Hello to all,
I want to inform you that on my site I added some new pages:
Since I haven't found anything similar, or at least not updated, on the web, I decided to dedicate an exclusive page to my package, already published for some years, CHD-Info. In it you will find the dat (in xml format) relating to all the CHD supported by MAME, a dat that shows the differences between the last two releases and a file (CHD-Info.txt) with all the detailed information. From the pages you can download the latest available package. Moreover, thanks to the precious and indispensable help of my friend motoschifo, there is a page with all the info in alphabetical order, which also allows, with some filters, to carry out very detailed searches.
The page is here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/chdinfo/
Instead the search page is here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/chdinfo/chdinfo_files.php
The second page is a collection of MAMEs for Mac OS X (SDL) systems; these are mirrors of other pages whose links can be seen at the top, below the page title.
The page is here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/sdl
The first two pages are complete; I also created a page to collect all the versions of the official MAME. The files are all already present on my server (which also acts as a mirror for the mamedev.org site), the page is still being compiled. I hope to complete it soon.
The page is here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/MAME/
[Posted by: AntoPISA]