been designed to be used with the front-end Negatron in order to have complete access to all the machine configuration options within Negatron, especially useful for emulated computers and consoles.

This is quite irrelevant for emulated arcade games though. If you only play arcade games, you can simply use Negatron with regular MAME.

Note: 0.225-1 must be understood as the 1st version of NegaMAME synchronised with MAME v0.225. If other issues arise with this version, I would release a v0.225-2

[Posted by: xinyingho]

NPlayers 0.225

BletchMAME 2.2


New feature - support for cheats

[Posted by: Bletch]

And another Team Europe wip


Read Team Europe 's blog entry MCU - Side Pocket (Data East Corporation) in order to read Team 'Still a lot of 8751H's are needed for decapping' Europe take out another one of those pesky, nuisance Data East i8751 MCUs in order to fully preserve Japanese region of Data East's Side Pocket.

[Posted by: gregf]

renameSET.dat 0.225


New MAME and here is also the new one progetto-SNAPS renameSET.dat 0.225.


* 4.55 2020/09/30: Added 0.225 infos, also update all the other files of the pack.

$0.225 [#664]
42.816 items, 37.674 machines (+102), 12.673 parents (+64), 25.001 clones (+38), 73 BIOS, 5.069 device (-2/+31), 982 use CHDs (+5), 1.220 use Samples (+2), Working 13.533 (+53), NotWorking 24.141 (+49), Mechanical 15.349 (+7), NotMechanical 22.398 (+95), SaveState Supported 10.650 (+44), SaveState Not Supported 32.166 (+87)
316.561 roms (+801), 314.903 program roms (+796), 573 BIOS roms, 1.085 CHD roms (+5), 310 sample roms
598 active SL (+3), 125.581 active software (-180/+354)
16 ren:
airduelm72 > airdueljm72
bagnardi > bagnardio
crusnusa > crusnusa44
dbreedm72j > dbreedjm72
duetpp > sporzpp
g7400 > videopacp
galpani2e2 > galpani2i2
jojoba > jojobaj
jojobar1 > jojobajr1
joustwr > jousty
pdp1_printer_image > pdp1_typewriter_image
photoply > photoply2k
polarisa > polarisb
polaris > polarisa
speedup > speedup12
st2205 > st2205u
2 del:

45 softwares renamed:
cpc_flop | indianaj > indyfate
cpc_flop | indianaj01 > indyfate01
cpc_flop | indianaj02 > indycrus
cpc_flop | indianaj03 > indycrus01
cpc_flop | indianaj04 > indycrus02
cpc_flop | indianaj05 > indytemp
cpc_flop | indianaj06 > indytemp01
cpc_flop | indianaj08 > indytemp02
cpc_flop | indianaj09 > indyfate02
cpc_flop | indianaj0b > indycrus03
cpc_flop | indianaj0d > indycrus04
cpc_flop | indianaj0e > indycrus05
cpc_flop | indianaj0f > indytemp03
cpc_flop | indianaj10 > indytemp04
cpc_flop | indianaj11 > indyfate03
cpc_flop | indianaj11a > indytemp06
cpc_flop | indianaj14 > indyfate05
cpc_flop | indianaj16 > indycrus06
cpc_flop | indianaj17 > indycrus07
cpc_flop | indianaj18 > indycrus08
cpc_flop | indianaj19 > indycrus09
cpc_flop | indianaj1a > indytemp05
cpc_flop | indianaj1b > indycrus10
cpc_flop | indianaj1c > indycrus11
cpc_flop | indianaj1d > indycrus12
cpc_flop | indianaj1e > indycrus13
cpc_flop | indianaj1f > indycrus14
cpc_flop | indianaj20 > indytempdan
cpc_flop | indianaj21 > indytemp07
cpc_flop | indianaj22 > indycrus15
cpc_flop | indianaj23 > indycrus16
cpc_flop | indianaj24 > indytemp08
cpc_flop | indianaj25 > indytemp09
cpc_flop | thunderb05a > thunderb03
cpc_flop | thunderb07 > thndrbld03
cpc_flop | thunderb08 > thndrbld04
cpc_flop | thunderb09 > thndrbrn
cpc_flop | thunderb0a > thndrbrn01
cpc_flop | thunderb0b > thunderb04
cpc_flop | thunderb0ba > thndrbld05
cpc_flop | thunderb0c > thunderb05
cpc_flop | thunderb0ca > thndrbrn02
cpc_flop | thunderb0f > thunderb
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_0_laserom > hpux9_lrm_apr_94
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_10_apps > hpux9_app_oct_92

11 softwares removed:
cpc_flop | indianaj07
cpc_flop | indianaj0a
cpc_flop | indianaj0c
cpc_flop | indianaj12
cpc_flop | indianaj13
cpc_flop | indianaj15
cpc_flop | thunderb06a
cpc_flop | thunderb0d
cpc_flop | thunderb0e
cpc_flop | thunderb10
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_10_prog

2 lists merged:
g7400 | videopac
odyssey2 | videopac

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

Flyer Fever Update - Year 6


Arabian (1983) - Sun Electronics Corporation [Japanese text]
Gyruss (1983) - Konami [English text]
Journey (1983) - Bally Midway [One-sided flyer; English text]
Juno First (1983) - Konami [Japanese text]
Krull (1983) - Mylstar Electronics [Fantasy Vacation to London promotional flyer; English text]
Mouser (1983) - Cosmos [Licensed by UPL Co., Ltd.; English text]
Night Star (1983) - Data East DECO [DECO Cassette System; Japanese text]
Pac-Man (1980) - Midway Mfg. Co. [Licensed by Namco; Pac-Man Fever LP promotional flyer; English text]
Phozon (1983) - Namco [Japanese text]
Q*Bert (1982) - Konami [Licensed by Gottlieb; Japanese text]
Reactor (1982) Gottlieb [English text]
Springer (1982) - Orca Corporation [Japanese text]
Triple Punch (1982) - Thomas Automatics, Inc. [Licensed by K.K. International, Inc.; Also known as Knock Out!!; English text]
Tropical Angel (1983) - Irem [Japanese text]
Tutankham (1982) - Konami [Japanese text]

View All
~ Enjoy


[Posted by: Dan@Flyer Fever]
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