Online the BESTGAMES.ini file (only with arcade sets), available here: pS BestGames.ini Page.
* 2018/05/31 1.13: Online the version 0.198; 8 new games added.
Online the updated version of LANGUAGES.ini (only with arcade sets), available here: pS Languages.ini Page.
* 2018/06/01 0.86: Added 0.198 sets.
New version of SERIES.ini (only with arcade sets), available here: pS Series.ini Page.
* Series ADDED (3): Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu, Marvel Super Heroes and V-Liner.
* Series UPDATED (11): Centipede, Donkey Kong, Final Fight, King of Fighters, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Sonic Blast Man, Sengoku, Spy Hunter, Street Fighter, Strider and World Heroes.
The summary of the other MAME support files that I maintain, you can find it here.
[Posted by: AntoPISA]