This set of flyers promotes video games to the players instead of the arcade operators. Some are one or two page flyers while others are small booklets and comics. Some are postcards. I love the hand drawn artwork in the booklets for Ikari Warriors and Dogo Soken (Victory Road).
Arugosu no Senshi (1986) - Tecmo [AKA Rygar; Player's Booklet; Japanese text]
Blazer (1987) - Namco [Player's Flyer; Japanese text]
Dogo Soken (1986) - SNK Corporation [AKA Victory Road; Player's Booklet Part 1; Japanese text]
Dogo Soken (1986) - SNK Corporation [AKA Victory Road; Player's Booklet Part 2; Japanese text]
Dragon Buster (1984) - Namco [Player's Flyer; Japanese text]
Grobda (1985) - Namco [Player's Flyer; Japanese text]
Ikari Warriors (1986) - SNK Corporation [Player's Booklet; Japanese text]
Pac & Pal (1983) Namco [Player's Flyer; Japanese text]
Quartet (1986) - Sega Enterprises [Player's Booklet; Japanese text]
Rabio Lepus (1987) - Video System Co. Ltd. [Player's Booklet; Japanese text]
Xevious (1983) Namco [Postcards; Japanese text]
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[Posted by: Dan@Flyer Fever]