As lockdown V2.0 restrictions ease in Melbourne Ive found the renewed energy to release the latest version of pfeMAME. Nothing too visually new this time, but a number of under-the-hood changes and some code improvements. Notable changes;
Moved the main window Refresh to the end of the setup process. Found on a new install when the initial pop ups are complete, the game categories view is not displayed correctly. Must have forgotten to move it after adding extra code to the end of the process some time ago.
Fixed a longstanding but that would look for systems programs even if systems support was not selected. This lead to duplicates being shown in the roms list.
Fixed a bug that would stop the pfeMAME source code from being run under Linux using python3 The code that determines the directory holding the file wasnt working right when run from the command line.
Added CTRL-P keyboard shortcut to open default preferences
Added CTRL-SHIFT-P to open rom specific preferences
Check out the changelog for a full list of changes.
You can download this release from HERE.
Please read the manual as it has everything you need. Please report bugs. You can email or use the features on the sourceforge site to create a ticket, leave a review, or chat.
pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator (MAME) written in Python. It is cross platform (tested on Linux - Ubuntu and Windows). It also includes a graphical Tile View designed for MAME cabinets which allows control using joystick / gamepad. It supports favourite game flagging, MESS systems, and a Tiled view for arcade cabinets. It was written with a minimalist view in mind but also because there were some features that I wanted that other front ends just didn't provide.
[Posted by: Gfinch]