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DoDonPachi DaiOuJou prototype


ShouTime dumped a prototype of DoDonPachi DaiOuJou and also fixed a bad dump in the main sets

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

DU Fundraiser


There is an untested Space Harrier pcb we can bid on if we can get a few hundred in donations quickly. If you want to help click below.

Click here to visit the DU donation page

Thanks so far for donations from:
Henrique Areias Pontes
Sean Sutton
Paul Vining

[Posted by: Smitdogg]

Plug and Play new + donation feeler


As you may, or may not be aware there's been a lot of Plug and Play activity over the last few months. Some of this will have been obvious from the 'new working machines' and 'promoted' parts of the whatnew, some will not have been as the systems have not yet been promoted and sit in the large 'new not working' sections despite some being mostly playable, or showing interesting things.

I've decided to start doing some short writeups (rather than just dumping everything in the 2020 write-up-in-progress post) showing some things that might have been missed, as well as talking about links between different systems etc. Nothing *too* technical, but maybe having some screens to show what's going on will help give people a better idea. A lot of what is being done today is planting seeds for progress over the next few years. (realistic and interesting targets keeps the project healthy)

I've also linked a PayPal account to


so if anybody wants to donate (send money as a gift) towards picking up more of these things and getting them to where they stand the best chance of being dumped then that's the place to donate. I'm not setting targets, just saying that anything sent there will go towards picking up units in both the US and Europe and having them shipped to Sean or TeamEurope (depending on who is best positioned to handle them)

We (me, TeamEurope, ClawGrip, Peter) have pumped a lot of our own money into this over the year since the last time any donations were asked for and that has been supplemented by the odd unexpected & generous donation from others (Mooglyguy, Kev from FBN) but every now and again it helps to ask, because there are items we've having to skip on that ideally we'd be picking up. I do acknowledge this is a difficult time for everyone, and so might not be the best time to ask.

I've only got 2 parts up right now
(and in both instances I'd like to add some more screens - when you're dealing with collections with 100+ games in it can be quite time consuming)

Personally I find this to be a fascinating field of tech that is slowly being forgotten. A lot of is is disgusting rip-offs and bootlegs, or games that look like they should have come out 20 years earlier than they actually did, but it's all part of our history, and even when doing arcade work, the obscure, almost lost, forgotten games that were so often terrible was still where I found the most enjoyment in working on the emulation. Beyond a lot of the ugly rip-offs you can also find properly licensed IPs in these thins too, and those are important for anybody wanting to get a complete picture of how various IPs were used and licensed out, that side of things is culturally relevant beyond MAME itself and makes MAME a more useful research tool for anybody looking into them.

(unimportant addendum) Some shots can also be found in
but I'm going to be covering those in these mini writeups too. The problem with dumping WIP shots in the yearly update is that I don't want to be adding screenshots of things that are in progress, because it's a waste of effort if I then have to replace the shots if I improve the emulation.

[Posted by: Haze]

CAPS0ff update: Help us preserve Great Swordsman!


I am posting this only because I know that not everyone browses all the forums here!

I myself am a little more than half way through my attempt as I am doing it manually (I'm not a Linux user).

If you ever wanted to contribute to MAME but didn't know how or couldn't donate, all this requires is your time and I think the majority of us have plenty of that right now.


[Posted by: *=/STARRIDER\=*]

Team Europe wip

MAME 0.220


MAME 0.220

In a world of uncertainty, perhaps you can derive a little comfort from MAME 0.220, our delayed release for the March development cycle. This month has seen fixes for some old bugs in Final Star Force, Ribbit! and Night Slashers, emulation of Crab Grab (the other Game & Watch title with a colour overlay), the acquisition of Solite Spirits (an early version of what became 1945k III), and preliminary work on the Naruto TV game running on the XaviX 2 platform. There are some big software list updates this month, including a lot of Apple II software aimed at North Dakota schools, and the latest VGM music packs. Speaking of which, the VGM player can now show pretty visualisations while you listen.

Newly supported peripherals include the Baby Blue II CPU Plus card for PC compatibles, serial and CP/M modules for the HP 85 and HP 86, more sound and disk expansions for the TI-99 family, the CoCo PSG cartridge, and a variety of 8-bit Acorn expansions. We’ve added ROM dumps for a lot of synthesisers in this release, and while most of them are not working yet, they’re there to tinker with if you’re interested.

As always, you can get the source and 64-bit Windows binary packages from the download page.

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed

  • 00954: [Graphics] (tecmo16.cpp) fstarfrc: Garbage scrolls past during into sequence. (N. Gilbert)
  • 02343: [Crash/Freeze] (segac2.cpp) ribbit: Game freezes on later levels. (MetalliC)
  • 03708: [Graphics] (deco32.cpp) nslasher, nslasherj, nslashers: Alpha blending for message windows is missing. (cam900)
  • 05331: [DIP/Input] (nemesis.cpp) konamigt, rf2: Steering controls should use an incremental encoder. (mmarino4)
  • 05554: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8991.cpp) hyouban: DIP switch descriptions are missing. (kamilz)
  • 06913: [DIP/Input] (esripsys.cpp) turbosub: Analog inputs are inverted. (MASH)
  • 07038: [Sound] (segahang.cpp) sharrier: High score entry music continues to play after completing input. (cmonkey)
  • 07518: [Sound] (spiders.cpp) spiders: Web and spiders moving sounds don’t match recording. (Jim Hernandez)
  • 07581: [Gameplay] (segahang.cpp) sharrier, sharrier1: Difficulty increases constantly due to protection. (Adrian Smethurst)
  • 07582: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [sonic3p1]: Fatal error on starting game. (Tafoid)
  • 07592: [Plugins] (neogeo.cpp) viewpoin: hiscore: Error parsing hiscore.dat entry. (Carl)

New working machines

  • Advance Bright Ltd Double Players Mini Joystick 80-in-1 (MJ8500, ABL TV Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Game & Watch: Crab Grab [algestam, Ryan Holtz]
  • OPlayer Mobile Game Console (MGS03-white) (Family Sport 100-in-1) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Orb Gaming Retro 'Mini TV' Console 300-in-1 [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
  • Performance Designed Products (licensed by Taito / Data East) VG Pocket Caplet Fast Acting 50-in-1 [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Ryan Holtz]
  • SciSys President Chess [hap, Berger]
  • Solite Spirits [ShouTime, coolmod, The Dumping Union]
  • Soreike Kokology (Rev A) [Guru]
  • Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Plymate (Amsterdam, T8) [hap, anonymous]
  • Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Plymate Victoria [hap, anonymous]
  • Super Game 36-in-1 (TimeTop SuperGame) (PAL) [JP_Ronny, TeamEurope]
  • Technigame Super 4-in-1 Sports (PAL) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Character Options, Plug and Play, UK) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

New working clones

  • Advance Bright Ltd / V-Tac Technology Co Ltd. Decathlon (set 2, SM570, ABL TV Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Blue Shark (Model Racing bootleg, set 2) [Asayuki, pacman70]
  • Borench (Japan) [Apocalypse]
  • Burning Fight (prototype, newer, V07) [Brian Hargrove]
  • Cirqus Voltaire (D.52 prototype) [Matt Morin]
  • Cobra-Command (World/US) [caius, The Dumping Union]
  • Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) [ColinD, hammy, Boge]
  • Dribbling (set 2) [f205v]
  • Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde 2100 (set 2) [Berger]
  • Galaxian (Rene Pierre bootleg) [Michel BLANCO]
  • Jungler (Olympia) [f205v]
  • Miss Puzzle (Nudes, less explicit) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • New Cherry '96 (v3.0, A PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.51, D PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.61, DK PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Fruit Bonus '96 (v3.1, A PCB, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Fruit Bonus '96 (v97-3.1c, B PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.40, D PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.53, D PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v97-3.3c, D PCB) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • The Outfoxies (Korea?) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
  • Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 2) [hammy, rtw, ekorz]
  • Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version, not encrypted) [caius]
  • Scramble (Okapi bootleg) [hammy, Boge, ColinD]
  • Speed Ball (set 2) [Jorge Silva]
  • Tetris (bootleg set 4) [jordigahan]
  • Thunder Force AC (Japan, prototype, bootleg) [Marcio Miranda]
  • Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (US) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working

  • Cambridge Microprocessor Systems CMS 6502 Development System [Nigel Barnes]
  • Green Beret (Irem) [Frank Palazzolo]
  • Linus Akesson Craft [Ryan Holtz]
  • Trivia Madness - Series A Question set [Dirk Best]

Clones promoted to working

  • Silicon Graphics Inc Indy (R5000, 150MHz) [Ryan Holtz]
  • Trivia Madness - Series B Question set [Dirk Best]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Advance Bright Ltd / Coleco / V-Tac Technology Co Ltd. Kick Boxing (BJ8888, ABL TV Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Air Walkers [Guru]
  • Bandai Pac-Man Connect & Play (Feb 14 2012 1023) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Big Buck Hunter Pro (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Black Rose Rapid Fire Grand Prix (Konami Endeavour, Queensland) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
  • Decathlon / SSD Company LTD Domyos Step Concept (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, 404_11]
  • Denver Game Console GMP-240C 150-in-1 [TeamEurope]
  • E-mu Systems Emulator II [DBWBP]
  • E-mu Systems Emulator Three Digital Sound Production System [DBWBP]
  • Elka Synthex [DBWBP]
  • Excalibur Electronics Ford Racing [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Excalibur Electronics Fox Sports 7 in 1 Sports Games Plug n' Play [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Giochi Preziosi Gormiti Game Arena (Spain) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
  • Halsall / time4toys.com / Electronic Games Shoot n' Score [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Imperial (1P1952IZ) Blue Moon [Pacmac94]
  • Imperial (1P19S1IZ) Sheer Magic [Pacmac94]
  • Imperial (2P1929IZ) Castaway Stampede [Pacmac94]
  • Imperial (3P1940IZ) Cashline D Bucks [Pacmac94]
  • JAKKS Pacific Inc / Code Mystics TV Touch Games: SpongeBob SquarePants Jellyfish Dodge [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1 Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1rII Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K4 16-bit Digital Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K5 Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing R-100 Digital Drum Machine [DBWBP]
  • Korg 707 Performing Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg DS-8 Digital Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg DSS-1 Digital Sampling Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg DW-8000 Programmable Digital Waveform Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg M1 Music Workstation (Rev 19) [DBWBP]
  • Korg Poly-61 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg Poly-800 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg Poly-800 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer (MIDI Dump Kit) [DBWBP]
  • Korg Poly-800II Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg Polysix Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg Z3 Guitar Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Lexibook Retro TV Game Console - Frozen - 300 Games [TeamEurope]
  • Nintendo Computer Mah-jong Yakuman [Ryan Holtz, Sean Riddle, Yasuhiro Ogawa]
  • Olivetti L1 M44 [Alexander Kholodov]
  • Phineas and Ferb: Best Game Ever! (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Play Vision Haluatko miljonääriksi? (Finland) [Sean Riddle, Santeri Saarimaa]
  • Power Rangers Force In Time (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) [Sean Riddle, Kev (FBN)]
  • Professor Trivia (set 1) [Slowcade]
  • Radica Digi Makeover (Girl Tech) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
  • Roland Alpha Juno-1 (JU-1) Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland Alpha Juno-2 (JU-2) Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland D-10 Multi Timbral Linear Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland GR-700 Guitar Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland Juno-106 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland Juno-6 (JU-6) Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland JX-10 Super JX Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland JX-3P Programmable Preset Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland JX-8P Polyphonic Synthesizer (Ver. 3.x) [DBWBP]
  • Roland MKS-30 Planet-S MIDI Sound Module [DBWBP]
  • Roland MKS-50 Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Roland R-8 Human Rhythm Composer (v2.02) [DBWBP]
  • Roland R-8 Mk II Human Rhythm Composer (v1.0.3) [DBWBP]
  • Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer [DBWBP]
  • Roland TR-727 Rhythm Composer [DBWBP]
  • Snowball War - WakuWaku Yukigassen [rtw, SpinalFeyd]
  • Spider-Man Web Master (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Tiger Electronics Lazer Tag Video Game Module [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • Triple Header Sports (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • TV Fitness Center (Lexibook) [TeamEurope]
  • Win, Lose or Draw (Senario) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

  • Choy Sun Doa - Jackpot Carnival (20156611, Queensland) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
  • Fisher-Price Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (UK) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  • InVision Interactive M1 Plus+1 Music Workstation [DBWBP]
  • JAKKS Pacific Inc / Digital Eclipse Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (older hardware, set 2) [Sean Riddle]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1m Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1r Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K4r 16-bit Digital Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K5m Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module [DBWBP]
  • Korg / Musitronics DW-8000-EX Programmable Digital Waveform Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Korg / Sound Logic DSS-1 Digital Sampling Synthesizer (Memory/SCSI Retrofit) [DBWBP]
  • Korg EX-8000 Programmable Polyphonic Synthe Module [DBWBP]
  • Korg M1 EX Music Workstation (v1.29) [DBWBP]
  • Korg M1R EX Music Workstation (v1.12) [DBWBP]
  • Korg M1R Music Workstation (v1.06) [DBWBP]
  • Professor Trivia (set 2) [Slowcade]
  • Red Baron - Jackpot Carnival (10160911, Queensland) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
  • Roland JX-8P Polyphonic Synthesizer (Ver. 2.x) [DBWBP]
  • Roland MKS-70 Super JX Polyphonic Synthesizer [DBWBP]
  • Roland R-8M Total Percussion Sound Module (v1.04) [DBWBP]
  • Spider-Man v1.02 (English,French) [PinMAME]
  • VTech MobiGo (Spain) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]

New working software list additions

  • apple2_cass: Puck Man, Yonin Mahjong [Hubz, FakeShemp]
  • apple2_flop_clcracked:
    Cyborg (Version 2) (cleanly cracked), Money (Version 3.1.6) (cleanly cracked), Telling Time (Version 3.2.0) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
    Carmen's North Dakota Almanac Database (version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), Governors and First Ladies of North Dakota Database (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), North Dakota Agriculture Database (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (cleanly cracked) [Frank Cifaldi, 4am, Firehawke]
  • apple2_flop_orig:
    The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight, The Brain Game, Countdown to Shutdown, Crosscheck, Crosscountry USA, The Curse of Crowley Manor, The Elysian Fields and Other Greek Myths, John Elway's Quarterback, Kaves of Karkhan, Murder on the Mississippi, Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder, Rescue on Fractalus, Triad (Version 1.0), Typing Tutor III with Letter Invaders, Wizplus [4am, Firehawke]
    Carmen's North Dakota Almanac Database (version 1.0), Governors and First Ladies of North Dakota Database (Version 1.0), Minerals of North Dakota (Version 1.0), North Dakota Agriculture Database (Version 1.0), North Dakota Cities (Version 1.6), North Dakota Cities with Population 500 and Above (Version 1.0), North Dakota Cities with Population Under 500 (Version 1.0), North Dakota Counties (Version 1.0), North Dakota Explorers (Version 1.0), North Dakota Indian Tribes (Version 1.0), North Dakota Parks and Historical Sites (Version 1.0), North Dakota Plants (Version 1.0), North Dakota Pride (Version 1.0), North Dakota Symbols (Version 1.0), North Dakota U.S. Senators and Representatives (Version 1.0), North Dakota Wildlife (Version 1.0), Notable People of North Dakota (Version 1.0), Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego (Version 0.98 beta), Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego (Version 1.0 final beta), Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? [Frank Cifaldi, 4am, Firehawke]
  • compis:
    MA2 info (skollicens), Skriv lätt, skriv rätt (version 7532) [David Karlström, FakeShemp]
    ADB-lön (version 7482), Distributionskunskap (version 8014), Läkemedelsräkning (version 7234), Procenträkning (version 7334), Räkna lätt, räkna rätt (version 6175) [FakeShemp]
  • conchess_plymate: Conchess L16 [hap, anonymous]
  • conchess_standard: Conchess L [anonymous]
  • fmtowns_cd: After Burner (v1.02), After Burner (v1.02, alt), Big Honour, Can Can Bunny Premiere, Debut Shimasu... - Nakagawa Yuuko, FM Towns World, Free Software Collection Marty 1, Gokko Vol. 02 - School Gal's, High C Compiler Multimedia Kit v1.7 L12, Hyper Channel - Towns TV, Kanade V1.1L10, Kanji no Ehon, Katakana no Ehon, Kyouiku & FM Towns Vol. 3, NHK Eigo de Asobo Vol. 1, NHK Eigo de Asobo Vol. 2, Pegasus (Rev A), SimCity (1990-03-05), TownsPAINT V1.1 L10 [redump.org, r09]
  • ibm5150:
    Dyna Blaster, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - The Graphic Adventure, Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design, Martian Memorandum, The Secret of Monkey Island (3.5", EGA version), The Secret of Monkey Island (5.25", EGA version), Test Drive III - The Passion [ArcadeShadow]
    Baal, Conflict, D/Generation, Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' Fun, Go Simulator, Menace (3.5"), Moonwalker, Power Drift [Flyers80, FakeShemp]
    Crystal Caves (1.0) [Justin Kerk]
  • ibm5170:
    Alone in the Dark 2, Another World, Beneath a Steel Sky (France), Flashback, The Humans (5.25" HD), The Lost Vikings, Lotus - The Ultimate Challenge, Mortal Kombat, Pinball Fantasies [ArcadeShadow]
    CD-ROM God Boot Disk Version 5.5 BETA2, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive IDE/ATAPI interface V2.2, MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions With Device Driver - Installation Disk Ver 1.25 [Justin Kerk]
  • lynx: Yastuna Vol.1 - The Alchemy of Cubes, Yastuna Vol.2 - The Space Incident [Fadest, Alexis B.]
  • mc1000_cass: Aventura, Circulos, Compcara, Controle de Despesas, Explosao, Modvideo, Teste de Color Artifacting [Robbbert]
  • neogeo: Burning Fight (prototype, newer, V07) [Brian Hargrove]
  • vgmplay: Batman - The Video Game (Nintendo Game Boy), Dig Dug II (Sharp X68000), Dragon Buster (Fujitsu FM77AV), Final Fantasy Legend III (Nintendo Game Boy), Konami's Boxing (MSX, PSG), Konami's Boxing (MSX, SCC-I), Konami's Tennis (MSX), Lemmings (Arcade), Libble Rabble (Sharp X68000), Pippols (MSX, PSG), Pippols (MSX, SCC-I), Princess Maker (MSX2), Qbert (MSX), Shantae (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Snatcher (MSX2), The Tower of Gazzel (MSX2), The Treasure of Usas (MSX2), Video Hustler (MSX, PSG), Video Hustler (MSX, SCC-I), Xak II (MSX2) [vgmrips.net, Tafoid]
  • vsmile_cart: The Batman - Panique à Gotham City (France), Disney Aladdin - Les fabuleuses aventures d'Aladdin (France), Disney/Pixar Le Monde de Nemo - Nemo à la découverte de l'océan (France), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Buzz à la Rescousse! (France), Spider-Man & ses amis - Le Défi Du Docteur Ock (France), V.Smile Football Challenge (France) [DisizDream]

Software list items promoted to working

  • apfimag_cass: Escape!!!, Head-Hunter, SY-50 IM-1 Diagnostics, Super Frog, Theft at the Art Museum, Treasure Hunt [Robbbert]
  • fmtowns_cd: Jangou 4 [r09]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

  • altos8600: Xenix v2.2b [Robbbert]
  • amigaocs_flop: 16 Bit Komix (Euro) [Mikerochip, FakeShemp]
  • bdesignm_design_cart: From TV Animation Slam Dunk (design), Rockman X3 Buster Battle (design), Weekly Shonen Jump Special (design) [RetroRomper, TeamEurope]
  • bdesignm_game_cart: Dungeon Diver (game), Rockman X3 Buster Battle (game) [RetroRomper, TeamEurope]
  • fmtowns_cd: Pro Yakyuu Family Stadium - 90-nendo Pennant Race-ban, Shamhat - The Holy Circlet, Suzaku, Towns VNet V1.1 L20 [redump.org, r09]
  • ibm5170:
    The Humans (3.5" DD) [ArcadeShadow]
    ASUS DVD / CD-ROM Drive Installation Disk Rev 1.5, CD-ROM Device Driver Version 2.00 [Justin Kerk]
  • mobigo_cart: Dino-Zug - Erforsche die Welt (Germany), Disney Minnie (Germany), Doc McStuffins - Spielzeugarztin (Germany), Hello Kitty - Hello Kitty feiert Geburtstag! (Germany), Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten (Germany), Marvel Super Hero Squad - Super Sportler (Germany), Planes (Germany), Sofia die Erste (Germany), Spongebob Schwammkopf - Rette das Geheimrezept (Germany), Thomas & seine Freunde - Wirklich Nützliche Loks (Germany), Tinkerbell - Tal der Feen (Germany), Ultimate Spider-Man (Germany) [TeamEurope]
  • mz2200_cass: Bomber Man, Cannon Ball, Help!, Hitsuja~i!, Hiyoko Fighter, MJ-05, Power Fail, The Spider, Vegetable Crash [Gaming Alexandria, FakeShemp]
  • pasopia_cass: The Golf, Part-Timer no Kyuuyo Keisan, Pasopia Derby, Pasopia Game Highlight, Pasopia Game-shuu, Sample Program PA7010-you [Gaming Alexandria, FakeShemp]
  • st_flop: 1943 (Euro), Fantasy World Dizzy (Euro), Leviathan (Euro), Midwinter (Euro), Spidertronic (Euro, Smash 16), Striker (Euro), Track Suit Manager (Euro) [Mikerochip, FakeShemp]
  • vsmile_cart: Les aventures de imagniares d'Ernest et Bart (France), Les aventures du Petit Chaperon Rouge (France), Cranium - Le Parc D'Attractions (France), Disney - Les petits Einsteins - Le bal du soulier de verre (France), Disney La Maison De Mickey (France), Disney Manny et ses outils (France), Disney Mickey - Mickey à la Recherche De Pluto (France), Disney Princesses Cendrillon - Le rêve enchanté de Cendrillon (France, Rev. 105), Disney/Pixar Cars - Quatre Roues (France, Rev. 105), Disney/Pixar Là-Haut (France, Rev. 005), Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Les nouvelles recettes de Rémy (France), Disney/Pixar Wall-E (France), Dora L'Exploratrice - Les aventures de Dora Apprentie Mécano (France, Rev. 105), DreamWorks Shrek Le Troisième - L'aventure d'Arthur (France, Rev. 105), DreamWorks Shrek Le Troisième - L'aventure d'Arthur (France), Kung Fu Panda - La Mission de Po (France), Marvel Spider-Man & ses amis - Missions secrètes (France, Rev. 105), Marvel Spider-Man & ses amis - Missions secrètes (France, Rev. 305), Nickelodeon Go Diego! - À la rescousse des animaux! (France), Oui-Oui - Détective d'un Jour (France, Rev. 105), Scooby-Doo! - Panique à Funland (France, Rev. 105), V.Smile Clavier Tip Tap (France), V.Smile Défi Gym (France), V.Smile Mes Premiers Clics (France), V.Smile Studio De Dessin (France), Walt Disney Cendrillon - Le rêve enchanté de Cendrillon (France, Rev. 205) [DisizDream]
  • vsmileb_cart: Baby Einstein - Un monde de découvertes (France), Un jour à la ferme (France), La Maison Des Animaux (France) [DisizDream]
  • vsmilem_cart: Disney Winnie L'ourson - La Chasse au miel de Winnie (France), Disney/Pixar Cars - Quatre Roues (France), Disney/Pixar Là-Haut (France), Disney/Pixar Wall-E (France), DreamWorks Monstres contre Aliens (France), La fée Clochette (France), Le Monde de Nemo - Nemo à la decourverte de l'océan (France), Nickelodeon Ni Hao Kai Lan - Joyeux Nouvel an chinois! (France), Oui-Oui - Détective d'un Jour (France), Scooby-Doo! - Panique à Funland (France), Walt Disney Cendrillon - Le rêve enchanté de Cendrillon (France) [DisizDream]

Source Changes

• segahang.cpp: Improved sharrier protection simulation. [Adrian Smethurst]

• Entirely replaced legacy Intel 8274, NEC µPD7201, Zilog SIO and Zilog DART serial controller emulation. [AJR]

• xerox820.cpp: Connected SIO modem control inputs and fixed SIO addressing. [AJR]
 * Also added default configuration for optional serial terminal on port B, and marked mk83 as a clone of bigboard.

• Added skeleton Am79C30A Digital Subscriber Controller device. [AJR]

• sound/ym2151.cpp: Added YM2164 “OPP” variant and emulated some known differences. [AJR]
 * Used by Yamaha FB-01 and SFG05 MSX cartridge.

• cpu/upd7810 updates: [AJR]
 * Implemented internal clock dividers.
 * Prevented non-maskable interrupts from being masked out.
 * Made changes to EI take effect after the following instruction.
 * Fixed interrupt flag being cleared incorrectly when another interrupt of the same priority is pending.
 * Added a crude start bit check to asynchronous serial mode.
 * Refresh PA/PB/PC/PF outputs on mode changes.
 * Fixed upd78k3 SFR identification in disassembly of MOV A,sfr and MOV sfr,A opcodes.

• Added new, thorough emulation of Signetics SCN2651, SCN2661 and SCN2641 Communication Interface chips. [AJR]
 * Replaced old MC2661 device with new device – fixes dual86.cpp and pcd.cpp Baud rate issues and wy100.cpp line ending issue.

• teleray10.cpp: Inverted polarity of DIP switches, and hacked CTS to always be active. [AJR]

• wangpc.cpp: Hooked up modem control lines – RS-232 test now passes with a loopback connector. [AJR]

• wicat.cpp: Removed some 68k interrupt conditions that were conflicting with each other. [AJR]

• fp1100.cpp: Improved synchronization for CPU communications using generic latch devices. [AJR]

• cpu/m6800/m6801.cpp updates: [AJR]
 * Fixed a bug that caused the emulation to lock up on WAI/SLP if a timed event had already occurred.
 * Fixed disassembly of SLP instruction for HD6301.
 * Added second timer output comparator and associated status register to HD6301X/HD6301Y.

• spdodgeb.cpp: Replaced protection simulation with emulation of the HD63701Y0 microcontroller. [AJR]

• cpu/ns32000: Improved disassembly. [AJR]
 * Recognize scaled index modes with W/D/Q factors.
 * Added some restrictions on addressing modes (mostly to avoid infinite recursion with scaled index specifiers).
 * Force operand size for some instructions (in particular, the first operand is always a byte for shift/rotate instructions).
 * Fixed some minor formatting glitches.
 * Changed integer literal prefixes to better align with National Semiconductor assembly code examples.
 * Cut immediate operands down to size.
 * Format displacements as signed numbers and abbreviate small ones.
 * Force decimal format for bit positions and shift counts.

• homedata.cpp: Slowed down main CPU to 2 MHz for all games in driver (rated clock speed for MC68B09E). [AJR]

• tv912.cpp: Implemented protected, underline, invert and blink field attributes, and made cursor blinking more accurate. [AJR]

• cpu/tlcs90: Added TMP90C051 disassembler (only accessible through unidasm for now). [AJR]

• bus/isa: Added dump of Ultrastor Ultra 12F/32 ISA card. [Al Kossow, Bitsavers]

• bus/nubus: Added preliminary Sigma Designs LaserView monochrome NuBus video card support. [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]

• segas16b.cpp: Improved Heavyweight Champ input handling, and added Y handle limits. [Angelo Salese]
 * Allows player to change stance, block and attack directions.

• legionna.cpp: Added DIP switch locations for Seibu Cup Soccer, fixed visible area, and improved documentation. [Angelo Salese]

• holeland.cpp: Added DIP switch locations and raw screen timing parameters. [Angelo Salese]

• taito_z.cpp: Fix enforceja analog inputs, and added raw screen timing parameters for all games. [Angelo Salese]

• boogwing.cpp: Fixed shadow effect on first boss. [Angelo Salese]

• bus/isa: Added Microlog Baby Blue II CPU Plus card. [Barry Rodewald]

• deco32.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Improved Night Slashers blending/priorities, palette effects and background color.
 * Improved Tattoo Assassins blending behavior.
 * Hooked up palette bank selection.

• taito_f2.cpp: Fixed sprite/tilemap priorities. [cam900]

• gstream.cpp: Added notes describing sprite limits. [cam900]

• video/gp9001.cpp: Implemented per-frame sprite limits. [cam900]

• sound/x1_010.cpp: Improved playback rate calculation, cleaned up code, and updated notes. [cam900]

• boogwing.cpp: Fixed palette effects and improved priorities when palette fading is in use. [cam900]

• video/deco16ic.cpp: Fixed 16-bit indexed mode drawing, implemented palette bank selection, and fixed 8-bit color base. [cam900]

• video/decospr.cpp: Exposed external priority/color mixing flags to callbacks. [cam900]

• xexex.cpp: Implemented alpha blend enable flag. [cam900]

• video/namco_c355spr.cpp: Cleaned up sprite drawing code and added support for 32-bit RGB bitmaps. [cam900]

• namcos23.cpp, gal3.cpp: Derive palette length from RAM size. [cam900]

• 1945kiii.cpp: Implemented double buffered video RAM and sprite limits, and converted to raw screen parameters. [cam900]

• segahang.cpp: Hooked up sound CPU reset (fixes MT07038). [cmonkey, smarty, dj_yt]

• nlwav: Add sampled output format (takes point samples at regular intervals from log files). [Couriersud]

• williams.cpp: Use palette values calculated using netlist for mysticm, tshoot and inferno. [Couriersud]

• netlist: Added compile-time option to use linearized diode model when maximum dissipation is exceeded. [Couriersud]

• spg2xx_mysprtch.cpp, spg2xx_zone_32bit.cpp: Improved ROM banking. [David Haywood]

• m92.cpp: Added notes on Under Cover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version. [David Haywood, Alex Marshall]

• trvmadns.cpp driver re-write: [Dirk Best]
 * Hooked up inputs via AY8910, hooked up lamps, and added a simple layout with illuminated buttons.
 * Fixed banking.
 * Hooked up palette RAM and converted drawing to use a tilemap.
 * Hooked up 6845 CRT controller, and changed configuration to use raw screen timing parameters.
 * Added save state support.
 * Added PAL dump.

• drw80pkr.cpp: Hooked up 6845 CRT controller, and changed configuration to use raw screen timing parameters. [Dirk Best]

• summit.cpp updates: [Dirk Best]
 * Added a hand-made palette and hooked up color attribute.
 * Fixed memory map and hooked up scroll registers.
 * Mapped most remaining inputs, improved input labels, and hooked up coin counters.
 * Added a rudimentary layout showing the lamps and buttons.
 * Added a link to the patent describing the machine, and removed references to MC6845 and AY8910.

• bus/hp80_io: Added support for HP82939 serial I/O and HP82900 CP/M modules. [F.Ulivi]

• screen.cpp: Added a missing break in switch statement (GitHub  #6372). [fasteddo]

• luaengine.cpp: Added support for saving and loading state to/from binary string buffers. [feos]

• cpu/sh: Removed unnecessary SuperH 3/4 timers restarts. [MetalliC]

• segac2.cpp: Fixed ribbit random jumps back to first round. [MetalliC]

• bus/ti99/peb: Added Myarc DDCC-1 and CorComp disk controller cards, and FORTi sound card. [Michael Zapf]

• sn76496: Fixed ready output read handler. [Michael Zapf]

• machine/wd_fdc.cpp: Added a MON output callback, and changed the spin-down delay to nine revolutions. [Michael Zapf]

• bus/ti99: Clear data multiplexer’s stale latched value when no device responds to a bus access. [Michael Zapf]

• xavix2: Massively improved graphics emulation. [N. Gilbert]

• tecmo16: Improved fstarfrc video interrupts, fixing title screen scroll timing. [N. Gilbert, David Haywood, hap]

• elan_eu3a05.cpp: Added notes on elan_buzztime I/O. [N. Gilbert]

• spg2xx_skannerztv.cpp: Moved rad_sktv to its own source file and added notes. [N. Gilbert]

• bus/acorn/cms: Added IEEE-488 controller card. [Nigel Barnes]

• cms6502.cpp: Corrected M4 ROM ordering. [Nigel Barnes]

• bus/bbc/1mhzbus: Added Pull Down RAM, Colour Card 500 and PEDL Multiform Z80 devices. [Nigel Barnes]

• bus/bbc/1mhzbus: Added the RetroClinic DataCentre storage controller. [Nigel Barnes, RetroClinic]

• bus/electron/cart: Added Winchester slot to Solidisk EFS device. [Nigel Barnes]

• bus/bbc/internal: Improved Cumana 68008 Upgrade Board interrupt handling, and updated Winchester to use NSCSI_BUS. [Nigel Barnes]

• bus/bbc/userport: Added the Clwyd Technics Colour Palette and Micro User Chameleon devices. [Nigel Barnes]

• indy_indigo2.cpp: Hooked up EDLC Ethernet device, and implemented Ethernet DMA. [Patrick Mackinlay]

• Fixed potential debugger crashes in cheatlist and help commands. [quasiscroto]

• bus/coco: Added the CoCo PSG cartridge device. [Roberto Fernandez, Nigel Barnes, Ed Snider]

• iris3130.cpp: Added Storager 3030 ROM dumps. [Ryan Holtz, Bitsavers]

• machine/pxa255.cpp: Added more GPIO callbacks, improved member naming, and converted logging to use logmacro.h. [Ryan Holtz]

• zaurus.cpp: Split machine configuration by SoC type, enable real-time clock hack, and adjusted to correct clocks. [Ryan Holtz]

• cpu/avr8 udpates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Hooked up OCR1A/OCR1B for Fast PWM mode 15.
 * Removed hacky get_elapsed_cycles accessor.
 * Improved save state support, re-formatted source and converted logging to use logmacro.h.

• bus/isa: Added skeleton Vectrix EX1280 video card. [Ryan Holtz, Bitsavers]

• bus/isa: Added support for mapping the linear frame buffer to S3 ViRGE (used by “Analog 801” demo). [Ryan Holtz]

• vgmplay.cpp: Added a visualizer. [Ryan Holtz, Justin Frankel]

• cpu/mips: Added basic R5000 support to the r4000 interpreter. [Ryan Holtz]

• cpu/unsp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Added individual members for FR status flags.
 * Added Ext A6 support, and implemented Fraction on/off, SECBANK on/off, IRQNEST on/off, and move to/from FR.
 * Fixed shift instructions and cleaned up GOTO MR.
 * Respect interrupt enable flag.
 * Disabled DRC for the time being.

• frontend: Added an About menu option to display the contents of COPYING in order to be more license-compliant. [Ryan Holtz]

• bus/snes: Fixed SA1 type 1 character conversion, and added save state support. [Ryan Holtz]

• machine/i2cmem.cpp updates: [smf]
 * Latch upper address bits from device ID after receiving lower eight bits of the address.
 * Implemented software reset.
 * Stopped NACK from incorrectly pulling SDA low.
 * Removed redundant state from page write.
 * Added support for high address byte used by devices larger than 4 KiB.

• xavix2.cpp: Changed port 0 to read SDA from I²C when reading the data register with the bit configured as an input [smf]
 * Previously it was incorrectly latched when changing the bit to input or when the SCL output was changed.

• xavix2.cpp updates: [smf, N. Gilbert]
 * Hooked up development menu inputs and I²C SDA to the CPU via an I/O port.
 * Updated PIO based on I/O test.
 * Hooked up a 24C64 EEPROM to the Domyos games.

• gigatron.cpp: Hooked up gamepad input and LED outputs. [Sterophonick]

• cpu/mcs96: Fixed jh/jnh branch condition. [ValleyBell]

• roland_cm32.cpp: Added preliminary Roland PCM sample playback. [ValleyBell]

• ms32.cpp: Verified that the background graphics ROM dump for gratiaa is correct. [Apocalypse]

• williams.cpp: Added explicit suffix to float literals to avoid MSVC warning C4305. [Belegdol]

• Allow Edit-and-Continue for Visual Studio debug builds, as internal compiler error has been fixed. [Belegdol]

• taito_z.cpp: Dumped missing bipolar PROMs and PALs for sci and clones. [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

• dec8.cpp: Added PCB locations to ROM labels for all Cobra-Command sets. [caius]

• itech32.cpp: Decapped and dumped ITBWL-3 and ITGFM-3 PIC microcontrollers. [Dr. Decapitator, Caps0ff]

• compis.xml: Replaced converted dumps with original files, and updated all documented dumps with a lot more information. [FakeShemp]

• apple2_flop_clcracked.xml, apple2_flop_clcracked.xml: Cleaned up comments, improving consistency and searchability. [Firehawke]

• taito_l.cpp: Added working brute-forced equivalent PAL images to Kuri Kinton. [Frank Palazzolo]

• kyugo.cpp: Added PCB layout and DIP switch locations. [Guru]

• toaplan1.cpp: Added DIP switch locations, and enabled all jumpers combinations. [Guru]

• 20pacgal.cpp: Measured CPU clock frequency and updated comments. [Guru]

• aristmk6.cpp: Reorganized BIOS order and updated documentation. [Heihachi_73]

• midzeus.cpp: Confirmed Zeus 2 linking is IEEE 1394 using TSB12LV01A link layer controller and IBM21S851 transceiver. [Hydreigon]

• specpls3_flop.xml updates: [ICEknight]
 * Documented dual Spectrum/Amstrad releases.
 * Correctly split the two Navy Moves Spanish editions, and removed a duplicate with altered header.
 * Added known checksums and apparent sizes for missing IPF files.
 * Corrected metadata and cleaned up comments.

• goldstar.cpp: Identified one DIP switch for cmasterh, and corrected graphics ROMs for nfb96. [Ioannis Bampoulas]

• sidearms.cpp: Added a note about the star field ROM. [jordigahan]

• stv.cpp: Dumped v1.11 USA BIOS. [Kravex, Jorge Silva]

• skyarmy.cpp: Fixed bit rot in ROM dump, making the game fully playable. [O. Galibert]

• snk.cpp: Dumped PROMs for sathena. [Porchy]

• fmtowns_cd.xml: Added requirements for software items that need more hardware than what an unexpanded Model 1 would provide. [r09]

• fmtowns_cd.xml: Switched to dumps with proper track indexes and offset correction. [redump.org, r09]
 * 4ddrivin, aitd, azure, beast, biblemas, blandia, daisenr3, deathbrd, drakkhen, dstall, elfish, fwc1, gundamhc, hanayor2, if2, mightmg3, opwolf, panicbom, pegasus, shangrl2, sodyssey, tatsuou, tim, titan, tss1110, yamikets, zokudm

• peoplepc.cpp: Added notes about keyboard layout and usage. [rfka01]

• pc.cpp: Added BIOS V2.2 to ncrpc4i. [rfka01]

• apfimag_cass.xml: Replaced seven bad dumps with good ones, promoting them to working. [Robbbert]

• neogeo.cpp: Added Universe BIOS 4.0 to AES and MVS machines. [Robbbert]

• neogeocd.cpp: Added Universe CDBIOS 3.3. [Robbbert]

• ssv.cpp: Dumped PLDs for ryorioh and sxyreac2. [twistedsymphony]

• vgmplay.xml: Updated three packs. [vgmrips.net, Tafoid]

• apple2gs.cpp: Fixed name of apple2_flop_misc software list. [xinyingho]

[Posted by: Vas Crabb]

[Annc] MAMEUI64 .220 and icons/snaps released.

HBMAME 0.220


With MAME 0.220 now out, I suppose it's time to mention HBMAME 0.220 which was released over a week ago. I don't think it was ever announced here?

Download at hbmame.1emulation or arcade.mameworld

From Robert's post on 1Emulation.com:


What's new in HBMAME

2020-03-25 0.220

- Metal Slug 4 and 5 the remix has been updated
- The serious graphic problem that some PGM system games have has been solved

New Games
- [alienchas02] Alien Challenge (Simplified Edition 2018-07-05)
- [aof2s03] Art of Fighting 2 (Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-12-16)
- [asurablds04] Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Simplified Edition 2018-06-04)
- [captcomms74] Captain Commando (Nightmare Edition Update 2019-11-11)
- [captcomms75] Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2019-11-11)
- [captcomms77] Captain Commando (Shape Shifting Version 2017-09-05)
- [captcomms78] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-28)
- [captcomms79] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-20)
- [captcomms80] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-12-31)
- [captcomms81] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2019-04-21)
- [captcomms82] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-11-06)
- [captcomms83] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 201X-0X-0X)
- [captcomms84] Captain Commando (God Of War Edition Update 2018-07-26)
- [captcomms85] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-31)
- [dinos224] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (kof Combo + Unlimited Bullets 2019-12-15)
- [dinos225] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Prosperity Enhanced Edition 2020-01-02)
- [dinos226] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2019-11-07)
- [dinos227] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2017-12-02)
- [dinos228] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2018-04-26)
- [dinos229] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Increase Enemy 5X 2017-11-02)
- [dinos230] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2017-10-29)
- [dinos231] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Increase Enemy 5X Ultra Level 2017-12-21)
- [dinos232] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2019-02-18)
- [dinos233] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2018-10-23)
- [dinos234] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Majin Ranbu 2019-04-22)
- [dinos235] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2020 Update 2020-01-25)
- [dinos236] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2018 Update 2018-07-29)
- [dinos237] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Multi-Boss Bloody Version v.?)
- [dkongchm] Donkey Kong League Championship v1.00
- [dkongchm1] Donkey Kong Championship Edition v1.01
- [dkongl5] Donkey Kong Level 5
- [dkongran1] Donkey Kong Randomized Edition v1.01
- [dstlks01] Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Simplify Edition 2016-12-06)
- [kf2k5unis15] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Alpha Unique 2020-01-23)
- [kf2k5unis16] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Alpha Unique New 2020-01-24)
- [kf2k5unis17] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Optimization 2019 Simplified Edition 2020-02-05)
- [kf2k5unis18] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Omega Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kizunas07] Kizuna Encounter (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [knightsh15] Knights of the Round (Full Screen Attack 2018-02-26)
- [knightsh16] Knights of the Round (1V3 Unparalleled Edition 2018-06-07)
- [knightsh17] Knights of the Round (Enemy Random 2011-12-20)
- [kof2k4ses33] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Omega v1.0 2020-01-03)
- [kof2k4ses34] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Resurgence Plus Enhanced 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k4ses35] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Resurgence Plus Enhanced New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k4ses36] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Plus 2020-03-02)
- [kof96s47] Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2.0 Final Version Simplify The Move 2019-05-30)
- [kof96s48] Kof'96 (Combo 2020-01-24)
- [kof96s49] Kof'96 (Remix Plus 2008SP 2020-02-09)
- [kof97s153] Kof'97 (ST Revolution 2019-12-21)
- [kof97s154] Kof'97 (Combo Version 2019-11-04)
- [kof97s155] Kof'97 (Snake Slaughter 2019-11-03)
- [kof97s157] Kof'97 (3 Hard Questions 2016-12-21)
- [kof97s158] Kof'97 (Finals Summer Palace 2019-02-14)
- [kof97s160] Kof'97 (Random Combo 2010-02-07)
- [kof97s161] Kof'97 (Combo Training Version 2018-05-05)
- [kof97s162] Kof'97 (The Increasingly 2020-02-08)
- [kof97s163] Kof'97 (Mad Dragon Enhanced Simplified 2020-02-20)
- [kof97s164] Kof'97 (Dragon Slay Enhanced Edition Simplified 2020-02-20)
- [kof97s165] Kof'97 (Rugal Edition 2018-02-18)
- [kof97s166] Kof'97 (Rugal Edition 2018-03-11)
- [kof98hh01] Kof'98 (Gold Enhanced Edition Simplified 2019-03-16)
- [kof98hh02] Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition 2019-01-29)
- [kof98hh03] Kof'98 (Trench Coat Iori Version 2019-12-27)
- [kof98hh04] Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2020-01-01)
- [kof98hh126] Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2019-12-04)
- [kof99s95] Kof'99 (Alpha 2020-01-24)
- [kof99s96] Kof'99 (Alpha 2020-01-25)
- [kof99s97] Kof'99 (Remix Pro V2.0 Final)
- [kof99s98] Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2019-11-15)
- [kof99s99] Kof'99 (Evolution Ultimate Edition 2020-03-03)
- [kof99s100] Kof'99 (Remix Pro 2020-03-04)
- [kof99s101] Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2020-03-10)
- [kof2000s59] Kof2000 (Playsation 2 Plus 2020-02-08)
- [kof2000s60] Kof2000 (Evolution Blue Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2001s45] Kof2001 (PS2 Krizalid Edition 2019-12-10)
- [kof2001s46] Kof2001 (PS2 Krizalid Edition 2019-12-12)
- [kof2001s47] Kof2001 (PS2 Plus 2015-02-20)
- [kof2001s48] Kof2001 (Plus Blue Simplified Edition 2020-02-26)
- [kof2002s115] Kof2002 (RU Version 2020-02-14)
- [kof2k2s92] Kof2002 (Omega Magic plus 3 2018-12-06)
- [kof2k2s93] Kof2002 (Heavenly Kingdoms Third Edition 2020-01-14)
- [kof2k2s94] Kof2002 (Alpha Ver 1.03 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k2s95] Kof2002 (Alpha Plus 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s96] Kof2002 (Alpha Plus New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s97] Kof2002 (Alpha Super 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k2s98] Kof2002 (Alpha Super New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s99] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus A 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s100] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus B 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s101] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus C 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s102] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus D 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s103] Kof2002 (Omega version Playstation 2 2020-02-16)
- [kof2k2s104] Kof2002 (Omega 2020-02-14)
- [kof2k2s105] Kof2002 (XI Flash Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2k2s106] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Blackened Version Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2003s52] Kof2003 (Evo 1.4 2020-02-12)
- [kof2003s53] Kof2003 (PS2 Plus 2020-02-07)
- [kof2003s54] Kof2003 (PS2 Full Character Edition Simplified 2019-09-18)
- [kof2003s55] Kof2003 (Three Artifact Edition Simplified 2020-02-28)
- [kof2003s56] Kof2003 (Dragon Edition Simplified 2020-02-29)
- [kof2004upls30] Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fengyun Plus Simplified 2020-02-28)
- [kof2004upls31] Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fengyun Plus Simplified 2020-02-29)
- [kogs12] King of Gladiator (Resurgence Plus Dog Slaughter Edition 2020-01-23)
- [kov115s12] Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017 The Warriors 2017-07-18)
- [kov2h21] Knights of Valour 2 (1v4 Edition 2018-07-11)
- [kov2p204s29] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Edition 2018-07-19)
- [kov2p204s90] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Ching Ying 2019-01-05)
- [kov2p204s91] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (The Warriors Edition 2016 2018-06-03)
- [kovpluss271] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare Nightmare Falls +S 201 2017-06-14)
- [kovpluss272] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare Nightmare Falls +S 201 2017-06-13)
- [kovpluss273] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare 2017 Nightmare Zs 2017-04-20)
- [kovpluss274] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare 2017 Nightmare St 2017-04-20)
- [kovpluss278] Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 God Of War ST 1V4)
- [kovpluss314] Knights of Valour Plus (One Kings 1 2017-05-15)
- [kovpluss315] Knights of Valour Plus (One Kings 2 2017-05-07)
- [kovpluss331] Knights of Valour Plus (2017 Nightmare God of War Version 1.1 2019-04-15)
- [kovpluss350] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of Warriors Enhanced Edition 2019-08-17)
- [kovpluss351] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Enhanced Edition 2019-08-13)
- [kovpluss352] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Legend Of Ares 2020 2019-08-13)
- [kovpluss353] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of War ST Uranus Edition 2020-01-10)
- [kovpluss354] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Warriors Classic Edition 2020-01-15)
- [kovpluss355] Knights of Valour Plus (Edition 2020-01-16)
- [kovpluss356] Knights of Valour Plus (Spike Edition 2019-09-14)
- [kovpluss357] Knights of Valour Plus (2012S Edition 2019-09-14)
- [kovpluss358] Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 1V8 Edition 2017-02-18)
- [kovpluss359] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of War 2019 2019-05-22)
- [kovpluss360] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Nightmare Ares 2019-04-16)
- [kovpluss361] Knights of Valour Plus (God of War Edition ST 2018-07-16)
- [kovpluss363] Knights of Valour Plus (Ba 2011-10-22)
- [kovpluss364] Knights of Valour Plus (Ba 2 2016-02-14)
- [kovpluss365] Knights of Valour Plus (Perfect Bug Fix 2018-02-24)
- [kovsho100] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017)
- [kovsho101] Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017) [bootleg]
- [kovsho102] Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Plus (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017) [bootleg]
- [kovsho111] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors In Troubled Times 2019-11-21)
- [kovsho112] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Warlords 2019-11-20)
- [kovsho113] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Edition 2019-12-25)
- [kovsho114] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Musou Combo Edition 2019-12-13)
- [kovsho115] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors World War II 2019-12-26)
- [kovsho116] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Unification Of Central Plains Warriors 2019-10-06)
- [kovsho117] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Central Plains Gold Edition 2019-10-03)
- [kovsho118] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly Kingdom Protoss 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho119] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho120] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heroes In Trouble Times True King Edition 2020-01-01)
- [kovsho121] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-01-11)
- [kovsho122] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best firepower 1V4 2020-01-18)
- [kovsho123] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best Firepower In 2020 2020-01-18)
- [kovsho125] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 2019-05-01)
- [kovsho126] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heroes Of The Destroyer 2019-05-01)
- [kovsho128] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-05-26)
- [kovsho129] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-02-03)
- [kovsho130] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Gone With The Wind Warriors 2019 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho131] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-02-27)
- [kovsho132] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War Uranus Edition 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho133] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Taiping Chaos Legend Edition 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho134] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-01-14)
- [kovsho135] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Special Edition 2019-01-04)
- [kovsho137] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-02-16) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho138] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War Uranus Edition 2019-02-16) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho140] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Taiping Chaos Legend Edition 2019-03-21)
- [kovsho141] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-03-13)
- [kovsho142] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Gone With The Wind Warriors 2019 2019-03-19)
- [kovsho144] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-01-29)
- [kovsho145] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Ginger Iron Horse 2019-12-26)
- [kovsho146] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-07-20) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho147] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2019-09-15)
- [kovsho148] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Central Plains Green Edition 2019-09-12)
- [kovsho149] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Journey To The West 2019 2019-08-18)
- [kovsho150] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho151] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017-10-02)
- [kovsho152] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero Qun Xiong Zhu Lu 2017-10-07)
- [kovsho153] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Bloody Battle Against All Quarters 2017-10-02)
- [kovsho154] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017-07-07)
- [kovsho155] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017-11-20) [bootleg]
- [kovsho157] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Edition 2018-09-02)
- [kovsho159] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Tian Wang Edition 2018 2018-08-22)
- [kovsho162] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2014-07-14)
- [kovsho163] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2012-11-17)
- [kovsho164] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2012-04-21)
- [kovsho165] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Enhanced Version of 2015 2015-12-10)
- [kovsho167] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (KOF Pirated Version 3 2012-08-03)
- [kovsho171] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Enhanced Edition 2015-01-17)
- [kovsho172] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Zhao Zilong Edition 2018-06-03)
- [kovsho173] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (EX 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho174] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Plus 2018-07-06)
- [kovsho175] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best Firepower In 2020 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho176] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best firepower 1V4 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho177] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (2020 Seven Stars Reincarnation Athena Edition 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho178] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-02-04)
- [kovsho179] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2018-07-12)
- [kovsho181] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2.7s 2020-02-11)
- [kovsho182] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Ying Xiong 20XX-0X-0X)
- [kovsho183] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Blue Version 2019-05-0X)
- [kovsho184] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Edition 2019-0X-0X)
- [kovsho185] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Uniform Central Plains Yellow Hat 2020-03-08)
- [kovshs122] Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Unknown Hack 2014-06-07)
- [kovshs120] Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Legend of Ares 2019 2019-08-03)
- [kovsgqyzs01] Sanguo Qunying Chuan Zhengzong Plus (Choose The Magic Yellow Is 32 Zhao Yun)
- [kovshxass04] Aoshi Sanguo (Hack Unknown 2015-12-11)
- [nbbatmanus06] Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Warriors Edition 2020-01-15)
- [matrims08] Matrimelee (Simplification Edition 2018-06-04)
- [mjdchukas01] Mahjong The Dai Chuuka Ken (No AI Cheat 2006-01-06)
- [mjelct3s01] Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 3, No AI Cheat 2004-09-17)
- [mjelctrns01] Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 4, No AI Cheat 2005-09-03)
- [mjmysters01] Mahjong The Mysterious World (No AI Cheat 2006-01-12)
- [mjreach1s01] Mahjong Reach Ippatsu (No AI Cheat 2005-10-02)
- [ms6s07] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype + Summon Mount Edition 2018-07-21)
- [ms6s08] Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version + Summon Mount Edition 2019-07-20)
- [ms6s09] Metal Slug 6 (Summon Mount Edition 2019-02-19)
- [ms6s10] Metal Slug 6 (Super Enhanced Edition 2015-05-15)
- [mslug2ps37] Metal Slug 2 (Enemies Resetting Enhanced Edition Version 2018-05-30)
- [mslug2ps38] Metal Slug 2 (Enemies Resetting Enhanced Edition Version 2018-05-09)
- [mslug3h74] Metal Slug 3 (Mount Enhanced 2019-04-04)
- [mslug4hh50] Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-11-17)
- [mslug5dh61] Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-11-08)
- [mslug5dh62] Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Magic Version 2019-12-07)
- [mslug5dh63] Metal Slug 5 (Enhanced Edition 2014-10-31)
- [mslug5dh64] Metal Slug 5 Plus (Enhanced Edition 2014-06-19)
- [mslugxz65] Metal Slug X (Plus 2018-05-09)
- [olds100ass124] Oriental Legend Special (The Super Group Of The Demon Fights The Simplified Version 2015-01-31)
- [olds100ass125] Oriental Legend Special (The Immortal Devil Dance 2015 Enhanced Version 2015-01-14)
- [olds100ass165] Oriental Legend Special (Breath Enhanced Edition 2019 2019-02-02)
- [olds100ass166] Oriental Legend Special (Enhanced Edition 20XX-0X-0X)
- [olds100ass167] Oriental Legend Special (Hack of Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super 2019-08-01)
- [olds100ass168] Oriental Legend Special (Enhanced Edition 2017-07-08)
- [oldsplus19] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2019-12-31)
- [oldsplus20] Oriental Legend 2 (One-Key Gorgeous Edition A Legendary Edition 2019-01-19)
- [oldsplus21] Oriental Legend 2 (Simplify Edition 2011-06-16)
- [oldsplus22] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2019-02-06)
- [oldsplus23] Oriental Legend 2 (Mustapha Cairo 2019-01-24)
- [oldsplus24] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2020-03-09)
- [orlegendcs99] Oriental Legend (Chinese Substrate Simplified 2011-01-19)
- [orlegendcs100] Oriental Legend (4v1 Simplified Edition 2018-06-06)
- [orlegendcs101] Oriental Legend (Note version 2018-06-03)
- [plegendsjs03] Gouketsuji Gaiden (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [powerns04] Power Instinct (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [pwrinst2s01] Power Instinct 2 (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [ragnagrds05] Operation Ragnagard (Can choose Lucifer, Eelis and Behemoth 2013-01-28)
- [samshos08] Samurai Shodown (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho2s14] Samurai Shodown II (Enhanced Edition 2017-08-07)
- [samsho2s15] Samurai Shodown II (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho2s16] Samurai Shodown II (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-10)
- [samsho3s13] Samurai Shodown III (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho3s14] Samurai Shodown III (Zankurou Musouken Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-11)
- [samsho4s16] Samurai Shodown IV (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho4s17] Samurai Shodown IV (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-12)
- [samsho5s30] Samurai Shodown V (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho5s31] Samurai Shodown V (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-13)
- [samsh5sp23] Samurai Shodown V Special (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsh5sp24] Samurai Shodown V Special (Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-14)
- [savageres06] Savage Reign (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [sengoku3s13] Sengoku 3 (Blue Out Of Blue 2018-06-04)
- [sfa2s03] Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Press Select Button Changed Character 2019-12-27)
- [sfiii3ns13] Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition 2013-07-16
- [sfiii3ns14] Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition 2013-07-14 (Set Old)
- [sfz2aljs10] Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Super Golden 2020-02-17)
- [shocktr2s01] Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Unknown Hack 2014-01-27)
- [svchs36] SvC Chaos (Dragon version simplified 2020-02-29)
- [tenkaibbs01] Mahjong Tenkaigen (No AI Cheat 2006-12-29)
- [tk2h149] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition 2019-12-26)
- [tk2h150] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2018-06-06)
- [tk2h151] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series A 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h152] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series B 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h153] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series C 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h154] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series E 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h155] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series F 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h156] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2019-04-21)
- [umk3uc20191220] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2019-12-20)
- [umk3uc20191226] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2019-12-26)
- [umk3uc20200130] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-01-30)
- [umk3uc20200204] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-02-04)
- [umk3uc20200226] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-02-26)
- [wakuwak7s02] Waku Waku 7 (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [wlccs01] Wanli Changcheng (No AI Cheat 2006-01-01)
- [whps07] World Heroes Perfect (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)

[Posted by: Qun Mang]

MAMEinfo 0.220 :)



* Updated to MAME 0.220 - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (6th Apr)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: Professor Trivia (set 1), Solite Spirits and Soreike Kokology (Rev A)
- New Working games: Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls), Green Beret (Irem), Sky Army and Trivia Madness
- New Non-Working games: Air Walkers and Snowball War - WakuWaku Yukigassen
- New clones: Blue Shark (Model Racing bootleg, set 2), Borench (Japan), Burning Fight (prototype, newer, V07), Cobra-Command (World/US), Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2), Dribbling (set 2), Galaxian (Rene Pierre bootleg), Jungler (Olympia), Miss Puzzle (Nudes, less explicit), New Cherry '96 (v3.0, A PCB), New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.51, D PCB), New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.61, DK PCB), New Fruit Bonus '96 (v3.1, A PCB, set 2), New Fruit Bonus '96 (v97-3.1c, B PCB), New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.40, D PCB), New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v3.53, D PCB), New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (v97-3.3c, D PCB), The Outfoxies (Korea?), Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 2), Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version, not encrypted), Scramble (Okapi bootleg), Speed Ball (set 1), Tetris (bootleg set 4), Thunder Force AC (Japan, prototype, bootleg), Professor Trivia (set 2) and Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (US)
- New AGEMAME games: Black Rose Rapid Fire Grand Prix (Konami Endeavour, Queensland), Choy Sun Doa - Jackpot Carnival (20156611, Queensland) and Red Baron - Jackpot Carnival (10160911, Queensland)
- New PEPlus games: Imperial (1P1952IZ) Blue Moon, Imperial (1P19S1IZ) Sheer Magic, Imperial (2P1929IZ) Castaway Stampede and Imperial (3P1940IZ) Cashline D Bucks
- New PinMAME games: Cirqus Voltaire (D.52 prototype) and Spider-Man v1.02 (English,French)
- New drivers: sealy_fr.cpp and triviaquiz.cpp
- New devices: adc0803, bt451, bt453, bt454, bt455, bt457, bt458, bt467, ex1280, hd6301v1, hd6301x0, hd6301y0, hd6303x, hd63701v0, hd63701x0, hd63701y0, isa_bblue2, m6803e, scn2641, scn2651, scn2661a, scn2661b, scn2661c, sst_39sf040, ultra12f32, upd78210 and ym2164
. Hitachi HD6301 und HD63701: Splitted "HD6301" and "HD63701" devices into several different types (functionally identical now, but won't be compatible once accuracy improves). SLP is no longer disassembled as "illegal" on the HD6301. Tentatively start to support the extra ports of the HD6301X/HD6301Y. Implement more HD6301X weirdness. Added preliminary HD6301X internal register map. Added second timer output comparator and associated status register to the HD6301X and HD6301Y.
. Hitachi SH-3/4: Removed unnecessary SuperH 3/4 timers restarts (cpu\sh\sh4tmu.cpp)
. Intel P8098: Fixed I8096 JNH/JH opcode according to manual (mcs96\mcs96ops.lst)
. Motorola MC6801
. Attempt at cleaning up internal registers. Splitted the all-in-one m6801_io_r and m6801_io_w handlers into separate handlers for each register. Use m() instead of rw() to map these for now. Make all port direction registers write-only.
. Fixed a bug that deadlocked the emulation during WAI/SLP if a timed event had already occurred.
. Added DDRs as mask for port output callbacks. Added second timer output comparator.
. Motorola MC6803: Added Motorola MC6803E and Hitachi HD6303X types. Delete the "unused" NOP mapping from $0020 to $007F in the MC6803 internal map (datasheets make clear that external accesses can be made here).
. NEC uPD7801/7807/7810/78C11: Divide internal clock by 2 or 3
. NEC uPD7810
. Make internal timers run at former speed and A/D timer at former rate relative to CPU states
. Interrupt-related fixes: Prevent NMI from being masked out. Make EI take effect only after the following instruction. Inhibit clearing of interrupt flag upon acknowledgment when another interrupt with the same priority is also enabled. Added a crude start bit check to asynchronous serial mode.
. Fixed random hanging in Gun Master and probably other games with uPD7810 sound by not syncing on each shift (drivers\metro.cpp). Fixed loss of sound in games with uPD7810s other than Daitoride, Pururun and Gun Master (drivers\metro.cpp).
. Added configuration option to disable port pullups for output
. Refresh PA/PB/PC/PF outputs upon mode change
. TLCS-90 (Toshiba TMP90840/41/PH44/TMP91640)
. Split up the t90_internal_registers_r/w handlers. This work anticipates modifying the internal register map for TMP90PH44 and other incompatible model. First draft of 90844 register map amd improved logging for unemulated registers.
. Added TMP90C051 disassembler (only accessible through unidasm for now)
. NEC uPD7759: Fixed Ribbit! random jumps back to 1st round (sound\upd7759.cpp and drivers\segac2.cpp) (ID 02343). Note: Ribbit does random measure of UPD7759 sample #A playback time and reset to round 1 if its not in expected range (see routine @1D8D2).
. Seta X1-010: Accurate frequency calculation. Minor cleanups. Fixed spacing. Reduced unused and unnecessary lines. Added/Fixed notes. Use shorter/correct type values.
. SN76496: Fixed ready_r handling
. Data East 99 'ACE' Chip: Improved mixing behavior related to DECO ACE chip. Added notes of splitted palette area and for alpha value usage (video\deco_ace.cpp).
. DECO 52 Sprite: Allow priority/color callback usable with external mixing bit
. DECO 55 / 56 / 74 / 141 Tilemap Generator: Fixed drawing behavior with 16bit indexed bitmap. Implemented runtime color bank changes. Fixed 8bpp color base (video\deco16ic.cpp).
. Discrete Netlist
. Use initializer_list in object_array_t
. Added constructor which accepts a format string for object names
. Started work on logic_input8 which provides 8 logic outputs
. Added sampled output format to netlist\prg\nlwav.cpp. Using this output format nlwav will pick point samples at regular intervals from log files. This can be used to e.g. calculate RGB output levels with netlist. Use netlist to calculate RGB values for Turkey Shoot. This example shows how the netlist tools can be used to derive RGB tables from a schematic. All steps are given in netlist\examples\turkey_shoot.cpp. Fixed inductor calculation. Updated turkey shoot example to skip start-up swinging of L1/C60 LC circuit. Recording now starts at 1ms.
. Document linearized diode model in the range exceeding maximum dissipation (netlist\analog\nld_generic_models.h). The intention is to have a faster convergence but this yet not really is observable. Documented alternative opamp output stage (netlist\analog\nld_opamps.cpp).
. Changed MB3614 outout impedance (netlist\macro\nlm_opamp.cpp)
. Floppy: Added a MON callback so that drives, which are unselected early, do not spin forever. Changed spindown delay to 9 revs according to specs, added MON clearing directly in master reset (machine\wd_fdc.cpp).
. I2C Memory
. Latch the upper address bits from the I2C device ID after receiving the lower 8 bits of the address, implemented 2-wire softwarereset for I2C, stop nack from lowering sda and removed redundant state from I2C page write (machine\i2cmem.cpp).
. Added support for the address high byte to i2cmem for devices greater than 4096 bytes
. Namco C355 (Sprites): Converted sprite drawing behavior related to template bitmap. Fixed overwritten shadowed pixel. Support bitmap_rgb32. Implemented m_screenbitmap clearing. Added renderable bitmap with sprite effects to m_screenbitmap. Fixed copybitmap.
. S3 86C3xx: Plumbed out linear framebuffer support. Fixes graphics in (MESS) 'Analog 801' demoscene demo.
. Signetics SCN26xx: ew and completely rewritten emulation of SCN2651 PCI, SCN2661 EPCI & SCN2641 ACI. This is far more thorough and accurate than the preexisting MC2661 device emulation. Synchronous modes have been implemented but not tested.
. TE7750 Super I/O Expander: Simplified handler signatures
. uPD4992 RTC: Simplified handler signatures. Don't default clock configuration.
. Z80 SIO: Replaced legacy device emulations i8274_new and upd7201_new. Make LOGBIT less spammy. Booleanize a few members (machine\z80sio.cpp).
. Z80 DART: Replaced old device with new variant of modern SIO emulation (machine\z80sio.cpp)
- 1945kiii.cpp
. Implemented VRAM access toggle behavior. Implemented sprite limitation per frame. Correct VRAM flip-flop behavior. Converted screen parameters into raw format. Added Hardware notes.
. Added input ports for clone 1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB)
- 20pacgal.cpp: Measured CPU clock and updated comments
- 39in1.cpp: Converted Intel XScale PXA255 to logmacro, added more GPIO callbacks and removed unnecessary prefixes.
- aristmk6.cpp: Reorganized BIOS order and updated documentation
- cps1bl_5205.cpp: Fixed assertion 'm_current_device' failed in debug builds
- deco32.cpp
. Fixed palette effects and background color. Added notes.
. Night Slashers: Minor blending/priority adjust. Fixes missing alpha blending for message windows (ID 03708). Fixed wheel vs hospital wall priority.
. Tattoo Assassins: Improved blending behavior. Implemented runtime color bank changes.
- ddragon.cpp: Modernized HD63701Y0 configuration
- dgpix.cpp: Added Samsung KS0164 Wavetable Synthesizer device. Use correct XTAL for KS0164, as per Guru's PCB layout. KS0164 disassembler and core work.
- drw80pkr.cpp: Hook up MC6845 CRTC. Added screen raw parameters.
- holeland.cpp: Added DIP locations and screen raw parameters
- homedata.cpp: Slow down main CPU to 2 MHz for all games, fixing the 'Mahjong Ikaga Desu ka (Japan)' audio problem the opposite way. MC68B09E is only rated for 2 MHz operation anyway.
- itech32.cpp: Decapped and dumped ITGFM-3 PIC16C54 for clone Golden Tee '97 (v1.21S) and ITBWL-3 PIC16C54 for World Class Bowling (v1.6), (v1.61), (v1.65), (v1.66), World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) and (v1.40). Not hooked up.
- konamigs.cpp: Games do not enable SH-3 CPU cache, so it's actual rate is way lower than may/should be.
- kyugo.cpp: Added Repulse bootleg PCB layout and DIP locations
- micro3d.cpp: Replaced old MC2661 device with new SCN2651 device and make some associated changes
- namcos21.cpp and gal3.cpp: Fixed palette entries related to RAM size
- neogeo.cpp: Added Universe Bios (Hack, Ver. 4.0)
- nmk16.cpp: Updated Test Mode usage notes (ID 07580)
- segac2.cpp: Changed segac2_tfrceacjpb set_ignore_read_direction to a bit more logical set_ddr_override mask, port D works ok now (machine\315_5296.cpp).
- segahang.cpp: Fixed sharrier/enduror music playing after highscore entry (ID 07038)
- segas32.cpp: Make the 4 DIPs selectable singularly and added DIP locations
- ssv.cpp: Dumped PLDs for Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh CooKing and Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2
- stv.cpp: Dumped v1.11 USA BIOS
- taito_f2.cpp: Fixed sprite vs tilemap priority
- taito_z.cpp
. Added screen raw parameters for all games. Correct h/vtotals after feedback
. Fixed analog inputs in clone Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls), always been broken and promoted game to working status (ID 07229).
- tecmo16.cpp
. Final Star Force: Fixed titlescreen scroll timing issue (ID 00954)
. Lower screen refreshrate to match Final Star Force video recording and also match Ninja Gaiden (gaiden.cpp)
- toaplan1.cpp: Added DIP locations and enabled all jumpers combinations
- toaplan1.cpp, toaplan2.cpp, twincobr.cpp and wardner.cpp: Removed some now unused macros (includes\toaplipt.h)
- toaplan2.cpp: Implemented sprite limit per frame/sprite size. Added notes (video\gp9001.cpp).
- williams.cpp
. Improved 2nd Generation Williams hardware color display (Inferno, Joust 2, Mystic Marathon and Turkey Shoot). Changed color levels for williams2 hardware to better color display. Output levels are computed in netlist. These levels are aligned to LTspice modelling I did. Also improved the modelling to do what the actual hardware for Mystic Marathon did: Color decoding depends on W13..W11. These are actually flip screen versions of V13..V11. Fixed treatment on Bit0 although not used by the game code. Added R,G,B gain and offset sliders for the williams2 hardware. MAME only supports one setting for all channels. This is not good enough to come close to video recordings found on youtube. Minor changes to nltool to better measure time taken to run a simulation.
. Improved color processing. Offsets now cut off before gain is applied. This is how the "cutoff" monitor controls on arcade monitors worked. Adjusted R,G,B gains and offsets.
. Use floating point literals to stop MSVC warning C4305 (video\williams.cpp)
. Random cleanup: Group the color numbers in eights so it's easier to visually find a particular index, and restore the styling of the file (two blank lines between functions, three blank lines between sections) (video\williams.cpp and includes\williams.h).
- Athena: Dumped PROMs for clone Super Athena (bootleg)
- Boogie Wings: Fixed priority with alternative palette fading and palette effects. Fixed 1st boss shadow effect.
- Cherry Master I: Identified 'Enable stats menu' dipswitch
- Cobra-Command: Added PCB locations and PLD to Cobra-Command sets
- Dance Dance Revolution Kids: Demoted game to MACHINE_IMPERFECT_TIMING
- Fire Battle: Removed death sequence HACK. Demoted game to MACHINE_UNEMULATED_PROTECTION as stated in the notes
- Gomoku Narabe Renju: Added save state support
- Gratia: Verified the background graphics ROM from clone Gratia - Second Earth (ver 1.0, 91022-10 version) is correct
- Green Beret (Irem): Added missing ROM gb7. Added up/down joystick control (Game now playable).
- Heavyweight Champ: Improved input handling, added Y handle limits that allows player to change stance, block and attack directions.
- Konami GT: Added steering wheel to Konami GT and clone Konami RF2 (ID 05331)
- Kuri Kinton: Added verified working PAL images to Kuri Kinton. Applies to all released rom revisions.
- Mahjong Gal no Kokuhaku: Resolved DIP settings for clone Mahjong Hyouban Musume [BET] (Japan) (ID 05554)
- Michael Jackson's Moonwalker: Approved default DIPs. Fixed Coin1 & 2 mapping in common mode.
- Moon Cresta: Use 'Moon Cresta (bootleg set 2)' m7.bin for 'Moon Cresta (bootleg set 4)' in place of the bad rom
- New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition: Corrected GFX roms
- Push Over: Major driver update: Hook up color attribute. Added a handmade palette, so colors should be mostly correct now. Hook up scroll registers (scrolling is still wrong though). Fixed memory map (A15 and A14 are not decoded). Map most of the rest of the inputs, better labels for inputs. Added a rudimentary layout showing the lamps and buttons. Hook up coin counters. Removed references to MC6845 and AY8910. Added a link to the patent describing the machine. TODO: Scrolling is wrong. Missing graphics at top and right (pound values). Palette (currently handmade). Sound (discrete?). Better artwork.
- Ribbit!: Fixed random jumps back to 1st round (sound\upd7759.cpp and drivers\segac2.cpp) (ID 02343). Note: Ribbit does random measure of UPD7759 sample #A playback time and reset to round 1 if its not in expected range (see routine @1D8D2).
- Seibu Cup Soccer: Added DIP locations and documentation. Fixed visible area.
- Sky Army: Fixed bitrotten rom a1h.bin, makes the game fully playable. The problem to complete the game no longer exists, especially on the 3rd level the helicopters don't fly forward.
- Space Harrier: Better protection simulation. This fixes constantly increasing game difficulty due to time delayed protection (ID 07581)
- Special Criminal Investigation: Dumped missing BPROMs and PALs
- Spiders: Fixed discrete sound clock (ID 07518)
- Super Dodge Ball: Replaced protection simulation with emulation of HD63701Y0 MCU
- Super Roller: Added PCB ASCII layout
- Trivia Madness: Rewrote driver (Game now playable). Hook up inputs using AY8910 and added a simple layout. Showing the lamps and hook them up. Fixed banking: Game no longer hangs and NVRAM works. Hook up correct palette RAM, colors possibly correct now and 6845 CRTC. Updated screen config to raw parameters. Simplified rendering using a tilemap. Added PAL dump and save state support.
- Turbo Sub: Added Star Wars flight yoke controller. This fixes the inverted input that existed since MAME 0.192 (ID 06913).
- X-Plan: Demoted game to MACHINE_NOT_WORKING. Note: Starts with 4 credits, no controls to move the aircraft.
- Xexex: Implemented blend enable flag. Added note of unknown Xexex writes to machine\k054321.cpp.
- Fixed rom names in dec8.cpp, gaelco2.cpp, m92.cpp, segac2.cpp and trvmadns.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in 1945kiii.cpp, clshroad.cpp, toaplan1.cpp, dribling.cpp, goldstar.cpp, holeland.cpp, kyugo.cpp, legionna.cpp, m10.cpp, nbmj8991.cpp, pengadvb.cpp, segas18.cpp, segas32.cpp, summit.cpp, trvmadns.cpp and taito_z.cpp
- Description changes of Blue Shark (Model Racing bootleg, set 1), Burning Fight (prototype, near final, ver 23.3, 910326), Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 1), Double Dragon (bootleg with MC6803), Dribbling (set 1), Magical Date / Magical Date - Dokidoki Kokuhaku Daisakusen (Ver 2.02J), Magical Date EX / Magical Date - Sotsugyou Kokuhaku Daisakusen (Ver 2.01J), Miss Puzzle (Nudes, more explicit), New Fruit Bonus '96 (v3.1, A PCB, set 1), Pang! 3 (bootleg, set 1), Penguin Adventure (bootleg of MSX version, encrypted), Pesadelo (bootleg of Konami Knightmare), Push-Over (Summit Coin), Speed Ball (set 2), Tetris (bootleg set 5, with UM3482), Tetris: The Absolute - The Grand Master 2, Tetris: The Absolute - The Grand Master 2 Plus, Tetris: The Grand Master (Japan 980710) and Undercover Cops - Alpha Renewal Version (World)
- Renamed (mspuzzlen) to (mspuzzleb) and (speedbal) to (speedbala)
. Added a missing break function (emu\screen.cpp)
. Replaced SET_TILE_INFO_MEMBER macro with tileinfo.set helper. That macro has contributed nothing but obfuscation since we moved to C++ (emu\tilemap.h).
. DEVICE: Simplified handler for a few devices (video\bufsprite.h, ramdac.cpp, tms9927.cpp and zeus2.cpp)
. LUA engine: Added save state to/from binary string buffer
. UI: Added an About menu option to display the contents of COPYING in order to be more license-compliant (frontend\mame\ui\about.cpp)
. Removed winpcap and cleaned up network module selection. The pcap.h header itself has the problematic original BSD license, including the obnoxious advertising clause. Using tap/tun networking on Windows provides a much better experience, so the extra setup is worth it. This patch also allows you to enable pcap on platforms where it's disabled by default with USE_PCAP=1 if you really want to use it.
. Simplified video handlers (cpu\h6280\h6280.cpp, video\ef9369.cpp, hd61830.cpp, huc6260.cpp, jangou_blitter.cpp, mb90082.cpp, mb_vcu.cpp, ppu2c0x.cpp and snes_ppu.cpp)
. Simplified sound handlers (sound\ad1848.cpp, astrocde.cpp, c6280.cpp, cdp1863.cpp, cdp1869.cpp, dave.cpp, digitalk.cpp, es5506.cpp, es8712.cpp, huc6230.cpp, iremga20.cpp, k005289.cpp, k007232.cpp, k056800.cpp, mea8000.cpp, mos6560.cpp, msm5205.cpp, msm5232.cpp, multipcm.cpp, n63701x.cpp, namco.cpp, okim9810.cpp, qs1000.cpp, qsoundhle.cpp, s14001a.cpp, segapcm.cpp, snkwave.cpp, sp0250.cpp, st0016.cpp, tiaintf.cpp, tms5110.cpp, upd1771.cpp, upd7752.cpp, upd934g.cpp and ymz770.cpp)
. Simplified driver handlers (drivers\24cdjuke.cpp, 2mindril.cpp, 30test.cpp, 4roses.cpp, 5clown.cpp, ace.cpp, acefruit.cpp, aces1.cpp, airraid.cpp, akkaarrh.cpp, albazc.cpp, albazg.cpp, alinvade.cpp, allied.cpp, cclimber.cpp and kyugo.cpp)
. Eliminated now-unnecessary bus_r and bus_w handlers (drivers\asteroid.cpp, astrocde.cpp, dkong.cpp and mario.cpp)
. Cleanup: Added doxygen comments for bit manipulation functions. Added an overload of BIT that works like the AArch64 UBFX instruction. Kill off some of the silly concatenating overloads for emu_file::open. Make searchpath acually useful for devices.
. Restored lost message about invalid BIOS (emu\romload.cpp)
. Fixed Viewpoint entry in plugins\hiscore\hiscore.dat (ID 07592)
. Roll back no longer needed /ZI workaround (scripts\src\tools.lua). It has been fixed as of Visual Studio 2019 16.5.
. Removed tools\src2html.cpp
- VGM player: Added a visualizer. Provides a waterfall, spectrograph and VU view. Mark few fake VGZ files as bad_dump (hash\vgmplay.xml).
- Compiling
. Updated more stuff in top-level makefile
. Compile in the contents of the COPYING file for the about box - safer than assuming it will be in the working directory. no attempt at compressing it for now (scripts\build\file2lines.py, ui\about.cpp).
- Debugger: Fixed two cases where debugger can crash MAME ("cheatlist" command before "cheatinit", long strings after "help") (debug/debugcmd.cpp and debughlp.cpp)

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

NegaMAME 0.220-1


Along with MAME and all its fork, NegaMAME 0.220-1 is also ready for download. Go grab it at http://babelsoft.net/products/negamame.htm

This MAME derivative has been designed to be used with the front-end Negatron in order to have complete access to all the machine configuration options within Negatron, especially useful for emulated computers and consoles.

This is quite irrelevant for emulated arcade games though. If you only play arcade games, you can simply use Negatron with regular MAME.

Note: 0.220-1 must be understood as the 1st version of NegaMAME synchronised with MAME v0.220. If other issues arise with this version, I would release a v0.220-2

[Posted by: xinyingho]

Negatron v0.100


The version 0.100 of Negatron, a MAME front-end, has just been released with new features. This is a big technical release that make it compatible with Java 11+.

Besides MAME internal UI, this is the only front-end that can manage all the configuration options of the emulated machines in MAME. In practice, it's often useless for arcade games but it's quite important for emulated consoles and computers.

To completely achieve this, Negatron needs to be coupled with NegaMAME, a fork that distinguishes itself from regular MAME only by adding the command line option -listmediaxml, which enables Negatron to access some information unavailable to third-party front-ends since MAME v0.186. In practice, you can simply copy negamame64.exe into your MAME install folder, everything else in the NegaMAME archive file is exactly the same as regular MAME.

Negatron's available at the Negatron webpage and NegaMAME at the NegaMAME webpage.

[Posted by: xinyingho]

renameSET.dat 0.220


It's ready the new progetto-SNAPS renameSET.dat 0.220 for MAME.


* 4.45 2020/04/06: Added 0.220 infos, also update all the other files of the pack.
* 4.44 2020/04/01: Fixed some information related to cycle from version 0.36b1 to 0.36.
* 4.43 2020/03/05: Replaced the previously used tool for software list counts with queries created by me.
$0.220 [#659]
41.759 items, 36.848 machines (+127), 12.406 parents (+77), 24.442 clones (+50), 73 BIOS, 4.838 device (-9/+54), 967 use CHDs (+2), 1.243 use Samples, Working 13.241 (+47), NotWorking 23.607 (+80), Mechanical 15.303 (+2), NotMechanical 21.618 (+125), SaveState Supported 9.969 (+28), SaveState Not Supported 31.790 (+144)
311.133 roms (+1267), 309.496 program roms (+1263), 567 BIOS roms (+2), 1.070 CHD roms (+2), 426 sample roms
580 active SL (+4), 123.961 active software (-1/+398)
4 ren:
hd6301 > hd6301v1
hd63701 > hd63701v0
mspuzzlen > mspuzzleb
speedbal > speedbala
9 del:

16 softwares renamed:
fmtowns_cd | debut2 > debuts2
fmtowns_cd | highccom > hcc1713
fmtowns_cd | townspnt > tpaint20
mobigo_cart | carstoon > carstoong
mobigo_cart | chugg > chuggg
mobigo_cart | fishrek > fishrekg
mobigo_cart | kfpand2 > kfpand2g
mobigo_cart | kiosk > kioskg
mobigo_cart | mmwunder > mickeyg
mobigo_cart | penmad > penmadg
mobigo_cart | rapunzel > rapunzelg
mobigo_cart | teamumiz > teamumizg
mobigo_cart | tstory3 > tstory3g
vgmplay | sharrier_fm77av > sharrier_fm77
vsmile_cart | erniebrt > erniebrtg
vsmileb_cart | mktierf > learndhg

1 softwares removed:
vgmplay | sfex2

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

NPlayers 0.220

HBMAME 0.220



What's new in HBMAME

2020-03-27 0.220

- Metal Slug 4 and 5 the remix has been updated
- The serious graphic problem that some PGM system games have has been solved

New Games
- [alienchas02] Alien Challenge (Simplified Edition 2018-07-05)
- [aof2s03] Art of Fighting 2 (Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-12-16)
- [asurablds04] Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty (Simplified Edition 2018-06-04)
- [captcomms74] Captain Commando (Nightmare Edition Update 2019-11-11)
- [captcomms75] Captain Commando (Elite Edition Update 2019-11-11)
- [captcomms77] Captain Commando (Shape Shifting Version 2017-09-05)
- [captcomms78] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-28)
- [captcomms79] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-20)
- [captcomms80] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-12-31)
- [captcomms81] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2019-04-21)
- [captcomms82] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-11-06)
- [captcomms83] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 201X-0X-0X)
- [captcomms84] Captain Commando (God Of War Edition Update 2018-07-26)
- [captcomms85] Captain Commando (99 Fighter Edition Update 2018-05-31)
- [dinos224] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (kof Combo + Unlimited Bullets 2019-12-15)
- [dinos225] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Prosperity Enhanced Edition 2020-01-02)
- [dinos226] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2019-11-07)
- [dinos227] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2017-12-02)
- [dinos228] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2018-04-26)
- [dinos229] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Increase Enemy 5X 2017-11-02)
- [dinos230] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Enhanced Edition 2017-10-29)
- [dinos231] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Increase Enemy 5X Ultra Level 2017-12-21)
- [dinos232] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2019-02-18)
- [dinos233] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2018-10-23)
- [dinos234] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Majin Ranbu 2019-04-22)
- [dinos235] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2020 Update 2020-01-25)
- [dinos236] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (The Warriors Edition 2018 Update 2018-07-29)
- [dinos237] Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Unparalleled Multi-Boss Bloody Version v.?)
- [dkongchm] Donkey Kong League Championship v1.00
- [dkongchm1] Donkey Kong Championship Edition v1.01
- [dkongl5] Donkey Kong Level 5
- [dkongran1] Donkey Kong Randomized Edition v1.01
- [dstlks01] Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Simplify Edition 2016-12-06)
- [kf2k5unis15] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Alpha Unique 2020-01-23)
- [kf2k5unis16] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Alpha Unique New 2020-01-24)
- [kf2k5unis17] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Optimization 2019 Simplified Edition 2020-02-05)
- [kf2k5unis18] Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Omega Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kizunas07] Kizuna Encounter (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [knightsh15] Knights of the Round (Full Screen Attack 2018-02-26)
- [knightsh16] Knights of the Round (1V3 Unparalleled Edition 2018-06-07)
- [knightsh17] Knights of the Round (Enemy Random 2011-12-20)
- [kof2k4ses33] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Omega v1.0 2020-01-03)
- [kof2k4ses34] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Resurgence Plus Enhanced 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k4ses35] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Resurgence Plus Enhanced New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k4ses36] Kof Special Edition 2004 (Plus 2020-03-02)
- [kof96s47] Kof'96 (The Aniversary Edition 2.0 Final Version Simplify The Move 2019-05-30)
- [kof96s48] Kof'96 (Combo 2020-01-24)
- [kof96s49] Kof'96 (Remix Plus 2008SP 2020-02-09)
- [kof97s153] Kof'97 (ST Revolution 2019-12-21)
- [kof97s154] Kof'97 (Combo Version 2019-11-04)
- [kof97s155] Kof'97 (Snake Slaughter 2019-11-03)
- [kof97s157] Kof'97 (3 Hard Questions 2016-12-21)
- [kof97s158] Kof'97 (Finals Summer Palace 2019-02-14)
- [kof97s160] Kof'97 (Random Combo 2010-02-07)
- [kof97s161] Kof'97 (Combo Training Version 2018-05-05)
- [kof97s162] Kof'97 (The Increasingly 2020-02-08)
- [kof97s163] Kof'97 (Mad Dragon Enhanced Simplified 2020-02-20)
- [kof97s164] Kof'97 (Dragon Slay Enhanced Edition Simplified 2020-02-20)
- [kof97s165] Kof'97 (Rugal Edition 2018-02-18)
- [kof97s166] Kof'97 (Rugal Edition 2018-03-11)
- [kof98hh01] Kof'98 (Gold Enhanced Edition Simplified 2019-03-16)
- [kof98hh02] Kof'98 (Anniversary Edition 2019-01-29)
- [kof98hh03] Kof'98 (Trench Coat Iori Version 2019-12-27)
- [kof98hh04] Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2020-01-01)
- [kof98hh126] Kof'98 (ECK Dragon Edition 2019-12-04)
- [kof99s95] Kof'99 (Alpha 2020-01-24)
- [kof99s96] Kof'99 (Alpha 2020-01-25)
- [kof99s97] Kof'99 (Remix Pro V2.0 Final)
- [kof99s98] Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2019-11-15)
- [kof99s99] Kof'99 (Evolution Ultimate Edition 2020-03-03)
- [kof99s100] Kof'99 (Remix Pro 2020-03-04)
- [kof99s101] Kof'99 (Anniversary Edition 2020-03-10)
- [kof2000s59] Kof2000 (Playsation 2 Plus 2020-02-08)
- [kof2000s60] Kof2000 (Evolution Blue Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2001s45] Kof2001 (PS2 Krizalid Edition 2019-12-10)
- [kof2001s46] Kof2001 (PS2 Krizalid Edition 2019-12-12)
- [kof2001s47] Kof2001 (PS2 Plus 2015-02-20)
- [kof2001s48] Kof2001 (Plus Blue Simplified Edition 2020-02-26)
- [kof2002s115] Kof2002 (RU Version 2020-02-14)
- [kof2k2s92] Kof2002 (Omega Magic plus 3 2018-12-06)
- [kof2k2s93] Kof2002 (Heavenly Kingdoms Third Edition 2020-01-14)
- [kof2k2s94] Kof2002 (Alpha Ver 1.03 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k2s95] Kof2002 (Alpha Plus 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s96] Kof2002 (Alpha Plus New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s97] Kof2002 (Alpha Super 2020-01-23)
- [kof2k2s98] Kof2002 (Alpha Super New 2020-01-24)
- [kof2k2s99] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus A 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s100] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus B 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s101] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus C 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s102] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Resurgence plus D 2020-01-27)
- [kof2k2s103] Kof2002 (Omega version Playstation 2 2020-02-16)
- [kof2k2s104] Kof2002 (Omega 2020-02-14)
- [kof2k2s105] Kof2002 (XI Flash Edition Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2k2s106] Kof2002 Magic Plus II (Blackened Version Simplified 2020-02-27)
- [kof2003s52] Kof2003 (Evo 1.4 2020-02-12)
- [kof2003s53] Kof2003 (PS2 Plus 2020-02-07)
- [kof2003s54] Kof2003 (PS2 Full Character Edition Simplified 2019-09-18)
- [kof2003s55] Kof2003 (Three Artifact Edition Simplified 2020-02-28)
- [kof2003s56] Kof2003 (Dragon Edition Simplified 2020-02-29)
- [kof2004upls30] Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fengyun Plus Simplified 2020-02-28)
- [kof2004upls31] Kof2004 EX Ultra Plus (Fengyun Plus Simplified 2020-02-29)
- [kogs12] King of Gladiator (Resurgence Plus Dog Slaughter Edition 2020-01-23)
- [kov115s12] Knights of Valour (The Latest 2017 The Warriors 2017-07-18)
- [kov2h21] Knights of Valour 2 (1v4 Edition 2018-07-11)
- [kov2p204s29] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Edition 2018-07-19)
- [kov2p204s90] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (Ching Ying 2019-01-05)
- [kov2p204s91] Knights of Valour 2 Plus (The Warriors Edition 2016 2018-06-03)
- [kovpluss271] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare Nightmare Falls +S 201 2017-06-14)
- [kovpluss272] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare Nightmare Falls +S 201 2017-06-13)
- [kovpluss273] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare 2017 Nightmare Zs 2017-04-20)
- [kovpluss274] Knights of Valour Plus (Warfare 2017 Nightmare St 2017-04-20)
- [kovpluss278] Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 2012 God Of War ST 1V4)
- [kovpluss314] Knights of Valour Plus (One Kings 1 2017-05-15)
- [kovpluss315] Knights of Valour Plus (One Kings 2 2017-05-07)
- [kovpluss331] Knights of Valour Plus (2017 Nightmare God of War Version 1.1 2019-04-15)
- [kovpluss350] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of Warriors Enhanced Edition 2019-08-17)
- [kovpluss351] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Enhanced Edition 2019-08-13)
- [kovpluss352] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Legend Of Ares 2020 2019-08-13)
- [kovpluss353] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of War ST Uranus Edition 2020-01-10)
- [kovpluss354] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Warriors Classic Edition 2020-01-15)
- [kovpluss355] Knights of Valour Plus (Edition 2020-01-16)
- [kovpluss356] Knights of Valour Plus (Spike Edition 2019-09-14)
- [kovpluss357] Knights of Valour Plus (2012S Edition 2019-09-14)
- [kovpluss358] Knights of Valour Plus (Authentic 1V8 Edition 2017-02-18)
- [kovpluss359] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (God of War 2019 2019-05-22)
- [kovpluss360] Knights of Valour Plus 2012 (Nightmare Ares 2019-04-16)
- [kovpluss361] Knights of Valour Plus (God of War Edition ST 2018-07-16)
- [kovpluss363] Knights of Valour Plus (Ba 2011-10-22)
- [kovpluss364] Knights of Valour Plus (Ba 2 2016-02-14)
- [kovpluss365] Knights of Valour Plus (Perfect Bug Fix 2018-02-24)
- [kovsho100] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017)
- [kovsho101] Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017) [bootleg]
- [kovsho102] Luan Shi Ying Xiong - Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Plus (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017) [bootleg]
- [kovsho111] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors In Troubled Times 2019-11-21)
- [kovsho112] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Warlords 2019-11-20)
- [kovsho113] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Edition 2019-12-25)
- [kovsho114] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Musou Combo Edition 2019-12-13)
- [kovsho115] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors World War II 2019-12-26)
- [kovsho116] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Unification Of Central Plains Warriors 2019-10-06)
- [kovsho117] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Central Plains Gold Edition 2019-10-03)
- [kovsho118] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly Kingdom Protoss 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho119] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho120] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heroes In Trouble Times True King Edition 2020-01-01)
- [kovsho121] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-01-11)
- [kovsho122] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best firepower 1V4 2020-01-18)
- [kovsho123] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best Firepower In 2020 2020-01-18)
- [kovsho125] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Troubled Times 2019-05-01)
- [kovsho126] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heroes Of The Destroyer 2019-05-01)
- [kovsho128] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-05-26)
- [kovsho129] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-02-03)
- [kovsho130] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Gone With The Wind Warriors 2019 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho131] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019 2019-02-27)
- [kovsho132] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War Uranus Edition 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho133] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Taiping Chaos Legend Edition 2019-02-28)
- [kovsho134] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-01-14)
- [kovsho135] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Special Edition 2019-01-04)
- [kovsho137] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-02-16) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho138] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War Uranus Edition 2019-02-16) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho140] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Taiping Chaos Legend Edition 2019-03-21)
- [kovsho141] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-03-13)
- [kovsho142] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Gone With The Wind Warriors 2019 2019-03-19)
- [kovsho144] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-01-29)
- [kovsho145] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Ginger Iron Horse 2019-12-26)
- [kovsho146] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (God of War 2019-07-20) // Boot Bios 1
- [kovsho147] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2019-09-15)
- [kovsho148] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Central Plains Green Edition 2019-09-12)
- [kovsho149] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Journey To The West 2019 2019-08-18)
- [kovsho150] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2020-01-03)
- [kovsho151] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017-10-02)
- [kovsho152] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero Qun Xiong Zhu Lu 2017-10-07)
- [kovsho153] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Bloody Battle Against All Quarters 2017-10-02)
- [kovsho154] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2017-07-07)
- [kovsho155] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (hack of Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus, ver. 500 2017-11-20) [bootleg]
- [kovsho157] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Qun Xiong Zhu Lu Edition 2018-09-02)
- [kovsho159] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Tian Wang Edition 2018 2018-08-22)
- [kovsho162] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2014-07-14)
- [kovsho163] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2012-11-17)
- [kovsho164] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2012-04-21)
- [kovsho165] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Enhanced Version of 2015 2015-12-10)
- [kovsho167] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (KOF Pirated Version 3 2012-08-03)
- [kovsho171] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Enhanced Edition 2015-01-17)
- [kovsho172] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Zhao Zilong Edition 2018-06-03)
- [kovsho173] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (EX 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho174] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Plus 2018-07-06)
- [kovsho175] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best Firepower In 2020 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho176] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (The Best firepower 1V4 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho177] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (2020 Seven Stars Reincarnation Athena Edition 2020-02-06)
- [kovsho178] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Warriors Edition 2020-02-04)
- [kovsho179] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Super Hero The Road to Survival 2018-07-12)
- [kovsho181] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Heavenly King Edition 2.7s 2020-02-11)
- [kovsho182] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Luan Shi Ying Xiong 20XX-0X-0X)
- [kovsho183] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Blue Version 2019-05-0X)
- [kovsho184] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Edition 2019-0X-0X)
- [kovsho185] Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus (Uniform Central Plains Yellow Hat 2020-03-08)
- [kovshs122] Knights of Valour Super Heroes (Unknown Hack 2014-06-07)
- [kovshs120] Knights of Valour Super Heroes (The Legend of Ares 2019 2019-08-03)
- [kovsgqyzs01] Sanguo Qunying Chuan Zhengzong Plus (Choose The Magic Yellow Is 32 Zhao Yun)
- [kovshxass04] Aoshi Sanguo (Hack Unknown 2015-12-11)
- [nbbatmanus06] Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Warriors Edition 2020-01-15)
- [matrims08] Matrimelee (Simplification Edition 2018-06-04)
- [mjdchukas01] Mahjong The Dai Chuuka Ken (No AI Cheat 2006-01-06)
- [mjelct3s01] Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 3, No AI Cheat 2004-09-17)
- [mjelctrns01] Mahjong Electron Base (parts 2 & 4, No AI Cheat 2005-09-03)
- [mjmysters01] Mahjong The Mysterious World (No AI Cheat 2006-01-12)
- [mjreach1s01] Mahjong Reach Ippatsu (No AI Cheat 2005-10-02)
- [ms6s07] Metal Slug 6 (Enemy Soldier Reset Prototype + Summon Mount Edition 2018-07-21)
- [ms6s08] Metal Slug 6 (Enemies Resetting Version + Summon Mount Edition 2019-07-20)
- [ms6s09] Metal Slug 6 (Summon Mount Edition 2019-02-19)
- [ms6s10] Metal Slug 6 (Super Enhanced Edition 2015-05-15)
- [mslug2ps37] Metal Slug 2 (Enemies Resetting Enhanced Edition Version 2018-05-30)
- [mslug2ps38] Metal Slug 2 (Enemies Resetting Enhanced Edition Version 2018-05-09)
- [mslug3h74] Metal Slug 3 (Mount Enhanced 2019-04-04)
- [mslug4hh50] Metal Slug 4 (Enemies Resetting Version 2019-11-17)
- [mslug5dh61] Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Enhanced Version 2019-11-08)
- [mslug5dh62] Metal Slug 5 (Enemy Soldiers Magic Version 2019-12-07)
- [mslug5dh63] Metal Slug 5 (Enhanced Edition 2014-10-31)
- [mslug5dh64] Metal Slug 5 Plus (Enhanced Edition 2014-06-19)
- [mslugxz65] Metal Slug X (Plus 2018-05-09)
- [olds100ass124] Oriental Legend Special (The Super Group Of The Demon Fights The Simplified Version 2015-01-31)
- [olds100ass125] Oriental Legend Special (The Immortal Devil Dance 2015 Enhanced Version 2015-01-14)
- [olds100ass165] Oriental Legend Special (Breath Enhanced Edition 2019 2019-02-02)
- [olds100ass166] Oriental Legend Special (Enhanced Edition 20XX-0X-0X)
- [olds100ass167] Oriental Legend Special (Hack of Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super 2019-08-01)
- [olds100ass168] Oriental Legend Special (Enhanced Edition 2017-07-08)
- [oldsplus19] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2019-12-31)
- [oldsplus20] Oriental Legend 2 (One-Key Gorgeous Edition A Legendary Edition 2019-01-19)
- [oldsplus21] Oriental Legend 2 (Simplify Edition 2011-06-16)
- [oldsplus22] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2019-02-06)
- [oldsplus23] Oriental Legend 2 (Mustapha Cairo 2019-01-24)
- [oldsplus24] Oriental Legend 2 (Xinqun Magic Ranwu 208 2020-03-09)
- [orlegendcs99] Oriental Legend (Chinese Substrate Simplified 2011-01-19)
- [orlegendcs100] Oriental Legend (4v1 Simplified Edition 2018-06-06)
- [orlegendcs101] Oriental Legend (Note version 2018-06-03)
- [plegendsjs03] Gouketsuji Gaiden (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [powerns04] Power Instinct (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [pwrinst2s01] Power Instinct 2 (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [ragnagrds05] Operation Ragnagard (Can choose Lucifer, Eelis and Behemoth 2013-01-28)
- [samshos08] Samurai Shodown (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho2s14] Samurai Shodown II (Enhanced Edition 2017-08-07)
- [samsho2s15] Samurai Shodown II (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho2s16] Samurai Shodown II (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-10)
- [samsho3s13] Samurai Shodown III (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho3s14] Samurai Shodown III (Zankurou Musouken Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-11)
- [samsho4s16] Samurai Shodown IV (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho4s17] Samurai Shodown IV (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-12)
- [samsho5s30] Samurai Shodown V (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsho5s31] Samurai Shodown V (Color Change Boss With Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-13)
- [samsh5sp23] Samurai Shodown V Special (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [samsh5sp24] Samurai Shodown V Special (Simple Attack Edition 2018-11-14)
- [savageres06] Savage Reign (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [sengoku3s13] Sengoku 3 (Blue Out Of Blue 2018-06-04)
- [sfa2s03] Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Press Select Button Changed Character 2019-12-27)
- [sfiii3ns13] Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition 2013-07-16
- [sfiii3ns14] Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: 4rd Arrange Edition 2013-07-14 (Set Old)
- [sfz2aljs10] Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Super Golden 2020-02-17)
- [shocktr2s01] Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad (Unknown Hack 2014-01-27)
- [svchs36] SvC Chaos (Dragon version simplified 2020-02-29)
- [tenkaibbs01] Mahjong Tenkaigen (No AI Cheat 2006-12-29)
- [tk2h149] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition 2019-12-26)
- [tk2h150] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2018-06-06)
- [tk2h151] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series A 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h152] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series B 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h153] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series C 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h154] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series E 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h155] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Boss Cho Unparalleled Edition Series F 2018-01-28)
- [tk2h156] Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Edition Update 2019-04-21)
- [umk3uc20191220] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2019-12-20)
- [umk3uc20191226] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2019-12-26)
- [umk3uc20200130] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-01-30)
- [umk3uc20200204] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-02-04)
- [umk3uc20200226] Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2020-02-26)
- [wakuwak7s02] Waku Waku 7 (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)
- [wlccs01] Wanli Changcheng (No AI Cheat 2006-01-01)
- [whps07] World Heroes Perfect (Simplify Edition 2018-06-04)

[Posted by: Robbbert]

MESSinfo 0.220


Update for 0.220 version, this is the web page for download: progetto-SNAPS MESSINFO.DAT.

* 11.41 09/04/2020: Aligned files to 0.220 version.
- apfimag: Replaced seven bad dumps with good ones, promoting them to working in apfimag_cass.xml [Robbbert].
- apple2: Cleaned up comments, improving consistency and searchability in apple2_flop_clcracked.xml and apple2_flop_clcracked.xml [Firehawke].
- bbc_cumana68k: Changed description to 'Cumana 68008 Upgrade Board'.
- cms6502: Corrected M4 ROM ordering. Machine promoted to working [Nigel Barnes].
- cncchess: Changed description to 'Computer Chess (Conic, model 7011)'.
- compis: Replaced converted dumps with original files, and updated all documented dumps with a lot more information in compis.xml [FakeShemp].
- craft: Machine promoted to working [Ryan Holtz]
- d110: Changed description to 'D-110 Multi Timbral Sound Module'.
- decathln: Changed description to 'Decathlon (set 1)'.
- electron_stdcart: Added Winchester slot to Solidisk EFS device [Nigel Barnes].
- feag2100: Changed description to 'Elite Avant Garde 2100 (set 1)'.
- fmtowns: Added requirements for software items that need more hardware than what an unexpanded Model 1 would provide in fmtowns_cd.xml [r09]. Switched to dumps with proper track indexes and offset correction. 4ddrivin, aitd, azure, beast, biblemas, blandia, daisenr3, deathbrd, drakkhen, dstall, elfish, fwc1, gundamhc, hanayor2, if2, mightmg3, opwolf, panicbom, pegasus, shangrl2, sodyssey, tatsuou, tim, titan, tss1110, yamikets, zokudm in fmtowns_cd.xml [redump.org, r09].
- hd6301v1: Changed description to 'Hitachi HD6301V1'.
- hd63701v0: Changed description to 'Hitachi HD63701V0'.
- hp80_io_slot: Added support for HP82939 serial I/O and HP82900 CP/M modules [F. Ulivi].
- i2cmem: Latch upper address bits from device ID after receiving lower eight bits of the address. Implemented software reset. Stopped NACK from incorrectly pulling SDA low. Removed redundant state from page write. Added support for high address byte used by devices larger than 4KiB [smf].
- indy_5015: Clone promoted to working [Ryan Holtz].
- jak_bbsf: Changed description to 'Big Buck Safari (JAKKS Pacific TV Game)'.
- jak_spdmo: Changed description to 'Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (older hardware, set 1)'.
- m6801: Fixed a bug that caused the emulation to lock up on WAI/SLP if a timed event had already occurred. Fixed disassembly of SLP instruction for HD6301. Added second timer output comparator and associated status register to HD6301X/HD6301Y [AJR].
- megadriv: Bugfix #07582: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [sonic3p1]: Fatal error on attempted launch [Tafoid].
- pxa255: Added more GPIO callbacks, improved member naming, and converted logging to use logmacro.h [Ryan Holtz].
- s3virge: Added support for mapping the linear frame buffer to S3 ViRGE (used by "Analog 801" demo) [Ryan Holtz].
- smartfp: Changed description to 'Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (UK)'.
- sn76496: Fixed ready output read handler [Michael Zapf].
- specpls3: Documented dual Spectrum/Amstrad releases. Correctly split the two Navy Moves Spanish editions, and removed a duplicate with altered header. Added known checksums and apparent sizes for missing IPF files. Corrected metadata and cleaned up comments in specpls3_flop.xml [ICEknight].
- supremo: Changed description to 'Supremo - Limited Edition'.
- unsp: Added individual members for FR status flags. Added Ext A6 support, and implemented Fraction on/off, SECBANK on/off, IRQNEST on/off, and move to/from FR. Fixed shift instructions and cleaned up GOTO MR. Respect interrupt enable flag. Disabled DRC for the time being [Ryan Holtz].
- upd7810: Implemented internal clock dividers. Prevented non-maskable interrupts from being masked out. Made changes to EI take effect after the following instruction. Fixed interrupt flag being cleared incorrectly when another interrupt of the same priority is pending. Added a crude start bit check to asynchronous serial mode. Refresh PA/PB/PC/PF outputs on mode changes. Fixed upd78k3 SFR identification in disassembly of MOV A,sfr and MOV sfr,A opcodes [AJR].
- vgcaplet: Sean Riddle, David Haywood and Ryan Holtz added Performance Designed Products (licensed by Taito/Data East) VG Pocket Caplet Fast Acting 50-in-1 system.
- ym2151: Added YM2164 "OPP" variant and emulated some known differences. Used by Yamaha FB-01 and SFG05 MSX cartridge. [AJR].
- apple2gs.cpp: Fixed name of apple2_flop_misc software list [xinyingho].
- elan_eu3a05.cpp: Added notes on elan_buzztime I/O [N. Gilbert].
- fp1100.cpp: Improved synchronization for CPU communications using generic latch devices [AJR].
- indy_indigo2.cpp: Hooked up EDLC Ethernet device, and implemented Ethernet DMA [Patrick Mackinlay].
- iris3130.cpp: Added Storager 3030 ROM dumps [Ryan Holtz, Bitsavers].
- mips.cpp: Added basic R5000 support to the r4000 interpreter [Ryan Holtz].
- neogeo.cpp: Added Universe BIOS 4.0 to AES and MVS machines [Robbbert].
- neogeocd.cpp: Added Universe CDBIOS 3.3 [Robbbert].
- pc.cpp: Added BIOS V2.2 to ncrpc4i [rfka01].
- snes.cpp: Fixed SA1 type 1 character conversion, and added save state support [Ryan Holtz].
- spg2xx_mysprtch.cpp: Improved ROM banking [David Haywood].
- spg2xx_skannerztv.cpp: Moved rad_sktv to its own source file and added notes [N. Gilbert].
- spg2xx_zone_32bit.cpp: Improved ROM banking [David Haywood].
- teleray10.cpp: Inverted polarity of DIP switches, and hacked CTS to always be active [AJR].
- tv912.cpp: Implemented protected, underline, invert and blink field attributes, and made cursor blinking more accurate [AJR].
- wangpc.cpp: Hooked up modem control lines - RS-232 test now passes with a loopback connector [AJR].
- wicat.cpp: Removed some 68k interrupt conditions that were conflicting with each other [AJR].
- xavix2.cpp: Hooked up development menu inputs and I2C SDA to the CPU via an I/O port. Updated PIO based on I/O test. Hooked up a 24C64 EEPROM to the Domyos games [smf, N. Gilbert]. Changed port 0 to read SDA from I2C when reading the data register with the bit configured as an input. Previously it was incorrectly latched when changing the bit to input or when the SCL output was changed [smf]. Massively improved graphics emulation [N. Gilbert].
- xerox820.cpp: Connected SIO modem control inputs and fixed SIO addressing. Also added default configuration for optional serial terminal on port B, and marked mk83 as a clone of bigboard [AJR].
- zaurus.cpp: Split machine configuration by SoC type, enable real-time clock hack, and adjusted to correct clocks [Ryan Holtz].
- Renamed (hd6301) to (hd6301v1) and (hd63701) to (hd63701v0).
- Renamed (roland_d110.cpp) to (roland_d10.cpp), 170590: Renamed (tb303.cpp) to (roland_tb303.cpp) and Renamed (tr606.cpp) to (roland_tr606.cpp).
- Removed (i8274_new), (mb91101a), (mc2661), (upd7201_new), (z80sio0), (z80sio1), (z80sio2), (z80sio3) and (z80sio4) devices.
- Alexander Kholodov added Olivetti Olivetti L1 M44 system.
- algestam and Ryan Holtz added Nintendo Game & Watch: Crab Grab system.
- Berger added Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde 2100 (set 2) system.
- DBWBP added Elka Synthex, E-mu Systems Emulator II, E-mu Systems Emulator Three Digital Sound Production System, InVision Interactive M1 Plus+1 Music Workstation, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K4r 16-bit Digital Synthesizer Module, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1 Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1m Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1r Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K4 16-bit Digital Synthesizer, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K5 Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K5m Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing R-100 Digital Drum Machine, Kawai Musical Instrument Manufacturing K1rII Digital Multi-Dimensional Synthesizer Module, Korg Poly-61 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Korg Z3 Guitar Synthesizer, Korg M1R Music Workstation (v1.06), Korg M1 EX Music Workstation (v1.29), Korg M1 Music Workstation (Rev 19), Korg 707 Performing Synthesizer, Korg DW-8000 Programmable Digital Waveform Synthesizer, Korg M1R EX Music Workstation (v1.12), Korg DSS-1 Digital Sampling Synthesizer, Korg EX-8000 Programmable Polyphonic Synthe Module, Korg Poly-800 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Korg Poly-800II Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Korg Poly-800 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer (MIDI Dump Kit), Korg Polysix Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Korg DS-8 Digital Synthesizer, Korg / Musitronics DW-8000-EX Programmable Digital Waveform Synthesizer, Korg / Sound Logic DSS-1 Digital Sampling Synthesizer (Memory/SCSI Retrofit), Roland Juno-6 (JU-6) Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland JX-3P Programmable Preset Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland R-8M Total Percussion Sound Module (v1.04), Roland Juno-106 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland GR-700 Guitar Synthesizer, Roland JX-8P Polyphonic Synthesizer (Ver. 2.x), Roland TR-727 Rhythm Composer, Roland JX-8P Polyphonic Synthesizer (Ver. 3.x), Roland D-10 Multi Timbral Linear Synthesizer, Roland Alpha Juno-2 (JU-2) Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland Alpha Juno-1 (JU-1) Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer, Roland JX-10 Super JX Polyphonic Synthesizer, Roland R-8 Human Rhythm Composer (v2.02), Roland R-8 Mk II Human Rhythm Composer (v1.0.3), Roland MKS-50 Synthesizer Module, Roland MKS-70 Super JX Polyphonic Synthesizer and Roland MKS-30 Planet-S MIDI Sound Module systems.
- hap and anonymous added Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Plymate (Amsterdam, T8) and Systemhuset / Loproc Conchess Plymate Victoria systems.
- hap and Berger added SciSys President Chess system.
- JP_Ronny and TeamEurope added TimeTop Super Game 36-in-1 (TimeTop SuperGame) (PAL) system.
- Ryan Holtz, Sean Riddle and Yasuhiro Ogawa added Nintendo Computer Mah-jong Yakuman system.
- Sean Riddle added JAKKS Pacific Inc / Digital Eclipse Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (older hardware, set 2) system.
- Sean Riddle and 404_11 added Decathlon / SSD Company LTD Domyos Step Concept (Domyos Interactive System) system.
- Sean Riddle and Clawgrip added Giochi Preziosi Gormiti Game Arena (Spain), Radica Digi Makeover (Girl Tech) and VTech MobiGo (Spain) systems.
- Sean Riddle and David Haywood added Advance Bright Ltd Double Players Mini Joystick 80-in-1 (MJ8500, ABL TV Game), Advance Bright Ltd / Coleco / V-Tac Technology Co Ltd. Kick Boxing (BJ8888, ABL TV Game), Advance Bright Ltd / V-Tac Technology Co Ltd. Decathlon (set 2, SM570, ABL TV Game), Advance Bright Ltd / V-Tac Technology Co Ltd. Decathlon (set 2, SM570, ABL TV Game), Bandai Pac-Man Connect & Play (Feb 14 2012 1023), Character Options Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Character Options, Plug and Play, UK), Excalibur Electronics Fox Sports 7 in 1 Sports Games Plug n' Play, Excalibur Electronics Ford Racing, Fisher-Price Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park (Spain), Halsall / time4toys.com / Electronic Games Shoot n' Score, JAKKS Pacific Inc Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Big Buck Hunter Pro (JAKKS Pacific TV Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Phineas and Ferb: Best Game Ever! (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Spider-Man Web Master (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Triple Header Sports (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc / Code Mystics TV Touch Games: SpongeBob SquarePants Jellyfish Dodge, OPlayer OPlayer Mobile Game Console (MGS03-white) (Family Sport 100-in-1), Senario Win, Lose or Draw (Senario), Technigame Technigame Super 4-in-1 Sports (PAL) and Tiger Electronics Lazer Tag Video Game Module systems.
- Sean Riddle, David Haywood and Ryan Holtz added Performance Designed Products (licensed by Taito / Data East) VG Pocket Caplet Fast Acting 50-in-1 system.
- Sean Riddle and Kev (FBN) added JAKKS Pacific Inc Power Rangers Force In Time (JAKKS Pacific TV Motion Game) system.
- Sean Riddle and Santeri Saarimaa added Play Vision Haluatko miljonääriksi? (Finland) system.
- TeamEurope added Denver Denver Game Console GMP-240C 150-in-1, Lexibook Lexibook Retro TV Game Console - Frozen - 300 Games and Lexibook TV Fitness Center (Lexibook) systems.
- TeamEurope and David Haywood added Orb Gaming Retro 'Mini TV' Console 300-in-1 system.
- Added ADC0803 A/D Converter, Am79C30A DSC, Atmel ATtiny15, Clwyd Technics Colour Palette, CMS IEEE Controller Board, CoCo PSG, CorComp DCC PAL u1, CorComp DCC PAL u2, CorComp Disk Controller Card, CorComp FDC PAL u12, CorComp FDC PAL u6, CorComp Floppy Disk Controller Card Rev A, CTS Colour Card 500, FORTi Sound Card, Fujitsu MB91F155A, Hitachi HD6301X0, Hitachi HD6301Y0, Hitachi HD6303X, Hitachi HD63701X0, Hitachi HD63701Y0, HP82900 card, HP82939 card, Micro User Chameleon (DIY), Micro User Pull Down RAM (DIY), Microlog Baby Blue II CPU Plus, MIPS R5000, Motorola MC6803E, Myarc DDCC-1 PAL u1, Myarc Disk Controller Card, NEC uPD78210, NEC uPD78310, PEDL Multiform Z80, RetroClinic DataCentre, Roland JX-8P Synthesizer Board, Roland MB63H130 Key Assigner, Roland MB63H149 Key Assigner, Roland PCM, Roland PG-200 Programmer, Roland Super JX Synthesizer Board, SEEQ 80C03 EDLC, SH6578 PPU (NTSC), SH6578 PPU (PAL), Sigma Designs LaserView video card, Signetics SCN2641 ACI, Signetics SCN2651 PCI, Signetics SCN2661A EPCI, Signetics SCN2661B EPCI, Signetics SCN2661C EPCI, SST 39SF040 Flash, Ultra 12F/32 ESDI Caching Disk Controller, Vectrix EX1280 and Yamaha YM2164 OPP devices.
- AJR added alphajuno.cpp, emu2.cpp, emu3.cpp, juno106.cpp, juno6.cpp, kawai_k1.cpp, kawai_k4.cpp, kawai_k5.cpp, kawai_r100.cpp, korgds8.cpp, korgdss1.cpp, korgdw8k.cpp, korgm1.cpp, korgz3.cpp, poly800.cpp, polysix.cpp, roland_jx3p.cpp, roland_jx8p.cpp, roland_r8.cpp, roland_tr707.cpp, saitek_prschess.cpp and synthex.cpp drivers.
- Ryan Holtz added compmahj.cpp driver.
- Ryan Holtz and David Haywood added spg2xx_digimake.cpp, spg2xx_skannerztv.cpp and spg2xx_wiwi.cpp drivers.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

History.dat v0.220

New hiscore.dat for mame v0.220

Flyer Fever Update


Baccarat - Status Games Corporation (1982)
Casino Games - Grayhound Electronics, Inc. (1984)
Chicken Chips / Dodge City - Merit Industries (1984)
Flipper Jack - Jackson Co., Ltd. (1983) [Video Pinball]
Keno - Status Games Corporation (1982)
Trivia - Grayhound Electronics, Inc. (1986)
Trivia Whiz III - Merit Industries (1985)
Two Bits Casino Classics - GAI, Inc., Design Labs, Inc. (1982)
Waku Waku Marine - Sega (1992) [Japanese text]
Waku Waku Pajero - Sega (1990) [Japanese text]

View All

[Posted by: Flyer Fever]

progetto-SNAPS 0.220 update!


Ready the MAME 0.220 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".
• It's available this folder on Mega.nz that allows individually download files to update from version to version. The folder will be temporarily available until the next update.
• Since I am in quarantine and have had a little more time than usual, I have completely emptied my W.I.P. folders of "Flyers", "Marquees", "Manuals" and "PCB".
• From this month, inside the "Snap" and "Titles" update packages you will also find the images relating to the Software Lists, to avoid downloading the entire packages.
• The next update is scheduled for Sunday, May 17, 2020.

964 snaps and 2,085, pictures and pdf downloadable here:

• Covers (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Box Cover Pictures
• Flyers: progetto-SNAPS HiRes Flyer Pictures
• Manuals (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Manuals - Packed
• Manuals (MAME): progetto-SNAPS PDF Manuals - Single Files
• Marquees: progetto-SNAPS Marquees Pictures
• PCB: progetto-SNAPS PCB Pictures
• Snapshots (Arcade): progetto-SNAPS Other Snaps
• Snapshots (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Snapshots
• Snapshots (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Snaps

Snapshots update:
ArtPreview: 10 new (tot. 3,225 png) UPDATE1 pack, 1.15Mb
Bosses: 5 new (tot. 1,675 png) UPDATE1 pack, 291Kb
Ends: 5 new & 1 upd (tot. 1,155 png) UPDATE1 pack, 266Kb
GameOver: 1 del, 26 new & 3 upd (tot. 8,090 png) UPDATE1 pack, 531Kb
HowTo: 25 new & 2 upd (tot. 1,940 png) UPDATE1 pack, 690Kb
Logo: 20 new (tot. 2,930UPDATE1 pack, 285Kb
Scores: 25 new & 4 upd (tot. 7,500 png) UPDATE1 pack, 533Kb
Select: 25 new & 3 upd (tot. 4,785 png) UPDATE1 pack, 622Kb
Snap: 9 del, 181 new & 40 upd (tot. 41,759 png) UPDATE1 pack, 14.4Mb
Snap Arcade: 53 new & 81 upd (tot. 11,034 png) UPDATE
SnapSoftware: 2 del & 153 new (tot. 41,616 png) UPDATE
Titles: 9 del, 181 new & 13 upd (tot. 41,759 png) UPDATE1 pack, 13.9Mb
TitlesArcade: 53 new & 56 upd (tot. 11,034 png) UPDATE
TitlesSoftware: 2 del & 223 new (tot. 38,177 png) UPDATE
Versus: 4 new (tot. 1,199 png) UPDATE1 pack, 84.7Kb
Warning: 15 new (tot. 1,275 png) UPDATE1 pack, 109Kb

Other resources update:
Covers(Software)[4]: 1455 new (tot. 10,128 png) UPDATE1 pack, 852Mb
Flyers: 7 del, 32 new & 22 upd (tot. 5,095 png) UPDATE1 pack, 86.9Mb
Manuals(MAME): 90 new (tot. 2,725 png) UPDATE1 pack, 526Mb
Marquees[1]: 1 del, 244 new & 144 upd (tot. 4,550 png) UPDATE1 pack, 180Mb
PCB[2]: 95 new & 3 upd (tot. 3,145 png) UPDATE1 pack, 181Mb

Software's resource update:
- amigaocs_flop(124 new png)UPDATE!
- amigaocs_flop_covers(100 new png)UPDATE!
- amigaocs_flop_titles(124 new png)UPDATE!
- gamegear(1 new png)UPDATE!
- gamegear_titles(1 new png)UPDATE!
- megadriv_covers(1,355 new png)UPDATE!
- n64(2 del & 27 new png)UPDATE!
- n64_titles(2 del & 27 new png)UPDATE!
- nes(1 ren & 1 new png)UPDATE!
- nes_titles(1 ren & 71 new png)UPDATE!

[1]: Thanks to J. Modlin and Anchounio.
[2]: Thanks to f205v of Citylan.it.
[3]: Thanks to marcus68 for MegaDrive covers update.
[4]: You can download here the update package with added or updated "Covers" only.

Resource Chart:

Counting and Dimensions (not compressed):

If you want to support my work, you can make small donations via PayPal.
The list (short...) of those who have made donations is visible in my thanks page, here.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]

Negatron v0.100.1


The version 0.100.1 of Negatron, a MAME front-end, has just been released with new features.

Besides MAME internal UI, this is the only front-end that can manage all the configuration options of the emulated machines in MAME. In practice, it's often useless for arcade games but it's quite important for emulated consoles and computers.

To completely achieve this, Negatron needs to be coupled with NegaMAME, a fork that distinguishes itself from regular MAME only by adding the command line option -listmediaxml, which enables Negatron to access some information unavailable to third-party front-ends since MAME v0.186. In practice, you can simply copy negamame64.exe into your MAME install folder, everything else in the NegaMAME archive file is exactly the same as regular MAME.

Negatron's available at the Negatron webpage and NegaMAME at the NegaMAME webpage.

[Posted by: xinyingho]
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