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MAMEinfo 0.196GIT (r93924)



* Updated to MAME 0.196GIT - https://git.redump.net/mame/log/

* Added Source/Listinfo changes

* Newest Bugs (10th Mar)

* Added/Reorganized 'Recommended Games'

* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos

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- New games: Big Buck Hunter - Original (v1.00.14)
- New Working games: Motor Raid - Twin and Virtua Fighter 2
- New Non-Working games: Badlands (Konami, set 1) and Photo Play 2004
- New clones: Badlands (Konami, set 2), Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.08), Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.09), Ghox (joystick, older), Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected), Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512) and Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608)
- New drivers: konblands.cpp
- New devices: pit_counter
- ADSP21062 CPU
. Added Rn = Rn FDEP Rx BY : opcode, used by Last Bronx for a vital geometrizer function (cpu\sharc\sharcops.hxx).
. Added fmul abs multi opcode (used by Gunblade NY) (sharc\compute.hxx, sharc.h and sharcops.hxx)
. Added SET_UREG case $67 (Zero Gunner 2B) (sharc\sharcops.hxx)
- I8051 / MCS-51 CPU: Use callbacks for parallel ports
- MB86233 CPU: Some dasm changes
- uPD7810 CPU: Dasm fix (cpu\upd7810\upd7810_dasm.cpp)
- ES8712 sound: The ES8712 is actually a controller for MSM5205/MSM6585 and 74157-type TTL pair (gcpinbal.cpp, lastbank.cpp, metro.cpp and witch.cpp). Added notes.
- Namco C352 sound
. Changed mulaw algorithm to match Namco's WII VC emulator. This appears to be the original algorithm used in the hardware.
. Fixed static noise between fights in Tekken 3
. Fixed the order of the phase inversion flags
- QS1000 sound: Converted set_irq into WRITE_LINE_MEMBER
- Sega PCM sound: De-staticify initializations. Added device_clock_changed. Minor cleanup (sound\segapcm.cpp; drivers\segahang.cpp, segaorun.cpp, segaxbd.cpp and segaybd.cpp).
- Intel 8253 PIT: Counters are now subdevices
- Intel 8257 DMA: Cleanup
- Kaneko Custom: Added device_rom_interface instead memory pointer (video\sknsspr.cpp; drivers\galpani3.cpp, jchan.cpp and suprnova.cpp)
- PCI bus: De-staticize callbacks and remove both device parameters (machine\lpci.cpp)
- RS232 Port: Moved devcb resolution to device_resolve_objects
- Rockwell 10937 video: Cleanup
- Sega Custom
. Added xhout and xvout register callbacks (video\segaic24.cpp), and hooked them up to Model 2 driver, fixing 3D viewport positions.
. Internalized communication latches for sega_315_5195. 315-5195 mapper has same clock as CPU (segaorun.cpp, segas16b.cpp and segas18.cpp)
- SCN2674 Video: Use same character width for text and graphics modes. This change has been made partly to bring the implementation in line with other character-based video devices. It is also consistent with the documented ability of the SCN2674 to combine text and graphics modes on the same screen, which rules out bitmap resolution changes.
- Taito Ensoniq ES5505-based sound
. Moved imperfect_features() into es5510.h. Verify ESP input clock/output channels (from Gunbuster schematics, same in other PCBs?). Added m_bankmask instead runtime tag lookups. Added notes.
. ES5510 CPU: Fixed dram read/write. Converted gpr, instr and dram into std::unique_ptr. Added save states and notes. Minor cleanup.
. Ensoniq 5505/5506 to 5510 interface (sound\esqpump.cpp): Cleanup unused m_otis/m_otto and converted e[0x4000] into std::unique_ptr if used.
- TMS9927 video: Configure device using character clock rather than dot clock
- VGA video: Internalized palette
- eolith.cpp, eolith16.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp, vamphalf.cpp and vegaeo.cpp
. Converted QS1000 set_irq into WRITE_LINE_MEMBER
. Cleanup vram handler/drawing pixel (eolith.cpp, eolith16.cpp, vegaeo.cpp)
. Modernize soundlatches (eolith.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp, vamphalf.cpp, vegaeo.cpp)
. Minor cleanup. Added object finders instead runtime tag lookup. Replaced user* -> saner ROM areas (eolith.cpp, eolith16.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp, vamphalf.cpp, vegaeo.cpp).
. Minor cleanup of sprite drawing (limenko.cpp)
. Added machine_config instead driver_init for Hidden Catch 3
- crospang.cpp: Fixed clock speeds based on OSC & PCB info. Note: 68000P10 is a 10MHz part, so it's not going to be overclocked to 14.318MHz. All PCBs on this platform have only a single 14.31818MHz OSC so the Oki clock is either ~1.7MHz (OSC/8) or ~.89MHz (OSC/16).
- gcpinbal.cpp: Minor cleanup. Added object finder instead runtime tag lookup. Replaced gfx* -> saner ROM areas.
- hnayayoi.cpp: Use HD6845 CRTC for video and improved screen parameters
- hyprduel.cpp
. Cleanups
. Added imagetek_i4220_device
. Allocated sound output from real PCB (real PCB only has mono sound output)
. Boost tilemap drawing routines when VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE case of screen video attributes and fixed tilemap drawing at tilemap offset X/Y !=0 case (video\imagetek_i4100.cpp)
- kaneko16.cpp: Cleanup OKI banking and soundlatch handler
- mcatadv.cpp: Cleanup duplicates. Allocate sound output (Magical Cat Adventure PCB has mono sound output only). Updated notes (PCB hasn't any delta-t ROM).
- metro.cpp
. Boost tilemap drawing routines when VIDEO_UPDATE_SCANLINE case of screen video attributes and fixed tilemap drawing at tilemap offset X/Y !=0 case (video\imagetek_i4100.cpp). Added notes. Reorder romsets in a sane order.
. Added object finder instead runtime tag lookup
. Manual for Daitoride says button 2 is used for change direction of mount of tiles
. Enabled Puzzli raster irq
. Fixed _3kokushi config name
. Allocated sound outputs from real PCB for Blazing Tornado (HUM-002 PCB has stereo speaker connector, HUM-003 doesn't). Fixed sound bankswitching.
- model2.cpp
. Standardized protection accessors for Model2/3 315-5881 device
. Added geo dasm dump and trilist to a custom debugger command
. Work around for 'ld rN, (rN)' read on FIFO. Fixes crashes for desert, overrev, pltkids, sgt24h, skytargt and zerogun.
. Bump renderer max polygons to 0x10000 (includes\model2.h)
. Added Rn = Rn FDEP Rx BY : opcode, used by Last Bronx for a vital geometrizer function (cpu\sharc\sharcops.hxx).
. Added geo/raster state saving. Added save state registration.
. Added xhout and xvout register callbacks (video\segaic24.cpp), and hooked them up to Model 2 driver, fixing 3D viewport positions.
. Stateized float_to_zval, fixed z code (video\model2.cpp). Cleanup culling.
. In geo mode 2 & 3 normals are skipped for every triangle/quad. Fixes graphical glitches in Virtual-On, Gunblade NY, Dead or Alive, Sonic the Fighters, Rail Chase 2, Virtua Fighter 2 and Desert Tank.
. Added fmul abs multi opcode (used by Gunblade NY) (sharc\compute.hxx, sharc.h and sharcops.hxx)
. Fixed untextured path colors (Motor Raid, Daytona USA) (video\model2rd.hxx)
. Apply focus in a specific function. Overhauled inputs. Added dipswitch bank (Zero Gunner Debug mode).
. Added inputs to bel, gunblade, overrev, segawski, sgt24h, skisuprg, skytargt, stcc, topskatr, von and waverunr. Handle brake input in srallyc. Cleanup vcop inputs. Fixed rchase2 inputs.
. Fixed obc == 0 case for Cyber Troopers Virtual-On and Gunblade NY
. Workaround hardlocks in Fighting Viper and Sonic Championship
. Avoid Daytona USA with master controller to crash
. Fixed black screen in Zero Gunner (Export, Model 2A)
. Fixed Motor Raid and Virtua Fighter 2 (Games now playable)
. Attempt to fixing Sky Target gameplay speed
- piggypas.cpp
. Fixed interface between MCU and LCD controller for Fiddle Stix and Round and Round
. Added 7-segment digits to Fiddle Stix and Round and Round
- rohga.cpp: Fixed gfxdecode instead garbage (ID 06895)
- segas32.cpp: ACCESSING_BITS cleanup
- segaybd.cpp: Soundlatch modernization
- wecleman.cpp: Added stereo output for both WEC Le Mans 24 and Hot Chase. Because real hardware has stereo sound output with seperated sound board. Added enum for m_gameid and m_sound_hw_type. Minor cleanup. Replaced gfx* -> saner ROM areas. Added notes.
- Bombjack Twin: Moved clone 'Atom (bootleg of Bombjack Twin)' from NMK16 driver to Power Balls driver. Gives sprites, though it needs some more work.
- Connect 4: Fixed digit segment
- Flash Point: Sound works now in clone (Japan, bootleg set 2)
- Gals Panic 3
. Bit of improves on bg-bg priorities. Fixed some galpani3 alpha blending and sprite-bg/bg-bg priorities. Cleanup duplicates. Added notes.
. Kaneko GRAP2: Added device_rom_interface instead runtime tag lookup. Converted address map related defines into device address map. Added internal palette configs. Implemented brightness. Added m_brightreg on save state. Fixed color.
- Hana Jingi: Simplify bitswap for clone Hana Oriduru (Japan)
- Hole Land: Fixed priority bug on the boss level (ID 06900)
- Last Bank: Added object finder instead runtime tag lookup. Added generic_latch_8_device instead internal value.
- Pig Out: Fixed rom labels and documented undumped PALs
- Space Guerrilla: Added missing PROMs (74s288.6a and 74s288.6b; the 2 PROMs are identical)
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Dumped Japanese BIOS
- Superman and Volfied
. Use dumped C-Chip for Superman and Volfied and removed simulation. Interrupt source still needs to be verified, but I've tested this to the end and it works fine with the real dump.
. Made the 68k and uPD7810 use different banked windows into the RAM, this seems to prevent the fighting I was seeing, and also Superman suggests that it might be correct, as it puts response values in a bank for the 68k but then changes the window so the 68k can't see them. Needs further testing tho (other C-Chip dumps might tell us more later). Removed debug structure.
- Fixed rom names in leland.cpp
- Description changes of Gongtit Jiucoi Iron Fortress (Hong Kong), Mahjong Ougon No Hai, Mahjong Ougon No Hai (bootleg), Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (rev 1) and Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (rev 2?)
- Renamed (ironfortj) to (ironfortc), (ougonpai) to (ougonhai) and (ougonpaib) to (ougonhaib)
. Fixed issue causing drivers using netlists to fail on the Emscripten target
. Implemented Sega PCM interface registers in VGM player
. PLUGINS: Use print_error to make testing easier (plugins\cheat\init.lua) (ID 06869)
- Compiling
. De-staticify initializations for src\devices\video, devices\sound and others
. Removed poor-performing parts of the output_manager (emu\output.cpp): Turn deprecated declaration warnings on by default and make them non-fatal. Make output_finder iterable in algorithms and range-based for loops. Replaced a lot of set_something with output_finder. Fixed end()/cend() on output_finder (acefruit.cpp, bfm_sc4.cpp, by17.cpp, by35.cpp, dlair.cpp, ecoinf2.cpp, ecoinf3.cpp, gts1.cpp, jp.cpp, jpmsys5.cpp, maxaflex.cpp, maygay1b.cpp, mpu3.cpp, mpu4.cpp, mwsub.cpp, peyper.cpp, segaufo.cpp, sigmab52.cpp, stactics.cpp, twinkle.cpp, wacky_gator.cpp, machine\bfm_bd1.cpp and bfm_bda.cpp).
. Forward some objects; line continuations are not scope (machine\6532riot.h, pla.h and r10788.h).
. Deprecate first_screen - there's been plenty of warning (emu\machine.h)
. Use device_video_interface and configured screens instead of first_screen (drivers\gambl186.cpp, gamtor.cpp, photoply.cpp, pntnpuzl.cpp, machine\i82371sb.cpp, isa\svga_cirrus.cpp, svga_s3.cpp, svga_trident.cpp, svga_tseng.cpp, vga.cpp and vga_ati.cpp)
. Added device_video_interface and eliminated first_screen (video\psx.cpp)
. Use screen_device_iterator rather than first_screen (mame\luaengine.cpp)
. Removed first_screen usage from bartop52.cpp, maxaflex.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, laserbat.cpp, popper.cpp, rungun.cpp, stv.cpp, emu\mconfig.cpp, machine\archimds.cpp, machine\namco51.cpp, machine\s3c24xx.cpp/hxx, machine\smpc.cpp, video\avgdvg.cpp, video\huc6270.cpp, video\stvvdp2.cpp, render\aviwrite.cpp and render\d3d.
. Get rid of the last set_indexed_value in drivers/devices, this ends up a bit ugly to maintain backwards compatibility with layouts/web UI (emu\output.h)
. Fixed issue causing drivers using netlists to fail on the Emscripten target (netlist\plib\pdynlib.cpp)
. Disable multithreading on the Emscripten target as it is not currently supported. Fixes e.g. drivers using discrete audio components (scripts\src\main.lua and osd\osdsync.cpp).
. Removed stray address maps on spaces that don't exist (drivers\twincobr.cpp and (MESS) drivers). Cleanup address map remnants (de_2.cpp, s11c.cpp, segaybd.cpp and techno.cpp).

"Theory is when you know everthing but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined: nothing works and no one knows why."

[Posted by: MASH]

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