New MAME and here is also the new one progetto-SNAPS renameSET.dat 0.225.
* 4.55 2020/09/30: Added 0.225 infos, also update all the other files of the pack.
$0.225 [#664]
42.816 items, 37.674 machines (+102), 12.673 parents (+64), 25.001 clones (+38), 73 BIOS, 5.069 device (-2/+31), 982 use CHDs (+5), 1.220 use Samples (+2), Working 13.533 (+53), NotWorking 24.141 (+49), Mechanical 15.349 (+7), NotMechanical 22.398 (+95), SaveState Supported 10.650 (+44), SaveState Not Supported 32.166 (+87)
316.561 roms (+801), 314.903 program roms (+796), 573 BIOS roms, 1.085 CHD roms (+5), 310 sample roms
598 active SL (+3), 125.581 active software (-180/+354)
16 ren:
airduelm72 > airdueljm72
bagnardi > bagnardio
crusnusa > crusnusa44
dbreedm72j > dbreedjm72
duetpp > sporzpp
g7400 > videopacp
galpani2e2 > galpani2i2
jojoba > jojobaj
jojobar1 > jojobajr1
joustwr > jousty
pdp1_printer_image > pdp1_typewriter_image
photoply > photoply2k
polarisa > polarisb
polaris > polarisa
speedup > speedup12
st2205 > st2205u
2 del:
45 softwares renamed:
cpc_flop | indianaj > indyfate
cpc_flop | indianaj01 > indyfate01
cpc_flop | indianaj02 > indycrus
cpc_flop | indianaj03 > indycrus01
cpc_flop | indianaj04 > indycrus02
cpc_flop | indianaj05 > indytemp
cpc_flop | indianaj06 > indytemp01
cpc_flop | indianaj08 > indytemp02
cpc_flop | indianaj09 > indyfate02
cpc_flop | indianaj0b > indycrus03
cpc_flop | indianaj0d > indycrus04
cpc_flop | indianaj0e > indycrus05
cpc_flop | indianaj0f > indytemp03
cpc_flop | indianaj10 > indytemp04
cpc_flop | indianaj11 > indyfate03
cpc_flop | indianaj11a > indytemp06
cpc_flop | indianaj14 > indyfate05
cpc_flop | indianaj16 > indycrus06
cpc_flop | indianaj17 > indycrus07
cpc_flop | indianaj18 > indycrus08
cpc_flop | indianaj19 > indycrus09
cpc_flop | indianaj1a > indytemp05
cpc_flop | indianaj1b > indycrus10
cpc_flop | indianaj1c > indycrus11
cpc_flop | indianaj1d > indycrus12
cpc_flop | indianaj1e > indycrus13
cpc_flop | indianaj1f > indycrus14
cpc_flop | indianaj20 > indytempdan
cpc_flop | indianaj21 > indytemp07
cpc_flop | indianaj22 > indycrus15
cpc_flop | indianaj23 > indycrus16
cpc_flop | indianaj24 > indytemp08
cpc_flop | indianaj25 > indytemp09
cpc_flop | thunderb05a > thunderb03
cpc_flop | thunderb07 > thndrbld03
cpc_flop | thunderb08 > thndrbld04
cpc_flop | thunderb09 > thndrbrn
cpc_flop | thunderb0a > thndrbrn01
cpc_flop | thunderb0b > thunderb04
cpc_flop | thunderb0ba > thndrbld05
cpc_flop | thunderb0c > thunderb05
cpc_flop | thunderb0ca > thndrbrn02
cpc_flop | thunderb0f > thunderb
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_0_laserom > hpux9_lrm_apr_94
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_10_apps > hpux9_app_oct_92
11 softwares removed:
cpc_flop | indianaj07
cpc_flop | indianaj0a
cpc_flop | indianaj0c
cpc_flop | indianaj12
cpc_flop | indianaj13
cpc_flop | indianaj15
cpc_flop | thunderb06a
cpc_flop | thunderb0d
cpc_flop | thunderb0e
cpc_flop | thunderb10
hp9k3xx_cdrom | hpux_9_10_prog
2 lists merged:
g7400 | videopac
odyssey2 | videopac
[Posted by: AntoPISA]