Ready the MAME 0.230 update of "MAME progetto-SNAPS".
It's available this folder on Mega.nz that allows individually download files to update from version to version. The folder will be temporarily available until the next update.
I'm back, after almost a year, to update the important category of "Cabinets"; for arcade machine images the most important part of the research was done by MetalGod.
Also for images related to software lists I release many updates, some that complete lists, such as "ti99_cart", "vsmile_cart", "vsmilem_cart", "psx", "gamegear", "fmtown_cd", "megacd" and "hp_ipc" and here I have to thank JoeMame for the massive contribution.
I warn all users that from these updates I have removed the direct link from the pages to download the package with the dat (and the ini file); these two files are contained within the image packages. If you still want to download them individually, you can find them all on the page: https://www.progettosnaps.net/dats/.
Another small but, in my opinion, very useful news can be seen on my home-page: now the "News" come directly from the RSS file; at the top, under the title, you will see the latest news highlighted. The others follow the new table which summarizes the latest updates made for each file/category of resources. Furthermore, the columns can be reordered simply by clicking on the column header. This table is now automatically generated thanks to yet another motoschifo job, for which a thousand thanks are not enough!
The next update is scheduled for Sunday, June 20, 2021, presumably with version 0.232 of MAME.

4,762 snaps and 1,708, icons, pictures, pdf and zip downloadable here:
Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Packed
Artworks: progetto-SNAPS Artworks - Single Files
Cabinets: progetto-SNAPS Cabinet Pictures
Control Panels: progetto-SNAPS Control Panel & Controller Pictures
Icons: progetto-SNAPS Icons Extended
Manuals (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Manuals - Packed
Manuals (MAME): progetto-SNAPS PDF Manuals - Single Files
Snapshots (Arcade): progetto-SNAPS Other Snaps
Snapshots (MAME): progetto-SNAPS Snapshots
Snapshots (Software): progetto-SNAPS Software's Snaps
Snapshots update:
ArtPreview: 1 del, 26 new & 1 upd (tot. 3,300 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 6.14Kb
Bosses: 10 new & 8 upd (tot. 1,700 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 3.91Mb
Ends: 10 new (tot. 1,180 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 443Kb
GameOver: 100 new & 2 upd (tot. 8,375 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 2.25Mb
HowTo: 1 del, 26 new (tot. 2,025 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 1.79Mb
Logo: 1 del, 76 new & 2 upd (tot. 3,150UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 635Kb
Scores: 1 del, 76 new (tot. 7,700 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 4.36Mb
Select: 1 del, 51 new & 1 upd (tot. 5,025 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 1.46Mb
Snap: 3 del, 243 new & 58 upd (tot. 43,000 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 14.3Mb
Snap Arcade: 3 del, 50 new & 16 upd (tot. 11,125 png) UPDATE1 pack, 4Mb
SnapSoftware: 4 del, 1,097 new & 27 upd (tot. 42,995 png) UPDATE1 pack, 110Mb
Titles: 3 del, 243 new & 57 upd (tot. 43,000 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 14.1Mb
TitlesArcade: 3 del, 50 new & 16 upd (tot. 11,125 png) UPDATE1 pack, 4.01Mb
TitlesSoftware: 4 del, 2,391 new & 211 upd (tot. 40,537 png) UPDATE1 pack, 100Mb
Versus: 1 del, 6 new (tot. 1,220 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 175Kb
Warning: 40 new (tot. 1,390 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 385Kb
Other resources update:
Artworks WS[1]: 17 new & 1 upd (tot. 900 zip) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 79.1Mb
Cabinets[2]: 36 del, 186 new & 102 upd (tot. 6,550 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 169Mb
Control Panels[3]: 1 del, 51 new & 50 upd (tot. 3,150 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 73.3Mb
Icons Extended: 51 del, 1,231 new & 13 upd (tot. 37,480 ico) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 3.15Mb
Manuals(MAME): 75 new (tot. 2,800 png) UPDATE & FULL REPACK1 pack, 365Mb
Software's resource update:
- c64_cart (2 new png)UPDATE!
- c64_cart_titles (2 new png)UPDATE!
- c64_cass (31 new png)UPDATE!
- c64_cass_titles (31 new png)UPDATE!
- fmtowns_cd[4] (701 new png)NEW!
- fmtowns_cd_titles[4] (701 new png)NEW!
- gamegear (10 new & 9 upd png)UPDATE!
- gamegear_titles (11 new & 9 upd png)UPDATE!
- hp_ipc (57 new png)NEW!
- hp_ipc_titles (57 new png)NEW!
- ibm5170_covers (1 del png)ONLY DAT
- megacd (59 new png)UPDATE!
- megacd_titles (68 new & 1 upd png)UPDATE!
- nes (6 upd png)UPDATE!
- nes_titles[4] (950 new & 201 upd png)UPDATE!
- nes_video (1 ren png)ONLY DAT
- pcecd (59 new png)UPDATE!
- pcecd_titles (59 new png)UPDATE!
- psx[4] (80 new png)UPDATE!
- psx_titles[4] (80 new png)UPDATE!
- ti99_cart_titles[4] (319 new png)NEW!
- videopac_manuals (5 ren png)ONLY DAT
- videopac_video (1 del, 16 ren png)ONLY DAT
- vsmile_cart[4] (4 del, 65 new png)UPDATE!
- vsmile_cart_titles[4] (4 del, 65 new png)UPDATE!
- vsmilem_cart[4] (48 new & 1 upd png)UPDATE!
- vsmilem_cart_titles[4] (48 new png)UPDATE!
[1]: All the work was done thanks to Mentat.
[2]: Thanks to MetalGod to find almost all of these images.
[3]: Thanks to Antny ...sorry for the big delay!
[4]: Thanks to the huge contribution of JoeMame.
Resource Chart:

Counting and Dimensions (not compressed):

If you want to support my work, you can make small donations via PayPal.
The list of those who have made donations is visible in my thanks page, here.
[Posted by: AntoPISA]