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MAMEinfo 0.233 :)



* Updated to MAME 0.233 - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (1st July)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

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- New games: Invinco / Car Hunt (Germany)
- New Working games: Final Lap 3 (bootleg) and Guttang Gottong (bootleg on Galaxian type hardware)
- New Non-Working games: Driving Simulator, Fortune Wheel, Play Sonic 4, Super Chexx (EM Bubble Hockey), VS Mahjong Triangle and Zooty Drum
- New clones: Aliens (World set 4), Armadillo Racing (Rev. AM2 Ver.A, World), The Astyanax (mask ROM version), Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (USA), Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 2), Ball Boy (3 players), Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (Euro 951124), Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (Japan 951124), Crazy Kong (SegaSA / Sonic bootleg), Exerion (Assa, bootleg), Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea), Karate Champ (Tecfri bootleg), Mini Money (set 2, v1.5?), Mini Money (set 3, v1.4?), Nitro Ball (World, set 3), Ojanko Club (Japan, Program Ver. 1.3, set 2), Painter (hack of Crush Roller), Scorpion (Mar 24, 1992) and Silk Worm (bootleg, set 2)
- New PinMAME games: Bushido (set 3), Jurassic Park (USA 3.07, display A4.00) and La Rana
- New TourVision games (Softwarelist: hash\pce_tourvision.xml): Titan (TourVisión PCE bootleg) (1991)
- New drivers: fwheel.cpp, galaxian_rockclim.cpp, plsonic4.cpp, schexx4gen.cpp, segas18_astormbl.cpp and vsmjtria.cpp
- New devices: floppy_525_vtech, hd6435348, hd6475208, hd6475368, lrk331, pana_ju_363 and sega837_14438
. Analog Devices ADSP21062 'SHARC': Cycle-based DMA. Added support for write stalling. Re-enable SHARC recompiler for Gradius IV.
. Hitachi HD64x5xx8 (H8/5xx): Added mode control and EPROM variant types
. Motorola MC68000
. Implemented FGETMAN and FSINCOS. (MESS) Macintosh LC III with Photoshop 3.0 starts & loads pictures now. Fixed missing break statements (m68000\m68kfpu.cpp).
. Support all FSINCOS encodings and fixed multiple bugs in FMOVEM (m68000\m68kfpu.cpp)
. Ensoniq ES5503: Bits 0 and 6 are always high for this register
. Epson 7910 Melody: Added placeholders for missing Epson 7910 Melody ICs to nextfase, pleiads, rockclim and tattack.
. FM core
. Some progress on OPZ (ymfm_opz.cpp). Fixed OPZ fine tuning and envelope shift (ymfm_fm.ipp). Now pretty much all the (MESS) TX81Z built-in instruments sound reasonable.
. Improved OPQ behavior for timers and register access (ymfm_opq.cpp). Added YM3533 device and use that instead of YM3806. Don't mask off top bit of octave for OPQ (ymfm_opq.h).
. Match OPN LFO frequencies to hardware measurements (ymfm_opn.cpp). Improved OPQ detune, reverb and KSR (ymfm_opq.cpp).
. Fixed panning calculations in YMF278B OPL4 (ymfm_pcm.cpp). Make OPQ reverb less ridiculous (ymfm_opq.cpp).
. Fixed reporting of ADPCM-B end-of-sample (ymfm_opn.cpp). Seems to fixed background music has missing parts in Metal Slug (ID 08006); hopefully will fixed other NeoGeo issues as well.
. Play ADPCM-A samples through the end of the end block inclusive (ymfm_adpcm.cpp)
. Gottlieb Sound: Minor updates to handlers. Save some more members (audio\gottlieb.cpp).
. Namco C140: Fixed regression with NamcoSystem 2 Assault engine noise. Correct offset range when reading keyon status (sound\c140.cpp).
. Namco C219: C219 has less voice regs, don't call c140_r.
. Sega 315-5124 SMS1 VDP: Fixed color (video\315_5124.cpp). Note: Blue channel is non-linear, verified from die shot reference: https://www.retrorgb.com/sega-master-system-blue-channel-mysteries-further-uncovered.html
. Votrax SC-01: Tell the device's parent when the IRQ line is lowered. Improves (MESS) Type 'N Talk.
. 3dfx Voodoo Graphics: Fixed Hornet games POST crash (video\voodoo.cpp)
. Atari DVG: Don't interfere with the slapstic on 'The Empire Strikes Back' (video\avgdvg.cpp) (ID 08008)
. Atari Slapstic: ALT_COMMIT alt4 must be done with /cs
. Epson RTC-65271 RTC: Allow for default NVRAM data initialization using external data
. Floppy
. Reorganized the floptool code, added some write support (tools\floptool.cpp).
. Experimental flux viewer, activate by #define FLUX_SCREEN 1 in imagedev\floppy.cpp. Disable new code when FLUX_SCREEN is #defined as 0 (and thereby work around crash with some disks).
. Changed the formats from an intrusive list to a vector
. Test to make sure the floppy drive has room for all of the tracks (formats\wd177x_dsk.cpp)
. Removed tests for head count. Added track count test in check_compatibility() becuase it will segfault if disk drive doesn't have enough tracks (formats\wd177x_dsk.cpp).
. Wrap the decoding state in a sub-structure (formats\ipf_dsk.cpp)
. Removed legacy pool allocator usage (formats\flopimg.cpp). Removed legacy object pool usage from tools\imgtool.
. Hitachi HD61830B LCD Controller: Fixed character blink mode. When Cursor=Off and Blink=On, the controller is in "Character Blink" mode, according to the data sheet. This means that the character cell at the position of the cursor is turned fully ON at a 50% blink duty cycle. Verified on a device with a real HD61830 (Atari Portfolio). Fixed cursor in d2.
. K001604 2D tilemaps + 2x ROZ: Major rewrite and documentation update. Simplified memory layout.
. K037122 2D Tilemap: Better RAM layout logic. Implemented ROZ and scrolling. Added tilemap origin.
. MC68681 DUART: Wait until transmitter is actually empty to set TxEMT
. MIDI In image device: Added support for providing a .mid file as input (imagedev\midiin.cpp)
. Z80 PIO: Changing the vector neither enables nor causes an interrupt. Fixes crash in (MESS) Microbee 256TC when F2 pressed.
. Z80 SCC Channel: Implemented local loopback
- alg.cpp: Fixed company name, it's "Picmatic", not "Web Picmatic".
- aristmk5.cpp: Added a couple of alternate versions of the setchips
- atetris.cpp: Fixed regression in clones Tetris (bootleg set 2) and (bootleg set 3) (ID 07893). Note: Though of course none of the bootlegs have the actual SLAPSTIC, at least some appear to have simulated it using TTL and PLDs.
- ddribble.cpp, finalizr.cpp and ironhors.cpp: Minor cleanups
- dkong.cpp and ladybug.cpp: Clean up machine\latch8.cpp a little: Making the bit read functions honour the XOR mask is easy in theory, but dkong.cpp is doing scary things with the XOR mask and bit read handlers on one of its latches, so it could end up breaking something. Honouring the read callbacks would add two tests to each of the bit read functions, which could hurt performance. The whole design of this device seems somewhat incoherent.
- exidy.cpp
. Redumped clone Spectar (revision 1?), confirmed 2 PROMs and the third was missing.
. Replaced bad sound ROMs for Pepper II
- firebeat.cpp: Added default unlocked RTC files
- galaxian.cpp: Started splitting up the state class to encapsulate game-specific stuff
- gameplan.cpp
. Fixed videoram readback (video\gameplan.cpp). Fixes graphics corruption during rainbow screen in Leprechaun and clones (ID 03067).
. Keep VIA clocks consistent with CPU clock in Leprechaun
- hornet.cpp
. Clear interrupts on sound cpu reset. Fixes sound devices fail self test in all games (ID 07968)
. Fixed Hornet games POST crash (video\voodoo.cpp). Fixes Gradius IV crash during Test Mode Rom Check with -video d3d (ID 06605).
. Better RAM layout logic for K037122 ansd implemented ROZ and scrolling. Fixes 'Monitor Type' dipswitch 24KHz and 15KHz display issue (ID 00125). Fixes 2D graphics glitches in NBA Play By Play (ID 07256).
. Added tilemap origin to K037122. Fixes 'Screen Flip (V)' dipswitch doesn't completely flip text layer in Gradius IV (ID 06604).
. Re-enable SHARC recompiler for Gradius IV
- inufuku.cpp: Minor cleanups. Removed unnecessary VRAM read trampolines. Use buffered_spriteram16_device for buffered sprite RAM. Derive clocks from crystals. Reduced runtime tag lookups and unnecessary region size. Fixed naming and spacing. Use generic graphics layouts and fixed color usage of gfxdecode related to palette size. Restrict rowscroll to screen clipping rectangle.
- ksys573.cpp: Changed ATAPI_CYCLES_PER_SECTOR from 5000 to 30000. This change fixes "CD-ROM DRIVE ERROR (-8)" errors in clone Drummania 2nd Mix.
- ladybug.cpp: Added DIP locations
- legionna.cpp: Fixed several incorrect dipswitches and added DIP locations to all games
- mermaid.cpp: Support the masking effect (imperfectly). First implementation of the split-bg effect for Rougien (video\mermaid.cpp).
- mitchell.cpp
. Fixed 'TEST MENU' screen can't be accessed in clone Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg, set 1) (ID 08007)
. Added dipswitches to clones Pang (bootleg, set 3), Pang (bootleg, set 5), Pang (bootleg, set 7), Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg, set 1) and Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg, set 2).
- naomi.cpp: Added a new device for the Sega 837-14438 "SH I/O BD" hopper board (Kick '4' Cash and Shootout Pool Prize)
- neogeo.cpp
. Fixed reporting of ADPCM-B end-of-sample (ymfm_opn.cpp). Seems to fixed background music has missing parts in Metal Slug (ID 08006); hopefully will fixed other NeoGeo issues as well. Play ADPCM-A samples through the end of the end block inclusive (ymfm_adpcm.cpp).
. Play ADPCM-A samples through the end of the end block inclusive (ymfm_adpcm.cpp). Fixes sound isn't correct when players character (gravedigger) lands on platform or floor after a jump action in Nightmare in the Dark (ID 07996).
- nwk-tr.cpp
. Combined CG boards into single screen alternate frame rendering
. Make LAN board act like other machines are disconnected (machine/konami_gn676_lan.cpp)
- pasha2.cpp: Minor cleanups. Removed palette RAM trampolines, use XTAL for clock sources and bitmaps_ind16 and copybitmap for bitmap buffers
- psikyosh.cpp: Updated comments based on PCB markings and marked games as MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL. Because flip screen isn't support now. Added docs for ROM location/usage and Export name for daraku. Fixed fill value for empty ROM area.
- seta.cpp
. Fixed Clang error: [[fallthrough]] annotation does not directly precede switch label.
. Fixed hiscore table is R/W from protection area in DownTown. Fixes high scores are reset to zero after entering a high score (ID 05385).
- starwars.cpp: Don't interfere with the slapstic on 'The Empire Strikes Back' (video\avgdvg.cpp). Fixes game tends to soft reset during gameplay (ID 08008).
- stv.cpp
. Moved protection functions to driver
. Redumped IC13 for Virtua Fighter Remix
. Added preliminary 7-seg led support for Critter Crusher
- taitosj.cpp:
. Used arrays, removed tagmap lookups and other minor cleanups.
. Fixed collisions (video\taitosj.cpp). Fixes Tin Star when you go straight to the bottom right side of the screen, the character lays on the floor and cannot get up until after some time or a bullet hits you (ID 07000).
. Added a postload so that savestates work
- tourvis.cpp: Promoted Dragon Egg! to working (hash\pce_tourvision.xml)
- tsamurai.cpp: Added DIP locations
- Alien Storm: Re-worked clones Alien Storm (bootleg, set 1) and (bootleg, set 2), put in their own driver to study. This renders the tile strip backgrounds, making them a lot more playable.
- Alpha Fighter / Head On: Use 'Space Attack / Head On' color prom for 'Alpha Fighter / Head On' too, since it's basically the same game.
- Assault: Fixed regression with NamcoSystem 2 Assault engine noise (sound\c140.cpp). Fixes tank engine sound stops after less than 1 second after game starts (ID 07997).
- Big Run: Dumped PROMs
- Big Twin: Re-added unique input for clone Big Twin (No Girls Conversion) (ID 08016)
- Chanbara: Swapped left and right joysticks (ID 08015)
- Combat School: Converted driver to sublasses, views and (array of) finders.
- Cosmo: Fixed colors to match hardware (RGB_3BIT -> RBG_3BIT)
- Densha de GO 3! Tsukin-hen: Added controls
- Dragon Unit: Changed manufacturer to Athena / Seta (ID 07993)
- Dynamic Dice: Fixed sound regression
- Final Lap 3: Allow clone Final Lap 3 (bootleg) to boot/run (custom bootleg protection)
- Jackal: Avoided allocating memory in ROM regions and general cleanups. Needs proper K005885 device for further cleanup.
- Jackpot (Ver 16.16L): Very preliminary text tilemap hookup, to show on screen where the boot stops.
- Juno First: Fixed screen colour didn't change during key actions (video\tutankhm.cpp) (ID 07992). Note: The screen turns green when you shoot a bonus (a ball with bright spots), the screen turns red if you pick up the astronaut who escapes from the bonus ball and the screen turns blue when you die.
- Locked 'n Loaded: Documented how to enter gun calibration screen
- Loco-Motion: Moved clone Guttang Gottong (bootleg on Galaxian type hardware) from galaxold.cpp to galaxian.cpp. Improved graphics and inputs and promoted gane to working.
- M-79 Ambush: Modernized interrupt and use raw parameters for screen
. Corrected dump for Come Back
. Added gfx3 rom from 3.07 revision to clone Jurassic Park (USA 3.05, display A4.00)
- Quartet: Update default button assignments on Quartet and clone Quartet 2 to match control panel (jump button to left of fire button) (ID 08003)
- Rock Climber and Survival
. Fixed Rock Climber sprite bank select. Reworked Rock Climber to be based on galaxian.cpp (was in galaxold.cpp). Demoted game to imperfect sound due to missing Epson 7910 Melody emulation.
. Added DIP locations
- San Francisco Rush 2049: Removed bogus button4. Fixes pressing Y on XBOX One controller or Logitech G920 also presses Keypad digit #4 in San Francisco Rush 2049: Special Edition (ID 07998).
- Star Fighter: Dumped PROM
- Super Butterfly 2000: Very minor start at descrambling
- Super Chick: Fixed sound hookup. Force a different default palette so that we can see the details on the letter tiles (should make finding the banking easier). Further protection notes. Other protection(?) observations. Removed no longer needed hack.
- Solar Assault: Fixed title screen
- Tetris (Korean bootleg of Mirrorsoft PC-XT Tetris): Fixed drawing and added sound. Patch program bug.
- Time Attacker: Identified all dipswitches, added DIP locations and save state support.
- Unknown Sega gambling game (M1 Satellite board): Identify undumped ROM from "SYSTEM M1 COM" board
- Wing War: Redumped rom epr-16951.4 for clone Wing War (US)
- Fixed rom names in aliens.cpp, exidy.cpp, legionna.cpp, model1.cpp and vicdual.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in galaxian.cpp, galaxian_rockclim.cpp, ladybug.cpp, mitchell.cpp, ojankohs.cpp, segam1.cpp, seta.cpp, tattack.cpp, tsamurai.cpp and vicdual.cpp
- Description changes of The Astyanax (EPROM version), Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan, set 1), Athena no Hatena?, Ball Boy (2 players), Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (Japan 951124, 32Mb mask ROMs), Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA 951124), Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (USA 951124, 32Mb mask ROMs), Cool Boarders Arcade Jam (Export), Dead Or Alive ++ (Japan/USA/Export), DrumMania (GQ881 VER. UAB) (ID 07989), The Fallen Angels (World) / Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (Japan), Flame Gunner (Export), Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, revision 1), Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Japan, revision 1), Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Korea, revision 1), Jurassic Park (USA 3.05, display A4.00), Ojanko Club (Japan, Program Ver. 1.3, set 1), Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 1), Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 2), Phoenix (G.G.I. Corporation, set 3), Phoenix (Irecsa / G.G.I. Corporation), Pleiads (Famaresa, Spanish bootleg), Sengoku Blade: Sengoku Ace Episode II (Japan) / Tengai (World), Shanghai Matekibuyuu (Japan), Silk Worm (bootleg, set 1), VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (revision 1) and VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (revision 2).
- Renamed (adillor) to (adillorj), (asurabus) to (asurabusj), (asurabusa) to (asurabusjr), (pcnfrku) to (drmnu), (ts2) to (ts2ua), (ts2a) to (ts2u) and (ts2j) to (ts2ja).
. Fixed assertion failure with -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS (emu\rendlay.cpp)
. Use setjmp/longjmp for libjpeg error unwinding. Apparently Linux AArch64 has issues with throwing exceptions across C function frames (emu\rendutil.cpp).
. Removed some unneeded VIDEO_START_OVERRIDEs in atarig1.cpp, atarig42.cpp, blstroid.cpp, blueprnt.cpp, eolith.cpp, galaga.cpp, galspnbl.cpp, igs_fear.cpp, megaplay.cpp and vegaeo.cpp
. Allow to know the currently selected entry (emu\emumem.h)
. Correct logic in populate_mismatched_nomirror and populate_passthrough_nomirror. This fixes a bug causing watchpoints set on portions of the address space exceeding 16K to sometimes not fully cover the range (emu\emumem_hedr.ipp and emumem_hedw.ipp).
. Initialized m_config in all situations (emu\addrmap.cpp)
. UI
. Added reset to default to BIOS selection menu (the one from the TAB menu, not the popup when starting a machine) (ui\miscmenu.cpp)
. Allow saved states to be deleted from the internal UI (ui\state.cpp)
. On input mapping menus, use UI left/right to switch between setting and appending to an input sequence (ui\inputmap.cpp and ui\menu.cpp).
. Strip CR characters showing at the end of each history.xml line under Linux (plugins\data\data_history.lua)
. Input port: Added setter for initial state (machine\input_merger.cpp)
. Slots: Preserve configuration for slot cards when not selected. Slightly better test for deselected slot cards (emu\ioport.cpp).
. Miscellaneous improvements for software lists: Show list name in software selection menu (machines have multiple lists). Actually report software list parsing errors during validation. Check that software list name attribute matches filename. Limit software list names to 24 characters - they're getting too long, and they need to be practical in command lines.
. Removed leftover mame64 from docs (configuringmame.rst and usingmame.rst)
. Multi-Language: Re-generate localisations. Updated Chinese (language\Chinese_Simplified and Chinese_Traditional) and Greek translations.
- Compiling
. Allow building without PulseAudio on Linux (makefile)
. Fixed stupid warning (-Wno-unused-const-variable) (scripts\genie.lua)
. Fixed PCAP builds
. Added helpers for 64-bit count leading zeroes/ones (osd\eivcarm.h, osd\eminline.h). Fixed 32-bit GCC/Clang builds (osd\eigcc.h).
. End the big-endian block in the right place, fixes FreeBSD section.
. Eliminated remaining uses of auto_alloc and friends. Split off auto_alloc changes from deprecated branch. Make the keymap reader non-static so it can access the unique_ptr. Removed emualloc.cpp/h.
. Retire legacy object lib\util\pool.cpp/h, removing vestigial references.
- Debugger: Fixed sound_assert in debug builds (machine\netlist.cpp)

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: Nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

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