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MAMEinfo 0.225GIT (3rd Sep)



* Updated to MAME 0.225GIT - http://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (3rd Sep)

* Added/Fixed 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

Download at: http://mameinfo.mameworld.info/

MAME Testers at: https://mametesters.org/view_all_set.php?sort=last_updated&dir=DESC&type=2

Ashura-X's Nightly MAME builds: http://ashura.mameworld.info/nightlybuilds/builds.html


- New games: Super Bubble Bobble (Sun Mixing, Megadrive clone hardware)
- New Working games: Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2)
- New Non-Working games: Lucky Player, Mini Super Fruits, Photo Play 1998 (Spanish), Photo Play 2001 (Italian), UNO the Medal and Wild Guns (SNES bootleg)
- New clones: Air Duel (World, M72 hardware), Battle Garegga (location test) (Wed Jan 17 1996), Cruis'n USA (v4.5), CTA Invader, Gals Panic II (English, 2 PCB ver.), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain), Meteor (bootleg of Asteroids), Pac-Man (Calfesa, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware), Pacom Invader (set 2), Photo Play 2000 (Spanish), Route X (bootleg, set 2), Tecnodarts (Recreativos G.R. license) and Traverse USA (bootleg, set 2)
. Acclaim RAX: Modernized RAM allocation and object lookups
. Ensoniq ES5505: Correct Taito ES5505 Bankswitching behavior. Sample bank per ES5505 voice is actually taito_en.cpp specific. Moved external bank behavior into taito_en.cpp. Added getter for voice index. Added precalculated ES5505 bank table for reduce performance issue. Added getter for CPU.
. SN76496: Removed u8106 alias. Note: Sound chips have custom label "U8106". Or "8106" or unlabeled with the original label scratched off. They are presumedly SN76489. Note that Lady Bug's PCB S/N is also 8106 and has the same sound chips.
. Votrax SC-01: Fixed pitch and closure. Note that the dynamic clock changes will sound bad until Aaron's sound stream fixes are in. Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor.
. MCS-48: Fixed problem with strt_cnt if counter was already enabled (mcs48\mcs48.cpp)
. Zilog Z8681: Added interface notes. Added optional logging for SIO (z8\z8.cpp)
. 6522 VIA: Added support for CB2 pulse mode
. BACTA Datalogger: Attempt at a fix for missed character transmissions. Turn off log pollution.
. Discrete Netlist
. Use macro DIP definitons for 8277, 9314, 9334, AM2847, MM5837 and TMS4800.
. Templatize 74107 and code maintenance. Removed some dead friend declarations. Optimized template times_ns2.
. Fixed visibility in some devices (private rules)
. References to subdevices should be symbolic: Exposing sub-device members is not best practice. The need for sub-devices is a clear indication that a netlist language implementation would be a better solution.
. In devices folder all DIP devices were removed. NE555 and MC1455P were the last devices with DIP definitions in devices.
. Build system improvements. Medium term this will significantly ease adding devices to netlist. Clang tidy include order fixes.
. Added 7417, 7438, 74290 and 74293 devices. Fixed PROM DIPs.
. More standalone makefile changes: On windows a simple make is now enough to build. Devices, macro and tests folders now included with wildcard. No more makefile changes if a device is added. Moved nld_devinc.h to generated folder. Added to python scripts to create nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx. TEST MODE: these two files are created automatically but are not used currently. Once I get feedback that the python scripts work in different environments I will remove header files from devices and macro and start using these files in production.
. Fixed various issues around include directories: Removed include directory src\lib\netlist from various genie files to avoid potential issues. Code using netlist should use #include "netlist/*". Updated includes. Fixed standalone makefile depend target to properly deal with relative paths.
. Various minor adjustments based on PR comments
. Standalone makefile support for OSX
. Truth tables are now standalone objects. Added TRUTHTABLE_ENTRY to netlist language. Please see nlm_ttl74xx for reference implementation.
. Fixed processing of TRUTHTABLES for generated files. Also made nld_devinc.h srcclean friendly. nld_devinc.h and lib_entries.hxx are currently not used. You can try the automated build by changing NL_AUTO_DEVICES in setup.h to 1.
. Floppy: Corrected register commit delay for WD177x according to datasheet (machine\wd_fdc.cpp)
. K001006 Texel Unit: Removed alternate texture layout
. Namco 51xx: Reimplement outputs that were accidentally disabled when device switched to using low-level emulation. This restores start LEDs and coin lockouts for various games in galaga.cpp (ID 07733) and polepos.cpp.
. Serial interface: Use logmacro for optional logging and make the messages more useful (emu\diserial.cpp)
. Western Digital WD33C9x SCSI Controller: Handle 'polled DMA' in vme_hcpu30 (machine\wd33c9x.cpp)
- 39in1.cpp: Some improvements to the decryption of the newer games, still missing something.
- astrocde.cpp: Fixed Votrax SC-01 hookup for Gorf and Wizard of Wor
- bingor.cpp: Mark all PIC dumps as bad in bingor1, bingor2, bingor3, bingor4 and bingor5.
- cinemat.cpp: Small cleanup/safety improvement (audio\cinemat.cpp)
- cps1bl_5205.cpp, cps1bl_pic.cpp and midyunit.cpp: Added PALs to clones Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2), Captain Commando (bootleg with 2xMSM5205), Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 2), Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 2) and Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 1). Redumped clone Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) bad gfx rom.
- cv1k.cpp: Slightly more accurate frame rate
- segas32.cpp: Eliminated auto_alloc and a bizarre comparison between bitmap pointers
- toaplan2.cpp: Fixed YM2151/OKI level balancing for Armed Police Batrider and Battle Garegga
- zr107.cpp: Correct texture roms loading in all ganes. They now pass the texture mask ROM check. Partially fixes MT07731. The tile mask ROM test still fails.
- AGEMAME: Added preliminary layout and inputs for Double Take (BWB). Added an experimental LUA script to the Double Take layout. This takes individual lamp lines that are used for LED selects and recombines them. To see the effect, plugin -layout is needed.
- EuroPlay 2001: Added two new BIOS dumps
- Funny Strip: Added address_map and input ports to clone Ring Ball
- Kyros: Improved clone Kyros no Yakata (Japan) PCB documentation
- Mr. Do!: Replaced the 2x U8106 sound with 2x SN76489
- NBA Jam Extreme: Fixed region width in clone NBA Jam Extreme (ver. 1.04)
- Input port: Moved axis movement checking code down into input devices. Transfer crosshair polling loop to render_crosshair.
- Fixed rom names in midxunit.cpp, photoply.cpp, startouch.cpp and williams.cpp
- Dipswitch fixes in vegas.cpp
- Description changes of 19 in 1 MAME bootleg (BAR-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 1, ver 3.09, HPH-V000), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 2, ver 3.09, HPH-V000, alt flash), 48 in 1 MAME bootleg (set 3, ver 3.02, HPH-V000), 60 in 1 MAME bootleg (ver 3.00, ICD-V000), Cruis'n USA (v2.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.0), Cruis'n USA (v4.1), Cruis'n USA (v4.4), Cruis'n World (v1.3), Cruis'n World (v1.7), Cruis'n World (v1.9), Cruis'n World (v2.0), Cruis'n World (v2.3), Cruis'n World (v2.4), Cruis'n World (v2.5), Gals Panic II (Italy, 2 PCB ver.), Gals Panic II (Taiwan, 2 PCB ver.), Joust (Green label), Joust (Red label), Joust (Yellow label), Le Bagnard (Itisa, Spain, older), Meteor (Hoei bootleg of Asteroids), 'NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.0, Apr 25 1999)', Pacom Invader (set 1), Route X (bootleg, set 1), 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC (ver 2.1, Sep 22 1999) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition (ver 1.5, Sep 22 1999)', 'SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC Gold Edition (ver 3.0, Feb 18 2000) / NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition' and Traverse USA (bootleg, set 1).
- Renamed (airduelm72) to (airdueljm72), (bagnardi) to (bagnardio), (dbreedm72j) to (dbreedjm72), (galpani2e2) to (galpani2i2), (joustwr) to (jousty), (photoply) to (photoply2k) and (crusnusa) to (crusnusa44)
. Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards). Move explicit template instantiations below all member bodies to make Clang behave (emu\devfind.cpp).
. Device State Interface overhaul
. device_state_entry::value and device_state_entry::set_value now do everything except the register lookup, allowing them to be made public. The debugger expression engine now uses these.
. device_state_entry::dvalue and device_state_entry::set_dvalue have also been made public, theoretically permitting outside code layers to inspect and modify floating-point registers.
. The double specialization of device_pseudo_state_register (now renamed device_functional_state_register) has been added to the core.
. state_add now has an additional specialization that takes both a reference and a write function, using the former for reads only.
. state_max_length has been eliminated in favor of obtaining the relevant info through device_state_entry::max_length.
. he debugger state view no longer adds "flags" as "???" if none have been registered.
. set_state_string has been removed. It was never properly implemented, and it is difficult to see how it could have been done in a useful and consistent way.
. state_find_entry and its typical callers state_int and set_state_int have been inlined for some hopeful efficiency gains.
. UI
. Added option to skip repeated imperfect emulation warnings. The option is called skip_warnings, and it must be set in ui.ini (it can be set using the internal UI). Red warnings cannot be skipped; yellow warning can be skipped under certain circumstances. For a yellow warning to be skipped, the system must have been launched in a way that allows warnings to be displayed, in a configuration with the same set of devices flagged with unemulated/imperfect features, within the last seven days, and the warning must have been displayed within the past 14 days. Also fixed a bug with display of the MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL flag in the internal UI, and increased the size of XML integer attributes to 64 bits.
. Make unimplemented graphics and sound severe warnings. This means you'll get an unskippable red warning for systems that have unimplemented sound or graphics that are otherwise marked working. This also applies to subdevices, so for example plugging a non-working video card or sound card into a computer driver will now cause a red warning. This should make it clearer when a game is playable but missing sound, or when a video or sound card doesn't work. The downside is that this could cause annoyance in a couple of situations. Workstations/servers with unemulated video that have working serial terminals and networking will now cause a red warning, and terminals/keyboards/etc. with missing beepers, key click, etc. will now cause a red warning even if they're otherwise usable. It may be worth making unimplemented controls and keyboard a severe error as well, since plugging in a non-working emulated keyboard is likely to make a system unusable.
. LUA engine: Added load_software and time_until_pos
. Don't ignore config elements with attributes but no child nodes (emu\config.cpp and util\xmlfile.cpp)
. Get rid of a bunch of _Names - any name starting with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is reserved
. Fixed STRUCT_MEMBER in audio\segausb.cpp and sound\sp0250.cpp
. Validity: Limit characters allowed in I/O port tags and check ROMs and I/O ports for devices individually (emu\validity.cpp). Catch missing required I/O ports in systems (excluding slot cards) (emu\validity.cpp).
. Use appropriate standard exceptions for reporting errors, allowing libemu to be removed from imgtool and floptool (formats\flopimg.cpp).
- Android: Auto-discover Clang version. Fixed android builds after mame-0.224 (makefile).
- SDLMAME: Drop MASK from osd\sdl\taputil.sh
- Compiling
. Added naming conventions for certain things. This isn't supposed to be too prescriptive. The C++ stuff just codifies some things we've managed to mostly agree on for public interfaces. The stuff for titles/descriptions is also just codifying existing rules so there's something to point people towards. This will need to be refined as we go forward (docs\source\techspecs\naming.rst).
. Fixed Clang version detection under Emscripten
. Deal with loops when there are parent directory references in #include directives. As an aside, it would be nice if the loops weren't there in the first place (scripts\build\makedep.py).
. Get rid of more inappropriate use of emu_fatalerror
. Removed memarray.h from emu.h

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

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