The new updated progetto-SNAPS MESSINFO.DAT is ready.
2025/01/25 14.01: Aligned files to 0.273 version.
2025/01/15 14.00: Revised whatsnew.txt file (date format and internal version numbering).
- a24play: Corrected input types for the fourth joystick. Fix player 4 joystick definition (#13084). Fix an apparent copy-n-paste error [Mark Garlanger].
- a2gameio: Updated Sirius JoyPort description to mention Atari joysticks being connected to it (#13032) [as-tb-dev].
- a2joyprt: Changed description to 'Sirius JoyPort with Atari joysticks'. Mention permanently attached joysticks in the Sirius JoyPort device description [as-tb-dev].
- a2video: Improved Apple IIe/IIc keyboard layout and language switch handling. Implemented the Apple IIgs LANGSEL soft switch [as-tb-dev].
- ad1848: Add support for auto-calibration [Dirk Best].
- bkarast: Changed description to 'Karaoke Station (Japan, set 1)'.
- busicom: Driver was demoted by mistake, it's working ok afterall - who to credit if it must be in the whatsnew? the person that demoted it and found out they were wrong? which would be [Robbbert].
- cdicdic: Fix restarting audio map after stopping it (MT #8833) (#12988) [Andre Zeps].
- cdimono1: BugFix#08833 [Crash/Freeze] (philips/cdi.cpp) cdimono1 [hotmario, hotmariou]: Game may freeze when adding up stage bonus [Andre Zeps].
- clcd: Add maincpu xtal [hap].
- ds1643: Fix wrong constructor [hap].
- ef9340_1: Add window boxing and y zoom mode. Revert wrong change from prev commit [hap].
- gk2000: Update notes [hap].
- h89: Added H89 variant with CDR Systems BIOS and floppy controller. Converted the SigmaSoft Parallel Port to a slot card device [Mark Garlanger].
- hcd62121: Implemented timer register updates, fixed instruction 0xC5; casio/pickytlk.cpp: Added six systems [QUFB].
- hd6305y2: Add special function registers to internal map [AJR].
- i8244: Fix collision detection edge case [hap, bataais].
- jaguar: BugFix#08999 [Crash/Freeze] (atari/jaguar.cpp) jaguar: The emulator crashes when attempting to load raw binaries [Robbbert].
- ltv_naru: Changed description to 'Let's TV Play Naruto (Japan)'.
- m68000: Support direct FPU moves to A registers, not just indirect [R. Belmont].
- m7501: Changed description to 'MOS Technology 7501'.
- m8120: BugFix#09000 [Crash/Freeze] (motorola/m8120.cpp) m8120: The emulator crashes when loading non-volatile RAM data on start [hap].
- macadb: Updates: Added ADB power key callback; added "any key down" callback used in PowerBooks; removed the last bits of the old adb_vblank() service routine: apple/pseudovia.cpp: Added support for SCSI IRQs; apple/macprtb.cpp: Support sleep and wake-up for Macintosh Portable and PowerBook 100; apple/macpwrbk030.cpp: Updates. Fixed issues with Shut Down and Restart functionality; support sleep and wake-up for all supported models; cleanups and save state support [R. Belmont].
- macdafb: Allow "no monitor" as a valid monitor selection to disable the internal video on Quadras [R. Belmont].
- mcm70: BugFix#09002: [Crash/Freeze] (misc/mcm70.cpp) mcm70: The video emulation corrupts memory [hap]. Fix bitmap array oob access [hap].
- microkorg: BugFix#09003 [Crash/Freeze] (korg/microkorg.cpp) microkorg: The emulator exits unexpectedly [AJR].
- ns32008: Fix 32532 reset [Patrick Mackinlay].
- o2_cart_slot: Allow user to configure cart pin b [hap].
- s2650: Move s2650cpu.h contents to s2650.cpp. Forgot to put back default debugger config. Fix issue with add/sub half carry flag, small cleanup. Correct subtract overflow flag. Correct interrupt cycles. Add logerror o illegal opcodes [hap].
- sb16: Halve DMA length if Stereo mode is selected. Convert fifo size checks to a named entity [Angelo Salese].
- sc3000: Changed description to 'SC-3000 (NTSC)'. Add BASIC functions and katakana symbols to key labels; add variant of keyboard device with diareses instead of kana; eliminate sc3000h clone set since SC-3000H has no emulatable differences from SC-3000; add PAL version of SC-3000 with different VDP and keyboard with diareses; add some XTAL-derived clocks to sf7000 [AJR].
- t6a84: No need for PAGE_SIZE, it's a given that a 16-bit address space has a length of 0x10000 [hap].
- teletex800: Add front panel layout [Curt Coder].
- upd7220: Correct hsync width and invert the vsync wait time [cracyc]. Reset_origin on CRT reprogramming. Fix vsync timings and update_partial for graphics partition [Angelo Salese].
- v25: Fix syntax error in previous commit. Correct mistaken idea about DMA. Improve peripheral emulation: Add preliminary DMA controller (capable of doing burst memory transfers); make timer 1 cause two different interrupts; add kludge for one timer edge case [AJR].
- videopac: Let's mark spaans as partially supported anyway. Add 7seg outputs for testcartpl [hap].
- w65c02: Add r65c02 subtypes. Rename m65sc02.* to g65sc02.*. Add g65sc02 subtypes [hap].
- zxbus_neogs: Register data members for saved states. Added support for extended memory mapping configuration [holub]
- a2600.cpp: Fixed the ROM label for the NTSC version of Fix-It Felix Sr. to 'a2600.xml' [Mike Swanson].
- abc80x.cpp: Rename tags to match BASIC device names [Curt Coder].
- amstrad.cpp: Metadata updates: Add author, developer and serial fields to many entries (particularly Amsoft games); correct a few titles and publishers somewhat, adding diacritics to some French titles in 'cpc_cass.xml' [AJR].
- apple2e.cpp: Improved Apple IIe/IIc keyboard layout and language switch handling. Added German and Swedish Apple IIe and Apple IIc variants. Improved IIe keyboard layout/language switch handling (#12756) [as-tb-dev]: Added UK variants of Apple IIe Platinum and Apple //c; removed the 40/80 column switch from Apple //c+; added the 40/80 column switch the the Franklin Ace 500 and VTech Laser 128 series; added the keyboard/language selection switch to UK, French and Spanish //e variants and various clones; added the character set switch to the Franklin ACE; added DVORAK mod support to US Apple //e models and VTech Laser 128 series; improved key labels and default assignments, and added notes about keyboards and ROMs; initialize //c+ drive state variables on start. Add DE and SE Apple IIe/IIc models (#13086) [as-tb-dev].
- apple2gs.cpp: Implement the LANGSEL soft switch (#13052) [as-tb-dev].
- at.cpp: Added "Corel Linux Deluxe" and "Civilization: Call to Power Limited Edition" to 'ibm5170_cdrom.xml' [David Silva]. Added good dumps of several variants of Windows NT 3.1, 3.5.1, 4.0 and 2000 to 'ibm5170.xml' and 'ibm5170_cdrom.xml' [Mike Swanson].
- atm.cpp: Fixed ZX video mode detection (#13079) [holub].
- asy_karaoke.cpp: Dumped six more Bandai Karaoke Station units (#13051) [David Haywood, TeamEurope].
- h89.cpp: Add h89 clone with CDR hardware (#13027). Convert SigmaSoft parallel port into an h89 left card (#13024) [Mark Garlanger].
- jaguar.cpp: Fix various bugs in quickload handling [Robbbert].
- leappad.cpp: Verified the Cocopad BIOS ROM matches the corresponding Leappad one [David Haywood, TeamEurope]. Added sixteen items (not working) to 'leapfrog_leappad_cart.xml' [David Haywood, TeamEurope, Fujix, Ivan Vangelista].
- macquadra700.cpp: Remove remainder of no-longer-used timer (Github #13100) [R. Belmont].
- nes.cpp: Added homebrew PCM Demo With Graphics (#13094) to 'nes.xml' [Mike Swanson].
- pc9801.cpp: Fix upper ARTIC port reads. Bind vrtc IRQ to 7220 vsync [Angelo Salese].
- pentagon.cpp: Added eighteen items (seventeen working) to 'spectrum_betadisc_flop.xml' [ArcadeShadow].
- pickytlk.cpp: Add support for more Picky Talk models (#13015) [QUFB].
- pv1000.cpp: Added sixteen working homebrew cartridges (#12801). Added seventeen working homebrew cartridges (#13093) [Ectoplasm].
- roland_mt32.cpp: Dumped the ROMs for the "Roland MT-100" synthesizer [buffi].
- scv.cpp: Implemented video register 0 bit 2 (sprite count) [David Hunter].
- sg1000.cpp: Add extra 2K of RAM to BASIC Level 2 cartridge; fix hashes for "Indiana Jaune". Added 17 items (16 working), and improved metadata a little to 'sc3000_cart.xml'. Revert speculative change. Eliminate ram_device [AJR].
- spectrum.cpp: Cleanups and fixes: parent/cloneof relationships, descriptions, publishers, years and languages info (information provided by [ArcadeShadow].
- spg2xx.cpp: Added Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! (playable but SEEPROM still needs hooking up) (#13050) [David Haywood].
- sprinter.cpp: Detect Game Configuration bitstream with checksum (#12908) [holub].
- ti99_2.cpp: Add note related to MT 09020 [AJR].
- wy85.cpp: Slight optimization [AJR].
- xavix_2002.cpp: Added four TV games (not working) [David Haywood, TeamEurope].
- xavix2.cpp: Added four TV games (not working) [David Haywood, TeamEurope].
- zx.cpp: Add metadata to a few entries [AJR]. Added 24 working items (#12986) [ArcadeShadow].
- Renamed (m65sc02) to (g65sc02), (m65c02) to (w65c02) and (sc3000h) to (sc3000pal).
- David Haywood added 'uPD777' device.
- Dirk Best added 'FrameMaster Framebuffer', Picasso II+ RTG', Rainbow II Framebuffer', RIPPLE IDE Interface', SST 39SF010 Flash' and Toccata SoundCard' devices.
- hap added 'GTE G65SC102', GTE G65SC112', GTE G65SC12', Hitachi HD6305Y0', Rockwell R65C102', Rockwell R65C112', Sega SK-1100 Keyboard (with diareses)' and Videopac+ Service Test Cartridge' devices.
- Mark Garlanger added 'CDR FDC-880H Soft-sectored Controller' device.
- AJR added 'Sega SC-3000 (PAL)' system.
- as-tb-dev added 'Apple Computer Apple //c (France)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, France)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Original Memory Expansion, UK)', Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, France)', Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //c (rev 4, UK)', Apple Computer Apple //c (Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //c (UK)', Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, France)', Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //c (UniDisk 3.5, UK)', Apple Computer Apple //e (enhanced, Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //e (enhanced, Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //e (France)', Apple Computer Apple //e (Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, France)', Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, Germany)', Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, Sweden)', Apple Computer Apple //e (Platinum, UK)' and Apple Computer Apple //e (Sweden)' systems.
- buffi added 'Roland MT-100' system.
- David Haywood and TeamEurope added 'Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Ongeki Battle! Kamen Rider Hibiki: Kimero! Ikki Kasei no Kata (Japan)', Bandai / SSD Company LTD Let's! TV Play Taikan Taitoku Kekkaishi: Houi! Jouso! Ketsu! Metsu! (Japan)', Epoch / SSD Company LTD TV de Asobou! Manabou! Chou Nouryoku AIUEO Zukan (Japan)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 2)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 3)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 4)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 5)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station (Japan, set 6)', IVL Technologies (Bandai license) Karaoke Station 'For Girls' (Japan)', Takara Tomy / Capcom / SSD Company LTD Ryuusei no Rockman: Denpa Henkan! On Air! (Japan)' and Takara Tomy Boku wa Plarail Untenshi - Shinkansen de Ikou! (Japan)' systems.
- DBWBP added 'Clavia Nord Lead 2X' system.
- hap and Sean Riddle added 'CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software Sphinx Junior' and Novag Industries Chinese Chess' systems.
- m1macrophage added 'Moog Music Moog Source' system.
- Mark Garlanger added 'Heath Company H-89 with CDR Equipment' system.
- Mr. Lars added 'CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Dominator (v2.04)' system.
- Nigel Barnes added 'Psion MC 200' system.
- QUFB added 'Casio Color Picky Talk - Super Denshi Techou', 'Casio Picky Talk - Super Denshi Techou', Casio Plet's (MK-300)', Casio Plet's (MK-350)', Casio Super Picky Talk - Access Pet' and Tsukuda Original Disney Characters - Tegaki Electronic Note' systems.
- Sean Riddle and David Haywood added 'Epoch Cassette Vision' system.
- The Last Psion and Nigel Barnes added 'Psion MC 400' system.
- zedstarr and Nigel Barnes added 'Psion MC Word (German)' and Psion MC Word' systems.
- Angelo Salese added skeleton\nordlead.cpp driver.
- hap added novag\cnchess.cpp driver.
- m1macrophage added moog\source.cpp driver.
- Nigel Barnes added psion\mc400.cpp driver.
- Vas Crabb added epoch\cassvisn.cpp driver.
Use the file together with MAME-Info; it contains information and updates for machines not present in the M.A.S.H. file.

[Posted by: AntoPISA]