Ah the lockdown blues. Well, Ive had plenty of time to look at some underlying issues with Linux support and paths etc. Still lots more to fix in that area but it seems to be getting better. Hopefully less manual tweaks needed to get things running now. Also had issues with the software update checker under Linux (was also an issue under Windows but didnt crash as much). A number of other bug fixes so check out the changelog.
You can download this release from HERE.
Please read the manual as it has everything you need. Please report bugs. You can email pfemame@gmail.com or use the features on the sourceforge site to create a ticket, leave a review, or chat.
pfeMAME is a front end for the Multiple Arcade Game Emulator (MAME) written in Python. It is cross platform (tested on Linux - Ubuntu and Windows). It also includes a graphical Tile View designed for MAME cabinets which allows control using joystick / gamepad. It supports favourite game flagging, MESS systems, and a Tiled view for arcade cabinets. It was written with a minimalist view in mind but also because there were some features that I wanted that other front ends just didn't provide.
[Posted by: Gfinch]