Update for 0.217 version, this is the web page for download: progetto-SNAPS MESSINFO.DAT.
* 11.38 29/12/2019: Aligned files to 0.217 version.
* 11.37 23/12/2019: Added the file 'messinfoREM.dat' to the package with the machines and devices removed from the MESS/MAME.
* 11.36 15/12/2019: Added 300 device authors.
- apollo.cpp: Fixed failures in DEX DISP7C tests 170 and 210 and self-test TE [Hans Ostermeyer].
- apple2.cpp: Bugfix #07482: [Color/Palette] (apple2.cpp) apple2, apple2e and clones: Graphics colors not matching original machines [R. Belmont]. Added Autostart Monitor BIOS option to apple2. Fixed crash when running apple2 or apple2p without a card in slot 0. Updated palette to use latest calculated values from Apple II Video Display Theory (MT07482) [R. Belmont]. Perform single-pixel shift for monochrome high-resolution graphics with bit 7 set [R. Belmont, SoltanGris42].
- apple2gs.cpp: Bugfix #05380: [Interface] (apple2gs.cpp) apple2gs: Cannot use -hard command line option even though it is listed when doing -listmedia [R. Belmont].
- apple2gs: Bugfix #06782: [Gameplay] (apple2gs.cpp) apple2gs[chsm2100]: AppleIIGS (ROM01) - Chessmaster 2100 - clocks do not work [R. Belmont]. Clear vertical blanking and quarter-second interrupts on reading (as well as writing) $C047. Raise ADB interrupt on mouse axis movement (MT06782) [R. Belmont].
- at.cpp: Added tg286m BIOS option to atturbo. Added mrv135 BIOS option to at386. Added mrv130 BIOS option to op82c391. Added op495slc04 BIOS option to opti495slc. Added ali148902 BIOS option to alim1489. Added lh5 BIOS option to ls486e. Added 2014 BIOS option to mb8433uud. Added shuttle BIOS option to hot433 [rfka01].
- c64.cpp: Split Commodore 64 floppy disk software list into original, clean cracks, and other dumps [Firehawke].
- ch2001: Changed manufacturer to 'CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology'.
- crvision.cpp: Bugfix #05606: [Gameplay] (crvision.cpp) crvision and clones: Sound is playing at a slower tempo/causing game delay issues [mizapf].
- dccons.cpp: Added Flash read/write support [MetalliC]. Added Katana BIOS v0.976 [MajorPBX, MetalliC].
- dp8344a: Changed description to 'DP8344A BCP'.
- eispc.cpp: Re-enabled RAM size options that were disabled to work around a heap corruption issue [Joakim Larsson Edström].
- electron64: Changed manufacturer to 'Acorn Computers / Slogger'.
- fmtowns.cpp: Added Japanese titles for most entries in fmtowns_flop.xml [r09].
- gameboy: Added additional PCB and enhancement support information and cleaned up formatting in gameboy.xml [FakeShemp].
- gameking.cpp: Added some metadata about cartridge types in gameking.xml and gameking3.xml [TeamEurope].
- genpc.cpp: Added additional XT Award 2.05 BIOS dump to pc [jordigahan, ClawGrip].
- hh_sm510.cpp: Set 16-way flag for Game & Watch games that don't physically prevent contradictory directions being pressed [algestam].
- lexizeus: Machine promoted to working [David Haywood, Sean Riddle].
- m6502: Added disassembler and basic execution core for Rockwell R65C19 [AJR].
- m68000: Fixed MMU issue that caused Domain/OS and its installer to crash [Hans Ostermeyer].
- mephisto_mm2.cpp: Added two more Mephisto MM IV revisions [Berger].
- osborne1.cpp: Made SCREEN-PAC video a clone machine rather than a configuration setting as it's a hardware modification. Added additional default input mappings for the keys wired in parallel, and added backspace as an alias for cursor left. Put the screen parameters used by the Nuevo Video BIOS in its machine configuration (improves automatic resolution selection). Improved performance a little, cleaned up code, and updated notes [Vas Crabb].
- pico: Added scanned pages for poohcornsw and cookpico in pico.xml [FakeShemp, TeamEurope].
- rainbow.cpp: Added Rainbow model A ROMs [tradde, Bitsavers, rfka01].
- samcoupe.cpp: Fixed colours in graphics modes 1 and 2, and added joysticks [TwistedTom].
- sn76496: Use a timer to control the ready output [Michael Zapf].
- spectrum.cpp: Added MGT +D G+DOS v1 BIOS option. Added ROM from a Brazilian Multiface One clone as a BIOS option [TwistedTom].
- sunplus_gcm394.cpp: Improved DMA, banking and video addressing [David Haywood].
- tms9900: Made address visible externally while accessing on-chip memory for tms9995 [Michael Zapf].
- tvgogo: Changed description to 'GoGo TV Video Vision'.
- unsp: Implemented goto mr, mul su, lslor, exp, jvc and jvs instructions. Added stubs for u'nSP 2.0 unimplemented extended instructions and registers [David Haywood].
- vt1682.cpp: Swapped background pen fall-through for boxing game. Adjusted timing of line rendering to improve racing games [David Haywood].
- z80ne.cpp: Split up large state classes by machine type and reduced reliance on deprecated machine configuration features [Ryan Holtz].
- zone40: Machine promoted to working [David Haywood, BeckyRGB].
- Renamed (dp8344) and (dp8344a), (lexcyber) to (lxcmcy) and (meritum) to (meritum2).
- Caps0ff added EOD Performance Inc. Vanguard MK1 system..
- ClawGrip added Oxford Instruments ITC-4 Intelligent Temperature Controller (Version 2.04), Pro-Nets Technology Speedcom VD56SP and VTech PC Super Color (Spain) systems.
- Dalby Datormuseum, Matt Burke and AJR added Digital Equipment Corporation VT52 system.
- David Shah and David Haywood added MiWi2 16-in-1 + Drum Master system.
- eanbowman added 200 in 1 Retro Arcade system.
- hap and anonymous added France Double R La Regence system.
- hap and Berger added CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx Dominator (v2.05) and CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology Sphinx 40 systems.
- jordigahan and ClawGrip added Sanyo SPC-400D system.
- Musee Bolo added Sega Fish Life Amazon Playful Edition (Japan) system.
- Nigel Barnes added Acorn Computers / Slogger Acorn Electron (Stop Press 64i) system.
- rfka01 added Abit 486 EISA-AE4, AEG Olympia Olyport 40-21, Aquarius System (ASI) MD-4DUVC,
Arche Technologies Inc. KMA-300G-25
Bondwell Holding Bondwell Portable Computer Model 14 (German keyboard), Bull Micral 45, Computechnik ASC486SLC, Elitegroup UM8810 PAIO, Elitegroup SI5PI AIO, Epson PC AX2e, Epson PC AX, Epson PC AX3, Freetech 486FT55, Gigabyte GA-486AM/S, Jetway J-446A, Thomson SIMIV TO16 and TMC Research Corporation PCI48AF systems.
- Robbbert added Mera-Elzab Meritum I (Model 1) system.
- Sean Riddle added JAKKS Pacific Inc Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hero Portal and JAKKS Pacific Inc Star Wars Blaster Strike systems.
- Sean Riddle and ClawGrip Hasbro Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Beam Box (Spain), VTech V.Baby and VTech Storio (ES, Spanish, 2011-06-17?) systems.
- Sean Riddle and David Haywood added Conny / SDW Games Virtual Ping Pong (Conny / SDW Games), dreamGEAR Shredmaster Jr (NTSC), Intec InterAct Complete Video Game 89-in-1, JAKKS Pacific Inc Toy Story Mania (JAKKS Pacific TV Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Golden Tee Golf (JAKKS Pacific TV Game), JAKKS Pacific Inc Cars 2 (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) and Majesco (licensed from Konami) Konami Collector's Series Arcade Advanced systems.
- Sean Riddle and GameHistory.org added Techno Source Handy Boy 11-in-1 (TV Play Power).
- Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, ShouTime and David Haywood added Takara / Sammy / DCT / SSD Company LTD Gachinko Contest! Slot machine TV (Japan).
- TeamEurope added Lexibook Lexibook Compact Cyber Arcade - Star Wars Rebels, Lexibook Lexibook JG7425 221-in-1, VTech Genius Junior Profi (Germany) and VTech Genius Tabletop Black Magic CX (Germany) systems.
- TeamEurope and David Haywood added Lexibook Lexibook JG7415 120-in-1 system.
- unknown added Rowe International CD-100B LaserStar system.
- Vas Crabb added Osborne Osborne-1 with SCREEN-PAC system.
- zhongtiao1 added BaoBaoLong BBL380 - 180 in 1 and M&D unknown M&D handheld systems.
- Added Apple II paddles, ARM 7500FE SoC, ARM IOMD controller, ARM VIDC20, ASC Associates SASI Host Computer Adapter, DEC VT50 CPU, DEC VT52 CPU, DP8344B BCP, Fujitsu 29LV002TC Flash, GeneralPlus GPAC800 System-on-a-Chip, Hitachi HD61603 LCD Driver, Rockwell L2800 MCU, Rockwell R65C19 MCU, Sanyo LC7582 LCD Driver and SCSI callback (new) devices.
- AJR added cd100.cpp, itc4.cppm, vd56sp.cpp and vt52.cpp drivers.
- David Haywood added bbl380.cpp, generalplus_gpl32612.cpp, lexibook_jg7425.cpp and unkmandd.cpp drivers.
- hap added cxg_dominator.cpp, cxg_sphinx40.cpp and regence.cpp drivers.
- Ivan Vangelista added vanguardmk1.cpp driver.
[Posted by: AntoPISA]