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Flyer Fever Update


Badlands - Konami (1984) [Japanese text]
Baraduke - Namco (1985) [Japanese text]
Future Spy - Sega (1984) [English text, alternate flyer]
Main Event - SNK (1984) [Japanese text]
Master's Golf - Nasco Japan/Ohiragiken/Yuvo (1984) [Japanese text]
Metal Soldier Isaac - Taito (1984) [Japanese text]
Mister Viking - Sega (1984) [Japanese text]
Sanrin San-Chan - Sega (1984) [Japanese text; AKA Spatter]
Vanguard II - SNK (1984) [Japanese text]
Vs. Baseball - Nintendo (1984) [Japanese text]

View Them All

[Posted by: Dan@Flyer Fever]

Haze wip: Radica Plug & Play news

Cheat Collection for MAME 0.221


19 JUNE 2020

Ok, it's been over a year since the last release, this time around it's simply a massive update. I've been adding cheats fairly silently for the various MAME software lists for a while now, this time I've converted SMS, NES & SNES cheats into XML format. The cheats will need testing, tidying & renaming but that a job for another day (or another lifetime). The raw NES/SNES cheats for conversion were donated by GameHacking.org, a great site and resource - thanks guys (especially rimsky82).


[Posted by: Tafoid]

Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1985-2001

MAME 0.222


MAME 0.222

MAME 0.222, the product of our May/June development cycle, is ready today, and it’s a very exciting release. There are lots of bug fixes, including some long-standing issues with classics like Bosconian and Gaplus, and missing pan/zoom effects in games on Seta hardware. Two more Nintendo LCD games are supported: the Panorama Screen version of Popeye, and the two-player Donkey Kong 3 Micro Vs. System. New versions of supported games include a review copy of DonPachi that allows the game to be paused for photography, and a version of the adult Qix game Gals Panic for the Taiwanese market.

Other advancements on the arcade side include audio circuitry emulation for 280-ZZZAP, and protection microcontroller emulation for Kick and Run and Captain Silver.

The GRiD Compass series were possibly the first rugged computers in the clamshell form factor, possibly best known for their use on NASA space shuttle missions in the 1980s. The initial model, the Compass 1101, is now usable in MAME. There are lots of improvements to the Tandy Color Computer drivers in this release, with better cartridge support being a theme. Acorn BBC series drivers now support Solidisk file system ROMs. Writing to IMD floppy images (popular for CP/M computers) is now supported, and a critical bug affecting writes to HFE disk images has been fixed. Software list additions include a collection of CDs for the SGI MIPS workstations.

There are several updates to Apple II emulation this month, including support for several accelerators, a new IWM floppy controller core, and support for using two memory cards simultaneously on the CFFA2. As usual, we’ve added the latest original software dumps and clean cracks to the software lists, including lots of educational titles.

Finally, the memory system has been optimised, yielding performance improvements in all emulated systems, you no longer need to avoid non-ASCII characters in paths when using the chdman tool, and jedutil supports more devices.

You can read about all the updates in the whatsnew.txt file, or get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

  • 00434: [Graphics] (gaplus.cpp) gaplus: Reverse scrolling background moves too slowly. (sasuke)
  • 00480: [Graphics] (galaga.cpp) bosco and clones: Background is not erased correctly during title sequence. (hap)
  • 00783: [Misc.] (nycaptor.cpp) nycaptor: High score initials entry times out too quickly. (GoldS_TCRF)
  • 01731: [Graphics] (atarifb.cpp) atarifb, atarifb1, atarifb4, abaseb, abaseb2: LEDs are connected incorrectly. (hap)
  • 05148: [Misc.] (ht68k.cpp) ht68k: System hangs when attempting to boot from floppy. (AJR)
  • 05766: [Documentation] (armedf.cpp) armedf, armedff: Correct title is Armed F, not Armed Formation. (J.J.Boy)
  • 06456: [Graphics] (seta2.cpp) mj4simai: Missing pan/zoom effects on scene transitions. (David Haywood)
  • 06559: [Gameplay] (apple2gs.cpp) All sets in apple2gs.cpp: System 6.0.x freezes on boot. (Peter Ferrie)
  • 06833: [Misc.] (einstein.cpp) All einstein.cpp sets: Buffer overrun on DSK image file with more sides than drive heads. (MetalliC)
  • 06898: [Documentation] (8080bw.cpp) spclaser and clones: Space Laser and Intruder appear to be hacks of Space War. (GoldS_TCRF)
  • 07171: [Documentation] (megadriv.cpp) genesis [babyboom]: Release year is incorrect. (ArcadeShadow)
  • 07198: [Documentation] (slapfght.cpp) tigerh and clones: Title should be hyphenated. (AntoPISA)
  • 07269: [Graphics] (seta2.cpp) penbros and clones: Incorrect scene transition effects. (David Haywood)
  • 07369: [Graphics] (namconb1.cpp) machbrkr: Character sprite animations display incorrectly. (cam900)
  • 07536: [Graphics] Prescale option does not work properly with D3D renderer. (Ryan Holtz)
  • 07551: [Crash/Freeze] (nes.cpp) nes [galivan]: Game freezes after selecting start or continue. (girosintornillos)
  • 07591: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) crush, maketrax: Coin counter increases continuously. (Ivan Vangelista)
  • 07620: [Gameplay] (tubep.cpp) tubep, tubepb: “GAME OVER” and stage clear screens are skipped. (hap)
  • 07629: [Documentation] (ladybug.cpp) snapjack: Release year is incorrect. (jkburks)
  • 07634: [DIP/Input] (subsino2.cpp) mtrain: “Double Up” DIP switch settings are reversed. (joepublic)
  • 07635: [DIP/Input] (subsino2.cpp) mtrain: Big/Small button functions are not labeled. (joepublic)
  • 07640: [Graphics] (armedf.cpp) armedf and clones: Vertical blanking interval is incorrect, truncating screen vertically. (sasuke)
  • 07648: [DIP/Input] (dkong.cpp) dkong3: DIP switch settings use different terminology to game manual. (xelnia)
  • 07651: [Documentation] (warpwarp.cpp) sos: Title, manufacturer and release year do not match earliest advertisements. (jkburks)
  • 07652: [Documentation] (m10.cpp) andromed: Title, manufacturer and release year are incorrect. (jkburks)
  • 07653: [Documentation] (galaxian.cpp) galaxiani: Game appears to be officially licensed, not bootlegged. (jkburks)
  • 07656: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (atarisy1.cpp) Two BIOS ROMs are bad dumps. (hap)
  • 07657: [DIP/Input] (selz80.cpp) selz80, dagz80: Keyboard auto-repeats when it shouldn’t. (AJR)
  • 07663: [Graphics] (gaplus.cpp) gaplus and clones: Star field drawing area is incorrect. (sasuke)
  • 07664: [Crash/Freeze] (skylncr.cpp) All machines in skylncr.cpp: [debug] Assertion failure in tilemap code. (AJR)
  • 07667: [Crash/Freeze] (pengo.cpp) schick: [debug] Assertion failure on palette initialisation. (David Haywood)
  • 07668: [Crash/Freeze] (seattle.cpp) sfrush, sfrushrk and clones: [debug] Assertion failure on start. (AJR)
  • 07671: [DIP/Input] (atarisy1.cpp) roadblst and clones: Steering does not automatically return to center. (Tafoid)
  • 07673: [Sound] All: Recorded MNG and WAV files are out of sync. (hap)
  • 07674: [Media Support] (bbc.cpp) bbcb: Solidisk DFS (8271) *CAT command returns Diskfault error. (Carl)
  • 07675: [DIP/Input] (gaelco2.cpp) wrally2, wrally2a: Analog steering control doesn’t work. (Ivan Vangelista)
  • 07676: [Sound] (gaelco2.cpp) wrally2, wrally2a: Audio channels do not match default screen positions. (Ivan Vangelista)
  • 07678: [DIP/Input] (btime.cpp) btime3: Bonus Life DIP switch settings are labeled incorrectly. (Tafoid)
  • 07686: [Documentation] (sms.cpp) gamegear [shinobi2]: Title is abbreviated. (ArcadeShadow)

New working machines

  • Black Hole (EFG Sanremo) [f205v, Ivan Vangelista]
  • Fidelity Electronics Mini Sensory Chess Challenger (1982 version) [hap, Berger, Achim]
  • Fidelity Electronics The Gambit (1989 version) [hap, Berger, Achim]
  • Game & Watch: Popeye (Panorama Screen) [algestam, Ryan Holtz]
  • Grant Searle Simple 6502 Machine [Frank Palazzolo]
  • Grant Searle Simple 6809 Machine [Frank Palazzolo]
  • Grant Searle Simple CP/M Machine [Frank Palazzolo]
  • Grant Searle Simple Z-80 Machine [Frank Palazzolo]
  • Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Junior (1982 version) [hap, Berger, Achim]
  • Micro Vs. System: Donkey Kong 3 [algestam, Ryan Holtz]
  • Millennium 2000 GmbH Millennium M505 Arcade Neo Portable Spielkonsole (Family Sport 100-in-1) [TeamEurope]
  • Millennium 2000 GmbH Millennium M521 Arcade Neo 2.0 (Family Sport 220-in-1) [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
  • Morrow Designs MDT 60 Video Display Terminal [Bitsavers, AJR]
  • Saitek Kasparov Simultano (ver. C) [hap, Achim]
  • SciSys Chess Champion: Super System IV [hap, Berger, Achim]
  • SciSys Mini Chess [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • Radica / Capcom / Sega Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition [Ghouls'n Ghosts] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Kev (FBN), anonymous]
  • Radica / Sega Genesis Collection Volume 2 (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Kev (FBN), anonymous]
  • Radica / Sega Super Sonic Gold (Radica Plug & Play) (USA) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Kev (FBN), anonymous]
  • Speed Racer (Senario) [Sean Riddle, Kamaal Brown, David Haywood]
  • Super Motor (prototype) [Mirko Buffoni, Roberto Fresca, Retromaniacs, Recreativas.org]
  • TwinBee (Bubble System) [Raki, The Dumping Union, David Haywood]
  • Vs Power Plus 30-in-1 [Sean Riddle, Kitsune Sniper]
  • Zudu-go / 2udu-go [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]

New working clones

  • Air Duel (US location test, M82 hardware) [halowarrior40]
  • Circus (bootleg) [f205v, caius]
  • Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/05, bootleg) [Jorge Silva, White_Spot]
  • Dirt Dash (Rev. DT1 Ver.A, Japan) [Guru]
  • DonPachi (Japan, Satsuei version) [PEG]
  • dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer V Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2573) (set 2, older) [Sean Riddle]
  • DTK Group PC-XT-Clones with DTK/ERSO-BIOS [rfka01]
  • Fidelity Electronics Mini Sensory Chess Challenger (1981 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • Gals Panic (Taiwan, EXPRO-02 PCB) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
  • Golden Par Golf (Joystick, V1.0) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Portorose 32 Bit (v1.04) [Berger]
  • Hot Blocks - Tetrix II (set 2) [jordigahan, mariorq, ClawGrip]
  • Hot Blocks - Tetrix II (set 3) [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
  • Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (rev 4?) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
  • Karate Dou (Arfyc bootleg) [Retromaniacs, ArcadeHacker, Recreativas.org]
  • Matra & Hachette Alice with MCX-128 [Tim Lindner]
  • Novag Super Expert (version A, set 3) [Berger]
  • Pit Boss Superstar (9221-12-02, Minnesota version) [David Viens]
  • Police Trainer (Rev 1.3B, Rev 0.3 PCB) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • Prebillian (bootleg) [Kevin Eshbach]
  • Raiden II (Spain) [Jorge Silva]
  • Road Fighter (set 3, unencrypted) [Porchy]
  • SciSys Superstar 36K [Berger, Achim]
  • Shuffleshot (v1.35) [Phil Bennett, Aaron Giles, FactoryDavey, Bri Hefele, Joe Drilling, runwhiteboyrun, Christian “Ferris Bueller” Deitering, Justin Khan, ColdPie, Joe Boyd, Vitorio Miliano, JFlow @scrapbrain, Darkstar, Tom Summersell, Ryan Holtz, Brian Troha]
  • Shuffleshot (v1.38) [Phil Bennett, Aaron Giles, FactoryDavey, Bri Hefele, Joe Drilling, runwhiteboyrun, Christian “Ferris Bueller” Deitering, Justin Khan, ColdPie, Joe Boyd, Vitorio Miliano, JFlow @scrapbrain, Darkstar, Tom Summersell, Ryan Holtz, Brian Troha]
  • Street Fighter (Japan, bootleg) [f205v]
  • Tandy Radio Shack MCX-128 [Tim Lindner]
  • Trivia (Questions Series 12 Alt Question Rom) [Brian Troha]
  • Trivia (Questions Series 14 Alt Question Rom) [Brian Troha]
  • Trivia (Version 1.03a Sex questions, Alt revision questions) [Brian Troha]
  • Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Brazil 970519) [Renan Eler, Roberto Louzada, Filipe Nascimento, CPS Raptor group, SHVB]
  • Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 2) [gmx, The Dumping Union]
  • Video Pinball (4 ROMs version) [f205v]

Machines promoted to working

  • Bingo Time [TeamEurope, Ivan Vangelista]
  • Excalibur Electronics Ford Racing [David Haywood]
  • GRiD Computers Compass 1101 [usernameak]
  • Kick and Run (World) [dink, David Haywood]
  • Ritam Master Monty [hap]
  • Ritam Monty Plays Scrabble [hap]
  • Tetris + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.01, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]

Clones promoted to working

  • Kick and Run (US) [dink, David Haywood]
  • World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) [Phil Bennett, Aaron Giles, FactoryDavey, Bri Hefele, Joe Drilling, runwhiteboyrun, Christian “Ferris Bueller” Deitering, Justin Khan, ColdPie, Joe Boyd, Vitorio Miliano, JFlow @scrapbrain, Darkstar, Tom Summersell, Ryan Holtz, Brian Troha]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Crazy Balls [TTL] [f205v]
  • Dardomania (v2.1) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
  • Densha de GO 3! Tsukin-hen (V2.03J) [andynumbers, The Dumping Union]
  • dreamGEAR My Arcade Go Gamer Portable (Family Sport 220-in-1) [Sean Riddle, Kev (FBN), anonymous]
  • GNAT Computers GNAT System 10 [Don Maslin Archive, AJR]
  • High Roller [malcor]
  • Indra / Amper Consola EMT [ClawGrip]
  • Jackpot (Ver 16.16L) [f205v]
  • JoMoX XBase 09 Midi Controlled Analogue Drum Module [DBWBP]
  • Korg DVP-1 Digital Voice Processor [DBWBP]
  • Lexibook Compact Cyber Arcade - Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man [Sean Riddle, Kitsune Sniper]
  • Matthew Sarnoff Ultim809 [Robbbert]
  • Micro-Term / Kurzweil Computer Products ERGO 201 (Special #9233) [Bitsavers]
  • Novation BassStation Rack Analogue Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Novation Drum Station [DBWBP]
  • Novation Super Bass Station [DBWBP]
  • Roland Boss GX-700 Guitar Effects Processor [DBWBP]
  • Roland Boss SE-70 Super Effects Processor [DBWBP]
  • Roland Boss SX-700 Studio Effects Processor [DBWBP]
  • Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer [anonymous, DBWBP]
  • Trebol [PinMAME]
  • TV Learning Station (VTech, Germany) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  • Yamaha DX11 Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Zenith Data Systems Z-22 Terminal [Bitsavers]
  • Zone 3D [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Corona Data Systems, Inc. Corona PPC-21 [rfka01]
  • FreeWay (V4.31) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • G2 Systems MasterPieCe 800 Series [Ian Bradbury]
  • G2 Systems MasterPieCe 900 Series [Ian Bradbury]
  • G2 Systems MasterPieCe 900GX Series [Ian Bradbury]
  • International Business Machines PS/1 2011 (international models with ROM DOS) [rfka01]
  • International Business Machines PS/1 2121 [rfka01]
  • International Business Machines PS/1 2121 (international models with ROM DOS) [rfka01]
  • International Business Machines PS/1 2123 [rfka01]
  • International Business Machines PS/1 2133 [rfka01]
  • IQ Unlimited (Germany) [Alexandre]
  • Jackpot (Ver 1.16L) [f205v]
  • JUKO NEST 8088 and V20 [rfka01]
  • Konglongwang - D-Kids VS Alpha Yaosai (China, Ver 2.501) (MDA-C0081) [tenyuhuang]
  • Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.1A) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • Magic Bomb (Ver. AA.72D, 14/11/05) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.2, 11/10/01) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.5A, 07/10/02) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • Magic Bomb (Ver. L3.5S) [Cristiano-MDQ]
  • Monotech NuXT [rfka01]
  • Monotech NuXT v2 [rfka01]
  • NCR Class 3302 Model 0110 [rfka01]
  • The Raid (alternate set) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
  • Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG 386SX System 40 (VGA) [rfka01]
  • Schneider Rundfunkwerke AG Tower AT 201, 202, 220, 240 and 260 (286,EGA) [rfka01]
  • Sergey Kiselev Micro 8088 [rfka01]
  • Sergey Kiselev Sergey's XT [rfka01]
  • Sergey Kiselev Xi processor board [rfka01]
  • Shinobi (Datsu bootleg, set 3) [hammy]
  • Star Wars (1.01) [PinMAME]
  • Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts (Spanish) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
  • Torch Computers Torch Model 301 [Nigel Barnes, Centre for Computing History]
  • Torch Computers Torch Model 725 [Nigel Barnes, Jules Richardson]
  • Twilight Zone (L-5) [PinMAME]

New working software list additions

  • apple2_flop_clcracked: Animal Watch: Tracks (cleanly cracked), Animal Watch: Whales (cleanly cracked), Animal Watch: Wolves (cleanly cracked), Deutsch: Aktuell 1 (Second Edition) (cleanly cracked), Deutsche Grammatik: der-die-das (cleanly cracked), Dinosaur Construction Kit: Tyrannosaurus Rex (cleanly cracked), German Word Order (cleanly cracked), German Word Order (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Homonyms I (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Homonyms II (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Jabbertalky (cleanly cracked), MECC-A757 Computer Generated Mathematics Materials Volume 1: Problem Solving (Version 1.3) (cleanly cracked), MECC-A816 Electronic Money (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), MECC-A816 Electronic Money (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked), MECC-A824 Classification (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), Pronouns I (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Pronouns II (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Rhymes and Riddles (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Sentence Combining (cleanly cracked), The Wizard of Id's WizMath (cleanly cracked), Verbs I (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Verbs II (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
  • apple2_flop_orig: Ace Detective, Algernon: An Introduction to Programming Logic, Amazing Arithmetricks (Version 1.0), Animal Hotel, Asteroids in Space, Backyard Birds (Version 1.0), Bag of Tricks (Version 2.1), Ballyhoo (Release 97 / 851218), Barron's SAT: 1st Edition, Barron's SAT: 2nd Edition, Behind The Wheel: Blue Level, Bluegrass Bluff (Version 1.0), Bounce!, California Games, Cavity Busters (Version 1.0), Championship Golf, Cleanwater Detectives (Version 1.0), Colossus Chess IV, CommuniKeys (Version 1.1), Conquering Decimals (+, -) (Version 1.0), Conquering Decimals (×, ÷) (Version 1.0), Conquering Fractions (+, -) (Version 1.0), Conquering Fractions (×, ÷) (Version 1.0), CryptoQuest (Version 1.0), Decimal Concepts (Version 1.0), The Demon's Forge, Deutsche Grammatik: der-die-das, Dr. Livingstone, I Presume? (Version 1.0), Dunjonquest: The Datestones of Ryn, Eerieville Library (Version 1.0), Electrifying Adventures (Version 1.0), Estimation Activities (Version 1.0), Estimation Strategies (Version 1.0), Estimation: Quick Solve I (Version 1.0), The Executive Secretary (Version 4.2), Exploring Chaos (Version 1.0), Exploring Gas Laws (Version 1.0), Exploring Sequences and Series (Version 1.0), Fish School (Version 1.0), Five-Star Forecast (Version 1.0), Fossil Hunter (Version 1.0), Fraction Munchers (Version 1.0), Fraction Practice Unlimited (Version 1.1), Fraktured Faebles, Garbage Gang, GFL Championship Football, GraFORTH, Grammar Gobble (Version 1.0), Grammar Madness (Version 1.0), Grammar Toy Shop (Version 1.0), History Makers (Version 1.0), The Incredible Laboratory, Invisible Bugs (Version 1.0), The Last Gladiator, The Legend of Blacksilver, The Living Cell (Version 1.0), Lunar Greenhouse (Version 1.0), Magical Myths, Matterhorn Screamer, Measure Works (Version 1.0), Micro-LADS 1: Plurals and Noun/Verb Agreement, Micro-LADS 2: Verb Forms, Micro-LADS 3: Prepositions, Micro-LADS 4: Pronouns, Micro-LADS 5: Negatives, Micro-LADS 6: Deictic Expressions, Passive, WH-questions, Micro-LADS 7: Prepositions II, Miner's Cave (Version 1.0), Money Works (Version 1.0), Moving Museum (Version 1.0), Murphy's Minerals (Version 1.0), Number Munchers (Version 1.3), Nutrition Nabber (Version 1.0), Odd One Out, Paper Plane Pilot (Version 1.0), Path Tactics (Version 1.0), The Personal Secretary (Version 1.1), Phonics Prime Time: Blends and Digraphs (Version 1.0), Phonics Prime Time: Final Consonants (Version 1.0), Phonics Prime Time: Initial Consonants (Version 1.0), Phonics Prime Time: Vowels I (Version 1.0), Phonics Prime Time: Vowels II (Version 1.0), Picture Chompers (Version 1.0), Picture a Story (Version 1.0), Pizza To Go (Version 1.0), Poker Parat, Problem Solving with Nim (Version 1.0), Rocket Factory (Version 1.0), Science Toolkit Plus (Version 2.0), The Seven Cities of Gold, Snooper Troops and the case of The Granite Point Ghost, Stoichiometry, Sun and Seasons (Version 1.0), Take a Chance! (Version 1.0), Those Amazing Reading Machines I (Version 1.0), Those Amazing Reading Machines II (Version 1.0), Those Amazing Reading Machines III (Version 1.0), Time Navigator Around The World (Version 1.0), To Preserve, Protect and Defend (Version 1.0), Treasures for Sale (Version 1.0), Tycoon (Version 2.1), A View To A Kill, Weeds to Trees (Version 1.0), Wild West Math Level 5, Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (Sunburst Communications release), Wonderland Puzzles (Version 1.0), Words at Work: Compound It! (Version 1.0), Words at Work: Contraction Action (Version 1.0), Words at Work: Prefix Power (Version 1.0), Words at Work: Suffix Sense (Version 1.0), World Games, Writer Rabbit (Version 1.3) [4am, Firehawke]
  • bbc_flop_z80: Z80 Winchester Utilities [Nigel Barnes]
  • bbc_hdd: Master 128 ADFS Hard Drive Image V1.03, Master 128 ADFS Hard Drive Image V1.05, Model B ADFS Hard Drive Image B1.06e, Model B ADFS Hard Drive Image B1.31 (Retro Software), Model B ADFS Hard Drive Image B1.42, Model B ADFS Hard Drive Image T1.07 [RetroClinic]
  • bbc_rom: 512 FastBoot 1.00, 65C02 Assembler 1.60, AJS Fortran, Acorn DFS 2.45 Rev 1191, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.71, Amcom E-Net 5.18, AMPLE Nucleus (patched), AMPLE Nucleus ID 108801, AMPLE Nucleus ID 57315, AMPLE Nucleus ID 73863, AMPLE Nucleus ID 80327, AMTOR MkII 3.05, The Artist 1.00, BeeBASE-1 1.02, Bitstik Service ROM 0.51, Chameleon ROM 1.0, Colour Dump Rom, Commstar 9003, CPFS+ 1.20, CTS Palette 1.10, Hierarchical DFS 1.05, HKR Utilities 1.00, HKR Utilities 1.10, HKR Utilities 1.20, HKR Utilities 1.30, Instat B00741, Master ROM 1.05, MasterPieCe 1.10, MasterPieCe 800 Manager 2.40, MasterPieCe 900GX Manager 1.20, Maxim 1.0, Meta Assembler 3.30A, Opus Challenger 1.00, Opus Challenger 1.01, Opus Challenger 1.03, OrthoCAM 0.02, Pen-Friend 1.21, Plotter 1.0, Prisma-3 1.30, Prisma-3 2.30, Pull Down RAM Driver 1.00, Quest 2.1B, RAMDisc 1.01, Sciways 2.01, SJ Control ROM 0.23, SJ Control ROM 0.30, System Delta 2.017, Text To Speech 1.01, U2 2nd Processor Utility 1.5, VideoNuLA 1.03, View A1.4, View A3.0 pms (Hack?), Workstation 1.4 #0135, Workstation 1.4 #0148, Workstation 1.5 [Nigel Barnes]
  • cgenie_cass: Megapede, Pole Position [Jürgen Buchmüller]
  • compis: Action1 Glosprogram (nät/skollicens), Coulombs lag (nät/skollicens), Datorn i kommunikation (enanvändare), Datorn i matematik (nät/skollicens), Får dataregister skvallra? (enanvändare), Får dataregister skvallra? (komplement), Internationella ord från grekiskan (nät/skollicens), Internationella ord från latinet (nät/skollicens), Jorden skiftas, folket skingras (nät/skollicens), Kinetik (nät/skollicens), Matematikverkstad I (beta, nät/skollicens), Millikans försök (enanvändare), Mät energi (enanvändare), MätEtt (enanvändare), RitEtt (enanvändare), Räkna lätt, räkna rätt (demo, version 6175), StatEtt - Analys, Stava rätt på nytt sätt (version 8481), Stil-Plus (alfa 1.0, nät/skollicens), Video-butiken (enanvändare) [FakeShemp]
  • eti660_quik: Music Maker, Pong, Wipeout [Robbbert]
  • excalibur64: Boot disk [Robbbert]
  • fidel_msc:
    Challenger Advanced Chess [hap, Berger, Achim]
    Challenger Book Openings [Berger]
  • fmtowns_cd: Dracula Hakushaku - Bishoujo-tachi no Chi no Shitatari, Hyper Planet, Lemon Cocktail Collection, Märchen Toshokan - Grimm Douwa - Bremen no Ongakutai, Nihon no Rekishi - Ishin-hen - Kurofune Raikou, Phobos, Towns Chiri - Jigsaw World [redump.org, r09]
  • ggm: Capablanca Edition - Master Chess Endgame [Berger, Achim]
  • ibm5150:
    The Amazing Spider-Man, Eye of Horus [ArcadeShadow]
    Centipede, Ms. Pac-Man [r09]
  • ibm5170:
    Alone in the Dark 2 (France), Cruise for a Corpse, Formula One Grand Prix (Euro), Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (EGA release), Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (VGA release), Police Quest in Pursuit of the Death Angel (VGA release), Roberta Williams' Laura Bow in "The Dagger of Amon Ra", Silverball 2 Plus, Speed Racer in the Challenge of Racer X, Subwar 2050 - The Underwater Combat Simulation [ArcadeShadow]
    Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (Gravis Ultrasound version), Dune (5.25"), Frontier - Elite II, Gravis UltraSound (GUS) Installation - V2.05 [r09]
  • msx1_cart: Ink - Exxon Surfing [anonymous]
  • pc98: Eimmy to Yobanaide (Demo), Ekispert, Ekudorado - Kagami no Naka no Oukoku, Elm Knight - A Living Body Armor (Demo), Elthlead Senshi, EO System 3.0 (v1.10 installer), EPSON Jiko Shindan Program, EPSON MS-DOS 2.11 (Rev. E22), EPSON MS-DOS 2.11 (Rev. R15), EPSON Nihongo Disk BASIC v2.0, Estate, eXOn, eXOn (Demo), Expert-98 [Neo Kobe Collection, r09]
  • qx10_flop: CP/M-80 R2.2 for QX-10 & QX-16 1983 [Carl]
  • saitek_schess: Strong Play Module [Berger, Achim]
  • sgi_mips:
    Barco Creator 7.2, CATIA V5R16, Diagnostics 5.3, Hot Mix 4, IndiZone, IRIX 4.0.2, IRIX 4.0.4B for IP4, IP5, IP6, IP12 and IP17, IRIX 4.0.5, IRIX 5.3 Current Patches December 1997, IRIX 5.3 Recommended/Required Patches September 1997, IRIX 6.0.1, IRIX 6.1, IRIX 6.5.22, IRIX 6.5.30 [archive.org, Davide Cavalca]
    IRIX 6.5.15 [archive.org, fsck.technology, Davide Cavalca]
    IRIX 4.0.4 [archive.org, jrra.zone, Davide Cavalca]
    Ada95 Compiler 1.2 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2 and 6.3, Ada95 Compiler 1.3 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, C++ Translator 3.2, Compiler Execution Environment 7.3 for IRIX 6.5 through 6.5.4, Cosmo Software for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, Cosmo Suite, DCE 1.2.2 Base Executive/Client for IRIX 6.5.2, Digital Media Dev Option 1.1, Documenter's Workbench 4.1.3, ENlightenDSM 3.1 for UNIX and NT, Hot Mix 18 - Explore Tools and Technologies for Silicon Graphics, Hot Mix 19, ImageVision Library 3.2, ImageVision Library 3.2.1, IRIS Development Option 4.1.1, IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo CD for IRIX 6.2 and later, IRIS Performer 2.2 Yosemite Demo CD for IRIX 6.2 and later, IRIS Performer 2.2 for IRIX 6.2 and later, IRIS Inventor 1.1.2, IRIX 4.0.5H, IRIX 4.0.5H and 4.0.5IOP R4400 Patch, IRIX 5.1.1, IRIX 5.2, IRIX 5.3 for Indy R4400 175MHz, IRIX 6.2 Development Foundation, IRIX 6.2 Development Libraries, IRIX 6.3 Development Foundation, IRIX 6.3 Development Foundation 1.2 for IRIX 6.3, IRIX 6.3 Development Libraries, IRIX 6.4 Applications August 1997, IRIX 6.4 Development Foundation, IRIX 6.4 Development Libraries, IRIX 6.4 for Origin, Onyx2 and OCTANE, IRIX 6.5.1, IRIX 6.5.6, IRIX Development Foundation 1.2 for IRIX 6.2, IRIX Development Foundation 1.2 for IRIX 6.4, IRIX Networker 4.1.3, IRIX Patch, MineSet 2.0.1 for IRIX 6.2 and later, MIPSpro 7.2, MIPSpro 7.3, MIPSpro All-Compiler CD May 1999 for IRIX 6.5 and later, Molecular Inventor Development Kit 1.1, NetWorker 4.2.5 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, Networker 4.2.5 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, O2 Out of Box Experience, Open Inventor 3D Toolkit 2.1.2, Origin and Onyx2 System Disk Patches, Origin/Onyx2 Patch Supplement for IRIX 6.5, Performance Co-Pilot 1.3 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, Performance Co-Pilot 2.1 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.5, Performance Co-Pilot for Oracle 2.0 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, Performance Co-Pilot for Web Servers 2.0 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, Performance Co-Pilot for WebServers 1.1, ProDev Developers Suite, ProDev Workshop 2.6.5 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, SCSL Scientific Library 1.2 for IRIX 6.4 and 6.5, Silicon Graphics 1600SW Flat Panel Monitor Owner's Manual, Silicon Graphics MultiLink Adapter Documentation, Visual Magic Tools 1.0, Wavefront Composer 3.5.1 Visualizer Paint 3.5.1, WebFORCE February 1998, WorkShop Pro MPF 2.7 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 [Bitsavers, Davide Cavalca] Desktop Special Edition 1.0 for Support Customers, European Language Module 1.3, Freeware 2.0 - Unsupported Software compatible with IRIX 6.2 and later, Hot Mix 18, IRIX 6.3 and 6.4 Recommended/Required Patches October 1997, IRIX 6.3 Applications August 1997, IRIX 6.5.13, IRIX 6.5.5, IRIX 6.5.7, IRIX 6.5.9, Insignia SoftWindows 95 4.0 for IRIX 6.3 and 6.4, Network File System 5.3, O2 Demos 1.1.1 for IRIX 6.3 including R10000, O2 IRIX 6.3 Recommended/Required Patches August 1997, ONC3/NFS Version 2, for IRIX 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4, Patch SG0000466, Support Advantage 12/95, Support Advantage 9/95, SupportFolio 5/96, SupportFolio June 96 [ClawGrip, Rampa]
    Alias|Wavefront Advanced Visualizer 4.2, Alias|Wavefront Maya Composer 5.5, Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator 7.51, Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator 8.2, Common Desktop Environment 4.3, Cosmo Compress 1.1.1, Database Accelerator 3.0, Desktop Special Edition 1.1, Discreet Effect 6.1.3, Discreet Flame 4.0.2, ENlightenDSM 1.1 for UNIX and NT, European Language Module 1.2, Gauntlet 4.1 INTERNATIONAL for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, Hot Mix Volume 11, Hot Mix Volume 12, Hot Mix Volume 17, Hot Mix Volume 8, I-DEAS Master Series Release 6, IMPACT Demos CD 6.2, IMPACT Digital Media 2.1, Indigo2 IMPACT Video for IRIX 6.5, IndiZone^2, IndiZone^3, Insignia SoftWindows 95 5.0 for IRIX 6.5, IRIS PERFORMER 2.0, IRIX 5.2 for Indy R4600SC/XZ and Presenter, IRIX 6.2, IRIX 6.2 Applications August 1996, IRIX 6.2 with Indigo IMPACT 10000, IRIX 6.3 for O2, Including R10000, IRIX 6.5.2, IRIX 6.5.26, IRIX 6.5.29, IRIX 6.5.4, IRIX 6.5.8, NetWorker 4.2.9 for IRIX 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5, Open Inventor 2.1.5 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, Patches for IRIX 6.2 with Indigo2 8/96, PRISMS 6.4, Samba 2.0.0 for IRIX for IRIX 6.5 and later, SGImeeting 1.0 for IRIX 6.5.2, SupportFolio 10/96, Teleffect 1.0 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 for Microsoft NT 4.0 [Davide Cavalca]
    IRIX 5.3, IRIX 6.5 [Davide Cavalca, ClawGrip, Rampa]
    Adobe Illustrator 5.5, Adobe Photoshop 2.5.2, Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1, IRIX 6.5.10, IRIX 6.5.11, IRIX 6.5.12, IRIX 6.5.14, IRIX 6.5.16, IRIX 6.5.17, IRIX 6.5.18, IRIX 6.5.21, IRIX 6.5.23, IRIX 6.5.3 [fsck.technology, Davide Cavalca]
    Indy IRIX 5.1.1, IRIS Development Option 4.0, IRIS Development Option 4.0.1, IRIS Development Option 5.0, IRIS Development Option 5.1, IRIS Development Option 5.3, IRIS Development Option 6.2, IRIX 4.0.1, IRIX 5.0, IRIX 5.2 Beta II, IRIX 5.3 All Indigo2 IMPACT, IRIX 5.3 for Indy including R5000, IRIX 6.2 Applications May 1996, IRIX 6.2 Auxiliary Applications, IRIX 6.5 Beta, IRIX 6.5.19, IRIX 6.5.27, IRIX 6.5.28, IRIX Update 4.0.4, IRIX W4D Update 4.0.1, Network File System 5.0, Network File System 5.0.1, Network File System 5.1, Network File System 5.2, NFS/ONC3 for IRIX 6.2 Version 1.2, O2 Demos 1.0 for IRIX 6.3 including R10000, O2 Demos 1.3 for IRIX 6.5 and later, O2 Out of Box Experience 2.4 for IRIX 6.5 and later, OCTANE Demos 1.3 for IRIX 6.5 and later, Silicon Graphics General and Platform Demos 6.5.12 [jrra.zone, Davide Cavalca]
    Discreet Flame 7.6 [unixfiles.org, Davide Cavalca]
  • super80_flop: CP/M boot disk, Super-80 DOS disk, Super-80 DOS disk with games [Robbbert]
  • vgmplay:
    Joe Montana II - Sports Talk Football (GEN/MD), Lotus Turbo Challenge (GEN/MD), Madden NFL '95 (GEN/MD), Teddy Boy Blues (GEN/MD), Urusei Yatsura - Dear My Friends (Sega CD) (GEN/MD) [Project2612, Tafoid]
    8-bit ADV Steins;Gate (NES), AntZ Racing (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (ZX Spectrum 128), Batman (Arcade), Battle Gorilla (Music Mode) (NEC PC-8801), Battle Gorilla (NEC PC-8801), Bob the Builder - Fix-it Fun! (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Bonanza Bros. (ZX Spectrum 128), Commando (Atari 7800), Gauntlet (ZX Spectrum 128), Gauntlet II (ZX Spectrum 128), Gauntlet III - The Final Quest (ZX Spectrum 128), Golden Axe (ZX Spectrum 128), Hyper Olympic 1 (MSX), Hyper Olympic 2 (MSX), Hyper Sports 1 (MSX), Hyper Sports 2 (MSX, PSG), Hyper Sports 2 (MSX, SCC), Hyper Sports 3 (MSX, PSG), Hyper Sports 3 (MSX, SCC), L.E.D. Storm (ZX Spectrum 128), LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Mickey's Speedway USA (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Missile - Ground Zero (ZX Spectrum 128), Off The Wall (PC Engine), Puyo Puyo (NES, FDS), Road Runner (Atari System 1), Robot Construction R.C. (Sharp X68000), Sky Jaguar (MSX, PSG), Sky Jaguar (MSX, SCC), Solar Invasion (ZX Spectrum 128), Spawn (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Tetris (Fujitsu FM77AV), Tetris (NEC PC-88VA), Tetris (NEC PC-9801), Tom & Jerry - The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse! (NES), U.S. Classic (Seta 1), UWC (NES), Wild Gunman (NES) [vgmrips.net, Tafoid]
  • vsmile_cart: Bob le Bricoleur - Les P'tits chantiers de Bob (France), Lil' Bratz Au Top de la Mode - Complices, Cools et Class' (France), Mission Pilote (France) [DisizDream]

Software list items promoted to working

  • amigaocs_flop: Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Euro), Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle (Euro), Dungeon Master (Euro, v3.6), Dylan Dog - Ritorno al Crepuscolo (Ita), Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (Euro), Escape from Colditz (Euro), F1 GP Circuits (Euro), Fred (Euro), Graffiti Man (Euro, 5th Anniversary), Great Courts 2 (Euro), Journey to the Center of the Earth (Euro), Knight Force (Euro), Little Computer People (Euro), Loom (Euro, v1.2 19900510), Major Motion (Euro), Moebius - The Orb of Celestial Harmony (USA), North & South (Euro), Omega (Euro), Over the Net (USA), Ports of Call (Euro, v1.1, A600 Smart Start), Seconds Out (Euro, Budget), Shadow Warriors (Euro), Sim City (Euro, v1.2), Skrull the Barbarian (Euro), Strider II (Euro), Sword of Honour (Euro), Terramex (Euro), Thexder (Euro), Wonderland (Euro, v1.27i 19910422) [Angelo Salese, Dirk Best]
  • bbc_rom: Solidisk ADFS 2.1 11/10/85, Solidisk ADFS 2.1S, Solidisk DDFS 1.5, Solidisk DDFS 1.9, Solidisk DFS 2.0 (Feb 85), Solidisk DFS 2.0 (Jan 85), Solidisk DFS 2.0A (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.0J (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.0L (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.0m (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1 (Mar 85), Solidisk DFS 2.1A (1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1J (1770), VideoNuLA 1.02 [Nigel Barnes]
  • jaguar: Attack of the Mutant Penguins, Troy Aikman NFL Football [Angelo Salese]
  • pc98: Eimmy to Yobanaide, Elvira - Mistress of the Dark, Engage Errands - Miwaku no Shito-tachi, Engage Errands II - Hikari o Ninau Mono, Es no Houteishiki, Escape!, Eteris, Etsuraku no Gakuen, EVE - Burst Error, Exceed Jack - Casinopolis [Barry Rodewald, Angelo Salese, r09]
  • x68k_flop: Ajax, Dai Makaimura, Nemesis '90 Kai [Angelo Salese]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

  • apple2_flop_orig: Wortgefect [4am, Firehawke]
  • bbc_rom: ADDER 1.01, Artist Plus (Palette Pad), Artist Plus (Userport Pad), Futures 2.0a, Replay System WD1770 1.11, Richardson Hard Disk (306) 2.0, SEHK Terminal 2.00, SEHK Terminal 4.01 [Nigel Barnes]
  • eti660_quik: Maze 2, Space Invaders [Robbbert]
  • fmtowns_cd: Lip 3 - Lipstick Adventure 3 [redump.org, r09]
  • gmaster: Space Invader, Tank War [Sylver BRUNEAU]
  • hyperscan_card: Ben 10: All Thumbs (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Astro-Nought (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Backpack (Ultimate), Ben 10: Behemoth (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Ben Tennyson (Character), Ben 10: Berzerker (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Big Smack (Power Mod), Ben 10: Binary Blaster (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Bio-Feedback (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Bite Radius (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Blast Furnace (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Bounce Back (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Brain Drain (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Crystal Shield (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Deep Six (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Diamondhead (Character), Ben 10: Diamondhead (Ultimate), Ben 10: Diffuse (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Dive Bomb (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Ectoslaught (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Fade Out (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Feral Slashes (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Firewall (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Flame Out (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Flamethrower (Projectile Mod), Ben 10: Fliptail (Power Mod), Ben 10: Four Arms (Character), Ben 10: Four Arms (Ultimate), Ben 10: Gear Shift (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Ghostfreak (Character), Ben 10: Ghostfreak (Ultimate), Ben 10: Goo Sting (Projectile Mod), Ben 10: Grandpa Max (Help), Ben 10: Gravity Pull (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Grey Matter (Character), Ben 10: Grey Matter (Ultimate), Ben 10: Ground Swell (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Gwen (Help), Ben 10: Harpoon (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Heatblast (Character), Ben 10: Heatblast (Ultimate), Ben 10: Hexa-Gone (Villain Defense), Ben 10: High Jump (Power Mod), Ben 10: Hive Mind (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Hyp-no! (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Hyper Wing (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Juggernaut (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Laser Wave (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Metal Fatigue (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Mini-Max (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Nano Blast (Projectile Mod), Ben 10: Omnicharge (Ultimate), Ben 10: Out Claw (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Overclock (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Prismforce (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Razor Quills (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Reverse Psychology (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Ripjaws (Character), Ben 10: Ripjaws (Ultimate), Ben 10: Rust Belt (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Scale Armor (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Shardblaster (Projectile Mod), Ben 10: Shell Shock (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Short Circuit (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Shrink Wrap (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Sixth Sense (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Smoke and Mirrors (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Snail Trail (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Soul Sink (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Spectral Shriek (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Spin Out (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Static Boom (Projectile Mod), Ben 10: Stink Swarm (Defense Mod), Ben 10: Stinkfly (Character), Ben 10: Stinkfly (Ultimate), Ben 10: Surface Tension (Villain Defense), Ben 10: Thermostat (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Thunderclap (Speed Mod), Ben 10: Turbo Charge (Attack Mod), Ben 10: Upgrade (Character), Ben 10: Upgrade (Ultimate), Ben 10: Wildmutt (Character), Ben 10: Wildmutt (Ultimate), Ben 10: XLR8 (Character), Ben 10: XLR8 (Ultimate), IWL: A Plight of Fists (Finishing), IWL: ACME Special Delivery (Battle Mod), IWL: Apocules (Game Mod), IWL: Apollo Quantum Duae (Game Mod), IWL: Aroma Borealis (Battle Mod), IWL: Aroma Borealis 2 (Battle Mod), IWL: Arrffin' Annie The Chupacabra (Character), IWL: Atlas Quantum Duae (Game Mod), IWL: Atlury (Game Mod), IWL: Atollus (Game Mod), IWL: Atules (Game Mod), IWL: Bad Dentist (Battle Mod), IWL: Balthazaar The Bash-ful (Character), IWL: Billy Ray The Evil Twins (Character), IWL: Black Hole (Battle Mod), IWL: Blinded by the Light (Battle Mod), IWL: Brother Beardsly (Character), IWL: Can't Touch This (Battle Mod), IWL: Canned Heat (Character), IWL: Caraba Chaba (Battle Mod), IWL: Cosmic Crush (Battle Mod), IWL: Cosmonut Cracker (Battle Mod), IWL: Davey Jones Locker (Finishing), IWL: Doll of Cement (Battle Mod), IWL: Eat My Dust (Finishing), IWL: El Mas Loco (Game Mod), IWL: Express Delivery (Finishing), IWL: Galacto The Magnificent (Character), IWL: Galaxy Shifter (Battle Mod), IWL: Gibbonator (Character), IWL: Growler da Pirate (Character), IWL: Hercules Quantum Duae (Game Mod), IWL: Humuhumunukunuku Apua'a (Finishing), IWL: Interstellar Ka-Boom (Battle Mod), IWL: Jacob's Ladder (Battle Mod), IWL: Jupiter Juice (Battle Mod), IWL: Laser Eyeballs (Battle Mod), IWL: Light Speed (Battle Mod), IWL: Lobstar (Character), IWL: Mandible (Character), IWL: Matsumo Clodsan (Character), IWL: Max Apollo Meyiotos (Game Mod), IWL: Max Atlas Meyiotos (Game Mod), IWL: Max Hercules Meyiotos (Game Mod), IWL: Max Mercury Meyiotos (Game Mod), IWL: Max Pan Meyiotos (Game Mod), IWL: Mercollo (Game Mod), IWL: Merculon (Game Mod), IWL: Mercury Heater (Battle Mod), IWL: Mercury Quantum Duae (Game Mod), IWL: Metal Folding Chair Launcher (Battle Mod), IWL: Orion's Belt (Battle Mod), IWL: Pan Quantum Duae (Game Mod), IWL: Panlas (Game Mod), IWL: Panollo (Game Mod), IWL: Panules (Game Mod), IWL: Panury (Game Mod), IWL: Pie in the Eye (Battle Mod), IWL: Planet Crusher (Battle Mod), IWL: Rain of Pain (Battle Mod), IWL: Rocket Boots (Battle Mod), IWL: Roid Rager (Battle Mod), IWL: Slap of 1000 Hands (Battle Mod), IWL: Star Gazer (Battle Mod), IWL: The Asimov (Finishing), IWL: The Banana Split (Finishing), IWL: The Big Kahuna (Character), IWL: The Cleaner (Battle Mod), IWL: The Deadly Cream Pie (Finishing), IWL: The Dragon Bucket (Finishing), IWL: The Ecto-Squeeze (Finishing), IWL: The Foot of Ra (Battle Mod), IWL: The Force... To Be Reckoned With (Battle Mod), IWL: The Fossil (Character), IWL: The Freedom Fryer (Finishing), IWL: The Mad Protoplasm (Character), IWL: The Milky Wake (Battle Mod), IWL: The Moon Shiner (Finishing), IWL: The Mutilator (Finishing), IWL: The Poser (Finishing), IWL: The Saber Tooth Cave Painting (Finishing), IWL: Tortoise (Battle Mod), IWL: Tria Apollo 3 (Game Mod), IWL: Tria Atlas 3 (Game Mod), IWL: Tria Hercules 3 (Game Mod), IWL: Tria Mercury 3 (Game Mod), IWL: Tria Pan 3 (Game Mod), IWL: Uber Tuber (Character), IWL: Ultimate Arrffin' Annie The Chupacabra (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Balthazaar The Bash-ful (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Big Kahuna (Character), IWL: Ultimate Billy Ray The Evil Twins (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Brother Beardsly (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Canned Heat (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Fossil (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Galacto The Magnificent (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Gibbonator (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Growler da Pirate (Character), IWL: Ultimate Lobstar (Character), IWL: Ultimate Mandible (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate Matsumo Clodsan (Ultimate), IWL: Ultimate The Mad Protoplasm (Ultimate), IWL: Unum Apollo Daum (Game Mod), IWL: Unum Atlas Daum (Game Mod), IWL: Unum Herculaum (Game Mod), IWL: Unum Mercury Daum (Game Mod), IWL: Unum Pan Daum (Game Mod), IWL: Venus di Meltdown (Battle Mod), IWL: Vigor Trigger (Battle Mod), IWL: Warp Pile Driver (Battle Mod), IWL: Wise Guy (Battle Mod), Marvel Heroes: Back-Alley Bust Up (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Baron Zemo (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: Below Zero (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Biotronic (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Bullseye (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Captain America (Character), Marvel Heroes: Captain America Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Cavern Clash (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Chaos Laboratories (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Daredevil (Character), Marvel Heroes: Daredevil Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Desolation Flats (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Doctor Doom (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: Doctor Octopus (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: Drab Town (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Dread Field (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Elektra (Character), Marvel Heroes: Elektra Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Fire Island Station (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Force Factor (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Gale Force (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Heat Wave (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Hobgoblin (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Hulk (Character), Marvel Heroes: Hulk Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Human Torch (Character), Marvel Heroes: Human Torch Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Iron Man (Character), Marvel Heroes: Iron Man Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Jungle Tech (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Klaw (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Lady Deathstrike (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Last Chance Bog (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Lightning Ridge (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Loki (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Magneto (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: Mount Fury (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Mountain Meltdown (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Municipal Mayhem (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Mystery (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Omega Red (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Rat House Rumble (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Scraps (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Snow Squall (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Space-Station Omega (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Spider-Man (Character), Marvel Heroes: Spider-Man Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Spiral (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Storm (Character), Marvel Heroes: Storm Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Target X (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Techno Terror (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Thanos (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: The Owl (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Thick Soup (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Thing (Character), Marvel Heroes: Thing Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Thor (Character), Marvel Heroes: Thor Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Thunderhead (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Tunnels of Terror (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Ultron (Boss Mod), Marvel Heroes: Vanguard Forest (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Venom (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Wastes of Warfare (Area Mod), Marvel Heroes: Whirlwind (Villain Mod), Marvel Heroes: Witching Hour (Atmosphere Mod), Marvel Heroes: Wolverine (Character), Marvel Heroes: Wolverine Challenge (Story Mod), Marvel Heroes: Wretched Acres (Area Mod), Spiderman: Air Evac (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Arachnophobia (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Attitude Adjustment (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Bad Habit (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Big Apple 1 (Mission Mod), Spiderman: Big Apple 2 (Mission Mod), Spiderman: Big Apple 3 (Mission Mod), Spiderman: Big Apple 4 (Mission Mod), Spiderman: Big Apple 5 (Mission Mod), Spiderman: Black Flail (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Black Widow (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Camouflage (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Comic Book Mode (FX Mod), Spiderman: Daddy Long Legs (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Daily Bugle (FX Mod), Spiderman: Disguised (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Disintegrator (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Divine Reflex (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Ego Boost (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: EZ Does It (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Fly Paper (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Goo Hammer (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Guilt Trip (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Hang 'em High (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Health Drink (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Invincibility (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Jumping Spider (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Light As A Feather (FX Mod), Spiderman: Octattack (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Parade Route (FX Mod), Spiderman: Quick Learner (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Safety Net (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Shaky Ground (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Slow Motion (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Snap Back (Black Mod Suit), Spiderman: Sonic Drubbing (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Sound Mode (FX Mod), Spiderman: Spider Agility (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Spider Bite (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Spider Shield (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Spider Speed (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Spider-Man (Character), Spiderman: Spidey Sense (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Stopwatch (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Super Jumper (FX Mod), Spiderman: Super Slinger (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Super Strength (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: The Bowling Ball (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: The Tarantula (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Time Twist (FX Mod), Spiderman: Trap Door Spider (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Trip Web (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Tritium Card (Enemy Mod), Spiderman: Tuffanuff (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Up And Away (Black Suit Mod), Spiderman: Wacky Noises (FX Mod), Spiderman: Web Fluid (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Web Flurry (Arsenal Mod), Spiderman: Web O Mondo (Red Suit Mod), Spiderman: Web of Steel (Enemy Mod), X-Men: 52 Card Slice (Finishing Move), X-Men: Absorption (Attack Mod), X-Men: Accelerated Healing (Defense Mod), X-Men: Adamantium Claws (Attack Mod), X-Men: Adamantium Mayhem (Finishing Move), X-Men: Adamantium Skeleton (Defense Mod), X-Men: Adaptive Mode (Defense Mod), X-Men: Amphibian Assault (Attack Mod), X-Men: Armored Helmet (Defense Mod), X-Men: Auto Duck (Defense Mod), X-Men: Auto Jump (Defense Mod), X-Men: Beast (Character), X-Men: Below Zero (Defense Mod), X-Men: Big Chill (Attack Mod), X-Men: Blob (Character), X-Men: Brutal Force (Attack Mod), X-Men: Chaos Magick (Attack Mod), X-Men: Colossus (Character), X-Men: Cool Head (Defense Mod), X-Men: Cyborg Assault (Attack Mod), X-Men: Cyclops (Character), X-Men: Dead Man's Hands (Finishing Move), X-Men: Death Dealer (Attack Mod), X-Men: Devastating Optic Blast (Finishing Move), X-Men: Durability Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Energy Projection Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Escape Artist (Defense Mod), X-Men: Escape Flight (Defense Mod), X-Men: Fighting Skills Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Gambit (Character), X-Men: Goop Swoop (Defense Mod), X-Men: Gravity Press (Finishing Move), X-Men: Half as Nice (Attack Mod), X-Men: Head Crush (Finishing Move), X-Men: Hover Hold (Defense Mod), X-Men: Iceman (Character), X-Men: Intelligence Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Irresistible Force (Finishing Move), X-Men: Jean Grey/Phoenix (Character), X-Men: Juggernaut (Character), X-Men: Killer Instinct (Attack Mod), X-Men: Kinetic Cover (Defense Mod), X-Men: Lady Deathstrike (Character), X-Men: Lethal Injection (Finishing Move), X-Men: Magnetic Maneuver (Defense Mod), X-Men: Magneto (Character), X-Men: Melee Shield (Defense Mod), X-Men: Melee Vengeance (Attack Mod), X-Men: Mental Bolt (Finishing Move), X-Men: Metallic Mayhem (Attack Mod), X-Men: Morph Queen (Attack Mod), X-Men: Mutant Extermination (Attack Mod), X-Men: Mystique (Character), X-Men: Nightcrawler (Character), X-Men: Omega Red (Character), X-Men: Passive Aggression (Defense Mod), X-Men: Power Driver (Finishing Move), X-Men: Power of Cyttorak (Attack Mod), X-Men: Professor X (Character), X-Men: Projectile Shield (Defense Mod), X-Men: Projectile Vengeance (Attack Mod), X-Men: Psychic Shield (Defense Mod), X-Men: Rapid Fire Destruction (Finishing Move), X-Men: Rapid Recovery (Defense Mod), X-Men: Real McCoy (Attack Mod), X-Men: Red Guard (Defense Mod), X-Men: Reflective Mode (Attack Mod), X-Men: Resurrect (Defense Mod), X-Men: Rogue (Character), X-Men: Sabretooth (Character), X-Men: Scarlet Leather (Defense Mod), X-Men: Scarlet Witch (Character), X-Men: Sentinel (Character), X-Men: Shapely Shifting (Defense Mod), X-Men: Shrapnel (Finishing Move), X-Men: Speed Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Spinning Death (Finishing Move), X-Men: Steel-like Skin (Defense Mod), X-Men: Storm (Character), X-Men: Strength Room (Danger Room), X-Men: Sun Burst (Finishing Move), X-Men: Super Freeze (Finishing Move), X-Men: Super Shield (Defense Mod), X-Men: Super Speed (Attack Mod), X-Men: Superhuman Resistant (Defense Mod), X-Men: Tele-Driver Spin (Finishing Move), X-Men: Telepathic Touch (Attack Mod), X-Men: Teleportation (Attack Mod), X-Men: Thermonuclear Holocaust (Finishing Move), X-Men: Throat-Rip (Finishing Move), X-Men: Thunder n' Lightning (Attack Mod), X-Men: Toad (Character), X-Men: Total Drain (Finishing Move), X-Men: Toxic Spew (Finishing Move), X-Men: Toxic Tentacles (Attack Mod), X-Men: Triple Strike (Attack Mod), X-Men: Ultimate Beast (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Blob (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Colossus (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Cyclops (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Gambit (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Iceman (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Jean Grey/Phoenix (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Juggernaut (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Lady Deathstrike (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Magneto (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Mystique (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Nightcrawler (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Omega Red (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Rogue (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Sabretooth (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Scarlet Witch (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Sentinel (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Storm (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Toad (Character), X-Men: Ultimate Wolverine (Character), X-Men: Unstoppable Force (Attack Mod), X-Men: Vapor-eyes (Attack Mod), X-Men: Wolverine (Character) [Sandro Ronco]
  • ibm5150: Wizzardz & War Lordz [LGR]
  • mobigo_cart:
    Disney Fairies Explore Your Talents (USA), Disney Jake and the Neverland Pirates (USA), Disney Princess (USA), DreamWorks/Nickelodeon The Penguins of Madagascar - Mission Madness (USA), Thomas & Friends - Really Useful Engines (USA) [TeamEurope, Sean Riddle]
    Disney La Casa de Mickey Mouse (Spain), Nickelodeon Bob Esponja - Defendiendo la Fórmula Secreta (Spain) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
  • nuon: Ballistic, FreeFall 3050 A.D., Iron Soldier 3, Merlin Racing, Space Invaders XL, Tempest 3000, Toshiba Sampler (11-1-2000) [incog]
  • pc98: Eisei Meijin II, Elysion (2DD version), EPSON Software Installation Program (v2.17), EPSON Software Installation Program (v2.23), EPSON Software Installation Program (v2.27), EPSON Software Installation Program (v3.02) [Neo Kobe Collection, r09]
  • st_flop: Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Euro) [Mikerochip, FakeShemp]
  • tvgogo: Baseball (US), Whac-A-Mole (US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • vsmile_cart: DreamWorks Monstres contre Aliens (France) [DisizDream]
  • vsmileb_cart: L'arche de Noé - L'aventure des animaux (France), Les découvertes de Mickey et ses amis (France) [DisizDream]
  • vsmilem_cart:
    Disney La Princesse Et La Grenouille - Le grand rêve de Tiana (France), Disney Manny et ses outils (France), Shrek 4 - Il était une fin (France) [DisizDream]
    Disney Meister Manny's Werkzeugkiste (Germany) [TeamEurope]

[Posted by: Vas Crabb]

HBMAME 0.222



What's new in HBMAME

2020-06-24 0.222

- Metal Slug 1,2,3,4,5 and X the roms remix generated a cleanup and has been updated

New Games
[captcomms89] Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2020-05-03)
[captcomms90] Captain Commando (Nightmare Edition Update 2020-03-28)
[captcomms91] Captain Commando (Warlord Version 2020-05-07)
[captcomms92] Captain Commando (Master Second Edition 2020-04-10)
[dinos247] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (God of War Edition Update 2020-05-15)
[dinos248] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (JD Versión 2020-05-15)
[dinos249] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Military Commander Edition 2020-05-15)
[dinos250] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Triassic Edition 2020-05-15)
[dinos251] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Tianjiang Edition 2020-05-15)
[dinos252] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Uranus Edition Update 2020-05-15)
[dinos253] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Ares Edition 2020-05-15)
[dinos254] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Multi-Mode Enhanced Edition 2020-05-23)
[dinos255] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Demon God Dance 2020-05-18)
[dkongotr] Donkey Kong On the Run
[grdianss16] Guardians (Warriors Edition 2020-04-01)
[grdianss17] Guardians (Warriors Edition 2020-04-02)
[kof96ae23] Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2.3 Final Version 2020-05-27)
[kof96s50] Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2.3 Final Version Simplify The Move 2020-05-27)
[kof97s174] Kof'97 (YK World Cloth 83 Modified Version 2020-05-12)
[kof97s175] Kof'97 (YK Clone Zero Modified Version 2020-05-12)
[kof97s176] Kof'97 (14 Windbreaker Eight Gods Enhanced Edition Simplified Move 2020-05-25)
[kof97s177] Kof'97 (BC Enhanced Version Simplified Move 2020-05-25)
[kof97s178] Kof'97 (Start Of Dream Simplify Edition 2020-05-25)
[kof97s179] Kof'97 (Start Of Dream Edition 2020-05-25)
[kof97s180] Kof'97 (Optimized Version, Practice Version 2020-05-27)
[kof97s181] Kof'97 (World Armed Forces 83 Modified Version 2020-05-22)
[kof97s182] Kof'97 (World Armed Forces 85 Modified Version 2020-05-22)
[kof98hh130] Kof'98 (Combo 2020-03-28)
[kof2000s61] Kof2000 (OTC Simplified 2020-05-26)
[kof2000s62] Kof2000 (OTC Original 2020-05-26)
[kof2000s63] Kof2000 (Blue Sky Edition Simplified Move 2020-05-15)
[kov2p204s96] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Heroes of the World 2020-05-13)
[kov2p204s97] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Dragon And Phoenix Dance 2020-05-13)
[kov2p204s98] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (God of War Musou 2020-05-25)
[kovpluss367] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Heroes Dance 2020 2020-05-15)
[kovpluss368] Knights of Valour: SanGuo QunYingZhuan / Sangoku Senki: SanGuo QunYingZhuan (bootleg, set 5)
[mslugps18] Metal Slug (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-03-26)[Version Original]
[mslug2ps41] Metal Slug 2 (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-05-10)
[mslug2ps42] Metal Slug 2 (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-03-26)[Version Original]
[mslug3h01] Metal Slug 3 (Zombie Players Mode Edition 2020-05-31)
[mslug3h09] Metal Slug 3 (Mummy Players Mode Edition 2020-05-31)
[mslug3h64] Metal Slug 3 (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-03-27)[Version Original]
[mslug4hh57] Metal Slug 4 (Burst Enhanced Version 2020-03-27)[Version Original]
[mslug5dh69] Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2020-04-06)
[mslug5dh70] Metal Slug 5 (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-03-26)[Version Original]
[mslugxz71] Metal Slug X (Apocalyptic Time 1.0 Alpha 2020-04-21)
[mslugxz72] Metal Slug X (Apocalyptic Time 2.2 2020-05-11)
[mslugxz73] Metal Slug X (2R Version 2020-04-18)
[mslugxz74] Metal Slug X (The Hungry Meteorite Edition 2020-06-11)
[mslugxz75] Metal Slug X (2R Version 2020-04-26)
[mslugxz76] Metal Slug X (Burst Enhanced Edition 2020-03-26)[Version Original]
[mslugxz77] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(Enemy Heavy Plate 2013-06-18)
[mslugxz78] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(Enemy Soldiers Remake Version 3)
[mslugxz79] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(World Of Glitcher 2020-06-11)
[mslugxz80] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(Level Reset Special Edition 2014-11-08)
[mslugxz81] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(Apocalyptic Time 2.2 2020-05-11)
[mslugxz82] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(2R Version 2020-04-26)
[mslugxz83] Metal Slug X (Enemy Soldiers Psycho Edition 2020-06-11)
[mslugxz84] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(The Hungry Meteorite Edition 2020-06-11)
[mslugxz85] Metal Slug X (Big Heavy Machine Gun Flame Edition 2018-12-08)(Enemy Soldiers Psycho Edition 2020-06-11)
[powerns05] Power Instinct (Optimized Edition 2020-05-15)
[sailormnts04] Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Enemy Demon Revised Edition 2020-05-13)
[sailormnts05] Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Enemy Demon Revised Edition 2020-05-24)
[samsho5fe] Samurai Shodown V Special (Final Edition, location test)
[sengoku3s14] Sengoku 3 (Fengshen Edition 2020-05-15)
[tk2h161] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2020-05-15)
[umk3uc20200519] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-05-19)
[zeroteamss02] Zero Team Selection (Nightmare 2018-10-22)

Please note: If you want to compile your own, you MUST pull to the tag from github. Trying to apply patches to the MAME source will not work. This is a permanent change.

[Posted by: Robbbert]

MAMEinfo 0.222 :)



* Updated to MAME 0.222 - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (25th June)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: Black Hole (EFG Sanremo), Super Motor (prototype) and TwinBee (Bubble System)
- New Working games: Bingo Time, Kick and Run, Tetris + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.01, set 2), Witch Card (ICP-1, encrypted) and World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30)
- New Non-Working games: Crazy Balls [TTL], Dardomania (v2.1), Densha de GO 3! Tsukin-hen (V2.03J), High Roller and Jackpot (Ver 16.16L)
- New clones: Air Duel (US location test, M82 hardware), Circus (bootleg), Cleopatra Fortune (Ver 2.1O 1996/09/05, bootleg), Dirt Dash (Rev. DT1 Ver.A, Japan), DonPachi (Japan, Satsuei version), FreeWay (V4.31), Gals Panic (Taiwan, EXPRO-02 PCB), Golden Par Golf (Joystick, V1.0), Hot Blocks - Tetrix II (set 2), Hot Blocks - Tetrix II (set 3), Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (rev 4?), Jackpot (Ver 1.16L), Karate Dou (Arfyc bootleg), 'Konglongwang - D-Kids VS Alpha Yaosai (China, Ver 2.501) (MDA-C0081)', Magic Bomb (Ver. A3.1A), Magic Bomb (Ver. AA.72D, 14/11/05), Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.2, 11/10/01), Magic Bomb (Ver. AB4.5A, 07/10/02), Magic Bomb (Ver. L3.5S), Pit Boss Superstar (9221-12-02, Minnesota version), Police Trainer (Rev 1.3B, Rev 0.3 PCB), Prebillian (bootleg), Raiden II (Spain), Road Fighter (set 3, unencrypted), Shinobi (Datsu bootleg, set 3), Shuffleshot (v1.35), Shuffleshot (v1.38), Street Fighter (Japan, bootleg), 'Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts (Spanish)', Trivia (Questions Series 12 Alt Question Rom), Trivia (Questions Series 14 Alt Question Rom), Trivia (Version 1.03a Sex questions, Alt revision questions), Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Brazil 970519), Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 2) and Video Pinball (4 ROMs version)
- New PinMAME games: The Raid (alternate set), Star Wars (1.01), Trebol and Twilight Zone (L-5)
- New drivers: crazybal.cpp, drdmania.cpp, jackpot.cpp, regama.cpp, schick.cpp and smotor.cpp
- New devices: 24c512, c219, cxd1180, ds80c320, i8344, i87c51fa, jag_blitter, m24c02, m6512, m68hc705c4a, mbm29lv800b, pcd8572, pic17c43, pic17c44, sab80c535, sed1278_0b, w65c802 and zzzap_audio
- New Clrmamepro: https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/#downloads
- New Cheat.dat: http://www.mamecheat.co.uk/
. Analog Devices ADSP21062 'SHARC': Fixed DRC crashes in DEVNOCLEAR debug builds
. DEC T11: More accurate emulation of interrupt acknowledgment. Added PF and HLT interrupts. This is accurate behavior for the T11, but it makes some of the driver changes a bit more awkward than they probably should be, given that one device is standing in for every CPU vaguely related to the PDP-11 family. Galaxy Game obviously wasn't written for a T11, and the BK-0010's K1801VM1 doesn't look like a lot like the T11 either. Changed default interrupt vector.
. Hitachi HD6309: Removed 0x20 opcode (m6809\hd6309.ops). Note $1020 is an illegal opcode on the 6309. On the 6809 it is a rarely used form of LBRA. I tested on a real 6309 and $1020 vectors to Illegal.
. Hyperstone: Fixed DRC crashes in DEVNOCLEAR debug builds (e132xs\e132xs.cpp)
. Intel 8085A
. Stop in debugger after an interrupt is taken, not immediately before.
. Interrupt updates: Eliminated special-casing and three-in-one loading of CALL (and JMP) vectors in favor of fetching each byte in succession like a normal instruction. Added INTA callback, called only when INTR (and not any other interrupt) is acknowledged. Enforce that TRAP (NMI) must be held at a high level until acknowledgment.
. Intel 8086
. Correct a fortuitously harmless typo in state registration (i86\i86.cpp). Updated m_prev_ip (and therefore CURPC) after taking interrupt. Added exception hook for debugger gex command.
. Fixed old regression with NEG opcode flags. Fixes mysterious deaths in Krull cave scene (ID 06896).
. Intel 8086/80186/80286: Don't automatically clear IRQ state upon acknowledgment (i86\i86.cpp). Added byte registers to debugger state and improved tracking of previous PC for debugger. Added exception hook for debugger gex command.
. Intel 80186: Initialized variable as needed to avoid timing regression in some leland.cpp games in debug DEVNOCLEAR builds (i86\i186.cpp)
. Intel 80286: Don't clear INT state upon acknowledgment and added exception hook for debugger (i86\i286.cpp). Updated m_prev_ip (and therefore CURPC) after taking interrupt.
. Intel i960KB: Added missing opcodes. Rewrote disassembler (i960\i960dis.cpp). Added partial support for all IAC messages. Log unimplemented IACs (i960\i960.cpp).
. KONAMI CPU: Fixed broken ROLD/RORD opcodes (m6809\konami.ops)
. MCS-51: Added Dallas DS80C320 HSM, Siemens SAB80C535 and Intel 8344AH RUPI-44 disassemblers (cpu\mcs51\mcs51.cpp)
. Microchip PIC16/17: Added disassembler for PIC17 family and preliminary PIC17C4X emulation. Added a PIC16C70 disassembler.
. Mitsubishi M37710S4: Rename some registers to agree with Mitsubishi documentation. NOP unused SFR area. Actually SFR area 2-9 is external on some chips.
. Motorola Atari Jaguar GPU 'Tom': Added notes of debugging feature. GPU code can be executed out of external RAM. Reference: Midsummer Technical Reference Manual.
. Motorola MC6801
. Clear OCF when output compare register is rewritten, not read from. Fixed #define TOH.
. Removed hack, the real cause of (MESS) Coleco Adam locking up at boot was fixed recently with TCSR_OCF clear. TCSR upper 3 bits are read-only.
. Motorola MC68000: Added exception hook for debugger gex command (m68000\m68kcpu.cpp). Added fmod instruction (m68000\m68kfpu.hxx).
. Motorola MC68HC05Cx: Simplified handler signatures. Added MC68HC705C4A type (m6805\m68hc05.cpp).
. NEC Vxx: Added exception hook for debugger gex command. Added byte registers to debugger state. Improved tracking of previous PC for debugger. Use more NEC register names.
. Sony PSX CPU: Switched PlayStation CPU over to memory_access_specific
. Texas Instruments TMS9995: Fixed different behaviour of the (MESS) tutor.cpp driver in the DEVNOCLEAR branch
. Texas Instruments TMS32031: Added/Correct notes for internal peripherals and chip family differences. Fixed chip name (no NMOS variant exists) and some descriptions. Fixed Microcomputer mode when 320C30 internal ROM is empty. Reference: TMS320C3x User's Manual.
. Toshiba TMP95C06x: Splitted derived types into separate files. No need for separate 8-bit and 16-bit maps now. Break up the register blocks (cpu\tlcs900\tlcs900.cpp).
. Atari C012294 POKEY: Removed #include "machine\rescap.h" (sound\pokey.h, audio\jedi.cpp, drivers\asteroid.cpp, ccastles.cpp, centiped.cpp, cloak.cpp, liberatr.cpp, maxaflex.cpp, mhavoc.cpp, missile.cpp, tempest.cpp and tunhunt.cpp)
. Atari CAGE: Fixed [debug] assertion in 'San Francisco Rush' and 'San Francisco Rush: The Rock' (audio\cage.cpp) (ID 07668)
. ICS2115 WaveFront Synthesizer
. Added imperfect_features related to incorrect/unverified interrupt, interpolation and ramping Interpolation issue is most noticeable in Cave PGM hardware game music (sound\ics2115.h).
. Use device_memory_interface for fetch external samples and for later DMA and DRAM interface support. Allow ulaw interpolation (some instrument sound samples in IGS PGM Motherboard sound ROM is u-law). Added notes. Reduced duplications.
. K053260 KDSC: Fixed panning, interrupts and general volume for The Simpsons.
. Namco C352: Allow byte accessing. Modernized save states. Added notes. Use shorter/correct type/argument values.
. Namco 54XX: Increase the length of the Namco 54XX IRQ to fix Bosconian shot sound regression
. OKI ADPCM: Added looped sample support. Allow reading current output without decoding. Fixed initial values and descriptions (sound\okiadpcm.cpp)
. QS1000: Added save state related to loop support (disabled currently)
. N2A03 APU: Correct noise algorithm
. Ricoh RF5C164: Verified default register map (datasheet). Implemented some chip variant differences. Implemented RF5C164 default register map (Reference: RF5C68 Datasheet and Mega CD hardware manual PCM sound source). Use STRUCT_MEMBER for state saving.
. Ricoh RF5C400: Fixed wrong bus width (sound\rf5c400.h)
. SSi TSI S14001A: Zero-fill variables, fixes missing speech in some (MESS) Fidel chess drivers in DEVNOCLEAR builds.
. Williams CVSD Sound Board and Williams NARC Sound Board: Fixed the Williams audio HC-55516 digit write to mask the digital input bit correctly (instead of sending a whole byte) and fixed the clock set and clear logic to accurately reflect schematics (audio\williams.cpp).
. Williams WPC Sound: Fixed wpcsnd memory map to explicitly define mirrors and fixed two swapped write handlers in the map (audio\wpcsnd.cpp)
. 6522 VIA: Correct vocabulary, raise cb2 on shift in to make open-collector work correctly. Don't lose sync on edge count when the serial clock is external.
. 8042 Keyboard/Mouse Controller: Initilized variable that caused problems for the PCI PC drivers in DEVNOCLEAR builds (machine\8042kbdc.cpp)
. Atari Slapstic: Transfer legacy slapstic handling routines from machine\atarigen.cpp to device. Eliminated address_space argument from legacy read/write handlers (machine\slapstic.cpp).
. Discrete Netlist
. Fixed Clang-tidy warnings. Fixed some windows build issues in build\makefile. Improved const-awareness and tidy changes. Identified a number of code locations which could accept const arguments.
. Added 74163 4-bit counter, 74393 device and unit test.
. More code maintenance. Make some calls private which were public before. Eliminated functions which would be executed only once. Make terminal reference functions in twoterm.h return const. Clearly identify the use cases which need a non-const ref to terminals.
. Fixed "--cmd=listdevices". Broken for quite a while this is now working again (prg\nltool.cpp). Fixed documentation build on windows in makefile. Documentation should be created on Windows using make mingw PARAMS=doc. Admittedly this is ugly and the makefile needs to be changed to use something like "make HOSTOS=windows doc".
. Fixed some edge cases in static compile. Comes with a new version of static_solvers.cpp.
. Stub implementation of 566 VCO. Added NE566 to netlist.lua. Fixed output stage on NE566
. Added the NE566 as a macro device. The device can be found in nlm_other.cpp. Removed nld_ne566.*. Added SYS_SW, SYS_SW2 and SYS_COMP. These are single switch, alternating switch and a analog comparator with digital outputs. Renamed RES_SWITCH to SYS_SW. Added example ne566.cpp in netlist/examples.
. nld_log now writes out last value at end of run
. Fixed polarity issue in CCCS device. Note: This affects all use cases of CCCS.
. Faster LM3900 model (macro\nlm_opamp.cpp)
. Unknown parameters really should be fatal. Unknown parameters like Solver.ABCD now will cause a fatal error to be generated. Fixed unknown parameter on ne566 and VS 2019 build.
. Fixed a long standing bug in proxy/family code. This never materialized because proxies were always connected to GND in existing netlists (netlist\nl_base.h).
. Added simple ZDIODE model. The model is driven by three additional model parameters: NBV, IBV, BV. Example code how to define a typical 7.5V Zener diode: ZDIODE(ZD, "D(BV=7.5 IBV=0.01 NBV=3)") or NET_MODEL("A1234 D(BV=7.5 IBV=0.01 NBV=3)") ZDIODE(ZD, "A1234")
. Changed license for netlists in examples to CC0 (public domain). Moving over to Clang-tidy-11 and enabling more warnings.
. Adding prandom.h (PseudoRandom Number Generator (Mersenne Twister)). Simplified pfunction state handling. Removed dependency on pstate.h.
. Added two noise sources. The two sources act as voltage sources, though noise may also be injected as conductivy or current noise. SYS_NOISE_MT_U: Mersenne Twister uniform noise and SYS_NOISE_MT_N: Mersenne Twister normal noise. nld_sys_noise is templated: Using NETLIB_NAME(sys_noise_mt_u) = NETLIB_NAME(sys_noise);. Thus the approach is scalable. The implementation is state save aware, and thus reproducible results are guaranteed. An example use case is provided as well, see examples/noise.cpp.
. Restructered the save state system. This change makes state saving contract based. Objects which need to save state need to have the following template member: template void save_state(ST &st) { /* Example */ st.save_item(m_p, "m_p"); st.save_item(m_buf, "m_buf"); }. This member function is called when the object is passed to the state manager save function.
. Fixed two nlwav bugs. First one corrupted wav files produced on windows. The second one produced wrong sample integration results.
. New nlwav functionality: nlwav now supports 16 and 32 bit integer format (wav16s, wav32s) as well as 32 bit float format (wav32f). The "wav" format is no longer supported. Added support for high and low pass filtering the wav output. Dynamic volume adjustment (use "-a 0") --hpboost can suppress spikes at the beginning of the file (<10ms). The addition of the float format simplifies debugging significantly since it covers the whole dynamic format. Added nlwav to the local VS 2019 build.
. Added elif processing to preprocessor (plib\ppreprocessor.cpp)
. Moved nld_power_pins to nl_base.h. This removes a large number of dependencies on nlid_system.h.
. Reduced the usage of NETLIB_CONSTRUCTOR_DERIVED to implement dip package objects. This aligns the programmatic approach with the approach used in the macro folder, i.e. using netlists. Untangle model definition and interpretation as well. This changes are a first step in aligning models and families and thus simplify the source further.
. Fixed VCCS definition (netlist\analog\nld_fourterm.h)
. Removed family_setter. Naming alignment and family becomes model. Architecture cleanups. Reviewed reset logic. Pass truthtable family as string to factory. This is another set of changes on the path to align logic families and models. As a side effect, the object model now makes a clear distinction between analog models and logic models. The number of macros in nl_base.h has decreased significantly due to these changes.
. Provided more information for warning on connecting two terminals already on the same net
. Logic devices now support model parameter. This a big forward to allow reuse of code. Still a longer way to go but the foundation there. Also brings quite a number of simplifications and dead code removal.
. Added undef support to the preprocessor. Added support for empty #defines to preprocessor. Added detection and reporting of re-definitions (netlist\plib\ppreprocessor.cpp)
. Extended functionality and code cleanup: Working macro level parameters. Simplified code significantly. Fixed a number of hidden issue. Dead code removal. It is now possible to define netlist level parameters (see example). The code also has been prepared to allow something along the lines of LIBENTRY_MODEL(DM74LS00_DIP, DM7400_DIP, "LS74XX") to define a LS version on top of an DM7400_DIP bare TTL implementation. This however will need more efforts to existing devices to honour some timing adjustment in the model definition. It will already honour different output specifications between LS series and bare TTL if connected to analog components.
. Code cleanup to better separate the following stages: Parsing, setup and run. In addition preliminary native tristate support was added. Not yet production ready, please don't use it.
. Added 74377/74378/74379 devices to netlist. Re-do the 74377/8/9 as macros. Added devices CD4013, CD4069 and CD4070.
. Fixed Breakout SLOW_BUT_ACCURATE (machine\nl_breakout.cpp)
. Rewrote rom devices from scratch. This is a rewrite from scratch for rom devices. It uses a generic template to implement rom devices which is used together with a description struct to define a rom device. This leads to highly efficient code since all information is available at compile time. This is also a step forward to support tristate outputs. All rom devices covered by this approach have tristate or open collector outputs and thus all code changes to support tristate outputs can now be made consistently in one file.
. Added working 74125 and 74126 implementations. These tristate buffers natively support tristate outputs. For use cases with fixed enable inputs the devices support a parameter FORCE_TRISTATE_LOGIC which if being set to 1 makes the device behave like a logic output. Added additional syntax and consistency checks for tristate outputs. Updated the example and added dip implementations including documentation.
. Improved typesafety for source locations. During object creation netlist tracks the source files which provide object creation. This is later used e.g. by nltool to create documentation from source.
. Added missing TTL_74125 definition (netlist\macro\nlm_ttl74xx.h). Added 7421 device.
. Improved timing accuracy for sound devices. Better alignment between netlist_time and attotime.
. Simplified factory call structure. This change will make it a lot easier to add enhanced functionality to the factory infrastructure. Using integral constants also improves linking stability. Improved syntax of generic device descriptors.
. Added tristate support for rom devices. Rom and prom devices now properly support tristate outputs. Native OC output still on the todo list. In addition this commit fixes a number of bugs around dealing with macro level parameters and improves documentation by adding a parameter table. Also srcclean.
. Consolidate 9316-type counters. This needs more attention since for certain compilers there is a considerable performance degregation. It looks like this is only triggered if too many variants are declared in one cpp file and the compiler stops inlining.
. Fixed performance issues and VC2019. For reasons unknown to me compile optimizations do not behave for template code. If the implementation is in separate compile units, the code compiles and performs.
. Better integretation of INT128. Moved penum into own header file (netlist\plib\penum.h).
. Pong (Rev E) [TTL] now peaks at 589% compared to 570% before. Amongst a number of improvements in nl_base.h and the 7493 was touched. Also has some code cleanup and hopefully faster compilation due to extern template declarations.
. Moved configuration entries into netlist namespace and netlist parsing where it belongs. Memory system cleanup.
. Fixed NVCC compile for 10.2. plists.h was splitted into plists.h, pmulti_threading.h and ptimed_queue.h. In addition removed plists.h from a number of files it wasn't used in. Certain minor adjustment needed to be made for CUDA toolkit 10.1 and 10.2.
. Refactored ppmf.h. Make more use of C++. Prepare coexistence of different delegate types. Untangle code. Reduced macro usage. Changed use of NETLIB_DELEGATE macro. The macro now has only one parameter, the local name of the delegate. Use callbacks to access terminals (debugger). Device factory enhancements. Factory elements can now pass additional parameters to device constructors. This makes the design of interface objects like analog callbacks easier. The change also allowed to remove some "deep" calls into the core from the MAME interface in netlist.h. Drop C++11 support. This wasn't working since the last factory changes. Removed it. Basically replace C14CONSTEXPR with constexpr. Moved multiparameter streaming into nl_interface.h. Clang-tidy, header order fixes.
. Enabled UTF7 filenames on windows. Fixed visibility of classes in nlid_system.h and tidy warning for penum. Reduced macro usage and make use of pstring UTF8. Fixed win float exceptions.
. More C++14, use enable_if_t instead of enable_if. Cleaned up the use of memory allocation arenas. Reduced MACRO usage, use std::conditional where possible. ppmf simplification. Arena code maintenance. Fixed MSVC build. MSVC has an issue with SFINAE and overloading resolution. A discussion can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31062892/overloading-on-static-in-conjunction-with-sfinae. The previous code compiled with GCC and Clang on all platforms and compilers apart from MSVC. Replaced with double template specialization. Allow selection of base arena for pmempool_arena. Further optimize ppmf.h: Moved towards a pure c++ constexpr solution to derive the optimal pointer to member function solution. All the macro madness is centralized to a compile_info struct with static members. For the time being the evaluation result is compared against the previous approach. Going forward this will be dropped as well as the support for MINGW with GCC <= 4.6. Prepare path to non-virtual update functions.
. Fixed win32 compile and all targets without INT128 support
. Improved static solver performance by 5%. Use a more condensed matrix format for go, gt and Id matrices. In addition, optimize the static compilation code. Make fostrm actually write to file.
. Performance improvement and refactoring: Kid Niki now achieves up to 910% when run with static solvers and with nltool. That is significant better than the 860% we have seen previously. This increase is driven by using a global memory pool in the solver code. In addition the following refactoring and code maintenance work is included. Please excuse the large commit, some of this took interfered with other work and the detail development steps were ugly. GSL support: This commit adds pgsl.h which implements a very limited number of the functionality of the gsl header described in the C++ core guidelines. Clang-tidy fixes. A significant refactoring of palloc.h. Aligned hints were removed, they added complexity without a significant performance gain. Vector operations should better be done on special spans/views. The code has been tested on linux with G++-7, G++-9, Clang-11. On Windows MinGW-10, VS2019 and OSX Clang-11.
. Fixed for some compilers not being CWG 1579 compliant (netlist\nl_setup.cpp). Fixed copy elusion bug on OSX and Clang < 8. Solution discussed with AJR in chat (machine\netlist.cpp and nl_setup.cpp). Fixed nltool build on CWG 1579-noncompliant compilers.
. Floppy
. Improved HLD behavior, always activating output at start of type II & III commands. Use attotime::to_string instead of custom time-to-string method and fixed command logging messages (machine\wd_fdc.cpp).
. Improved HLD/HLT handling, fixed FD1771 timings and enable spinup_on_interrupt. Do not delay SEEK with no Verify flag. Improved write protection. set BUSY during initial restore to make it correctly interruptable (machine\wd_fdc.cpp).
. Accept new commands while in busy state, workaround for spurious recursive calls if HLD used for drive motor control, don't change track and data registers during reset (machine\wd_fdc.cpp).
. GP9001 VDP: Fixed GP9001 sprite drawing, fixes Truxton II sprites flicker or disappear during certain parts of the game (ID 07642).
. Hitachi HD44780 A00 LCD Controller: Allow function set register to be updated again right after changing the data length.
. I2C Memory: Created i2cmem sub classes for all used device types, fixed the buffer sizes that were wrong, removed the methods for modifying the data & buffer sizes and changed the drivers to use the correct types.
. Intel 8155 RAM, I/O & Timer: Allow writes to port registers to alter latches whether or not output mode is configured. Turn logging back off.
. Intel 8259 PIC
. Z80/8085 slave PICs need 32 bit vectors. Emulated three-cycle acknowledge for non-8086 mode (machine\pic8259.h).
. Moved recently-introduced inta_call hack down into the only Z80-based driver that still needs it. The hardware-accurate way of synthesizing multiple INTA pulses in a Z80 system (which involves rerouting what would otherwise be normal memory reads) is not so simple and deservedly rare.
. Intel 8279 KDC: Keyscan overhaul: Improved handling of multiple key depressions. Emulated debounce cycles (emulation partly disabled due to MAME updating inputs only once per frame). Added switch closed status flag for sensor matrix mode.
. K037122 2D Tilemap: Updated K037122 hardware information. Added screen raw parameters (verified in both 3DFX Voodoo and K037122 display timing parameters).
. K052109 Tilemap Generator: Correct video clocks (drivers\simpsons.cpp and video\k052109.cpp)
. K056230 LANC: Misc demacroization. Documentation updates.
. Keyboard
. Fixed typos in PORT_CHAR definitions (machine\keyboard.cpp)
. Fixed for UI Paste with the Default Serial Terminal (emu\natkeyboard.cpp). Without this fix, 8 characters @^&()\:" cannot be pasted from the UI.
. Konami PowerPC Common Functions: Removed 7seg LED hack (machine\konppc.cpp)
. MC6850 ACIA: DRE should read clear in reset and set coming out of reset. Fixes a lockup running UniFlex on the SWTPC09. Tested on hardware, the TDRE flag reads as zero in the reset state and reads as set when taken out of reset, and even if data has been written to the data register while in the reset state.
. Motorola MC6845 CRTC: Max visible lines might not be what really is displayed, see (MESS) IBM PC 5150t demo 8088mph.
. Namco C140
. Updated data bus behavior and support 12 bit PCM. Verified from Assault (namcos2.c) schematics. Added/Updated notes. Use shorter/correct type values. Fixed address/data bus bits and modernized save states. Fixed spacing. Reduced unnecessary lines and duplicates. Moved little endian interface in c140.h. Moved bankswitch behaviors in each drivers. Reduced noisy sound regression in previous commit remain in vgmplay for compatiblity. Implemented some features from QuattroPlay by superctr. Splitted sound stream update and host interface.
. Fixed C140 input clock source according to crystal for gal3.cpp and namcos21*.cpp. Added notes.
. Namco 50xx/51xx/52xx/53xx/54xx/05xx: set_input_line is synced, don't need extra synchronize.
. NVRAM: Don't save 0byte file (machine\nvram.h, emu\dinvram.h, machine\rp5c01.h and emu\machine.cpp)
. PSX GPU: Initialized a couple of variables that were causing problems in DEVNOCLEAR debug builds
. Signetics SCN2674 AVDC: Delayed commands use display pointer address, not screen 2 address.
. Voltage Regulator: Fixed problem with DAC stream slice update (sound\volt_reg.cpp)
. Z80 SCC Channel: Don't invent data (m_rx_fifo_rp_step). Clear IUS not IP.
- 40love.cpp: Use MB14241 device
- 8080bw.cpp: Periodic timer can't be adjusted (audio\8080bw.cpp)
- aleck64.cpp: Initialized variable that caused problems in DEVNOCLEAR debug builds (machine\n64.cpp)
- atarifb.cpp: Improved interrupts, LED multiplexing and sprite raster effects (ID 01731).
- atarisy1.cpp
. Some of the BIOS roms were wrong (136032.105.l13, 136032.115.j10 and 136032.107.b2) (ID 07656). Clone Road Blasters (cockpit, rev 1) also expects LSI BIOS.
. Fixed Road Blasters steering wheel does not auto center. The RoadBlasters steering wheel is very much like the Star Wars yoke, without the vertical (Y) axis (ID 07671)
- cdi.cpp
. Various CD-I changes: Started hooking up the Quizard MCU. Renamed CDI_SLAVE to CDI_SLAVE_HLE in prep for an LLE device. Added more comprehensive notes to the driver. Removed NO_DUMP cdic.bin as the CDIC is apparently not an MCU. Copied SERVO and SLAVE MCUs into cdimono1 set from cdi910 set and marked with BAD_DUMP. Replaced protection HLE with proper MCU hookup. Philips SCC68070: Improved UART Tx/Rx behavior, though it still functions in parallel rather than serial.
. Initial changes to get Quizard 3 and Quizard 4 Rainbow working. More CDIC fixes, (MESS) Hotel Mario now has correct audio (machine\cdicdic.cpp).
- chihiro.cpp
. More precise implementation of rcc and rcp vertex shader instructions. Moved poly_manager dependency to new nv2a_rasterizer class (video\xbox_nv2a.cpp). Fixed "xbox vprogdis" debug command (machine\xbox.cpp). Added placeholder for methods 1e80-1e90 (video\xbox_nv2a.cpp).
. Added debugger command "xbox vdeclaration", used to decode the vertex shader declaration stored at a certain address (machine\xbox.cpp). Some refactoring before modifying vertex data reading (video\xbox_nv2a.cpp).
. Big update to chihiro/xbox 3D graphics: Vertex shader and pixel shader refactoring. Register combiners support multithreading. Corrected reading of vertex attributes. Perspective correct vertex attribute interpolation and texture mapping. Basic support for texture address modes. Secondary color and fog color available as inputs to pixel shader. Interpolate all 4 possible texture coordinates. Corrected order of vertices when drawing quad list primitives. Debug aid to write in a text file the vertex shader disassembly, input and constant registers values. To test the update enable the register combiners with the "xbox nv2a_combiners" debugger command. Try to remove GCC 7.2.0 warning (video\xbox_nv2a.cpp).
. Small 3D update: Read textures with pixel formats X8R8G8B8 and A8. More changes to vertex reading and processing. Corections to negative-w vertices clipping.
- chihiro.cpp, naomi.cpp and triforce.cpp: Eliminated get_read_ptr (machine\naomigd.cpp)
- cischeat.cpp
. Added OKI mirrors to Arm Champs II, fixing missing/erratic sounds.
. Fixed Scud Hammer/Arm Champs II irq and refresh rate to be measured 59.17 Hz instead of 30. Moved armchmp2 specific I/Os into own state machine, and demoted it to MNW because the arm input not exactly understood and not supposed to require user input at POST anyway.
- cps1.cpp
. Fixed scroll offset for various SF2 bootleg sets (video\cps1.cpp)
. Fixed clone 'Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (RK, bootleg)' gfx rom load and decode
- dec8.cpp
. Restoring coin-up sound
. Identified 3 bad bits in Captain Silver MCU dump, hooked up MCU.
- ddenlovr.cpp: Default palette to all_black
- dkong.cpp: Use mirror() instead of trampolines in s2650_map
- ertictac.cpp (Archimedes): Switched Erotictac driver and (MESS) Archimedes 310 over to use machine\pcf8583.cpp, which is not currently based on i2cmem.cpp but might be worth merging in the future.
- gaelco2.cpp: Fixed analog controls don't work (ID 07675) and audio channels are flipped (ID 07676) (machine\gaelco2.cpp)
- gaiden.cpp, tecmo16.cpp, suprnova.cpp
. Moved delayed sprite drawing function into screen_vblank
. Use generic gfx layout in suprnova.cpp. Fixed CPU clock related to XTAL. Use device for screen.
- gei.cpp: Documented Trivia sets series 12 through 19. Sorted out question ROMs as per documentation results in 3 new clones. Added lots of misc information to various sets. Correct a couple of comments.
- hornet.cpp
. Added screen raw parameters (verified in both 3DFX Voodoo and K037122 display timing parameters)
. Added notes for Silent Scope screen. Fixed raw parameters.
- igs009.cpp: Make use of arrays and templates
- jaguar.cpp: Moved I/O handlers to specific maps, untangle register array usage, to be completed. Nuke duplicate I/O accesses, rename to iobus_r/w, make go_w to be an actual line. Fixed addqmod & subqmod modulo mask for DSP. Refactor TOM to host CPU function, and fix GPU irq lv 3 when a GPU object is encountered. Fixes mutntpng and atarikrt booting. Fixed Jaguar irq line to 2, trusted. Start reworking the blitter. Relicensed to BSD.
- kikikai.cpp: Hooked up Kick and Run MCU. Split up kikikai class.
- leland.cpp: Initialized variable as needed to avoid timing regression in some Leland games in debug DEVNOCLEAR builds (i86\i186.cpp)
- maygayv1.cpp: Minor cleanups
- merits.cpp: Updated CPU type and PCB notes
- model3.cpp: Added screen raw parameters
- namcona1.cpp: Replaced Namco C140 sound with C219
- namconb1.cpp
. Reduced duplicates. Moved virtuals under protected. Use shorter/correct type values and fixed spacing. Converted sprite bank delaying behavior into unique_ptr. Removed unnecessary device.
. Fixed animation glitch in Mach Breakers (ID 07369)
- namcos22.cpp
. Changed SS22 poly/sprite spot a bit better. Mitsubishi M37710S4: NOP unused SFR area. Actually SFR area 2-9 is external on some chips.
. Tweak some analog minmax (acedrvrw, raveracw, ridgera2, ridgerac and victlapw)
- naomi.cpp
. NAOMI2 USA BIOS Rev.C and Korea BIOS Rev.B dumped
. Dumped Namco JYU2/SWP JVS I/O board firmware for Ninja Assault (World, NJA2 Ver.A)
- nbmj8688.cpp: Removed empty debug function
- neogeo.cpp: Neo-Geo documentation updates (driver and hash\neogeo.xml)
- peplus.cpp: Fixed regression in peps0615 introduced in MAME 0.220, the game writes to the page buffer then sends a spurious start condition before the stop condition that writes the buffer.
- peyper.cpp: Simplified handler signatures and mask SL for reads
- pgm.cpp
. Added some hardware notes
. Switched Ketsui clones ketarr, ketarr10, ketarr15 and ketarr151 to 4 button inputs.
- phoenix.cpp and naughtyb.cpp: Fixed log messages and only log error by default (sound\tms36xx.cpp and audio\pleiads.cpp)
- redalert.cpp
. Audio updates (audio\redalert.cpp): More accurate emulation of 555-based IRQ timing. Use 6821 PIA device to generate sound IRQ in Demoneye-X. Simplify handler signatures.
. Various fixes
. Fixed Panther input labels, marked maincpu ROMs as bad and volum (sic) lever is vertical not horizontal. Reduced input defs. Added communication hand-shake and fixed audio mapping, emits a few sounds.
. Better Demoneye-X colors. Added bitmap layer. Fixed drawing order and tile banking.
- seattle.cpp and vegas.cpp: Input cleanups
- seta2.cpp
. Further work on zooming: Y zoom improvements. Fixed yzoom issue. Improved Penguin Brothers, break Guardians. Test Guardian improvement. Minor adjustment.
. Improved x enlarge cases (Penguin Brothers end of level and attract modes of Deer/Trophy/Turkey Hunting games etc.) (ID 07269)
. Fixed missing transition graphical zoom/spin effect in Wakakusamonogatari Mahjong Yonshimai (Japan) (ID 06456)
. Demoted 'Star Audition' to MACHINE_NOT_WORKING. Note: Game needs flipscreen hooking up properly with new code to function at all.
. Added notes for hardware configs and emulation issues in some game. Fixed clock for P0-113A PCBs.
- skylncr.cpp: Fixed [debug] assertion (ID 07664). Added arrays, templates and state saving.
- taitowlf.cpp: Updated documentation. Figuring out PCI comms between boards as well as reading the two program roms, u1 and u2, may prove tricky.
- tubep.cpp: Quiet logging and improved soundlatch. Added text and sprite drop shadow (video\tubep.cpp). Fixed "GAME OVER" display is skipped (ID 07620). Marked Tube Panic as MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND. Fixed no sprites on left edge.
- turbo.cpp: Fixed 8279 clock
- twinkle.cpp: Physical aspect ratio should be 16:9. Fixed layout\bmiidx.lay.
- umipoker.cpp: State saving support, templates and array.
- williams.cpp: Fixed colors in Williams games. This fixes color issue introduced by Mystic Marathon changes.
- wpc_an.cpp: Added some notes about getting Funhouse pinball in-game
- 280-ZZZAP and Laguna Racer: Updated 280zzzap audio API in preparation for netlist audio. This is only API changes, following the pattern used by cuavas within the past year to update other games in mw8080bw. New netlist-based audio implementation for 280-ZZZAP (audio\nl_280zzzap.cpp), derived from Midway game logic board schematic. The sound generally matches that heard in videos of the machine, though the real machine seems to have more bass and less treble. This may be a cabinet effect or something else, such as a difference in component values. Due to the number of complex components being emulated and the nature of the circuits, this netlist adds a lot of overhead, but it's still fast enough to run at greater than real speed on modern hardware. With minor changes, this implementation should also support 'Laguna Racer'; with somewhat more substantial changes, it would also support 'Super Speed Race'. Both of these games use sound circuits based on those for 280-ZZZAP.
- Alpine Surfer: Demoted game to MACHINE_UNEMULATED_PROTECTION
- Andromeda SS: Correct metadata
- Armed F: Fixed the resolution difference from PCB (ID 07640). Correct game title.
- Basketball: Improved interrupts and don't change vertical resolution
- Bingo Time: Fixed Bingo Time (Game now playable). Added preliminary sound.
- Biomechanical Toy: Fixed 'Lives' dipswitch setting
- Blood Bros.: Added missing PROMs to clone Blood Bros. (Modular System)
- Bosconian: Increased the length of the Namco 54XX IRQ to fix Bosconian shot sound regression. Fixed tilemap offset problem (ID 00480). Added 'Star Destroyer' sub title to description. Note: Is the screen horizontal resolution maybe 285? PCB videos do show a slightly larger right border though. Bullet vs tilemap offsets are correct when compared with PCB videos (both playfield area, and radar area). Bullet vs sprite offsets are also correct. The radar area is offset by 3 pixels, also confirmed with PCB video when it does the VRAM check.
- Burger Time: Fixed 'Bonus Life' dipswitch values in clones Burger Time (Data East USA) and Burger Time (Midway) (ID 07678)
- Circus / Acrobat TV: Added (bootleg) proms to 'Circus / Acrobat TV' and clone Springboard (bootleg of Circus)
- Crush Roller: Fixed Crush Roller and clone Make Trax constantly added coins to the coin counter in the background (ID 07591)
- Deal 'Em: Fixed gfxdecode color amount
- Desert Patrol [TTL]: Fixed netlist (netlist\generated\static_solvers.cpp and machine\nl_dpatrol.cpp)
- Diana Elite: Added disassembler for PIC17 family and preliminary PIC17C4X emulation. Replaced PIC16C55 CPU1 with 'Microchip PIC17C44'.
- Dirt Dash: Redumped bad pointrom dt1ptrm1.16j from a different PCB (one was internally bad on the Dirt Dash DT2 Ver.A PCB). Updated documentation with many changes including measuring DSP and MCU clocks.
- Dottori Kun: Removed unneeded layout file
- Donkey Kong 3: Changed 'Difficulty' dipswitch string to numbers (ID 07648)
- Fool Race: Changed 'Head On (bootleg on dedicated hardware)' to 'Fool Race', an Italian imitation of Head On by EFG Sanremo (it's not a bootleg). Added 'Lives' dipswitch.
- Galaxian: Fixed manufacturer of clone Galaxian (Irem) (ID 07653)
- Gaplus: Fixed displaying of starfield with reference to PCB. Scrolling speed and direction (ID 00434). Clipping the Display Area (ID 07663). Modified to use sprite color instead of text color with refer to the PCB. Added blinking when the movement of the star changes. Changed 'Bonus Life' default settings to Namco's factory settings (50k/150k/every 150k).
- Golfing Greats: Demoted Golfing Greats and clones to MACHINE_NOT_WORKING
- Grobda: Changed 'Bonus Life' default settings to Namco's factory settings (10k only)
- Hanafuda Hana Gokou: Corrected DIPs as per DIP sheet and added DIP locations
- Hot Blocks: Replaced Intel 8088 CPU1 with NEC V20 and YM2149 and with AY-3-8910A
- Krull: Fixed old regression with Intel 8086 NEG opcode flags, fixes mysterious deaths in Krull cave scene (ID 06896).
- Magic Train: Fixed 'Double Up' dipswitch and 'Stop 2/3' PORT_NAMEs (ID 07634) (ID 07635)
- Mouse Trap: Redumped prom 74s288.d6. Updated note regarding prom 74s288.h14.
- N.Y. Captor: Coin inputs active high, fixes high score entry (ID 00783).
- Operation Thunder Hurricane: Added I/O M68k stub
- Pengo: Various documentation updates
- Pirate Ship: Fixed Clang build [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]
- Pong (Rev E) [TTL]: Game now peaks at 589% compared to 570% before. Amongst a number of improvements in nl_base.h and the 7493 was touched. Also has some code cleanup and hopefully faster compilation due to extern template declarations.
- Raiden II: Added U0342 PAL to Raiden II and clones (see https://twitter.com/neSneSgB/status/1232115385303879680).
- Shuffleshot: Added gfx1 roms from clone (v1.38) to parent set Shuffleshot (v1.40) and clone Shuffleshot (v1.39). Note: They match programs internal checksum values.
- Silent Scope: Added notes for Silent Scope screen. Fixed raw parameters.
- The Simpsons: Correct video clocks. Fixed K053260 panning, interrupts and general volume.
- Skins Game: Dumped BIOS 1.01 for clone Skins Game Tournament Edition
- Snap Jack: Fixed year info (ID 07629)
- SOS Game: Screen color was inverted
- Space War (Leijac Corporation): Fixed parent/clone relationship (ID 06898)
- Street Fighter: Added I8751 dump to clones Street Fighter (Japan) (protected), Street Fighter (US, set 2) (protected) and Street Fighter (World) (protected), removed the protection HLE.
- Super Chick: Improved decryption, gets in game. Still lots to do before it can be considered playable. Moved Super Chick to its own driver, fixes debug assert (ID 07667). Added PROMs place-holders, updated flags and comments.
- Super Shot: Correct cpu type
- Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts: Added notes about dipswitches
- Tetris + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.01, set 2): Fixed rom loading (Game now playable)
- TX-1: Adjusted analog steering
- Virtua Striker 4 (Japan, Rev E): Replaced clone 'Virtua Striker 4 (Japan, Rev C) (GDT-0013C)' GDROM dump with RAW/2352
- Witch Card: Reversed the NVRAM and set by default to promote clone Witch Card (ICP-1, encrypted) to working status
- World Class Bowling: Dumped user1 rom wcb_prom0_v1.30t for clone World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) (Game now playable)
- Fixed rom names in capbowl.cpp, headonb.cpp, hyperspt.cpp, itech8.cpp, kchamp.cpp and pengo.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in btime.cpp, ddenlovr.cpp, gaelco.cpp, headonb.cpp, itech32.cpp, kikikai.cpp, policetr.cpp, seattle.cpp and vegas.cpp
- Description changes of Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware), Air Duel (World, M82 hardware), Andromeda SS (Japan?) (ID 07652), Armed F (Japan) (ID 05766), Armed F (Fillmore license), Atari 4 Player Football, Atari Basketball, Bio F.R.E.A.K.S (prototype, boot ROM 0.1i), Bosconian - Star Destroyer (*), CART Fury Championship Racing (ver 1.00), Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M72 hardware), Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82 hardware), Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M84 hardware), Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware), Dragon Breed (World, M72 hardware), Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware), Flash (Williams, L-1), Flash (Williams, L-2), 'Flash (Williams, T-1) Ted Estes', Fool Race, Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware), Fred Flintstone's Memory Match (*), Hammerin' Harry (US, M84 hardware), Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware), Hyperdrive (ver 1.40, Oct 23 1998), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (cocktail), IPM Invader (set 1), IPM Invader (set 2), Jackie Chan - The Kung-Fu Master (rev 3?), Magic Bomb (Ver. BR4.4, 04/19/02), Mini Golf (Atari, prototype), NBA Showtime Gold / NFL Blitz 2000 (ver 3.0) (SportsStation), Panther (bootleg?), Pengo (set 1 rev C, encrypted), Pengo (set 2, encrypted), Pengo (set 2, rev A, not encrypted), Pengo (set 3, not encrypted), Pengo (set 4, encrypted), Pengo (set 5, encrypted), Pit Boss Superstar (9221-12-01, California version), Police Trainer (Rev 1.3B, Rev 0.5B PCB), Police Trainer (Rev 1.3B Newer, Rev 0.5B PCB), R-Type (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion), R-Type II (Japan, bootleg M82 conversion), Road Fighter (bootleg GX330 conversion), SOS Game (ID 07651), Tiger-Heli (US) (ID 07198), Tiger-Heli (Japan), Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 1), Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 2), Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 3), Tiger-Heli (bootleg set 4), Time Warp (Williams, L-2), Time Warp (Williams, L-3), Time Warp (Williams, T-2), Vapor TRX (GUTS Jul 2 1998 / MAIN Jul 18 1998), Vapor TRX (GUTS Apr 10 1998 / MAIN Apr 10 1998), Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 1), Video Pinball (16 PROMs version), Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (ver 1.3), Witch Card (ICP-1, encrypted), X Multiply (Japan, M72 hardware), X Multiply (World, M81 hardware) and Yie Ar Kung-Fu (bootleg GX361 conversion)
- Renamed (galsnew) to (galsnewu), (galsnewa) to (galsnew), (headonb) to (foolrace), (jchan) to (jchana), (magibomb) to (magibomba), (policetr) to (policetr13) and (roadf3) to (roadfh)
. Fixed prescale option does not work properly on D3D renderer (ID 07536). Removed old StretchRect code. All drivers these days punt it to a shader backend anyway, and it's causing issues with -prescale (render\d3d\d3dcomm.h and drawd3d.cpp).
. Don't do frameskip related calculations at init time (emu\video.cpp). Frameskip setting is now upper frameskip limit when autoframeskip setting was enabled (emu\emuopts.cpp and video.cpp). Show frameskip max value in speed_text (emu\video.cpp).
. BGFX: Corrected a data overrun in the D3D12 backend from allocating only enough texture data for width*height, not rowpixels*height. Don't try to invoke a frame immediately after resetting the renderer during tear-down. Fixes crash on exit with the D3D12 backend. Corrected hlsl.json to apply the intended screen tint (bgfx\chains\hlsl.json).
. Slight emu\emumem.cpp speedup. Implemented on the 680x0 for now. memory_access_specific is declared and used exactly like memory_access_cache, but does not cache. It does, however, shortcut the virtual call into address_space, so that's one layer of call less. Gives another nice speedup for accesses with bad locality (e.g. anything that's not opcodes), at the expense of having a specifically typed object in the class. Should do well for cpus in general, drivers can keep using the address_space access calls for easier logistics. Masking before dispatch at top level is not needed because it's already done at the global mask level.
. Mask address where absolutely necessary (emu\emumem.cpp). This change fixes the edge case of an unaligned accesses to the top of the space not wrapping around, which was causing at least one driver (Alpine Surfer) to crash.
. Cache and specific change syntax, and are not pointers anymore (emu\emumem.*): Added a template parameter to everything (theoretically the address space width, in practice a level derived from it to keep as much compatibility between widths as possible) so that the shift size becomes a constant. Changed the syntax of declaring and initializing the caches and specifics so that they're embedded in the owner device. Solves lifetime issues and also removes one indirection (looking up the base dispatch pointer through the cache/specific pointer). Protect against savage memsets (emu\emumem.h).
. Fixed bad destruction order by not removing the notifier on cache destruction, they're supposed to be long-lived anyway (emu\emumem.h).
. Initialized a couple of variables, fixes numerous bugs in DEVNOCLEAR debug build with BIOS roms in devices (emu\device.cpp).
. Removed the space for the handlers, it is not needed anymore (emu\devcb.cpp).
. Timer system
. Added to_string() to get a human-readable version of the time (emu\attotime.cpp)
. Periodic timers are not adjustable, be a little more affirmative about it (machine\timer.h).
. UI
. Skip -romident matching process and display error message when no files are found (mame\clifront.cpp)
. Only warn about external artwork when it wasn't loaded (ui\info.cpp and emu\render.cpp)
. LUA engine
. Consolidated code for pasing enum strings. Added rom_entry library (mame\luaengine.cpp).
. Setting analog inputs don't work in LUA (emu\ioport.cpp). Fixed set_value for analog inputs. Expose ioport_setting to luaengine.
. Programmable Logic Device (PLD)
. Added GAL20V8 support to the jedutil tool
. jedutil updates: Initial support for viewing the logic equations of the PLS100, 82S100, PLS101 and 82S101. Added support to view the the logic equations of the PALCE22V10 device. Improved the documentation on the Magix game and the undumped PAL's (security fuses blown). Added PAL22V10 as another device that is equivalent to ythe PALCE22V10 device. Added initial registration test for the PALCE22V10/PAL22V10 devices. Adding PAL22V10 combinatorial regression test data. Updated jedutil with a new command that will take a jed file and list the devices that the jed file could represent. Initial work on supporting the GAL20V8 device. Adding an initial regression test for the GAL20V8. Tweaked the function to print text to handle the end of line character. Fixed some mis-configurations of the GAL20V8 device. Added regression tests for the GAL20V8 device. Fixed the output of the GAL20V8 when viewing a jed in simple mode to properly display outputs as also being inputs for certain pins. Fixed the output of a GAL16V8 device in Simple Mode to mark relevant output pins as providing feedback as documented in the datasheet. Corrected the output feedback state when in simple mode for the GAL16V8 and GAL20V8 devices.
. Misc demacroization (machine\k056230.cpp, drivers\model2.cpp, stv.cpp, machine\315-5838_317-0229_comp.cpp and pgmprot_orlegend.cpp)
. Moved some RC timing macros out of the core (machine\rescap.h; drivers\bfm_sc1.cpp, bfm_sc2.cpp, capbowl.cpp, gottlieb.cpp, lockon.cpp, mpu3.cpp and mpu4.cpp)
. Simplified many handlers and READ/WRITE macros removal
. First attempt at auto-sort of mame.lst
. First completed pass of commandline parameters. Get the audio latency numbers right and add PortAudio info. FreeSync/GSync information cleanup. Added tip for keyboardprovider (commandline\commandline-all.rst and usingmame\commonissues.rst).
. Fixed frame sync regression (emu\machine.cpp, recording.cpp and util\png.cpp). Fixes recorded MNG and WAV files are out of sync (ID 07673).
- MAC OS X: Fixed OS X build with Xcode 7 (scripts\src\3rdparty.lua). Fixed OS X build on older Xcode versions.
- CHDMAN: Support characters outside ASCII in command line arguments. I64 size qualifier is only needed for MSYS64 GCC 9 and earlier (tools\chdman.cpp).
- VGM player: Implemented some features from QuattroPlay by superctr
- 3rdparty: New AsmJit library (https://asmjit.com). Added AsmJit to COPYING.
- Compiling
. Fixed GCC 10 uninitialized (modules\vzdos.cpp) struct warning and GCC 10 fix for sqlite3 (scripts\genie.lua)
. Enable option to generate symbols in Release as well as Debug under Visual Studio (this is important because debugging Debug builds is too slow) (scripts\genie.lua)
. Fixed scripts\target\mame\dummy.lua
. Updated Travis CI build environments (travis.yml). Switched Ubuntu build from GCC-9 to GCC-10 and MacOS build from Xcode 11.0 (MacOS 10.14.6) to Xcode 11.5 (MacOS 10.15.4).
- Debugger
. Refocus debugger on CPU when one of its watchpoints is hit (debug\debugcpu.cpp). This solution may be less than ideal for some multiprocessing environments where CPUs share spaces, but it prevents the focus from shifting unpredictably to whichever CPU happens to be next in line to execute (e.g. when synchronization for a soundlatch write aborts the original CPU's timeslice).
. Added PC to debugger exception hit message (debug\debugcpu.cpp)
. Added optional condition parameter to debugger gex command
. Fixed focus command (debug\debugcpu.cpp)
. Fixed debugger regression with systems such as fi6845/fi8275 where a DMAC or other non-focusable executing device is scheduled first of all (debug\debugcpu.cpp)
. Debugger expression and memory access overhaul: Memory references in expressions no longer default to the console's visible CPU if no device name was specified, except when entered through the console itself. Expressions in view windows now use the context of the currently selected device instead. The pcatmem debug command and similar qt mouseover function now produce an error message if the initial address translation fails. Related internal changes: The debugger_cpu class no longer interprets memory accesses. The existing routines have been moved into symbol_table (which used to invoke them as callbacks), and reimplemented in most other places. Thecode duplication is a bit messy, but could be potentially improved in the future with new utility classes. The cheat engine no longer needs to hook into the debugger_cpu class or instantiate a dummy instance of it. The inclusion of debug/express.h within emu.h has been undone. Some debugging structures now need unique_ptr to wrap the resulting incomplete classes; hopefully the performance impact of this is negligible. Another direct consequence is that the breakpoint, watchpoint and registerpoint classes are no longer inside device_debug and have their own source file. The breakpoint list is now a std::multimap, using the addresses as keys to hopefully expedite lookup. The visible CPU pointer has been removed from the debugger_cpu class, being now considered a property of the console instead. Many minor bits of code have been simplified. Fixed crash when attempting to write to memory from debugger (debug\express.cpp).
. Added '-debuglog' option to log debug console output to file. When this option is specified, all console output is echoed to a log file. Some caveats/limitations: The file-open process was copied from -log, so it has the same limits. Filename is hard-coded (debug.log). File is overwritten if it exists. File is opened during emulation initialization. Thus, the file is cleared if you invoke the "Hard Reset" debugger command. Probably some other details I don't know about. Logging works as such: When a string is appended to the scrollback buffer, it is also written to the log file. Some commands forcibly wrap their output (e.g. 'help' to 80 columns). Because this wrapping is done inside the scrollback buffer, the text written to the file is not wrapped. This can be seen with 'help execution'. Eliminated space.device() in watchpoint code (debug\points.cpp).
. Added 'condump' command to export console buffer to a log file. This is another debugger enhancement - it allows you to export the current contents of the debug console window to a file. The filename parsing is based on the 'trace' command, and as such, supports both the "{game}" placeholder, and the ">>" prefix for appending instead of overwriting.
. Allow debugger dump command to dump with byte granularity from address spaces with positive shifts.

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

History.dat 2.22


Available at the usual place :

bbc cassettes were merged on the MAME222 release. (bbca, bbcb, bbcm and bbcde in bbc_cass). Everything sould be correct in the History.dat.
electron cassettes still have some unused roms in the History.dat, many electron cass. were removed on MAME222 (mainly BBC/Electron dual cass.), I should clean them in the next release.

Have: 35586 roms from the mainlist and 106820 roms from the softlists.
Miss: 1552 roms for the mainlist and 17465 roms from the softlists.

[Posted by: Alexis B.]

[Annc] MAMEUI64 .222 w/ icons & snaps released.

NegaMAME 0.222-1


Along with MAME and all its fork, NegaMAME 0.222-1 is also ready for download. Go grab it at http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm

This MAME derivative has been designed to be used with the front-end Negatron in order to have complete access to all the machine configuration options within Negatron, especially useful for emulated computers and consoles.

This is quite irrelevant for emulated arcade games though. If you only play arcade games, you can simply use Negatron with regular MAME.

Note: 0.222-1 must be understood as the 1st version of NegaMAME synchronised with MAME v0.222. If other issues arise with this version, I would release a v0.222-2

[Posted by: xinyingho]

Clrmamepro 4.037a released

NPlayers 0.222

MAMEinfo 0.223GIT (4th Jul)



* Updated to MAME 0.223GIT - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (4th Jul)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: 'Dice game'
- New Working games: NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (ver 2.0), NBA Showtime / NFL Blitz 2000 (ver 2.1) and NBA Showtime Gold / NFL Blitz 2000 (ver 3.0) (SportsStation)
- New Non-Working games: Destruction Derby [TTL]
- New clones: Dead Or Alive ++ (Korea), Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Ichi-Funtel, set 2), Nove Diamante (bootleg) and Space Trek (Video Game S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble)
- New PinMAME games: Laser Ball (L-2, PROM sound), Last Action Hero (1.07) and Michael Jordan (1.30)
- New drivers: special_gambl.cpp
- New devices: pxa250 and pxa270
. Hitachi HD6309, KONAMI CPU and Motorola MC6809: Fixed ASR8 and ASR16 opcodes (cpu\m6809\base6x09.ops)
. Intel XScale PXA255: Added preliminary support for RTC, clock and power management registers. Correct PXA255 CPU ID. Added placeholder devices for PXA250 and PXA270.
. MIPS-III: Removed depricated DRC flag and added a flag to disable intrablock branching (cpu\mips\mips3drc.cpp and mips3.h)
. Toshiba TMP95C06x: Fixed MAX instruction (tlcs900\900tbl.hxx)
. Ricoh RF5C400: Fixed loop position is not being calculated correctly
. Yamaha YM2151 OPM: Fixed noise behavior
. 3dfx Voodoo Graphics
. Disabled backbuf debug key (L), it interferes with player 3 default controls
. Only flag texture controls as changed if they are actually changed (video\voodoo.cpp).
. SSE use shift left by 8 instead of floating point multiply by 256 for perspective correction calculation (video\vooddefs.ipp and voodoo.h).
. 6821 PIA: Guard against side effects when these should be disabled (machine\6821pia.cpp)
. Discrete Netlist
. Code maintenance. Decreased use of reinterpret_cast. Changed some defaults for better TTL game optimization. Various code cleanup.
. Include file refactoring. The purpose of this ongoing exercise is to remove unnecessary dependencies in header files. Netlist implementations should only have access to what they need. The same applies to device implementations. Core stuff will be moved to the core subdirectory going forward.
. Fixed 74377 pin assignment. Fixed parameter value resolution on rom devices. Also simplifiy a return. Documented parameter value resolution.
. Added hints for outputs not connected. Logic and analogue outputs can now be flagged as "NC" (not connected). Example: "HINT(IC13.4, NC)". This will suppress info messages to be logged. The HINT must apply to an existing terminal. HINTs for non-existing terminals are treated as fatal errors. Terminals and logic inputs not connected are still treated as warnings. These need though and a proper fix.
. Fixed crash on Windows when freeing netlist objects (plib\palloc.h). Fixed static_assert warnings at the origin (plib\palloc.h and pmatrix2d.h). Rework hints to broaden their use and fix NC hint. Use NC hint for 74377. Fixed debugging in MSVC (plists.h). Moved everything not needed by netlists from nl_setup.h into core/setup.h. Fixed some Clang tidy warnings.
. Added comparison operators to plib\pfunction.cpp. Comparison operators evaluate either into 0.0 or 1.0. Thus they can be used like "(a==1)*(b==2)" which will only result in 1.0 if a equal 1 and b equal 1.
. Added log() to plib\pfunction.cpp. Added parameter to varclock (devices\nlid_system.h). Align design VARCLOCK to AFUNC (devices\nld_system.cpp). Added more constructors and () operator to plib\pfunction.h.
. Added progress indicator to nltool. When running a netlist "--progress" may be used to display a progress indicator. Fixed polarity of 74LS125 tristate input.
. Floppy
. Fixed spinup on interrupt command. Do not RESTORE at reset WD1770/72 (machine\wd_fdc.cpp).
. A single missing sector was causing it to give up on an images, as incompatible. Being a little more permissive here helps working with some old recovered disk images with some lost sectors (formats\wd177x_dsk.cpp).
. K051649 SCC1: Fixed frequency behavior. Modernized save state. Correct type values
. MC6840 PTM: Fixed a couple of issues related to the T3 divisor
. Printer: Initialized the data output high. High is the restful state for RS232. The low level could cause continual breaks to be received by an attached device and this could cause problems for some drives (bus\rs232\printer.cpp).
- aleck64.cpp: Modified burn_cycles method (machine\n64.cpp)
- exidyttl.cpp
. Death Race roms 36 and 35 were corrupt, fixed with correct images from clone Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race). Added note about format of image 36 [Frank Palazzolo].
. Clone Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race) roms now match Death Race 100%. Driver now uses Death Race rom images.
. All Demolition Derby 512 byte roms were set to length 256 (incorrect length). Some upper bits in nibble-wide roms were not set to default zero.
. Added newly dumped Destruction Derby roms from Exidy PCB, images now match fixed images from Demolition Derby (expected). Redundant with Demolition Derby in chicago.cpp, but it is a different PCB layout and different company.
- gotcha.cpp and zerozone.cpp: Minor cleanups
- megaplay.cpp: Added motherboard PLDs
- pgm.cpp: Simulated Photo Y2K2 sprite offset decode (machine\pgmprot_igs027a_type1.cpp)
- photon.cpp: Cleanup
- seattle.cpp and vegas.cpp: Fixed 8 way and 49 way joystick selection on Vegas and Seattle drivers (ID 07340)
- vegas.cpp
. Fixed nbashowt, nbanfl and nbagold (Games now playable). Removed depricated DRC flag and added a flag to disable intrablock branching (cpu\mips\mips3drc.cpp) (ID 07340).
. Added default port mapping for 8WAY players. Fixes a crash in Road Burners caused by trying to read undeclared io ports. Set default ioport IN2 to IPT_UNUSED for analog games.
- Bosconian: Sprites have a lower priority than background (video\bosco.cpp)
- Double Dragon: Modified clone Double Dragon (bootleg with 3xM6809, set 1) machine config to actually reflect what's on the PCB
- EuroPlay 2001: Added new motherboard BIOS
- Fighting Hawk: Fixed background graphics garbled
- Lethal Crash Race: Minor cleanups
- Mahjong Senka: Decrypted game, gets in game but glitches heavily.
- Mortal Kombat: Fixed sound and added PAL dumps to clone Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2)
. Switch all the pre-WPC Williams pinballs to using io port arrays for their switch matrix, which gets rid of runtime lookups and fixes MAME crashes if a value with more than one bit set is written to the column select (drivers\s3.cpp, s4.cpp, s6.cpp, s6a.cpp, s7.cpp, s8.cpp, s8a.cpp, s9.cpp, s11.cpp, s11a.cpp, s11b.cpp and s11c.cpp).
. Fixed old copypaste mistake (m_pias->irqa_handler() --> m_pias->irqb_handler(); drivers\s8.cpp, s8a.cpp, s9.cpp, s11.cpp, s11a.cpp and s11b.cpp). Added override for all early williams pinballs.
. Corrected Pokerino (L-1) sound PROM. Fixed loss of sound in Still Crazy (ID 07689).
. Switch William system 11/11a/11b/11c pinballs to use input_merger for the maincpu and audiocpu IRQ inputs, and rewrote the timer IRQ generator to be more accurate vs hardware. Fixes the advance and up/down operator inputs, and may make certain games more stable.
. Make drivers\wpc_dcs.cpp and wpc_s.cpp class definition style more consistent with the other Williams pinball drivers
. Williams System 11/11a/11b/11c pinballs: Further consistency fixes with device and function names, more fixes (missed a few earlier) relating to the CVSD speech clock polarity and digital input bit masking, and corrected some memory/device mirroring issues to be consistent across the drivers.
. Fixed Visual PinMAME build. Changed return value to same type as expected (s3.cpp, s4.cpp, s6.cpp, s6a.cpp, s7.cpp, s8.cpp, s8a.cpp, s9.cpp and s11.cpp)
- Sadari: Added button 3 (ID 07693)
- Super Othello: Fixed ASR8 and ASR16 opcodes (cpu\m6809\base6x09.ops). Simplified maincpu-subcpu comms, game works again since the M6809 rewrite in MAME 0.148u2 (ID 06033).
- Fixed rom names in cave.cpp, ddragon.cpp, exidyttl.cpp, m72.cpp, namcos2.cpp, s3.cpp and sidepckt.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in armedf.cpp, ddenlovr.cpp and schick.cpp
- Description changes of Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, Ichi-Funtel, set 1), Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (Gamest review build) and Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai (Gamest review build)
. Properly clean up d3dintf (render\drawd3d.cpp)
. More lenient with resizing very large views in windowed mode. Reduced minimum window height (osd\windows\window.cpp).
. Added default flags parameter in draw function (TILEMAP_DRAW_ALL_CATEGORIES; emu\tilemap.h)
. Removed m_totalcycles workaround (emu\diexec.h)
. Get help from website instead of files that don't exist (mame\clifront.cpp)
. Enabled save state support in big10.cpp, kas89.cpp, kurukuru.cpp, luckybal.cpp, namcos2.cpp and tonton.cpp. Fixed save state support in luckybal.cpp and rulechan.cpp.
. Fixed initializations issues that were causing problems in DEVNOCLEAR debug builds (machine\6850acia.cpp, ncr539x.cpp, video\dp8350.cpp, k057714.cpp and jangou_blitter.cpp)
- Compiling
. MinGW SDL build fails with end-group auto added by that LinkSupportCircularDependencies flag option (scripts\genie.lua)
. asmjit
. Only build asmjit on x86 and x86_64 (scripts\src\3rdparty.lua and main.lua)
. Implemented asmjit emitter. Consolidated many helpers. Corrected previously reported bugs (cpu\drcbex64.cpp).
. Added arm64 and s390x to Travis CI (travis.yml)
. Removed superfluous semicolons in various devices and drivers (x();;)
- Debugger
. Added debugger command saver for memory region and debugger command loadr for memory region (debug\debugcmd.cpp).

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

LEDSpicer, LED animation controller for Linux (raspberry pi or PC).


Hello MAMEWorld, I’d like to announce a program I wrote for Linux quite some time ago, it allows you to set up your LED controller, it’s kinda similar on nature to the already existing RGBCommander but focusing on simplicity, low resources, speed, and cool animated effects.
I have it working with Emulationstation and Attracmode, tested on PC, retropie and others.

Here is a list of some features it can do:

* Supports different devices seamlessly and as a single device, this simplifies the configuration process when the user wants to use several devices all together.
* RGB and single color elements can be used.
* Elements can be grouped into the layout.
* Easily can be handled using a command line program to change the LEDs behavior using layouts, groups, or just elements.
* Multiple animations can be set to groups.
* Layout, Groups or Elements can be changed based on triggers.
* Animations and Devices can be extended with plugins.
* Smooth transitions between layouts can be set.
* Integrated Hardware Test.
* Integrated Layout Test.
* Configuration dump for easy debug.
* The speed can be changed to increase or decrease the FPS when drawing on the layout.
* Add several different animation and effects to the same Group to generate even more rich attraction modes.
* Extremely easy to create animations and layouts using XML (I am working on a UI ).
* Several Color filters allow the combination of several animations in one, like masking, combine, etc.
* Multichannel sound output plugin with different modes can map to the sections of the layout.
* Pulse output plugin with multiple modes that allow the creation of several fading effects.
* Gradient output plugin with multiple modes to generate different gradient animation effects.
* Filler output plugin with multiple modes to generate nice filling effects.
* Random output plugin can generate nice and colorful effects.
* Serpentine output plugin, can generate different advancing effects.
* Very optimized, consumes almost no memory and CPU.
* Runs on most Linux distribution and on Raspberry or PC hardware.
* Support for MAME output plugin, will report game changes so elements can be changed based on the game, like credit buttons, player start, etc.
* Supports for interactive input from the user, allows different effects based on the user input.
* Can load layouts based on game name, emulator, game controllers, defaults, etc.
* Supports for the most common hardware on the market like ultimarc, ledwiz and others.
* And much more...

I tested the program on my RPI2 and works perfectly.
I hope that you find this program useful.

Link to some sample videos
Link to the documentation and code
Link to the code on github
Link to the FB page

[Posted by: MeduZa]

Flyer Fever Update


3D Bowling / Inferno (1978) - Meadows Games [English text]
Elepong (1973) - Taito [Japanese text]
Galaxian (1979) - Namco [Japanese text, cocktail cabinet]
Grand Champion (1981) - Taito [Japanese text]
Midway Grows as the World Plays (1978) - Midway Mfg. [English text]
Mole Hunter (1979) - Data East [Japanese text]
Secret Base (1978) - Sega [Japanese text]
Sparkling Corner (1976) - Sega [English text]
Super Block (1978) - Taito [English text]
Taito Video Games Catalog (1973-1976) [Japanese text; shows licensed games from Atari, Electra Games, Meadows Games and Midway Mfg.]

View Them All

~ Enjoy

[Posted by: Dan@Flyer Fever]

Team Europe wip: More MCUs


Read Team Europe's latest blog entry of More MCUs of taking down more of those nuisance i8751 microcontrollers. "Controllers be gone".

[Posted by: gregf]

pfeMAME version 2.13.1 has been released today


Ah the lockdown blues. Well, I’ve had plenty of time to look at some underlying issues with Linux support and paths etc. Still lots more to fix in that area but it seems to be getting better. Hopefully less manual tweaks needed to get things running now. Also had issues with the software update checker under Linux (was also an issue under Windows but didn’t crash as much). A number of other bug fixes so check out the changelog.

You can download this release from HERE.

Please read the manual as it has everything you need. Please report bugs. You can email pfemame@gmail.com or use the features on the sourceforge site to create a ticket, leave a review, or chat.

pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator (MAME) written in Python. It is cross platform (tested on Linux - Ubuntu and Windows). It also includes a graphical Tile View designed for MAME cabinets which allows control using joystick / gamepad. It supports favourite game flagging, MESS systems, and a Tiled view for arcade cabinets. It was written with a minimalist view in mind but also because there were some features that I wanted that other front ends just didn't provide.

[Posted by: Gfinch]

Apple II: Video-7 RGB - Dreaming in color


From R. Belmont:


We now have Apple IIe RGB card support, which adds a handful of interesting video enhancements that had surprising amounts of software support.

See more here: https://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?p=1389

[Posted by: Stiletto]

Clrmamepro 4.038 released


Get it now before something cool happens...


added: support for zip/rar/7z aliases (e.g. jar/cbz/cbr/cb7, etc) in Settings->Compressor tabs.
So you can now scan e.g. jar files like zip files etc
The alias settings allow multiple values separated by space, so e.g. .cbz .jar .war
added: zip property tab in Settings-Ccompressor with e.g. zip compression level setting option

misc: use a private use utf8 char for internal set subfolder handling, so all kind of apostrophes
'´` in rom/setnames are allowed again and won't be replaced
misc: speedup multi 7z/rar delete opertions by using filelists
misc: updated rar dll

fixed: some zip circular rename operations could kill files

[Posted by: Bad A Billy]

Intellivision Amico

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