Visual PinMAME v3.3 has been released.
What's New:
Version 3.3 (December 24th, 2020) - "20 years already?"
- Compiling for iOS is now possible.
- Also a new platform independent lib/dll is now available with a new, simple interface to request (some of) the internal data.
- Fix -listxml for strings that contain embedded tags
- pinPROC : updated library; VS2019 build
- YAML-cpp: updated to 0.6.3; VS2019 build
- Updated LISY support to 5.26-41 (Linux for Gottlieb System1 & System80, Bally, Atari, Williams and "HOme" Pinballs)
- Added VGM file output support for AY8910, OKI6295, OKI6376, QSound, SAA1099, YM2151, YM2203, YMF262(OPL3), YM3526, YM3812, Y8950, and SN7648/9X (unsure about the mappings for these latter ones though!) sound chips
- Either use -vgmwrite on the commmand line (PinMAME)
or select it in the game options (this requires a restart though, as VGM output requires to track everything) - PinMAME(32): Added an Automatic Sound Dump functionality:
Started via F6 (instead of the Recording function via F5) and
skips automatically to the next sound / creates a new file (in the wave subdir) if there is no sound at all anymore (silence) or the length reaches 4mins.
The dump stops automatically after soundcommand 0xFF (=max 256 overall generated sounds).
There is also an altsound CSV created with the dumps. This one can be
altered with lucky1s Altsound Editor.
** CORE/CPU ** - Improved Atari Generation 1 sound emulation, rewritten similar to the style of the Gen 2 one
- Tweaks to Atari Generation 2 emulation, too
- Added Regama driver
- Wicos Af-Tor fully working now
- Sped up Video Dens games, found more dip switches, switch test, saving NVRAM
- E.F.O. sound board mostly working - a strange issue with IRQ concurrency remains which sometimes causes a sound hangup
- Sound support for early LTD system III
- More sound found for LTD system 4 (extra lamp data is handled by sound chip port write!)
- Inverted sound bits for early Playmatic games, tone frequencies left as noted in the schematics though, seem a little off
- More solenoids found for LTDs Force & Haunted Hotel
- More lamps found for LTDs Space Poker
- Increased IRQ for LTD system III, helps with ball detection in outhole
- Corrected CPU clock for Peyper / Sonic games, helps speeding up Gamatron game start
- Doubled ZC frequency for Joctronic games, saving NVRAM
- Enabled coin settings on early Playmatic games
- Support 4-solenoid stepper motor mech used by High Roller Casino, Starship Troopers, and Playboy
- Fixed 8085A DSUB instruction for the H register
- Fixed some bugs in the TMS9995 emulation concerning port data writes / decrementer / CRU, NSM working now
- Make color/brightness mappings of Data East 128x16 DMDs match the real hardware
- Fix an old regression of Alvin G. solenoids not firing consistently (most notably breaking Mystery Castle)
- Improve DMD timings for the Sega 192x64 DMD, matching the real one more closely (also a slight improvement for the DE/Sega/Stern 128x32 ones)
- Improve IRQ timings of Sys3/4/6/7/11, DE and the Sega 192x64 DMD-machines
- Change switch writing of DE and Sega 192x64 DMD-machines
- Improve DMD timings for the Williams/Bally machines, leading to less flicker/wrong brightness on the early ones (e.g. T2 attract mode)
- Improve sound filtering of Flash Gordon, Xenon and all Williams/Bally DCS machines, matching the real one more closely
- Improve timings for GTS80 machines, especially for Rack em up until Tag-Team (1983-85 era)
- Stabilized solenoids 16, 31, and 32 on GamePlan machines
- Loosen up "fast flips" check for Starship Troopers
- Fix init error (for example corrupted first song) for YM2151 (older Williams/Bally and others)
- Slightly improve YM2151 noise (older Williams/Bally and others)
- Slightly improve overall YM2203, YM3526, YM3812, Y8950 emulation (older Alvin G. and others)
- Improve SAA1099 emulation (E.F.O.)
- Switch Votrax/SC01 emulation over to real simulation core (some GTS80(A)s and Taitos)
- Correct handling of Gottlieb System 1 displays (thanks to bontango)
- Got Goofy Hoops working as some schematics showed up, illustrating how useful such documents are!
- Make Williams Flash L-1 and T-1 use the Sys6 board (as these are newer than the yellow flipper based L-2)
*** SIMULATOR *** - Demolition Man: Added lamp layout, simulated all major shots (except maybe a weak car crash shot), the elevator and cryoclaw mechanism, along with the right ramp diverter that feeds it, and enabled the Buy-In button (also demonstrates how to show P1-P4 scores at all times)
*** ROM SUPPORT *** - Atari: Middle Earth (alternate)
- Atari: Middle Earth (Prototype or German) - bad dump, not working
- Bally: Scotts Test ROM (version 8 )
- Christian Tabart: Grand 8, Le (using Gottlieb "Panthera" ROM, and its own sound board)
- Christian Tabart: Sahara Love (using Gottlieb "Sinbad" ROM, and its own sound board)
- Data East: Leon Test Chip (version 4)
- Data East: Michael Jordan 1.30
- Illinois Pinball: Pool Player 1.0 (based on Capcom hardware/similar to Breakshot)
- Jac van Ham: Formula 1
- Jac van Ham: Ice Mania
- NSM: Cosmic Flash
- NSM: Games, The
- Regama: Trebol
- Sonic: Storm
- Sport Matic: Flashman
- Taito do Brasil: Football (sound ROMs only)
- Williams/Jess Askey: Spellbinder
Correct Dumps: - Atari: Airborne Avenger (using 20252 sound PROM)
- Atari: Atarians, The (using 07028 sound PROM)
- Atari: Middle Earth (using 20252 sound PROM)
- Atari: Time 2000 (using 07028 sound PROM)
- Bally: Doctor Who P-5, P-6 (using SP-4 U18 sound ROM); also L-2, D-2 (using SL-2 U18 sound ROM)
- Bally: Flash Gordon (Free Play) (using English sound ROMs)
- Bally: Twilight Zone P-3, P-4 (using later U14 and U15 sound ROMs, only PA-1 uses SP-1 sound)
- LTD: Time Machine (4 players) - confirmed that currently supported ROMs are correct
- Micropin: Pentacup (rev. 2, 8085A hardware)
- Sega: Baywatch 4.00 (Dutch) (using A4.00 display ROMs)
- Williams: Pokerino (correct sound PROM)
Clones: - Addams Family, The L-5C (competition MOD) (updated with LED Ghost Fix)
- Ator (2 bumpers)
- Baywatch 2.01 (French)
- Bigfoot R0.1e (FreeWPC based rewrite of White Water)
- Big Game (MOD rev. 7 & 8 )
- Brave Team (Free Play)
- Canasta 86 (Free Play)
- Cheetah (Blue cabinet Bonus shot 1/ball)
- Cirqus Voltaire (D.52 Prototype w/ support for old Ringmaster voice) - sound ROMs missing however
- Clown (Inder, Free Play)
- Corsario (Free Play)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon L-4C (competition MOD) (updated with LED Ghost Fix)
- Demolition Man LX-4C (competition MOD) (updated and also now includes LED Ghost Fix)
- Demolition Man H-6C (competition MOD) (updated)
- Dragonfist (MOD 3 rev. 1105 & 1109)
- Flight 2000 (modified rules rev. 3335 & modified rules + sound rev. 3347)
- Flintstones, The LX-3
- Funhouse (Prototype System 11 Sound ROMs)
- Iron Man 1.85,1.86(+Vault Editions)
- Junk Yard 1.2C (competition MOD) (updated)
- Jurassic Park 3.05 (misses the matching display ROM though)
- Lap By Lap (Free Play)
- Laser Ball L-2 (PROM Sound)
- Last Action Hero 1.04 (French), 1.07
- Lethal Weapon 2.04 (English), also 3.00, 3.01 (unofficial MODs)
- Lord of the Rings, The 3.00
- Meteor (Bonus Count and Sound Fix)
- Meteor (Bonus Count Fix, MOD, Free Play rev. 64 & 65)
- Meteor (Bonus Count Fix, MOD, 7-Digit, Free Play rev. 74 & 75)
- Moon Light (Free Play)
- Mundial 90 (Free Play)
- Nine Ball (Ball handling MOD beta18)
- Nitro Groundshaker (7-digit conversion with siren patch)
- Oba-Oba (old hardware)
- Pin-Bot J-1 (PEMBOT (no relation))
- Pool Sharks LA-7C (competition MOD) (updated)
- Raid, The (alternate set)
- Space Train (old hardware)
- Spider-Man 1.02 (English, French)
- Star Trek 25th Anniversary 3.00 (unofficial MOD)
- Star Wars 1.01
- Strange Science rev. C (which makes this the newest we have
- Striker Xtreme 1.00 (Italian)
- Theatre of Magic 1.3XC (competition MOD) (updated)
- Trident (MOD rev. 23c)
- Twilight Zone L-5, LA-9 (aka PAPA Tournament Version 9.0)
- WHO Dunnit 1.2 (Elevator text fix), 1.2 (German Sound / Elevator text fix)
- World Cup Soccer 0.62b (FreeWPC based rewrite)
Removed Clones: - Atari: Atarians, The (MOD working bootleg) - the original ROMs work fine after latest emulation patches
*** VPM *** - If you create a VPMAlias.txt file in the VPinMAME folder, it will alias an input rom name to the specified (real) rom. Format example:
This can be used to allow to use different PUP or DOF profiles per game (for reskins and such). - Fix the additional .raw/non-averaged file output dumping of GTS3 DMDs
- Add Data East alphanumeric support to the builtin alternate sound file support (Sound Mode 1) (only briefly tested though, please report non-working machines)
Download (alternate):
[Posted by: Stiletto]