Todays release of pfeMAME is mostly a bugfix release, with a small number of additions. Probably the most important bugfix is TileView which broke in the previous release couldnt run any roms.
Notable changes in this release:
- Fixed TileView can now run roms again
- Fixed a few bugs in slot configs
- Added support for the new history.xml file. Please use this and get rid of the old DAT file. The parsing is a lot better.
- Added some command line arguments
Check out the changelog for a full list of changes as there are quite a few this time around.
You can download this release from HERE.
Please read the manual as it has everything you need. Please report bugs. You can email or use the features on the sourceforge site to create a ticket, leave a review, or chat.
pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator (MAME) written in Python. It is cross platform (tested on Linux - Ubuntu and Windows). It also includes a graphical Tile View designed for MAME cabinets which allows control using joystick / gamepad. It supports favourite game flagging, MESS systems, per-rom input mapping, and a Tiled view for arcade cabinets. It was written with a minimalist view in mind but also because there were some features that I wanted that other front ends just didn't provide.
[Posted by: Gfinch]